Pretty eyes

By looolholland

10.5K 560 93

"pretty eyes" he says smirking "we meet again" What happens when Emily trips in a train station and falls he... More

Chapter 1- Emily's POV
Chapter 1- Blake's POV
Chapter 2- Emily's POV
Chapter 2- Sophie's POV
Chapter 3- Emily POV
Chapter 4- emily's POV
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
LAST CHAPTER- chapter 25

Chapter 18

249 16 0
By looolholland

Blake's POV

"Shit, shit, shit" says Tristan, "what do you think made her go?" He asks worried after he read the letter. "I think I know" I say as I realise it's me that made her go.
"What do you mean you think you know? Blake what are you on about?!" Asks a panicked Tristan. I sigh looking at George's for help. "I think it's best you take a seat Tris" he says calmly, causing Tristan to panic even more. He follows us inside, taking a seat on the bed and listens as we explain what's happened.

"Blake, I trust you to know your telling the truth. But wow I never thought you'd love my sister" smiles Tristan sadly. "Well um yeah I do, I'm glad you believe me" I reply warmly as he nods. "Anyways I think it's best we get to sleep, we've got an early start again tomorrow. Don't worry about her though yeah? She'll be fine. Mum will look after her" he smiles pulling me in for a hug before walking out to his room. "Reece is asleep, you better explain this to him in the morning" smiles George as we look at Reece past our on the bed. I nod chucking lightly before heading of to my room. I take my top and trousers of so I'm just in my boxers getting into bed I spend the next few hours worrying about Emily. Thinking over what happened in my head. I can't perform tomorrow. I need to apologise to Emily. I think to myself.

<fast forward to the morning>

My alarm on my phone goes off making me wake up. I get up and change into my show clothes- black and white top, black skinny jeans and my trainers. I grab my phone and walk out my room, locking it behind me. "Blake man your up finally!" Laughs Connor from the side. I look up and see everyone standing there. "Yeah" I reply grumpily. I was up most of last night worrying about Emily. "You alright?" Asks Reece obviously noticing something's up. "Fine" I snap, walking of to get a drink. Maybe that was a little harsh? I walk back over to him and apologise. "It's alright, I understand. You gonna be okay to perform?" He asks I nod. Will I though? This is the first show we'll be doing without our girls here. Sophie and Holly went back to make sure Emily's okay. "She's fine, I promise you" says Tris coming up behind me patting my shoulder. "I hope so" I reply before walking over to my side of the stage, preparing to go on. The crowd goes wild and the others run on. I walk following them, dragging my feet on the ground.

I know I may be acting selfish here but I really miss her. She was always there at the side waving me on. Get a grip Blake! I mentally yell at myself. "Hi I'm Reece!" "I'm George!" The boys call "I'm Blake" I say half heartedly, earning a glare from the boys. "And we are new hope club!" We all say together once again me being half hearted. The backing track for our first song starts playing, George starts it off, the crowd singing along with him. I don't realise I'm staring at the floor until Reece shouts my name pulling me back into reality. "BLAKE!" He shouts. "Huh?" I ask shaking my head getting rid of the thoughts about Emily. "Sing" he replied. Oh shit! I'm meant to be singing! I start singing a couple of words as the crowds boo's get louder. "Im sorry I can't do this" I say pushing the microphone over and storming of stage. "Woah woah woah buddy what's wrong?" Asks joe my manager as I run past tears falling down my face. I ring my mum who answers instantly.

"Blake?" She questions "what's wrong? Why aren't you up there performing?" She ask knowing I'm meant to be on now. "I can't do it" I reply crying. "Can't do what?" She asks "perform. It's not the same without Em here. I miss her. I miss her so fucking much. Mum I love her and I've messed it all up" I sob. "What? Blake what are you on about?" She asks as I realise I didn't tell her we got together let alone broke up. I quickly fill her in on everything and I hear her say an 'okay' or 'okay wow' every now and then. "Oh Blake I'm so sorry, I didn't know" she replies probably smiling as she always does. "You need to talk to her" she says sternly. "I know that, but she won't listen. She thinks I've cheated" I reply getting frustrated. "Okay I tell you what, I'll bring her up for your last signing and tell her we are going for a girls day out. I'll take her to the signing after a couple of hours of shopping and you can explain everything to her then okay? How does that sound?" She asks sympathetically. "Yeah okay that sounds good" I reply sadly nodding. "Alright well I've got to go, I'll talk to you later yeah?" She asks as I say good bye before hanging up.

"Blake what happened out there? You okay?" Asks Tristan and the Vamps as the come into my dressing room. Reece and George are still performing the last songs."I don't know, I got no sleep last night worrying about her. I got on stage and forgot my lines, then when it was my turn to sing I messed up, I forgot to sing. The crowd started booing I panicked and ran of stage" I say explaining to everyone what happened.

"Wow, Blake I never knew you loved her that much. I honestly thought it was just a little fling you guys were having" laughs Brad shaking his head. "Yeah, I really really love her. I've never felt this way about anyone" I smile sadly. "You need to speak to her" says Tris getting a nod from the others in agreement. "Yeah I know, my mums going to bring her for our last signing so I can speak to her then" I reply after telling them my conversation with my mum. "Good, you need to get her back. Apparently she hasn't left her room, only for food and the toilet. Not talking to anyone and crying" Tristan tells us. "Well hopefully not for long then" I smile weakly as I remember the signing is tomorrow. "Well I tell you what, you go get some sleep yeah? We'll cut your act a little short and you and the lads can make up for it after the signing in tomorrow's show yeah? That way you'll be in a hopefully better mood after having spoken to her" smiles Brad. "Yeah go get some sleep, you need it" laughs Connor and James. I nod before making my way to the bus, and getting into my bunk. Letting sleep over power this time.


ooh Drama again! who knew blake would love her this much?! em x

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