Legends Lost: Galdin

By JanetMcNulty

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When darkness looms And all is gloom Two will rise Bearing the mark combined. One, the phoenix dwells within ... More

Legends Lost: Galdin (Prologue)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter 1)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter II)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter III)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter IV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter V)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter VI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter VII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book1, Chapter VIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter IX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book1, Chapter X)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XIII)
Legends Lost: Gladin (Book 1, Chapter XI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter IV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XVI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XVII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XVIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XIX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter 1)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter II)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter III)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter IV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter V)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter VI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter VII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter VIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter IX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter X)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapte XI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter XII))
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter XIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book3, Chapter I)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book3, Chapter II)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter III)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter IV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter V)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter VI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book, Chapter VII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter VIII))
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter X)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XIV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XVI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XVII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XVIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book, Chapter XIX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Epilogue)

Legends Lost: Galdin (Book, Chapter IX)

71 7 0
By JanetMcNulty

Note: This is the 41th chapter in my fantasy novel, Legends Lost: Galdin. There are 52 chapters total and I will post 1 chapter every Friday.  But if you wish to read the entire book now, it is available for purchase on Amazon, iBookstore, Kobo, B&N, and Smashwords.  

Chapter IX

Uriel's Passing

 A black line of soldiers snaked across the Azul Plains as they followed Shelwyk to Hemíl.  He traveled at the head of the party carrying out the orders of his king.  His black cloak flapped behind him as he rode erect, his face a mask of callousness.

"Where were you two nights ago while we camped?" asked Petra as he rode beside Shelwyk.

"No place that concerns you," said Shelwyk.  He kicked his horse and galloped ahead away from the wizard's inquisitiveness.

The clinking and clanking of metal trailed behind as the soldiers marched.  Despite their attempts to hide it, fear plagued them.  They too had heard the tales of Vasagius and the savages he led.  None noticed the shadows that followed them: a boy and his friend.

 *                  *                  *

 A black form caught Nylana's attention as she walked with the group to Norlyk.  Recognizing it, she bolted for it; her feet pounding the earth as she ran. 

Ryk tore off after her.  "Nylana!"

Heavy, ragged gasps filled Nylana's ears when she reached it.  "Uriel," she said.

"Hello, little runt," wheezed Uriel.  "I thought you'd come this way."

Nylana noticed the gashes in the dragon's side.  Holes dotted his wings despite his attempt to hide them.  Gently, she touched one of the wounds wincing as the sticky blood oozed over her hand.

"It is just a scratch," said Uriel.

"Don't lie to me," said Nylana, "I can heal you."

"No!"  Uriel lifted his head so he could look directly into Nylana's eyes.  "There is little of me left.  Save your strength.  You will need it before the end."



Nylana backed away bowing toward the dragon.

"Do not weep for me, little one," said Uriel, "I am an old dragon.  Now listen carefully.  The barbarians march for you.  They plan to take Norlyk and if they do, all will be lost.

"Head for the Black Mountains.  Those peaks are treacherous to all, but for you they may prove useful."


"Listen!"  A fit of coughing racked Uriel's body as he struggled to remain conscious a while longer.  "The dragons.  There are some in the Black Mountains.  A wizard can get you there without delay.  Convince them to help you.  Though you may find that you already have one ally there."

Uriel's breathing grew shorter and more labored.

"What if they choose to harm me?" asked Nylana choking back her tears.

"They cannot for the same reason that I could never hurt you.  The power that dwells within you must be obeyed for it belongs to one far mightier than I.

"Now go.  Do as I have said."

Gently, Nylana touched Uriel's snout as the last bit of air escaped his lungs.  Slowly, his body turned to marble before transforming into dust.  Swirls of it rose into the air carried by the breeze that wept for his passing.

"And so passes Uriel, the noblest of dragons," said Nylana.  She repeated a poem she had learned as a child in honor of the dragon.

When Death comes for thee

And asks of me,

"Who is this man for whom you weep?"

I shall reply, "My friend of friends."

Ryk placed a hand on her shoulder feeling her sadness.  He held her as she wept.  "Cry all you want," he said, "I will not let the others see it."

"Thank you," Nylana said.

"No need to thank me," replied Ryk.

Drying her tears, Nylana's face hardened in determination.  She strode away from where Uriel had been to her pack horse.  As she tied various weapons around her person, Ryk stopped her.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"To do as Uriel asked."

"Stop!"  Ryk pulled Nylana to a halt forcing her to face him.  "Wait for Krispyn to arrive.  He deserves to hear all this from you"

"There isn't time!"

"Well, you are not going alone."

"Why do you care so much?"

Wounded, Ryk looked at Nylana; a gentleness filled his eyes.  "Do you really need to ask?"

Nylana lowered her head in shame.

"Since the moment I first saw you in Pras'quel I have loved you.  Though a slave, you possessed such noble character—one I had never seen before.  When we came here it mattered not that you are the Princess of Tesnayr.  And then there is the fact that you broke my nose—and—well—"

Nylana chuckled for a minute.

"A token," Ryk plucked a daisy from the ground and handed it to Nylana.  "My love for you will always be here whether you choose to accept it or not."

Nylana took the offering gazing deep within Ryk's eyes.  She saw truth and earnest within them.

"Why do you think I stay by your side?"

An arrow whizzed past Nylana's ear.

"Barbarians!" yelled a scout.

The battle cry of a man charging Nylana and Ryk caught their attention.  Ryk shoved her out of the way.  He grabbed a sword and brought it up just in time to block the attack.  Kicking the man in the groin, Ryk untangled their weapons and bashed the hilt into his opponent's face.  Quickly, he rammed the point of the blade into the man's chest.

Another attacked from behind.  Ryk turned around just in time to see Nylana slice the man's head off. 

"Come on," said Ryk as he took hold of her arm and led her away.

"Form a circle with the wagons," ordered Galdin as savages raced for them.  "Everyone behind them!"

Quickly, those unable to fight huddled together behind the meager protection of their wagons.

Galdin looked about him gauging the situation.  Grossly outnumbered, he knew they had no hope of defending themselves.  "Valn, we need archers up top.  Narúl, protect the rear." 

Both Valn and Narúl dashed off to carry out their orders.

A winged creature plowed into Galdin sending him flying.  Dazed, he rose to his knees shaking his head to clear it.  The winged creature slammed into him again clipping him in the shoulder.  Galdin snatched his sword.  He sliced upward deflecting another blow by the beast.

The creature wrapped itself into a thin bundle twirling around Galdin as he spun around attempting to kill it.  Every so often, the thing slashed at him with its claws before enveloping itself once more with its wing.  Galdin stabbed at it, but to no avail.  The outer layer of the wing was impenetrable.

Finally, Galdin stopped.  He stood still as the thing danced around him in circles; waiting for the precise moment.  Holding his sword before him, he focused his will.  The creature unwrapped itself.  Seizing his chance, Galdin thrust his sword into its middle until it poked out the other side.  Sharp screeches reverberated around him as the creature wailed in pain.  Galdin freed his blade.  He watched heartlessly as the beast moaned before laying still.

 Tabs hid under the piles of items in a wagon.  He watched as a couple of barbarians walked cautiously beside it.  Once close enough, the cat undid the buckle that held the provisions in place.  Precariously piled as they were, the equipment tumbled on top of the two men burying them.

Tabs jumped up sitting erect watching the two squirm under the junk that lay atop them.  "Ha!  You have to get up early to pull one on old Tabs."

Narúl ducked as a barbarian attacked him forcing the man to roll over his back and crash onto the ground.  He whirled around and plunged his weapon into the man's chest.

Another charged him.  Ringing filled the air as the two steel blades clashed.  Narúl reached behind him for his hatchet.  Once he grasped it, he brought it over his head and plunged it into the barbarian's back.  Stunned, the man loosened his grip on his weapon allowing Narúl to free their swords.  He ripped out his hatchet while simultaneously slicing the man in the stomach.

Two more charged him.  In a furious rage, Narúl raced for them.  He dodged as one attacked from the left.  With fluid movements, Narúl swung his hatchet upward slicing one from groin to neck before turning and ramming his sword into the other's back.

He noticed a man heading for Nylana.  She did not see him.  Weighing his hatchet in his hand, Narúl took careful aim before throwing it.  It caught the savage in the middle of his back.  Quickly, Narúl ran to retrieve his weapon.

"You," he called to a group of Hemilian soldiers, "To the rear."

They followed after him.

Nylana and Ryk stood with their backs to a wagon pinned by a wềdlym.  Splinters flew around them as the creature slashed with its tail.  Suddenly, a black shape dived out of the sky plowing into the wềdlym.  It was Trog.

Trog hunkered low to the ground growling venomously at the wềdlym.  The creature lunged for him.  Trog rolled out of the way before springing to his feet again.

"Hey," yelled Artryl holding a lit torch.  The wềdlym lashed out at him jumping back the moment Artryl waved the torch in its eyes.  At the same instant, Trog fastened his teeth on the back of the beast's neck.

Nylana studied the situation a moment.  She glanced at her sword which glowed softly.  Suddenly, she knew what to do.  "Throw me onto its back."

"What?" said Ryk in disbelief.

"Just do it!"

Grudgingly, Ryk held his hands out for Nylana's foot.  "Ready?" he asked when she placed her foot in his grip.


Ryk thrust her upward as she jumped sending her flying.  Nylana's stomach ached as she landed on the creature's back.  Quickly, she scrambled into a seated position straddling it.  Allowing the sword to guide her, Nylana plunged it deep within the beast.

Sharp screams echoed around her.  She wrenched the sword in deep holding tightly to the hilt so as not to be thrown off.  Moving violently, the wềdlym swiped at any in its path as it slowly ceased its movements.

Ryk rushed over to Nylana to help her down.  "That was pure insanity.  Don't ever do it again."

"Next time, it's your turn," breathed Nylana.

Trog nuzzled into her licking her hand.  Nylana patted his head before running off.

On the only high ground Valn could find, he lined up the archers.  Standing in the middle, he raised his sword arm signaling for them to take aim.  "Fire!"

Hundreds of arrows flew through the sky darkening it momentarily; each striking its target.  Bewildered, Valn looked behind him.  A company of elves and men approached, each armed with a bow.  They reloaded and fired.

Valn glanced at the battle before him.  Riders on horseback rushed toward them in a cloud of dust.  Recognizing the crest of Belarnia and Tesnayr, the Byleon knew they had been saved.  He smiled to himself.  Perhaps, they'd live to fight another day.

 "Leave none alive," ordered Krispyn over the chaos.  Saluting, his men charged after the barbarians and the strange creatures that accompanied them.  They chased them into the hills determined to slaughter them all.

Galdin approached Krispyn and the two clasped hands.

"Krispyn!"  Nylana ran up to him and hugged him.  "It is good to see you."

"I got your message," replied Krispyn tipping his head in Artryl's direction.

"I am afraid there is no time for pleasantries," said Galdin, taking charge of the situation.  "Hemíl is lost.  Both Swalya and the Keep of Edrei have been burned to the ground.  These people must be taken to the safety of Norlyk."

"General," called Krispyn to a heavily armed man bearing Tesnayr's crest.  "You and your men will lead these people to Norlyk.  Once there, fortify the city's defenses as the barbarians may yet attack it."

The general saluted and rounded up his men.  Slowly, the refugees of Hemíl followed after them; uncertainty etched on their faces.

"My lady," Lord Ardryn approached Nylana holding out a small item wrapped in a leaf.

Nylana took it with a small grin on her face.  Unwrapping the leaf, she found a treat inside.

"I remember you used to love those things," said the elf.

"Thank you, Lord Ardryn."  Nylana popped the candy in her mouth savoring the sweet texture; remembering the days when as a child he would bring her one each time he visited the palace.

"How did you get here so quickly?" asked Galdin.

"I headed for Belarnia the moment I received Nylana's message," said Krispyn, "I sent Shelwyk ahead with the army.  Once Lord Ardryn agreed to join me, we wasted no time getting here.  By a happy circumstance, we reached you at the same moment Shelwyk did."

"Krispyn," said Nylana, "Is Petra with you?"

"As a matter of fact I am," said the wizard approaching from behind.

"I have need to find the dragons."  Nylana relayed Uriel's message to the others.

"I don't like it," said Galdin.

"Neither do I," added Krispyn.

"I must go," said Nylana, "I promised Uriel."

"And I'll go with her," said Ryk.

"Not without me, you won't," said Petra.  "I can get you to the Black Mountains where they were last rumored to be, but you better hope that the dragons will agree to bring you back."

"I must go," Nylana insisted.

"I know there is no changing your mind," said Krispyn.  "Take the wizard and this man with you."  He placed his hand on Ryk's shoulder.

Nylana hugged Krispyn again in appreciation.  "Thank you, brother."

Galdin looked at her with apprehension.  Nylana pulled him aside.

"I know you don't like it, but I must go.  Make certain that they reach the Black Mountains and that Vasagius follows you there."

"What are you planning?"

"I don't know for certain," replied Nylana, "But I have this feeling that it should all end there."

"Very well.  I'll do as you ask," said Galdin.  "And, Nylana, be careful."

  Tune back Next Friday for the next chapter.

You can buy this book and the rest of the Legends Lost series at Amazon, B&N, Kobo, iBooks, and Smashwords. You can follow me on Twitter (JMRUL), or like my Facebook page. For more information, see www.legendslosttrilogy.com. Your support is appreciated. Thanks for reading!

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