Underneath The Same Sky (Luke...

By dcandels

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they never knew that they would need each other so much. this story is being edited to make it better, not ma... More

Chapter 1: Does Calum Hood live here?
Chapter 2: Short for Theodora
Chapter 3: Awkwardness and Ice Cream
Chapter 4: Great. Just great.
Chapter 5: Save the Last Seat for Me
Chapter 6: Don't ever leave your buddy
Chapter 7: You'd still fall
Chapter 8: Cherrapunji Mysteries
Chapter 9: Again
Chapter 10: Twist
Chapter 11: Like the Movies
Chapter 12: Finally!
Chapter 13: You what?!
Chapter 14: Bus
Chapter 15: the F word
Chapter 16: Strange
Chapter 17: The Substitute Project
Chapter 18: I Just Don't Get It
Chapter 19: Sounds good
Chapter 20: Does that mean I get an A for your test?
Chapter 21: Wait, did I just say that??
Chapter 22: Perfect
Chapter 23: Dummies
Chapter 24: So which one requires less energy?
Chapter 26: Nicholas Sparks
Chapter 27: Epiphanies and Cookies
Chapter 28: Remedial Classes
Chapter 29: F&O
Chapter 30: Problem
Chapter 31: We need a break
Chapter 32: Package for Teddy Aspen?
Chapter 33: White balloons or yellow?

Chapter 25: Friday night

1.7K 40 8
By dcandels

 Luke’s POV:

“Yo slacker!!! Get up and help me carry this!” Calum yelled as he patted the amplifier like a pet.

I grunted and got up from my comfortable position in the den couch and walked over to where Calum was standing. He was outside, waving his hand at Ashton who was coming at us. It was Friday afternoon, the big gig happening tonight. Calum and I were in charge for the amplifiers and musical instruments. Ashton is in control for our transportation while Michael is responsible for getting the word out about our gig.

“Next time don’t let Michael choose our tasks.” I panted as I carried the amplifier inside Ashton’s car.

“He’s gonna be here any second, so let’s bring it all inside,” Ashton instructed then helped us carry the second amplifier.

“You excited?” Calum asked as he opened the trunk door of Ashton’s Buick Regal.

“Hell yeah,” I replied. I’ve been waiting for this gig for two weeks now since it was cancelled.

Awesome. Step 1 of my plan is now finished.


Teddy’s POV

“Please come with me! It’ll be totally fun!!!” Roxette cajoled. She was standing in front of me with her hands on her hips.

I covered my face with my Perry the Platypus pillow. “If I had any reason to celebrate, I will, Roxette. But I don’t,”

It was a Friday afternoon and Roxette visited (and by that I mean, barged right in) me in my dorm room with a “great” idea and a huge smile on her face.

“You know I love you but this is getting out of hand and you really have to stop worrying about impractical stuff,” Roxette explained. Obviously getting annoyed.

“You don’t understand, Roxette. If my mom finds out about this, she’ll flip.” I answered back. I really don’t want to go to wherever Roxette wants to go because I am too anxious about my grades. I am talking about the C I received in my English essay and losing the music class project. If mom finds out that I’ve been letting my grades slip, she’ll think that I am slacking off and then she’d reconsider the home school thing.

My English essay score came at me like a wrecking ball last Wednesday, same as my music class project score. I guess you could say that I have disappointed myself again.

“I do understand Teddy but what I don’t understand is why you’re punishing yourself. It’s not your fault that your English teacher couldn’t appreciate a masterpiece. Please stop being so hard on yourself, Teddy.” Roxette cried out. She was now sitting at the edge of my bed.

I was about to say something back when Roxette continued, “It’s just one night. Actually just a few hours. And it’s a Friday, for pete’s sake! You can’t go around berating yourself.” She finished. Like I said before, Roxette joined a student council before, so she’s really good with all this.

I sighed, “I am only coming with you because you are going to buy me two bags of mini donuts that I really love.” If I’m going to sulk over my grades then I better do it with mini donuts.


“Hurry up, Teddy!!!” Roxette grabbed my hand and dashed inside the mall once her car is parked.

I rolled my eyes at her but obliged. This is the way Roxette would act when inside a mall, as if she is going to be late for a sale.

Roxette ran towards the atrium where there are people huddled in front of a stage. Must be another band Roxette’s gaga for.

“Excuse me, coming through,” Roxette said, as she dodged the way of the people in front of us.

When we got near, I just realized that Michael was tuning a guitar on stage. When he saw us he waved and gave us a smile.

“So awesome you guys made it!” Michael whispered when we were at the stage.

“Of course. Now go rock this stage,” Roxette spoke then led me away from the stage. Michael nodded and gave us a thumbs up.

“Come on, let’s watch from here,” Roxette then made her way through the crowd to get to the place where it faces the center of the stage.

I looked around and saw some people who just happened to walk by and some are from my school.

Roxette said something but her voice was drowned out by the sound of someone using a microphone.

“Hello! Thank you for coming The Veranda and we have a special guest for you!!!! Welcome, 5 Seconds of Summer!!” the man in a tacky suit, probably the mall manager, announced. Then the stage lights went on and crazy and there was the sound of a guitar strumming.

The crowd applauded and cheered. Roxette jumped and clapped. I just stood there clapping my hands.

An unfamiliar song started and Luke sang. He was feeling it.

“Aren’t they good?” a random girl next to me told me. She was singing and dancing along as the boys sang. I didn’t want to be rude or anything so I forced out a smile and said, “Yeah. They’re cool,”

Everyone around me was either singing or nodding their heads to the song. I guess I’m just in the worst mood that’s why I couldn’t appreciate them right now. I sighed.


“Last song for tonight, this one’s for you, lovely people!” Calum yelled into the mic. Three songs and this song then they’re gonna be done for the night. There were still a lot of people inside the mall. I guess everyone had the same plans for Friday night.

“Hey Teddy, I’m just gonna go buy your mini donuts and I will be right back,” Roxette told me then disappeared with the crowd. I didn’t even have the chance to tell her to buy six bags.

I diverted my attention back to the stage where Luke just made a flying kick with his guitar.With that, the crowd went wild.

The song continued until it’s finished. “Thank you and good night!!!” Michael shrieked into the microphone. Michael then waved and so the rest of the boys. Too bad Roxette missed this.

The crowd dispersed in like five minutes but there were still lots of people loitering around the atrium. The people around me went off so I was left standing in the middle of the atrium with mall employees clearing up the audience area.

I moved from my place and looked for Roxette. How long can a person buy two measly bags of donuts?

“Come on, Roxette. I don’t wanna look stupid here,” I muttered to myself as my eyes linger from one person to another.

Suddenly it got colder where I was standing, probably because the crowd around me had scattered. I rubbed my arm up and down to get rid of the coldness.

Okay, that’s it. I’m going to the donut shop to see if Roxette’s stuck there because of the long lines. I’m not gonna stay here and look aloof.

I walked to Lil Orbits Mini Donuts stall and saw no line. It was just a woman behind the stall, looking bored.

I walked over and put on a smile, “Hi. Excuse me, have you by any chance seen a girl with very short hair?”

The lady behind the stall shook her head. I smiled back and said, “Okay, thank you.”

Where in the world is Roxette?????

I went back to the atrium to see the barricades for the gig have been removed but the stage was still there and some amplifiers and the drum sets.

I stood in the place where I watched the gig. If Roxette’s missing then she sure would come back here.

I glanced at my watch and saw that it was already 6:30 pm. I swear if Roxette isn’t here by 6: 35, I am going to take her car and drive myself home even if I don’t have a driver’s license yet.

I walked over to the stage to see if one of the boys is still there so I could ask if they’ve seen Roxette. I walked to the stage and called out Michael’s name but no one answered.

“Calum?” I called out, this time calling out Calum’s name. Then I called Ashton’s name and then Luke’s. But no one answered me.

I was now muttering French curse words under my breath. This is so unlikely, Roxette can never be lost in a mall. It’s like her sanctuary or something.


I turned around to where the voice came from.  I turned around so quickly I could have given myself whiplash.

I was expecting it to be Roxette with an apologetic smile on her face and two bags of mini donuts in her hands but instead I was greeted by a gray beanie, black shirt and blue jacket rolled up in the sleeves, hands in the jeans’ pocket and a dimple. It was Luke.

“What’s with the scowl?” Luke chuckled as he pointed at my face. I was probably scrunching my face in anger then I eased up my face.

“Oh hey, what are you doing here?” I said, still looking around.

“We just finished a gig. You were there, right?” he asked, pointing the stage.

I nodded profusely, “Oh yeah. It was awesome,” I was too preoccupied with Roxette, how she ended up missing and what I am going to do to her once she show up that I probably didn’t sound genuine. “By the way, have you seen Roxette? She disappeared so I’m looking for,”

“Roxette? She was helping us clearout backstage and now I think she’s with Michael,” Luke shrugged.

How could Roxette do this to me?! She told me that she’s just going to buy donuts and now she ended up helping them without even telling me?

“How am I supposed to get home?” I asked, more to myself. Roxette had the keys to her car and apparently I didn’t bring any money with me because I thought we would just be there for the afternoon and be back at school to have dinner. I sighed.

“I can drive you home,” Luke offered. I suddenly forgot that he was there.

I looked up at him, “Oh no, it’s okay. Roxette will suddenly remember about me and be back just in time for dinner,”

“You’re hungry? Me too! Come on, let’s go to Burger King, my treat!” he declared, taking my wrist, dragging me to Burger King. What is it with people dragging me everywhere?

“What do you want? Whopper? Flame grilled cheeseburger? That’s my favorite!” Luke blabbed.

“Luke, it’s alright, I’m not that hungry anyways” I said as a huge burger standee stood in front of me.

“You can’t say that inside Burger King. I’ll order for you,” Luke replied as he walked over to the cashier and pointed at a Whopper.

I sighed and sat at an empty table and waited for Luke. I will pay him back once I received my allowance.

After an epoch, Luke finally came by with paper bags in his hand, “Take out! Come on, let’s eat it in the car,” then he walked out of Burger King.

I caught up with him, “Luke, what are you doing?”

“Heading to the parking lot,” he replied then continued walking.

“I know that. But why are you doing this? Aren’t you tired? Don’t you want to go home?” I asked him. All I want is to go home, cuddle up in bed and watch some Netflix. Like how I always spend my Friday night. But no, my best friend had to abandon me to be with her boyfriend and now I’m being dragged off to somewhere.

“Because you’re my friend,” he said as a matter-of-factly

I was planning on refusing a car ride home and Burger King but friends don’t do that to each other. I know I don’t even want to be here but the least I can do is not to share my cantankerousness just because I didn’t meet my expectations.

“Okay and someday I am going to repay you with a car ride and Burger King too,” I told him as we entered the parking lot.

Luke led the way to a black Buick 8. He opened the front seat door and smiled, “Ladies first.”

I smiled back and slid in. Luke went in on the driver’s side with the takeout. He put the takeout in the middle and called out, “Seatbelts!”

I put my seatbelt on and he put his and inserted his key in the ignition. He backed the car out of the lot and drove away from the mall.

“Do you mind if I borrow your phone? I need to let Roxette know that you’re taking me home,” I informed him. Roxette may be tactless regarding my feelings but I have to let her know that I am safe, alive and about to go home.

“Sure, be my guest.” Luke said, getting his phone of his pocket.

I took the phone from him and texted Roxette telling her that Luke’s driving me home and that I was really really really worried about her and that I still love her even after what she did to me.

“Thanks Luke,” I said and handed his phone to which he put next to the takeout in between us.

“Teddy, have you ever been at Miller Park?” Luke asked while his eyes were concentrating on the road. We were in I-intersection and there were only a few cars on the highway.

Miller Park is a little park located on top of a cliff that overlooks the town’s skyline. It looks really really beautiful at night when all the lights are on.

“I’ve been there once but that was a long time ago,” I told him. Luke didn’t say anything but he smiled. He then made a sharp turn that made myself go to the right.

 “Luke! What was that?” I asked, looking at him to see if he had any injuries or something.

He was still smiling, “You said you wanted to go to Miller Park. So now where going there!”

I was flabbergasted, “I never said that! We should go home,”

“I bet you want to go there now. The sun has set so the all the lights will be visible and it will really look amazing,” he coaxed.

That sounds so tempting. Miller Park is a really beautiful place. And like I’ve mentioned, it’s been a long time since I’ve been there.

“You are offering me something I can’t refuse,” I gave in. It’s not like I have a choice. I’m in no position to say no because Luke got the car.

Luke grinned, his dimple showing, then he looked at me. Luke turned on the car radio and moved the knob to a song that is unfamiliar to me.

“Do you know this song?” Luke asked amidst the raging song.

I shook my head no.

“It’s Hoobastank. They’re really good. You should check them out,” he explained.

I smiled. Luke’s really into music and he’s got great skills when it comes to the guitar and vocals. I really think he would make it in the music industry.

“You have to promise me something, Luke.” I told him.

I caught Luke raised his eyebrow, “Depends on the promise,”

“This is a decent promise. No funny jokes,” I explained to him, even crossing my heart to show how serious I was.

“Okay, I trust you. What’s the promise?” he asked.

“Promise me that when you became famous and you do stadium tours, you won’t forget me,” I exhaled.

Luke smiled so wide I thought his dimple was gonna pop out, “Of course, Teddy. We won’t forget you.”

I grinned. I looked at my window to see that we are now elevating, it means we are just a few kilometers away from Miller Park. I just hope that it’s not too crowded there.

I was so busy admiring the view from my window when I heard Luke called my name.

“Roxette replied” he said handing me his phone. I took it and read it. It says that She’s sorry and she is going to make it up to me and that it’s fine that Luke gets to drive me home because she trusts Luke and that she loves me too.

I texted back to say that she has some explaining to do about her disappearance and that I already thought of something so she could make it up to me.

“What’d she say?” Luke asked,looking for empty parking spaces.

“It’s fine and that she trusts you and she’s expecting me to return into one piece,” I joked.

Luke chuckled, “Don’t worry, nobody gets hurt when I am around,”

We chortled as Luke parked the car and removed the key from the ignition. He took the takeout from the seat and got out. I got out of my seatbelt and into the cold fresh air.

“Wow” Luke breathed.

The huge oak tree, Miller Park’s trademark was drowning with crystal white lights. It looks like a huge tree shrouded with snow. It looks like it’s Christmas already.

“This is so amazing,” I said, looking around. The Miller Park sign was rusting already but it matched the whole scenery.

“Come on, let’s climb up to the top,” Luke said, rushing to get to the top.

I giggled as I followed him. This is like when I was a kid, me and my brother and my sister, having a race who gets to the top first, gets the grape jelly. Grape jelly by granny was the best there is so we always fight for it.

I climbed up the hill slowly because I will only get more tired if I ran.

I finally made it in the oak tree where I stopped to catch my breath. Luke was nowhere to be found when I heard a twig break.

I looked behind me and saw no one and when I face about, Luke was standing there right in front of me with a mischievous smile painted on his face.

“Scared you didn’t I?” he sniggered. He then walked away from the oak tree and sat on the grass that faces the skyline. It’s not really a skyline. It’s just a bunch of old buildings with wonderful lights. “I used to go here every Friday back in year 9” Luke said as he pulled his knees to his chest.

“You do? I thought you’re more of an indoor-sy person. You know, play video games rather than frolick under the sun,” 

“Well, there are lots of things you don’t know about me,” he smiled at the ground smugly.

“Then tell me all about Luke Hemmings, everything you know about that guy,” I jokingly challenged him.

“Well, that Luke Hemmings guy? He’s that amazing basketball superstar in his school, all the girls drool over him,” he joked.

I lightly smacked his arm, “I’m pretty sure that’s not the Luke Hemmings I was talking about,”

“Okay, okay. Luke Hemmings is both of an indoor-sy and outdoor-sy type. Luke loves video games but he also takes a liking to canoeing and just laying on the grass,” he enlightened. He removed the whopper inside the paperbag and handed them to me.

“Luke has brothers and no sisters. Luke sometimes pretend that his little girl cousins are his sisters. He loves to play with kids and if Luke’s dream about making it in the music industry didn’t happen, Luke would probably like to start a family instead or be a teacher’s aide in a school or something,”

As Luke told me stuffs about himself, I unwrapped the burger and got out a tissue and removed the mayonnaise inside the burger.

Luke was in the middle of a story where Luke Hemmings once won a trophy for a spontaneous bowling game when he suddenly said, “What are you doing?”

I was surprised with Luke’s sudden high pitch voice that I stuttered, “what?”

“Why are you removing the mayonnaise? The burger won’t taste the same if you remove it,” he noted.

I continued wiping away the mayonnaise, “I find it really disgusting,” then I made a face to prove my point.


I nodded, “Yeah. It’s a childhood trauma thing”

Luke perked up, “Oh yeah? Tell me all about it. I would love to know some things about Teddy Aspen,”

I took a big bite of the burger then swallowed before answering, “Well, the mayonnaise incident happened during Christmas time and most of my cousins were over at our house then my big sister gave us, the little children, a huge jar filled with whipped cream so we were going crazy over it but of course, one of my cousin finished it all, so for payback, another older cousin of mine, filled it with this white stuff with little bits on it, so being young and naïve, I thought it was whipped cream with sprinkles, so I took a spoonful of it and shoved it down my mouth and I guess you know what’s inside and what happened,” I reminisced that cringe worthy incident.

“You didn’t?!” Luke gasped, preventing him from lifting the burger to his mouth.

I chuckled as I nod, “Yeah, I did. I was hurling in my mother’s best Christmas carpet and the rest of my cousins were on full watch by my aunties so they can’t do anything like that”

“You probably hated them even if it was Christmas time” Luke chuckled while chewing his food.

“Kind of but they’re family so I guess I could forgive them even if I had to live removing mayonnaise from my food” I tittered.

“Tell me more,” he wheedled.

“There was also this one time, I was so hung up on dogs that time, that I saw a police dog standing outside a bank that I didn’t let go of it when the police let me hug him, my mother was furious that time,” I laughed.

“You always get in kinds of trouble when you were younger” Luke noted, also finishing off his burger.

“It sticks to me like a bumper sticker” I laughed at my metaphor. “Now, you tell me stuff about you.”

“Okay, uhhhm, I met my first friend in Redwood Prep, by accidentally hitting him in the head with a bat,” Luke finally lost it as he guffawed.

“Why would you hit him in the head? Was he alright?” I asked, biting in the juicy burger.

“It was an accident! It was my first day and I was carrying sports equipment my mother made me bring, so yeah I accidentally hit him on the head but at least I gain a friend,” Luke elaborated.

“Are you still friends with that guy?” I asked out of nowhere. That is one question that is not even related to our question and tell a story portion.

“I don’t think so. We drifted apart as he started being into sports, the irony, while I became involved with music. He was more of a bench guy rather than the pitcher or something. He didn’t even know it was a sport equipment that hit him,” Luke explained.

“Is everyone like that?” I whispered. I know that we are the only people in this area and that no one could hear me but I felt like I need to whisper.

“Like what?” Luke asked, making a face as he tasted the soggy fries.

“Being great friends then they don’t even talk anymore,” I convoluted.

“Well, some but not everyone. I’m pretty sure there are people who were friends since birth and still are friends till now. It just depends on being real with each other and communication,” Luke explained.

I didn’t say anything about that.

“Why’d you ask?” Luke asked, shoving more soggy fries down his mouth.

“Oh nothing, your story just reminds me of one of my friendship that didn’t last.” I told Luke. Suddenly, my good mood dropped.

Luke looked a little bit interested, “Oh yeah? Tell me all about it, you’ll probably feel better if you tell somebody and that somebody is me,” Luke probably noticed that I suddenly felt distressed.

I feel like this is too personal to share but Luke looked like someone I could trust. “I have this friend, childhood best friend from our hometown, his name was Kyle, he was the bestest friend I could have asked for. We do things together. Actually, i just butt in whenever he plays with my brother. So then I developed feelings for him but I didn’t tell him, so I just go with it. Then he started to grow up, like he would rather be inside his house the all day instead of playing frisbee with my brother and I and even climbing trees. He refused to do that. He was growing up. Kyle was drifting away from us. Then we had to go back to school, he never hang out with my brother and I anymore. It was like he was never friends with us. What’s worse is that I could have done something if I told him what I feel towards him but it’s not like it’s gonna stop him from being him. I couldn’t tell him how to live his life and I was just young then. But not telling him about my secret feelings for him, made it even worse, because he was dating a girl in front of me and I couldn’t do anything about me.” I exhaled. This is the first time I told this story to anyone. Not even my brother knows about this. Or even Roxette.

“So he was your first love?” Luke spoke up.

“I guess you could say that. He was also my first kiss.” I added. We kissed a week before he grew up and became the man he is today.

“He liked you too” Luke said as a matter-of-factly.

“If he did, then I guess we were both stupid for not telling each other. But he is more stupid for drifting away from us. I could have lived knowing that he’s not going to like me that way but at least he’s still in my life and my best friend,” I elucidated. I brought my knees closer to my chin.

“Maybe if you were still friends with him, you wouldn’t be the girl you are today.” Luke interjected.

I shrugged, “Probably. But it’s in the past now, he’s probably living the life he always wanted. And I am happy with my life in Redwood.” I smiled

“I can still see your hurt with what he did,” Luke pointed at my face.

“Yeah. But doesn’t everyone have their own Kyle?” I posed, “I’m pretty sure you have your own Kyle.”

Luke was quiet for a moment, “Yeah, I do have my own Kyle.”

“I want to know more about your Kyle.” I told him.

Luke heaved a sigh, “A few years back, my Kyle was the most beautiful girl there is in my school. It wasn’t in Redwood, it was back in my hometown. She was also the nicest. She was like that girl in movies. Not only nice, not only pretty but can, well, kick ass. She was perfect. We were great friends through my mother, who was a maths teacher. My Kyle was a student of my mother’s math remedial classes. That’s why she’s often in our house. After her remedial class, we would go outside and squirt each other with water guns. It was the best. Then we both grew up. I asked her to the dance. She said yes. We were having the night of our lives. She then became my girlfriend. She wasn’t my first, but she is special. We were together till I got into high school, just three years before I got into Redwood. But something snapped inside her. It’s like suddenly, all is lost. No more sparks, no butterflies and no clammy hands. We both know it but no one wants to speak about it. So she told me to go on to Redwood, at that time, I was discussing with my mum that Redwood is not an option for me, because I want to stay with my Kyle. But she, my Kyle, convinced me to go on to Redwood. She was the first one to speak about her sudden loss of interest in the relationship. She said I should go on and finish my studies and if ever she realized this stupid mistake, she would come to Redwood and continue our fairytale. The first year in my Redwood, I was waiting for her to call me and tell me that she finally realized it. Realize that we don’t need to take a break, we need to communicate. So I tried bringing back that loving feeling. But she seemed to disappeared into the face of the earth. The last time I heard her voice was her telling me to go eat lunch and that she doesn’t want to disturb my schedule.” Luke finished.

When I looked at Luke’s face there was a tear forming in the corner of his eye, he was trying hard not to let it trickle. “Oh Luke”

“But I’m fine now. I guess it happens to everyone,” Luke forced out a smile.

I smiled back, “Everyone has different kind of Kyles. But there’s one Kyle story I would like to hear. Where he or she gets her Kyle in the end.”

Luke nodded, “That is one story I am dying to hear.”

I nodded and stared at the ground. It’s really true that you shouldn’t judge somebody right away. There are stories behind their eyes that made them who they are today.

I looked up just in time to see Luke smiling and waving Uno cards in his hands. “Ever played this game before?” he asked.

“Of course! I am the queen of Uno in our family,” I boasted.

“Then get ready to step down from the throne,” Luke challenged as he shuffled the cards.

We are now playing and I just gave +4 cards to Luke. I warned him already that I am the queen of uno cards.

“Let’s make this interesting. Loser will yell their name and say that I lost to the winner’s name. Right here, after we finish playing. People are around to hear you,” Luke smiled slyly.

“Challenge accepted!” I smiled back.

After giving Luke +2 cards and him giving me a lose a turn card. We finally got a winner.

“You lost so come on, I know a place where you can let the world know about the new king of Uno,” Luke smiled as he stood up and offered his hand to me.

I stood up and followed Luke. I wish we were the only ones in Miller Park right now.

I looked at Luke to see if he would let me back out but he just nodded to go ahead.

I inhaled then let it out, “I AM TEDDY ASPEN AND I LOST TO LUKE HEMMINGS IN UNO!!!!”

Luke clapped his hands and laughed, “Thank you Teddy.” We started walking back to the place where we left the burgers.

I smiled and smacked his arm. “I am going to win back my throne so you better practice,”

Luke shoved his hands down his pockets and kicked the pebble on the dirt, “I just had an idea. Like right now. Just popped inside my head,”

“Oh yeah?”

“Come on, let’s get our trash and go to my car,” he ran to our place and took the trash and dumped it in the nearest garbage can and he ran all the way down to the parking lot. The parking lot was now half full but so far, I still haven’t seen any single human being besides Luke. This is so weird.

Luke turned the ignition on and backed out of the lot and off we go again. “Where are we going? Are we going home now?”

Luke laughed, “Not yet,”

He went back to the town proper where he parked his car in front of an empty alley.

“This is not a safe place to park your car Luke,” I told him as he put the car on P.

“I know. But this is where the fun is,” he said as he got out of his seatbelt and out of his chair.

I got out of the car and was greeted by the dark sky and the huge moon. I’ve never been to this part of town.

“Come on, this is also one of my favorite places,” Luke asked, waiting for me to walk beside him.

Luke turned to a corner where a neon sign was flashing, it says, “Uncle River’s Ice Cream Emporium”

Luke opened the door for me and we were greeted by a 80s style diner. It was beautiful. What made it even more beautiful was there was only like three people inside and a lady behind the counter.

“I’m a regular here so you can have my discount. What’s yours?” Luke asked as he peered on the glass that holds the different flavors of ice cream.

Whenever I’m in an ice cream parlor I always order chocolate ice cream so that I will always like it. But this time I feel like breaking my rules.

“I’ll go with that one,” I said, pointing to a tub of blue ice cream.

Luke smiled, “You’re brave. I always order rocky road here.”

I felt my cheeks heat up for no apparent reason.

The lady behind the counter handed as the ice cream cones.

“Here Luke,” I handed a few coins to Luke. To which he just waved it away.

“It’s on the house” he smiled as he licked his rocky road ice cream.

I grinned and licked my mysterious ice cream. Turns out, it was bubblegum flavor and I think I have a new favorite.

Luke held open the door for me as we got out of the ice cream parlor and walked some more.

“Did you know that this place is the most dangerous place in town?” Luke whispered.

“Why are you whispering?” I whispered back. We were now a few feet away from the ice cream parlor and the only light that lights our path is the moon and some flickering lampposts. The street was empty but the run down places are noisy.

“Because someone might be out there lurking, waiting to pounce on us.” Luke looked around.

“Oh come on, you’re not scaring me with all this dangerous stuff,” I laughed as I bit into my sugar cone.

“But it’s true. There are unsolved murders that happen here” Luke said as he widened his eyes.

“Then why would anyone go here then?” I asked.

“To do the murdering of course. You wouldn’t murder someone in a busy street,” Luke said as if I would be the one to murder someone in a busy street.

“If this is your way of scaring the hell out of me, it’s not working,” I tried to sound compelling but it sounds more like an empty threat.

“I’m not scaring you. One time, I went here alone and I witnessed a murder myself,” he said below  a whisper.

I widened my eyes, “Then what the hell are we doing here?!”

My body was positioned to run back to Luke’s car but he just held my arm and chortled, “I was just kidding!” he was laughing so hard he slapped his thigh, making his ice cream melt into the ground.

 I glared at him, “that was not funny, Luke!!”

“Yes it was!” he tried to say it out correctly but he was too busy laughing. We probably looked like two idiots standing and laughing in the middle of an empty street.

I opened my mouth to retaliate when a clanking interrupted us. We both looked up to see a scraggly man and an almost empty bottle of wine in his hand.

“What are you two doing here?!” he growled or slurred. I don’t know he was trying to act tough but he can’t because he’s drunk.

Luke and I just stared at him. I looked at Luke whose face says that I should stay calm and not run away.

“We’re just dropping by but we’re going away now,” Luke said calmly. I really don’t know how to act around drunk people so I just let Luke do all the talking.

“You’re not going anywhere!!! Give me your wallets!” he yelled, throwing his bottle on the ground which made me cringe.

He started walking towards us and that’s when Luke yelled and took my hand. We were both running so fast that my ice cream was melting in the process. I looked back and saw that the man was following us but he’s running was kinda funny.

Luke ran to an empty alley and we hid there. Our hiding place was so small that we had to face each other so we could fit in. The drunk guy passed by and yelling curse words at the two teenage rats. I think he was referring to us.

Luke was trying to hold back his laughter as that guy walked by. I was panting from the running and my heart was pounding because I really thought we were dead meat.

Luke stood up from our hiding place and he guffawed. “That was so awesome!!”

I got out of the hiding place, “That was not awesome! That was scary!”

“Oh you gotta admit it was like a scene from a movie,” Luke playfully punched my arm.

If you think about it, it does look like a scene from a movie. I chuckled but I abruptly stopped, “He might have been a killer and he could have killed us!”

“You worry too much. Didn’t I tell you that nobody gets hurt when I’m around? I’m not even going to let them lay a finger on you,” he said as he walked ahead of me to get to his car.

I stood there processing what he said.

Then I followed him.

“Come on, this is the last surprise,” he motioned for me to go inside his car.

We sat in our usual seats in the car and he took something from the passenger seat behind us.

“Here’s for being a good sport in Uno and for even accompanying me in this wild adventure,” he said as he handed me a white paperbag.

 I raised my eyebrow at him but I opened it to see a CD and two bags of mini donuts.

“Wow!!!! Luke, I- I couldn’t take this,” I told him as I pushed the paper bag at his chest.

Luke just laughed and pushed the bag towards me. “You haven’t even opened it yet,”

I sighed and opened it, the album has no design but on the CD’s spine, it says 5 seconds of summer.

“That is the very first demo CD that we made. You are the very first one to have it.” Luke smiled proudly.

“And you really want to give it to me?” I asked him, bewildered written all over my face.

Luke nodded, “I was supposed to buy the album you were listening in Duke and Darry’s but it was sold out,” he explained

“Hey how did you know the album I was listening to in Duke and Darry’s?” I asked him as I marveled at the album.

“I go there every day, you think I wouldn’t know?” he chuckled. I chuckled back.

“Thank you Luke. This is an amazing present even though it’s not my birthday.” I hugged it to prove my point. “And thank you for buying mini donuts. It was Roxette’s obligation but these will do.”

Luke laughed, “Perfect way to end the night?”

I glanced at my watch and nodded. Luke started the car and backed out of the alley and into the road. The road heading back to our school.

I think you could say that I had a helluva Friday night.

I apologize for this way overdue chapter. Actually I already have chapter 25 ready but my laptop was reformatted so everything was deleted including the previous chapter 25. And I was also procrastinating. And im sorry about that. BUT ON THE UPSIDE IT’S MY BABY’S BIRTHDAY TODAY, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HARRY STYLES, MY WORLD, MY EVERYTHING, MY LOVE AND MY HAPPINESS. I LOVE YOU AND NEVER FORGET THAT I WILL ALWAYS STAND BY YOU. I AM PRETENDING THAT YOU ARE NOT 20 BUT 17. I LOVE YOU.

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