The Special Friends- Year 1 (...

By Lena_G_Scamander

1.5K 53 4

Two best friends. But not like the normal ones. You see, one's a time lady, Doctor Who's daughter, in fact... More

Chapter 1: Kasey Who
Chapter 2- Earth...and a bit more.....
Introduction (a bit late but whatever)
Chapter 3: Lily Potter
Chapter 4: The Zoo
Chapter 5- The Secret
Author's Note
Chapter 6- The Letter
Author's Note
Chapter 8- Heading to Diagon Alley
Chapter 9- A Dream Come True
Chapter 10: Diagon Alley
100 reads!
Chapter 11: Platform 9 and 3/4
Chapter 12- The Train Station
Chapter 13: On the Train
Chapter 14: Hogwarts at Last
Author's Note
Chapter 15- The Sorting
Credit where credit's due
Chapter 16- Friday of the First Week- Part 1
Chapter 17- Friday of the First Week- Part 2
Chapter 18: The Time Lessons
Chapter 19: Flying Lessons
Chapter 20- Letters and Three- Headed Dogs
Chapter 21- Quidditch Training
Chapter 22- First Quidditch Game
Chapter 23- Suspicions about Snape and Advanced Potions
Chapter 24- Christmas
Chapter 25- The Mirror of Erised and Norbert
Chapter 26- Nicholas Flamel and Quirrell
Chapter 27- Exams and Norbert Again
Chapter 28- Going After Quirrell, the Obstacles and the Final Confrontation
Chapter 29- Explanations and the House Cup
Chapter 30- Going Home
1k reads!

Chapter 7- Shopping for Hogwarts

40 3 0
By Lena_G_Scamander

'Thankyou!' I say to the woman at the shop, and Tom hastily echoes me.
Dad's waiting for us outside, and he smiles at us as we exit the store.
'What next?' He asks.
I check my list that Dad wrote down.

'Let's see....we got the books, the cauldrons, the robes and the pets...( I grin at my new owl, Helena) so all we need are.....the wands.'
A wand.  That's what I've been waiting for. 

We quickly go to Ollivanders Wand Store and I enter apprehensively.  If I get a snakeskin wand.....

When we come in, Ollivander smiles at us.

'Ah, young Kasey and Tom Who,' he says, grinning creepily.
I like him already.
'Ha Tom, he put my name first!' I yell, jumping up and down.
Tom backs away from me.

'You're not my sister,' he says, and Ollivander laughs.
'Wait a minute....' I say, thinking of something.  'How do you know our names?'
'Oh, the school called.  Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.  Anyway, let's measure you for your wands, shall we!'
He comes torward us with a measuring stick and begins to measure our arms, legs, chest, tops of arms, and a lot of other...places.

Eventually, when he's done, he goes into his 'wand room' and comes back out with a stack of wands for me and a stack of wands for Tom.
'Alright then, who'd like to go first?' asks Ollivander when he sets the wands out, and Tom leaps forward.
'Alright then, I'll pick a wand from your pile and then just...give it a wave and see what happens.'
Ollivander looks at all the wands carefully, then picks out a medium sized one with strange markings on it, hands it to Tom, and he waves it.

I duck, expecting him to fail, but his wand just shoots out beautiful colors, and I watch them in awe.  When the colours fade away, it breaks my trance.
'How come he got the right wand first try!'

Ollvander ignores me (I don't like him anymore now) and instead speaks to Tom.
'This is a very rare wand Tom, a Time Lord wand.  I made it specially for Minerva, but she got another wand instead.  Now this wand is yours.'
He gently places it in his hand and I find my voice again.

'How come he get's McGongagall's wand?'
'Shut up!' Ollivander and Tom say at the same time, and Dad holds back a grin while I sulk.
Well, not for too long.
'Miss Who, your turn now.'
My anger turns to excitement as I walk up to the counter.

Ollivander inspects all the wands and chooses one, handing it to me.
It's medium sized like Tom's, but grey colouring for almost all of it, except the bottom bit, which was a light green that blended with the grey.

It looked beautiful, and I took a deep breath and flicked it.
The same thing that happened with Tom's wand happened to me, and I was too mesmerised to gloat.
Only for a second.
'I got it first try as well, and my wand looks better than yours, so bam!'

Ollivander ignored me, it looked like he was in a trance.
'Kasey, your wand is made of thestral hair, and it shares a core with only two other wands. The owners of these wands are said to be three witches that will work together with a few others to help defeat an unknown force.'
My jaw dropped.
'Who are...the other girls?'

Ollivander held up two wands indentical to mine.
'I haven't sold them yet.'
Dad breaks the silence.
'Come on kids, let's go.'
We pay for our wands, then walk out of the store quickly and quietly, and don't stop walking until we're home.

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