Tell Me I'm A Screwed Up Mess

By Kryptonite101

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Kara a 17 year old girl is finally re united with the one and only Harry Styles after moving to New York leav... More

Tell Me I'm A Screwed Up Mess
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
CHapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 3

228 0 0
By Kryptonite101

Back AGAIN! i haven't got many more reads :( but you guys will promote me right!? THANKS


i sat there stunned at the beautiful music that came from each of the boys mouth. they all looked happy with themselves. 

"close your mouth, you'll catch a fly" Harry stated plopping himself next to me "do you believe us now?" he said 

"do i really have a choice?" i said in general 

"well you do" Louis said "but if you said you didn't believe us still then it would be a pretty silly choice, wouldn't it?"

the other boys rolled their eyes as Liam sat down on the couch where Louis had been sitting. Louis' head shot in Liam's direction. He ran over to Liam and began slapping weakly. i swear this boy is so immature! such a child. We all watched and laughed as they wrestled for the couch. Louis sat triumphantly on the couch with a wide grin on his face. "i will never admit to defeat!" he said "Liam, you win" he said flopping onto Liam who was on the floor. The irish boy was still in hysterics, laughing. such a cute laugh. i smiled 

"you should smile more often" Zayn said looking at me. heat rushed to my cheeks. I heard Louis 'ooohh' 

"zanies moving in already" he winked in Zayns direction. 

"shut up, Louis" Zayn said, his accent so strong it sounded like "shoot oop"

Louis laughed cheekily and settled back into his couch and watched TV. 

Harry, who was still sitting next to me, moved a bit closer and slung his arm over my shoulder. 

"it's been to long" he said. i watched as he studied my features. 

"yeah, too long, i would of never thought you were in a boy band" i said looking up into his big round green eyes

"either, but ya know, i'm glad i did." he said looking at the boys around him being stupid and having a great time. 

"i'm glad i moved back" i said. his head flung in my direction with a huge smile on his face. 

"me to" he cuddled me

 "you know i haven't heard you laugh one time since you've been here" i heard Niall say, ugh that accent! 

"i'm not a laugher" i said smirking slightly 

"really?" Harry said looking at me with a raised eyebrow, removing himself from my body. 

"yes…" i said very slowly, trying to see what he'll do next. i watched as he glanced over at Louis He nodded and before i knew it Harry was jabbing my sides and tickling me! god! i must've forgotten how annoying this kid can be sometimes. i bursted out with laughter and giggles, i heard 'awe's' from each of the boys as they laughed and joined in i was wriggling and moving everywhere. DAMN IT. 

"STOP. STOPP IT!" i begged through bursts of laughter. if they didn't stop soon i think i'm going to wet myself. they didn't stop, they showed no mercy! tears streamed down my face and my cheeks burned again from laughing and smiling. 

"STOP I'M GOING TO PEE, IF YOU DON'T STOP!" i yelled/laughed out, they all backed away and let me calm down. 

"toilets that way" Louis pointed in the direction of the loo. 

As i walked into the bathroom to wash my hands i found Liam. 

"oh, hello" he smiled as he moved out the way letting me wash my hands. i just smiled back still not ready to talk to each of the boys on their own. 

"not much of a talker hey?" i heard him say. i laughed awkwardly and went to dry my hands but i couldn't find a towel. i looked at Liam. 

"uhmm… do you have huh.."-

"towel?" he said cutting me off 

"yeh.." i mumbled quietly 

"you know, you shouldn't be so shy, we don't bite" Liam said leading me into the hallway and handing me a towel from the cupboard 

"too hard" I heard Louis say cheekily from the lounge. I giggled as Liam rolled his eyes 

"thanks" i smiled and walked back into the lounge room plunking myself next to Harry 

"you can't hide behind Harry forever you know!" Liam called back walking deeper into the house. 

"yeah Kara, you gotta speak up for yourself buddy! Harry won't always be there to do all the talking" Niall said with a mouthful of left overs 

" Yeah Kara, i don't remember you being this quiet" Harry said looking at me 

"things change after 8 years Harry" i said looking at him 

"Fair call, but still! open up a little! converse, we know like nothing about you!" Zayn said looking over at me. Niall Harry and Louis all nodded in agreement 

okay i'll start when i moved to New York, all i wanted to do was fit in. everyone ignored me. no one wanted to be my friend. i've been alone for 8 years. i have felt so unloved and locked myself away in my room to stop the torture, the hate and hurt. my dad left me saying i'll be a failure and never succeed in life. he said he didn't love me. i've become suicidal and socially awkward, i don't like making new friends in fear that they too will leave and not care about me either. Hence why i don't speak much. but from the story you would've guessed that 

"theres not much to say" i replied 

"well what happened while you were in New York? how was school n stuff?" Harry asked interested 

"ehh, not that interesting, just hung out with friends and shopping and school n stuff" i said shrugging my shoulders. Louis faked a yawn and snore.

"Louis don't be rude" Zayn scolded. Louis pouted at Zayn and then smiled cheekily. I have a feeling this boy is going to get on my nerves. 

"well in that case, lets go do something interesting shall we?" Harry said and smiled showing his huge dimples 

"okay, i'll go home while you boys go out" i smiled and got up. as i went to walk out Harry hugged me from behind his chin rested on my shoulder. 

"no you're coming with us silly" he said as he cuddled me tightly 

"yes but you're going have to change" Louis said grabbing his keys throwing them in the air and catching them again "this is a little embarrassing" he said pointing to me and then him repeatedly. 

oh god what have i gotten myself into…

i was squashed between Liam and Niall and Zayn sat across from us while Louis Drove and harry sat in the front. Harry told me to sit in the back to socialise with the boys, ugh socialising. 

"so, Kara any special boys in your life?" Zayn said wiggling his eyebrows at me. i smiled and rolled my eyes. 

"if by that you mean boyfriend? then no, not since i was 8" i said waiting for Harry to turn around at me. so i wasn't so surprised when he did. his mouth was wide open.

"you mean you haven't had a boyfriend since Jake Oronzo?" Harry gasped and laughed at the same time. i reddened in both shame and embarrassment. Harry's eyes widened. and he became serious. 

"you never kissed him either, so you've never kissed either!?" Harry said in shock, i watched as all the boys heads whipped in my direction. except for Louis' of course, i could imagine his expresso though. 

"possibly…" i mumbled quietly. 

"but you have fancied a guy? like you aren't like… DO YOU LIKE WOMEN?" Louis blurted out while driving. Harry nudged him slightly. "don't touch the driver! DANGER!" he yelled still keeping his eyes on the road. i laughed and the attention was back to me. 

"so…?" Liam started

the reason why i haven't had a boyfriend is because no one liked me in New York, i had not one friend, that only added me on social networkings to bully me… but if i told you the truth from the start all of this would make so much more sense. 

"no i'm not a lesbian, and yes i do fancy guys, but all the guys in New York aren't well… 'boyfriend' material" i said looking at my hands. 

"so what do you look for in a guy then?" Zayn asked, all the boys looked at him and smirked "JUST CURIOUS… god almighty.." he trailed off 

"you fancy Kara" Louis said looking at Zayn through the rear vision mirror wriggling his eyebrows. 

"god, next time i'll keep my mouth shut" Zayn said crossing his arms and whipping his phone out. the rest of the boys pouted and mimicked what he was doing. 

"i hate you all" Zayn spat under his breath 

"WE'RE HERE!" Louis yelled his voice ringing through my ears. this is going to take  A LOT of getting used too...


this ones a bit shorter, i haven't had very much time, but i hope you like it! 

bye for now not forever! 

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