Legends Lost: Galdin

By JanetMcNulty

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When darkness looms And all is gloom Two will rise Bearing the mark combined. One, the phoenix dwells within ... More

Legends Lost: Galdin (Prologue)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter 1)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter II)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter III)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter IV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter V)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter VI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter VII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book1, Chapter VIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter IX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book1, Chapter X)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XIII)
Legends Lost: Gladin (Book 1, Chapter XI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter IV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XVI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XVII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XVIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XIX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter 1)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter II)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter III)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter IV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter V)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter VI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter VII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter VIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter IX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter X)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter XII))
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter XIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book3, Chapter I)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book3, Chapter II)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter III)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter IV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter V)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter VI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book, Chapter VII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter VIII))
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book, Chapter IX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter X)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XIV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XVI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XVII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XVIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book, Chapter XIX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Epilogue)

Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapte XI)

86 4 0
By JanetMcNulty

Note: This is the 30th chapter in my fantasy novel, Legends Lost: Galdin. There are 52 chapters total and I will post 1 chapter every Friday.  But if you wish to read the entire book now, it is available for purchase on Amazon, iBookstore, Kobo, B&N, and Smashwords.  

 Chapter XI

A Meeting with Lord Belznyc

 "So how are we to get in?" asked Ryk as he looked around at what he thought was supposed to be the city of D'aar, "This doesn't look like a city."

"It's underground," said Nylana.

"But where is the opening?" demanded Ryk.

"Here," Nylana pointed at the arch standing in the middle of nowhere.

"So how do you make the opening appear?" said Ryk, "Knock?"

"Do you always ask so many questions?" snapped Galdin.

"I was just wondering," mumbled Ryk.

Nylana did not know how to open the doorway to the dwarf city.  She did not know the words.  Those were only handed down to dwarves.  She studied the arch pondering what to do.

"I thought you knew the way in," said Tami.

"Normally," said Nylana, "When I met with the dwarves one was here to greet me, or they traveled to Norlyk."  Thinking about Ryk's words, Nylana figured she had nothing to lose by knocking.  She raised her fist and rapped on the structure as loud as she could.

The ground rumbled beneath her feet as it shook.  Nylana stepped away from the opening that appeared in the ground forming into a stairwell, amazed that Ryk's suggestion proved useful.

"It worked," said Ryk with disbelief.

Nylana cautiously entered the underground opening with the others close behind.  "Be on your guard," she said, "The dwarves do not like it when strangers discover their secrets."

Narúl lit a torch and walked beside Nylana.  Ryk grabbed another torch and stepped beside Nylana as well only to be seized by Galdin and pushed to the back.

"Nice try," said Artryl as he passed by.

The darkened tunnel made their way difficult despite the torches that Narúl and Ryk carried.  Nylana noted the decay and erosion from neglect.  She hoped that the center of the city would be far better maintained.  Soft echoes of their steps surrounded them as they moved quickly hoping that their journey would not be in vain.  Artryl patted Trog on the head to quiet him as he whined.

"Whoa," said Ryk when they reached the end of the passageway.  It opened into a vast expanse of courtyards with roaring fires and stone buildings connected by aqueducts.

"That is—" began Ryk.

"—magnificent," finished Galdin.  He gawked at the underground city.  Plants made from precious gems dotted the courtyard they entered as they trekked across the black marble.  Immediately, dwarves armed with weapons surrounded them stopping their advance.

Nylana raised her hand.  "We come peaceably."

"Give us your weapons," said one of the dwarves.

"No," said Galdin.

"Galdin—" began Nylana.

Galdin cut her off.  "We will not relinquish our weapons," he said, "We come in peace and wish only to speak with Lord Belznyc."

"No one speaks to Lord Belznyc unless they first relinquish their swords," said the same dwarf.

"Do you insist that the Lady Nylana give up her armed guard just to speak with Lord Belznyc?" continued Galdin.

The dwarf lowered his axe slightly.  "Lady Nylana?"  He looked at her more closely as if seeing her for the first time.  "Forgive me, my lady.  I did not recognize you."

"Will you take us to Lord Belznyc?" asked Nylana.

"Yes, but I must ask that they remain here," said the dwarf.

"No," said Nylana, "As you have been informed this is my escort and in the current climate I will go nowhere without them.  Either you bring us all to Lord Belznyc or none of us.  You may keep your weapons pointed at us if that makes you more comfortable."

The dwarf signaled his unit.  With uniform precision the other dwarves fell around them ready to escort them to the meeting chamber of the city.  They followed the lead dwarf up a flight of marble stairs that reflected the torchlight wonderfully. Nylana strode tall and proud while Galdin, Trya, and Narúl kept a ready hand on their weapons; each not liking the dwarves over-excited manner.

Swiftly, they marched through the city and to the palace court.  They passed through corridors with gems lining the walls as the dwarf led them to the chamber doors which opened upon their arrival.  Lord Belznyc awaited them with an irate expression on his face.

 "My lady," said Lord Belznyc, "You should not be here.  There is little left of MurDair."

"Is this the way you greet guests?" replied Nylana, "Is this how you treat the Princess of Tesnayr?"

"My apologies," said Lord Belznyc, but his tone conveyed anything but penance.  "Why have you come?"

"I had to come," said Nylana, "I need you and your forces."

"I'll not give my forces to your brother," said Lord Belznyc.

"Belznyc," said Nylana, "Why such sentiment?"

"Because of your absence I will allow your question," a hardened expression crossed Lord Belznyc's face.  "Your brother has decreed that MurDair has not paid their share of the taxes and therefore increased our burden tenfold.  He has also forbidden us from having a standing army for which to defend ourselves.  We have always provided dwarves to be part of the army of Tesnayr, but as was set down by Queen Amborese, the five lands are allowed their own forces as well.  Your brother has forbidden such a notion thus violating our laws."

Galdin stepped forward.  Dwarves pointed their axes at him as a warning.  "I would appreciate it if you did not say 'your brother', my lord, as I am also her brother."

"The lady Nylana has only one brother," said Belznyc, "I do not know your name.  Who are you to speak to me?"

"He is my brother," said Nylana, her voice turned to stone.  "He is Galdin."

Belznyc's features changed as he realized his rudeness.  "My Lady, why did you not announce him?"

"For reasons that are my own," replied Nylana, "This is Galdin, the Lost Prince and my brother."

"When—how did you find him?"

"By a happy circumstance while I was away.  I did not believe it at first, but he is Prince Galdin."

"Yes, of course," said Lord Belznyc seeing the resemblance between them for the first time, "You are most welcome and will be given the courtesy that is due."

Galdin nodded his head in appreciation.

"My Lord Belznyc," said Nylana, "I have come because barbarian invaders have overrun Belyndril.  I have reason to believe that they will come either here or go straight to Hemíl."

"What makes you so certain?" asked the dwarf.

"Because that is what I would do," said Nylana.

"As would I," said Galdin.

"You both have keen military minds," said Lord Belznyc, "But I refuse to trust your—Krispyn."

"Lord Belznyc," said Galdin, "As Lord of MurDair, you are charged with protecting your people from these invaders just as we are charged with protecting the whole of Tesnayr from them.  We need your help."

"I still refuse to serve Krispyn," said Belznyc, "It is because of him that these invaders are in our lands in the first place.  There were warnings, but Krispyn ignored them."

"Then that is his mistake.  Nylana is here to remedy that," said Galdin.

Nylana recognized a note of concern in Galdin's voice, as though the mercenary he had been had gone.

"I still—"

"Have I ever given you reason not to trust me?" said Nylana as Belznyc wavered.

"No, my lady, you have not."

"Then trust me now."

"I am sorry, my lady, but my answer is no," said Belznyc.  "It is time for MurDair took after her own interests."

"At the expense of others?" said Nylana.

"I am sorry, my lady."

 "Very well," said Nylana, "I will not force your hand.  We will leave for Hemíl then."

"Surely you can stay for something to eat and some rest," pleaded Belznyc.

"We will stay until morning, but cannot remain beyond that." said Nylana, "The invaders are moving fast.  They always seem to be one step ahead of us."

"As you wish," said Belznyc.

"Narúl," said Nylana, "You and Tami travel ahead to Hemíl and tell Lord Stefon that we're coming.  You can travel faster alone.  Artryl, I need you to carry a message to Krispyn.  You will be my personal envoy.  You'll have to—"

"Trog can take me," said Artryl, beaming.

Nylana smiled.  "Very well.  You and Trog will go.  Travel as quickly as you can."  Nylana took some parchment from Belznyc's scribe, scribbled a quick note, and sealed it with her seal.  She then handed it to Artryl.  He took it as though it were the most valuable bit of treasure.

"Get some food and then be off," said Nylana.

Artryl grinned and ran out the room with Trog close behind.

"And we will be traveling by another route," said Galdin.

"Yes," said Nylana, "Separately, we might attract less attention."

"And I suppose he is going with us?" said Galdin pointing at Ryk.

"Yes," replied Nylana.  "Don't look so disheartened."

"Very well," said Galdin, "But we must head south first.  There is a little village that Mira needs to return to."

Nylana glanced at the girl that clung to Ryk.  "Are you starting to care?"

Galdin gave her a piercing look before walking off.

Lord Belznyc led them to the dining hall where rows of tables laden with all kinds of meat.  The dwarf lord pulled a chair out for Nylana while another held one out for Tami.  They took their seats while the others sat across from them.  Even Magi and Tabs were awarded a place of honor. 

The aroma of cooked meat reminded their stomachs that they had not eaten for nearly a day.  Servants placed goblets of wine before the guests.  Nylana took a delicate sip of the sweet nectar while Galdin dug into a slab of meat that had been placed before him.

Light conversation accompanied the meal as none wished to discuss politics.  The clinking of glasses and plates gave a feeling of gaiety in a troubled time.  Lord Belznyc could not refrain from one question.  "How do you plan to cross the mountains?"

"Gangas Pass is not far from here."  Nylana remembered that though Queen Amborese had sealed it, her grandfather had dug it open, but few ever ventured there.

"But that place is full of thieves and bandits.  Knot's Pass would be safer."

"And it is far to the north of here," replied Nylana.

"Then how will you ever reach Hemίl in time?" asked Lord Belznyc.

"I guess she will have to use dragons," said Galdin.

"Dragons?  You jest."  Lord Belznyc looked at him with amusement.

"No, I do not," said Galdin.

"Nylana has managed to gain the trust of a dragon," said Trya with admiration.

Lord Belznyc placed his wine on the table.  "I see."

"But we may not need dragons, after all," said Galdin, "There are many hidden trails that cross the mountains.  I will guide us through one of them."

When they had finished, Lord Belznyc showed them where they could rest.  Each was given their own room.

"Thank you for your hospitality," said Nylana to Lord Belznyc.

The dwarf took her hands giving her a warm smile.  "You are always welcomed within these halls.  Rest well, my lady."

The dwarf walked away as the others entered their room.

"I should stay by your side," said Narúl to Nylana.

"You have always been there to protect me, Narúl.  But now is the time for me to protect myself.  I need you to go to Hemίl and tell Lord Stefon of Vasagius' return.  They must hold until help arrive.  I will meet you there"

"I do not like this idea."

"You can travel must faster without the rest of us."

"And the girl?" asked Narúl.

"Tami can be of some use with her knowledge of fairy magic."

"Perhaps, but she has no control over it."

"She will learn control.  She can help you if you run into any of the Nôk'ta.  Take care of yourself."

Narúl clasped Nylana on the shoulder before walking off.  He waved at Tami motioning for her to follow him.

A feeling of dread filled Nylana's stomach.

"Something on your mind, my lady?" said Valn as he walked up to her.

"Just the feeling that I might never see them again," said Nylana.

"You mustn't think that way," soothed Valn, "I am certain you will."

"Thank you, Valn," said Nylana, "Better get some sleep.  We have an early start in the morning."

The scraping of the whetstone against the steel blade of his sword echoed off of the stone walls.  Galdin sat alone sharpening his blade.  Tiny footsteps caught his attention.  Pausing, he turned around.  Mira stood behind the door peeking at him.

"Come inside," said Galdin.

Slowly, the girl crept into the room before running and jumping in Galdin's lap.  He hugged the girl as she wept into his shirt.

"What is it?" asked Galdin.

Mira looked at him with wet, wide eyes.  "I miss my mommy.  And I don't want those men to come back."

"There, there."  Galdin hugged the girl calming her.  "Would you like to hear a song?"

Mira nodded.

Rocking the child gently, Galdin sang a lullaby from his youth; one his mother sung to him whenever he feared the night.

Sach le ge-lan, mac wehyn

Fear not my child.

This storm shall pass.

Terrible and reviled

It will not last.

Now, dry those tears.

Give me a smile.

Despite its long years

Dawn will light the isle.

Sac le ge-lan, mac wehyn

 Mira fell asleep in Galdin's arms.  Gently, he placed her on the bed and covered her with a blanket; beginning to understand why Nylana acted the way she did.

"Sleep, little one.  You will be home tomorrow."

From the shadows just outside the door sat Magi.  Her glowing eyes barely gave away her presence.  She swished her tail grinning to herself.

  Tune back Next Friday for the next chapter.

You can buy this book and the rest of the Legends Lost series at Amazon, B&N, Kobo, iBooks, and Smashwords. You can follow me on Twitter (JMRUL), or like my Facebook page. For more information, see www.legendslosttrilogy.com. Your support is appreciated. Thanks for reading!

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