Legends Lost: Galdin

By JanetMcNulty

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When darkness looms And all is gloom Two will rise Bearing the mark combined. One, the phoenix dwells within ... More

Legends Lost: Galdin (Prologue)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter 1)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter II)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter III)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter IV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter V)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter VI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter VII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book1, Chapter VIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter IX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book1, Chapter X)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XIII)
Legends Lost: Gladin (Book 1, Chapter XI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter IV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XVI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XVII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XVIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XIX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter 1)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter II)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter III)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter IV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter V)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter VI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter VII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter VIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter IX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter X)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapte XI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter XII))
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter XIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book3, Chapter I)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book3, Chapter II)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter III)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter IV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter V)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter VI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter VIII))
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book, Chapter IX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter X)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XIV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XVI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XVII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XVIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book, Chapter XIX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Epilogue)

Legends Lost: Galdin (Book, Chapter VII)

102 7 0
By JanetMcNulty

Note: This is the 39th chapter in my fantasy novel, Legends Lost: Galdin. There are 52 chapters total and I will post 1 chapter every Friday.  But if you wish to read the entire book now, it is available for purchase on Amazon, iBookstore, Kobo, B&N, and Smashwords.  

Chapter VII

Lost Hope

Nylana ran her fingers over the engraved markings on the stone wall; markings etched in time.  Legend said that Tesnayr himself had put it there and that time had not the courage to wash it away.  She wondered what had been going through his mind as he forever marked his name in the stone.  What trials led him here?

"Nylana," Galdin approached, "Lord Stefon will see us now."

Regally, Nylana rose to her feet taking a momentarily glance at the twinkling stars in the blackened sky.  "How will I tell him that Belyndril is lost and that MurDair has abandoned us?"

"We will tell him together."  Galdin held his arm out for her.  Nylana took it and together they walked to the great hall of the keep where the others waited.

The massive doors opened before them as they stepped into the firelight.  Lord Stefon stood at the far end silhouetted by the torches.  "Lady Nylana, what is all this?  I was under the impression that you were coming alone."

"It is not safe for me to travel alone," answered Nylana.  "And you will speak to both me and my brother, Galdin."

"I have already heard the news about La'nar and Lord Trisk," said Lord Stefon.  "It is unfortunate."

"Vasagius leads the barbarian forces.  They are on their way here as we speak," said Nylana.

"If they haven't already arrived," commented Lord Stefon.

"Krispyn, your king, asks for your help," said Nylana, "I have been sent—"

"My help?"  Lord Stefon stared into Nylana's eyes.  "Where was he when Hemίl needed him?  For the past year he has treated us lords like vermin demanding more of our resources.  We are sovereign lands who only acquiesce to the King of Tesnayr when we choose.  We are not slaves to his will."

"Lord Stefon, there is more at stake than just the sovereignty of Hemίl," said Nylana.

"Unless Krispyn relinquishes some of his claim of lordship over us, I'll not help you."

"Then you will die," said Galdin, his voice carried through the chamber.

"Are you threatening me?" demanded Lord Stefon.

"Merely stating a fact," replied Galdin.  "Vasagius will come here.  Of that you can be certain.  He cares nothing for your grievances against Krispyn.  He will burn this place to the ground and the people within it.  For your own sake, and for the sake of your people, you'd do well to heed Nylana's request."

"And how do I know I can trust you—you who worked as a mercenary most your life.  Yes, I know of your past."

"Then trust her."  Galdin pointed at Nylana.

 Men disguised in the armor of Hemíl, but with barbarian crests beneath, tiptoed through the alleys of the keep remaining in the shadows.  In groups of three they veered off toward the armory.  Other groups darted for the gates and the outer defenses with its positioned ballistas.  Each group drenched their targets with containers of grease.  One by one, strategic areas within the keep burst into flames.

Satisfied, the raiders ripped off their outer armor to reveal their true identities.  They slashed at the screaming masses of people around them who vainly tried to escape.

At the gate, the clinking of coins sounded as the guard was paid to walk away.  Grinning with satisfaction, the barbarians turned the wheel that opened the gates to the keep.  Grinding and groaning filled the air as they revealed the horde of savages waiting on the other side.  Deafening battle cries overwhelmed the area as armed men poured into the city wreaking havoc.

The wails of women resonated off the stone walls as invading forces slaughtered them and the infants in their arms.  People scrambled in every direction as they fled.  Savagely hunted by the invading force, their lifeless corpses filled the streets as blood pooled around them.

 Nylana rushed to the window when she heard the screams.  She flung open the glass watching in horror as a black mass of barbarian forces entered the city cutting down any in their path.  She surveyed the fires that now consumed the Keep of Edrei.  Ears aching from all of the shrieks, Nylana turned away.

Galdin appeared beside her.  He looked out at the keep assessing the situation.  Marking where all of the fires burned, Galdin estimated how much time they had before the flames spread.  People below him fled for their lives.  He noted the open gates and the empty guard tower that stood nearby.

"Narúl," said Galdin.  "See that tower with the catapults by it?"

Narúl nodded.

"Take a garrison with you.  Use the catapults to bring the tower down.  Make certain that it closes off the open gate."

Narúl saluted.  He whistled at a garrison of men who raced toward the courtroom chamber to protect Lord Stefon.  Without argument, they followed the man to the lower level of the keep.

"Lord Stefon," said Galdin. "It appears that war has come to you."

Lord Stefon raced to the window watching in horror as his home was destroyed by savages.

"You know this keep far better than anyone here," said Galdin.  "Bring all you can to the upper levels of the keep.  Take Nylana with you."  He pulled Lord Stefon closer so he could whisper in his ear.  "Keep her safe."

"You have my word," replied Lord Stefon.

"Now wait—" began Nylana.

"You stay with him," Galdin ordered; his tone commanded obedience.  "And take Tami with you."

Relenting, Nylana followed after Lord Stefon with Tami close behind.

"Ryk," said Galdin, "You are with me."

Galdin raced out of the chamber finding cowering soldiers trying to escape the chaos. 

"Cowards!" roared Galdin, "Why do you huddle together like children when your bravery is required elsewhere?  All of you with me or let it be known that Hemíl fell because her soldiers had turned into withering old women."

Slowly, the soldiers rose to their feet.  Galdin glared at each of them before heading out to face his enemy.  The chastised soldiers trailed behind.  They stormed the edges of the second level. 

"Block this entrance," ordered Galdin.  "Do not let them pass."

Men barricaded the entrance to the second level of the keep.  They piled bits of boulders and broken sides of building as people rushed past.

Narúl slid down the rails of the stairwell hastening to the area Galdin had directed.  A burly man stepped in front of him.  Ducking back to dodge the blow to his head, Narúl lurched forward, straightened, and twisted around while plunging his blade into the man.  He shouldered another barbarian that headed for him forcing him over the side of the stairwell.

"Put the catapults over there," ordered Narúl.

Men rolled the two catapults to where Narúl had indicated.  They pushed the wheels gradually steering them away.  Grunting and sweat marked their movements.

"Line them up carefully," said Narúl as the catapults were finally positioned.

Men loaded debris into the catapult bucket as they were carefully aimed.  Swarms of barbarians enveloped them.  One attacked those with the catapults.  Others from the garrison jumped in defending their comrades.

"Ready," yelled Narúl.  "Fire!"

The boulder arced high above the fray before slamming into its target.  A soft roar rumbled around them growing in intensity as the supporting wall of the tower crumbled away.  Slowly, it tipped over heading straight for the open gate of the keep.

"Brace yourselves," shouted Narúl.

He and his men sprinted away as the guard tower fell over.  Dust and rocks flew everywhere engulfing them as the stone turret crashed into the ground.  Men gagged on the clouds of silt.  Panicked shrieks rose up from the barbarians that stood in the path of the falling tower calling for help as it crushed them to death.

Coughing, Narúl turned just as one man attacked him.  He brought his sword up plunging it into the man's belly.  Shaking him off, Narúl whirled around slashing at another that made for him.  More came from the debris as they scrambled over it to get inside the keep. 

Narúl took out his hatchet.  A wild man with flaming hair headed straight for him yelling loudly.  Narúl caught the man's weapon with his hatchet twisting it out of his hands.  Instantly, he rammed his blade into the wild man's stomach and flipped him over onto the ground.

"Sergeant," he yelled at one of the Hemilian soldiers, "Set fire to the thing."

The sergeant snatched a smoldering piece of debris.  With expert skill, he flung it toward the place where the demolished tower stood.  Flames roared to life engulfing the area and any men in their way.  Terrified screams pierced the night as people burned alive.

A sharp whistle caught Narúl's attention.  Galdin stood in the open waving at him.  Understanding the message, Narúl motioned for his men to follow.  They raced back through the streets of the keep to the second level.

"Check that building there," yelled Galdin.

Ryk ran to where Galdin had pointed hoping to find some weapons.  The main armory had been burned to the ground, but smaller ones still remained.  He opened the door only to have to jump back as flames lunged for him. 

"These are all gone!  Consumed by the fire."

Galdin kicked a barbarian away from him and over the edge.  He looked about at the chaos.  How did they get here without being noticed?

A dark shape loomed in the archway of the front gates.  Galdin stared at it for several moments before realizing that this was the same cloaked figure from La'nar.  Taking an arrow, Galdin aimed and fired.  The arrow whizzed through the air heading for its target.  Before it struck, the shadowy figure plucked it from the air and snapped it in half.

A wềdlym climbed over the top of the outer wall settling next to the cloaked figure.  Its massive head faced Galdin.  The cloaked man snapped his fingers.  Instantly, the creature raced across the ground trampling any in its path as it headed for Galdin; its six feet moved in unison leaving holes in the stone.

Galdin braced himself.  He lunged to the ground as the creature reached him and rolled across the stone away from it before jumping back on his feet.

"Galdin!" yelled Ryk as he ran for his friend.

The wềdlym whipped its tail catching Ryk in the middle and flinging him across the keep.  Ryk crashed into a solid wall crumpling to the ground.


Galdin faced the massive creature.  From a distance Narúl raced for him.  The wềdlym snapped at Galdin.  He dodged out of the way swiping his sword across its snout.  Focused on the beast's teeth, Galdin never noticed the claw-like tail heading for him.  Within seconds, it scooped him up forcing him to drop his sword.

Narúl jumped in front of the beast with his blade up.  Undeterred, the wềdlym slammed a foot into the man pinning him to the ground.  Spit dribbled from its teeth as it leered over Narúl.  A whistle stopped the creature.  Instantly, it took off heading for the cloaked figure still holding Galdin out to him.

Elsewhere in the keep, Nylana helped a mother with her young child escape falling debris.  She and Tami had searched buildings for people directing them to the upper section of the keep.

"People of Hemíl," yelled the dark stranger as the creature held Galdin up for all to see, "I give you your hero."

Galdin struggled helplessly against the creature's grip.

"No!"  Nylana's voice echoed across the keep filling every crevice.

She watched in horror as the life was slowly squeezed from her brother; fire filled her eyes.  She pulled out her sword holding it high above her; the blade glowed ominously displaying all of its markings.  Wind whipped around Nylana as lightning flared in the night sky.  A bolt struck the blade filling it with power that coursed through her. 

As though in a trance, Nylana hurled the sword of Tesnayr at the wềdlym striking it in the heart.  The hideous monster crumpled to the ground releasing Galdin as it died.  Galdin snatched the sword.  Its power filled him as though welcoming his touch.  He whirled around to strike the sorcerer, but the man had gone.

Despite the chaos of battle, Galdin glanced at Nylana who stood transfixed; her steely eyes burned as she stared at him with a luminescent glow surrounding her.  A dash of fur darted across the stone surface of the keep heading straight for her.

"Nylana!" shouted Magi.

Slowly, Nylana returned to her normal state regaining her senses.

"We have to leave.  The keep is lost," said Magi.

"The cat is right," added Lord Stefon as the barbarian army continued to pillage.

"Tabs and Valn found a way out," said Magi, "Get these people to the lower levels of the keep."  Magi darted off to tell the others.

Galdin watched as his sister ran off with Lord Stefon and Tami close behind.  He started for them only to be stopped by a mass of scrambling, fighting savages.  He arm jerked upward knocking a barbarian's sword across the ground.  Unused to his movements being dictated by an object, he moved clumsily in an effort to keep up.  Suddenly, the sword moved his arm in a tilted jab catching the barbarian in the stomach.  Warm blood oozed over Galdin's hand.

The blade shone brilliantly dousing the night as its power surged up Galdin's arm filling his entire being.  He finally understood what it wanted.  Charging across the fray, he swerved and dodged attacks as the weapon guided his every move.  With the expertise of a master swordsman, Galdin tore through the fight after Nylana.

"Galdin!" shouted Magi forcing him to stop momentarily, "To the lower level."

He raced away.  Galdin charged up some stairs heading straight for the back part of the keep.  He remembered a stairwell there that would take him to the bottom, interior level of the fortress.

 Magi scurried between stomping feet and falling victims as she hurried to where Ryk and Narúl had to be.  She pricked an invader's ankle as she passed.  Her small form went unnoticed as she avoided people's carelessness.  She scooted past the chaos stopping short when she noticed Ryk standing dangerously close to a ledge fighting against two barbarians.  His feet hung over the edge as he was pushed closer.

Quickly, Magi scrambled up a post leaping onto an overhang.  With great agility, she sprung upward gripping the stone ledge with her sharp claws.  Just before Ryk lost his balance, the cat lunged at one of the men he was fighting.  She scratched and clawed the man tearing his skin.

Using the opportunity, Ryk pushed himself away from the edge and plowed into the second barbarian.  They tumbled to the ground rolling across it; each reaching for a weapon.  Ryk elbowed the man in the face.  He rolled away lunging for his sword.  Grasping it, he raised it before him deflecting a blow.  The man untangled their weapons, but not before Ryk stabbed him with his spare dagger.

The man charged him.  Ryk jumped to his feet bracing for the impact.  From nowhere Magi leaped over Ryk's head and plowed into the man's face.  Ryk rammed his heel into the man's stomach.  With speed, Ryk seized the man's hair ripping his head up so as to expose the tender part of his neck before slicing it.

"Where is Narúl?" Magi demanded.

Before Ryk could answer, a strange creature whose entire body turned into a wing attacked from behind.  Spindly arms tipped with hooks shot out of its stick-like middle swiping at them.  Ryk jumped back barely avoiding its attack.  He slashed with his sword.  The steel blade bounced off of the creature's wing as it wrapped itself up.  Instantly, it unwound itself reaching out with its hooks.

The whoop-whoop-whoop of a flying hatchet sounded in Ryk's ears as it flew past his head striking the strange beast in the neck.  Screeching, the creature writhed and shriveled into a wrinkled lump as it died.  Narúl sprang from the fray, snatched his axe and turned on Ryk.

"It's me," shouted Ryk, holding up his hands.

Narúl stopped mid-swing.

"Get to the lower levels of the keep," ordered Magi as she leapt onto an abandoned wagon so as to match their height.

"On whose command?" challenged Narúl.

"Nylana's," answered Magi before running off.

Narúl grabbed Ryk and half-pulled, half-carried him as he followed the cat.  They pushed their way through the mass of fighting men never pausing even to defend themselves.

"Here," said Magi as she squirted through a partly open door.

Narúl pushed Ryk inside and barricaded the opening.  They marched swiftly down the stone corridor descending deep into the Keep of Edrei.  The cat darted around a corner that led them to where Tabs waited.

"Not so fast," said Ryk.

"Learn to keep up," quipped Magi.

"There," said Lord Stefon pointing to the entrance of the inner keep.  A boulder slammed into the buildings above them.

Tami leapt out of the way as debris fell around her.  She muttered a spell to deflect the crumbling bits of stone.  They slowed slightly before crashing on the ground around them.

"Inside all of you," yelled Nylana as she pushed people along.  One by one they hurried through the doorway.  "Quickly!"

A log like creature peeled away from the side of the building unwrapping itself making its body into a single wing.  Darts shot out of its middle striking those around it.  Men fired arrows at the strange creature and attacked with their swords.  The thing just wrapped itself up spinning wildly in a circle as steel and arrows bounced off.  Occasionally, the winged creature opened up shooting out more spikes before closing tight again.

Galdin flung Tami to the ground as the thing tried to swipe at her.  He whipped his blade up to block the attack.  The moment the steel touched the creature it cried in anguish.  Realizing that the glowing blade harmed it, Galdin jumped up and rammed his blade through the creature's back.  It seized up going rigid before collapsing.  Wasting no time, Galdin pushed Tami through the doorway.


Nylana hunkered over a frightened child as another of the creatures whirled towards her.  He tossed her the sword.  She caught it and stabbed the thing in the middle.  It too withered.  Another fired darts at her.  Dictating her movements, the sword forced her arm in a position where it blocked the deadly spikes.

Scrambling over to her, Lord Stefon seized the frightened child and hurried toward the doorway.  Years spent as a soldier guided him as he dodged and blocked as he fought single-handedly while cradling the child.  Galdin took the child and shoved him through the doorway to a man with outstretched arms.  He whirled back around and kicked one of the creatures away from Lord Stefon.

"Go," said Galdin to the man.  "Take these people to safety."

Nodding, Lord Stefon disappeared through the opening.

Galdin searched for Nylana.  She still battled against the creatures and invaders.  Her fluid movements mesmerized him for a moment as he watched.  He readied his bow and fired striking one of the barbarians in the neck.

Unable to break away from the onslaught, Nylana pulled out the horn of Selexia.  Remembering Uriel's words she blew on it.  Instantly, a deafening shriek filled the area causing them to cover their ears.  Not caring which dragons appeared, or how many, Nylana blew harder on the horn.

The flapping of giant wings sounded.  Looking up, Nylana saw the shape of Uriel as he hovered overhead lowering himself.  A winged creature lunged for Nylana.  Sharp teeth appeared snatching up the beast and flinging it away.  Uriel whipped his tail around sweeping an entire group of barbarian men over the wall.

"We need time to escape," said Nylana.

Uriel lowered his head in a slight bow.  Spreading his wings, he rose into the air, heading for the thick of the battle.  Galdin snatched Nylana's arm and pulled her toward the doorway.  Just before she stepped through an explosion shook the entire area.  Turning around, Nylana watched helplessly as two catapults fired at the dragon bombarding the mighty beast.

"No!" shrieked Nylana.  She started for the dragon.  Strong arms seized her around the middle and forced her through the door.

Once inside, Galdin barricaded it.  He caught Nylana as she tried to push past him.  "You can't help him."

"But I must."

"If you go out there you'll be killed."  Galdin pushed her forward toward the group of people that awaited them.  Sulking, Nylana went.

The dark hallway matched their mood as they hurried through to where Magi had said Tabs awaited them.  They twisted around corners and sped down steps going deeper.  Finally, a pair of glowing eyes greeted them.

"It's about time you got here," said Tabs.  "We've been waiting a long time."

Ryk, Valn, and Narúl appeared as well; for which Nylana was grateful.

"Which way?" asked Galdin.

"This way," said Tabs.

They followed the orange tabby to a slit in the wall.  The thin opening was barely wide enough for a man to step through.

"This leads to a tunnel which I believe we can use to escape this place," said Tabs.

Galdin motioned people onward.  One by one, they squeezed through the small opening and into pitch blackness. 

Magi took the lead.  Being a cat, she had no difficulty seeing in the dark.  "This way," she said, her voice echoing off the tunnel walls.  Every few feet, she spoke so that the people could follow her.

"How far is it?" asked Galdin of Tabs.

"I don't know," answered the cat, "But I do not think it is very far."

"Up ahead," said Magi, "I see the opening."

A wide hole stood frozen at the end of the tunnel allowing them to escape the darkness and re-enter the world.  Lord Stefon stepped through first.  He looked back at the Keep of Edrei; his home for the last twenty years. 

Fire consumed it as the invading forces plundered what they could.  More screams echoed across the ravine reminding him that they had failed to save everyone.  Glancing around, Lord Stefon realized that they were on the side of the canyon.  A trail stretched out before his feet.  Smoke in the east caught his attention.  With a heavy heart, Lord Stefon realized that Swalya had been overrun as well.

Galdin appeared beside him.  "Where to?"

Controlling his anger, Lord Stefon answered in an even voice.  "This trail will lead us up to higher ground and away from here.  If we move quickly, we should be gone before dawn."

"Lead the way."

As frightened refugees exited the small tunnel they formed a line that snaked up the canyon wall and over its ridge.  They stepped carefully, using their hands at times to balance themselves.

Nylana turned back to the keep.  A tear slid down her cheek as she felt abandonment and guilt.  Memories of La'nar coursed through her mind; events that seemed far in the past.

"My lady."  Narúl held his hand out or her.

"I just left him there," said Nylana; speaking of Uriel.

Somehow, Narúl knew of whom Nylana spoke.  "I am certain he does not feel that way."

Gratefully, Nylana took Narúl's hand as he helped her climb up.

Busy with their conquest, the barbarian forces never noticed the small group of shadows fleeing into the darkness.

  Tune back Next Friday for the next chapter.

You can buy this book and the rest of the Legends Lost series at Amazon, B&N, Kobo, iBooks, and Smashwords. You can follow me on Twitter (JMRUL), or like my Facebook page. For more information, see www.legendslosttrilogy.com. Your support is appreciated. Thanks for reading!

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