summer camp.

By dontdoitpleasees

136K 5.9K 13.4K

"This will only ever be a stupid summer fling," she scoffs. "That's what you think," he replies. -Not your... More

20 | epilogue


10.3K 375 906
By dontdoitpleasees

Finns pov

I wasn't here because I wanted to be here. Trust me I rather be hanging out with the boys back in Los Angeles. But no, you make one stupid mistake an-

"Finn are you listening to me?"

My head shot up and met my mothers eyes. She had an annoyed look on her face but I was used to that look. I got it often.

"Yeah. I mean no, what were you saying?" I replied.

She let out a frustrated noise and broke our eye contact as she sat back in her seat, facing the windshield.

"You better be good at this camp, Finn. I'm serious you think you're in trouble now it could be a lot worse at military school" my dad said, sternly.

I rolled my eyes at the comment.

"Finn...just be good...please" my mom said, pleaded.

"Ill try I guess" I said, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

We were on our way to the camp that I totally forgot the name of because I honestly could care less. I had seen pictures and while yes it looked "fun" and all naturey and pretty, I still would have never come willingly. Only nerds and loners with no friends come to summer camps. I like to think of myself as quite the opposite.

We had been driving for awhile and I was starting to fall asleep when I heard my dad shout.

"We're here!"

I didn't bother looking up. I didn't bother opening my eyes.

"This is going to be the worst summer ever" I muttered to myself as I started drifting to sleep.


"Finn wake up. Its time to go"

I opened my eyes to see my moms smiling face. I had only been sleeping for twenty minutes tops but I wasn't going to argue considering we were in the parking lot.

"Alright alright" I said, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

I got out of the car, grabbing my backpack. When I finally emerged out of the vehicle, I got a good look at where i'd be spending the next two months of my life. Ill admit it was really pretty up here. A lot greener than Los Angeles.

"Finn come here" my mom said, holding her arms open gesturing me to come and hug her.

I complied, letting her hug me tightly while my dad patted me on the back.

"We'll miss you, son. Behave " he said.

I gave them a forced smile, took my suit case, and started to walk away. I was kinda glad i'd be away from my parents all summer. Maybe there will be some hot chicks here or people who know how to have fun. Maybe I just gotta think more positive.

I walked up to the front where a lot of kids my age were standing around. I skimmed over the faces, trying to see if anyone looked worth my while. I picked out a couple people who looked cool but who knows, looks can be deceiving.

"Are you Mr. Wolfhard?"

I turned around and faced a young women who i'm guessing is some sort of camp counselor.

"Uh yea" I croaked out.

"I have your cabin number here. Follow me ill show you so you can get settled" she said smiling widely. She was annoying me already.

"Okay...thanks" I said.

We walked through the group of kids, mumbling about room mates and activities. I wasn't really listening to conversations and began to stop trying to pick out "cool" people and just followed the lady. Hopefully my room mates will be cool.

"Okay this is your room. I think one of your room mates is already in there. He'll tell you anything you need to know, I already talked to him earlier" she said, still smiling.

"Okay...thanks again" I said before she walked off.

I shook my head and grabbed the door knob. I opened the door having to put a little strength into it because it seemed like it was stuck. When I finally opened the door I couldn't help but laugh. My new room mate was making out with some girl in his bed.

He didn't notice me right away so I laughed a little louder. That got his attention.

"Jeez man don't you knock?" He asked,
climbing off the red head.

"Hi i'm Finn. Your new room mate" I said, setting down my stuff on one of the empty beds.

"I'm Caleb and uh that's Sadie" he said, pointing to the girl who was now sitting up and fixing her shirt.

"Uh hi" she said, obviously embarrassed.

I laughed. Well at least now I knew one of my room mates were cool. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad.

The door slammed open causing all three of us to jump. I turned around and saw our other room mate and he definitely looked cool.
And stoned.

"Hi i'm Gaten" he said, walking over and falling on to the last vacant bed.

"Hi Gaten" Sadie said innocently.

Gaten opened his blood shot eyes and looked up at the red head.

"Oh hey honey. Hey dudes what's up. How's everyone been. Where ya from?" He asked, giving us a goofy smile.

"Los Angeles" Caleb and Sadie said at the same time.

"No way me too" I said.

"Bro that's awesome. Maybe after all this we could chill or something" Caleb said, leaning against the wooden wall.

"Yea that'd be sweet" I said, grinning.

Man, things were off to a great start. I was really dreading this dumb summer camp but these guys are super cool. I could definitely live through these next two months. Could things get any better?

Suddenly the door swung open again. This time softer, not slamming against the wooden wall as hard as when Gaten arrived.

"Oh there you are!" Sadie exclaimed, getting up off of Caleb's bed and walking towards the door.

I turned around and met eyes with a girl. She had short, wavy brown hair and she was awfully pretty. Not pretty. Hot. Not hot. Gorgeous.

"I'm glad to see you, Millie" the red head said, hugging the small girl.

"Hey Millie, nice to see you again. This is Gaten and Finn" Caleb announced.

Gaten gave her a small wave and I...well I honestly couldn't help myself. I looked her up and down feeling myself subconsciously lick my lips.

"Hi i'm Finn" I said, smiling.

"Oh hi Finn. Im Millie"

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