Elite: Ragnald

By huntressmoon

250 11 0

'My name is Cameron Strong. I am 16 and I work for the Secret Intelligence Agency'. S.I.A has recruited 5 te... More

Meet the Elite
Our Lives are Lies
Secret Society of Scandalous School Stories
Emerge Elite
Cataclysmic Reveals
Skilled in Denial
Engender Eventualities
The Missing Greene
Reappearance of the Stone
Reviewing Possibilities
Magic Doesn't Make Me
What has been Lost
Birthdays and Break-ins
Finding the Factory
Training and Mainframes
Goodbyes and Deceptions
Falling Apart and Falling Together
Party in Purple
Moving On from Tragedy

Chance Encounters

9 0 0
By huntressmoon

4th September, Wednesday, 11:17 pm

I was on patrol duty. Yay! Not.

Ever since we'd moved here, one of the Elite members would anonymously patrol Prime City, looking for anyway that we could help or just finding clues to who Aerofire and Geowater could be. 

At that moment, I was on the top floor of Crystal Tower, which was a building that caught and reflected the sunlight like it was made of crystals, had 143 floors in it and housed several rich people meetings. It also had an amazing view of Prime City.

The night sky resembled the color of ink with just a splash of stars twinkling along. The city itself looked busy as ever. The streetlights and the lights from several hundred houses glittered harmoniously and the cars whizzed by on the streets. The Rivera Bridge stood proudly, connecting Prime City to Port Eldoris.

I don't think enough people stopped to appreciate just how beautiful all these things are. Tomorrow all of it could disappear and no one would notice. That's exactly how small everyone's world is.

My chain of thoughts was broken by the movement on the roof of Prime City Bank. Aerofire and Geowater were fighting with a couple dozen robot things. They were doing fine, dealing out a ton of damage but they weren't exactly coming out unscathed. I sighed and closed my eyes, pouring all my concentration into my mental image of the bank. I felt the familiar tug in the pit of my stomach and the cold that settled over me. And then all I knew was the weightlessness.

I opened my eyes to find that I was standing behind Geowater on the roof of Prime City Bank. No one seemed to have noticed me yet. Taking three steps back, I ran forward and propelled myself over the super wearing the blue and green bodysuit. Flipping midair, I landed in a perfect crouch with one hand on the floor. Sweeping out the robot's feet from underneath it, I stood up and kicked it's face in.

Without questioning my presence, Geowater made a ball of water in his palm and sent it flying towards one of the robots, causing it to twitch and malfunction before crumpling in a heap. Aerofire decided to pursue his life long dream of becoming a flying human flame thrower. In the meantime, I used my telekinesis to levitate some robot's detached arm to whack another robot over the head repeatedly.

A few energy blasts and clever transmutations later, we stood back-to-back on top of the roof. I stepped away first seeing as I didn't like strangers and all the robots were already dead in twitching heaps on the ground. Turning around to face the boys, I found them already looking back at me. 

"Mirage" Geowater acknowledged. I blew a strand of my blue hair out of my face. Yeah, Mirage was known for having long blue hair and galaxy eyes. I'm pretty good at the Illusive Appearance branch of magic. I do the same for all the others too. It's just illusions. And we had eyemasks for good measure.

"Hello boys" I smirked. "Umm... No offense or anything, but why are you here?" Aerofire crossed his arms. I tilted my head to the side, mulling over what lie to use. In the end, I just shrugged. "That would be telling, wouldn't it?" I teased. They probably rolled their eyes under the eyemasks but I couldn't tell because they had this white thing covering the area with their eyes. They could see the outside very clearly but nobody would be able to tell their eye color.

"But seriously. I'm here simply because my boss decided to be an ass" I stated. They glanced at each other. "And the rest of the Elite?" Geowater asked carefully. "Yeah, we're all here" I waved my hand flippantly. "Why?" Geowater asked bluntly. I raised an eyebrow at him. "What he means is what are you guys doing here in Prime? With all due respect, we have this covered" Aerofire said after glaring in warning at his fellow super.

"Yes, I got that" I mused. They looked at me expectantly. I looked up at the full moon that shone brightly overhead. It looked mesmerizing. In my head, I was already imagining the house. I could already imagine my bed and wall adjacent to it with the Beatles wallpaper. Looking back at the boys, I smirked at them.

"Who said we were here for the city?" I winked and then the cold enveloped me.
5th September, Thursday, 1: 50 pm

"You look troubled" I commented, looking up briefly at Aiden. His usually messy hair was messier and his azure blue eyes looked tired. "My brother kept annoying me last night. He got on a sugar high and..." Aiden  trailed off, ending with a shrug. That would seem reasonable except for the fact that I was a trained agent who could tell when someone was trying to feed her bullshit.

However, I didn't question it. It was none of my business and I simply didn't care. Yes, Aiden was a great guy and I was thankful that he was sticking around me but all this was temporary. He wasn't exactly my friend yet and I was on a mission. No weaknesses. No distractions. No friends. 
If he didn't wanna tell me, I didn't care.

"Besides, you're being a hypocrite. You look pretty sleep-deprived" he added. I raised an eyebrow. "You really know how to make a girl feel special, Dan" I sighed. His cheeks turned a little red and he opened his mouth like he wanted to say something but then I continued. "And I have a perfectly legit reason." Aidan raised an eyebrow. "Do tell" he grinned. "I was on the phone, talking to some of my old friends" I lied easily. 

Aidan nodded. "What class do you have next?" He questioned curiously. I looked over my schedule. "Drama" I answered finally. Aiden pouted. "Aww. I have Calculus" he said disappointedly. Patting his head slightly, I got up from my seat and walked out of the library as the bell rang.

I deposited my books into my locker and grabbed my favorite notebook. Sky and Eve thought that they should channel their inner artist and make a collage on the cover of some random notebook. Then Olli thought that they should just give it to me on my birthday because those lazy asses couldn't be bothered to buy anything. They were lucky that I loved the thing to death.

Anyways, I proceeded to make the long walk from my locker to the theatre room. In the meantime, I enjoyed the solitude. As depressing as this will sound, I like being alone. It's kinda peaceful, just being alone with your thoughts... Until you feel like your brain is gonna explode, then it sucks.

So yeah, I was trekking along the hell know as high school when some random dude decided that I looked interesting enough to speak to.

I looked at him and eyed him critically. "Hi. Cameron, right?" The dude asked. I nodded silently. "I'm  Scott Turner. Mind if I walk with you?" Scott asked charmingly. I shrugged. "Sure". The 'I don't care very much' bit went without saying and we both knew it. We walked in silence that I found awkward. Scott on the other hand had this easy smile on his face that made me wanna both, ruffle his hair and slap him.

"Wait, how did you know that I have drama this period" I asked, turning my head to look at him. He shrugged with a cheeky grin. "I didn't"

Now I was worried that this dude was some sort of sociopathic mind reader.

"I took a guess" he added. Still not convinced you psycho. "Mhmm. Sure" I mumbled. "Okay then, let's play 21 questions" he suggested.

I raised an eyebrow before shrugging and nodding. So much for peaceful solitude. "You start first" I said. He nodded while thinking. "What's your favorite color?" Scott asked. Why am I talking to some random dude who is a potential mind reader who likes to stalk people in his free time again? "It's blue. Like the ocean" I replied.

He nodded. "What's yours?" I tilted my head to the side. "Dark blue and green" he answered. And with that, the first thing that pops into my head is the fact that those are the colors on Geowater's uniform. That just makes me sound like a fangirl.

Now would be a great time to tell you about his uniform. Geowater wore a prussian blue suit with dark green gloves, mask and G on his chest. He had these green lines on either side of his suit along with a dark brown tool belt and boots that reached his calf. So obviously he dyed his hair or had a wig or something because his brown hair had blue and green streaks in it. So since he had streaks that he probably put in last minute (they were rarely in the same order) he could always just dye his entire hair brown.

Aerofire had a white skintight suit with dark red gloves, mask and this circle on his chest with a white A in it. He had red lines similar to Geowater's and red boots along with a black toolbelt. His brown-black hair had red and white streaks (I'll leave that to your imagination).

Scott was persistent despite how anti-social I was being. I'll give him credit for that. The dude almost made me smile a couple time. Almost. But I was a secret agent with immense control over my emotions and I just wasn't in the mood. I wasn't feeling particularly happy or smiley.

He sat in the seat next to mine, in the row farthest from the stage. I participated in the conversation when needed but he kept it up for most of it. It was slightly one sided but meh.

Once the bell had rung, I was the first one out. Hallelujah, school was over! I may not hate this place but it was so boring. The same old things every single day. I'm not exactly proud of my job but gosh, school is torture. I was almost out of the door when someone called for me. "Hey, wait up! Cameron!" Scott called from behind me. I sighed and stopped my sleepwalking. "Yeah?" I said, turning around. 
"Can I get your number?" He asked hopefully. Gosh, dude we just met! You are practically a stranger and a serial killer for all I know! Of course you can't have my number! What I really did in reality was tried not to choke, pretended I didn't hear and prayed for a miracle to get me out of this. Scott was sweet but... No. Just no. I have this policy where I don't give my number to strangers.

It's incredibly effective.

Apparently I was lucky because my miracle showed up. "Cammy! Let's go! I wanna go! Let's go!" Noah yelled bounding down the stairs. He rushed past me, grabbed my hand and ran out of the door with me in tow. I threw a fake apologetic look over my shoulder before turning back and running along with my brother.

Laughing, we raced to the senior parking lot where I jumped into the car along with Noah. "Homework?" Noah asked, turning on the engine. "Nope" I answered. By the look on his face, he didn't have any either. "Let's show Prime City how us Strongs do things, shall we?" He asked, cracking his knuckles before wrapping his fingers around the steering wheel. "Of course brother dearest" I grinned.

By that, he meant that we go to public places and freak people out. It was a hobby of ours. We'd go to a movie and start a popcorn fight (and get kicked out) or we'd go to the mall and buy wigs and shit before doing the most random crap ever (and get kicked out) or we'd go to a food place under wigs and bigass goggles and start a food fight (and get kicked out). We got kicked out a lot.

It was fun. And I got to spend time with my brother. Being an agent was a dangerous job. We could die on every mission we go on so we spend as much time before that. On top of being a spy we were frickin superheroes. Some random villain could like, levitate a random metal pipe and whack us with it and we'd die because of brain damage or something.

Damn, life is tough.

Anyways so I spent the evening doing utter nonsense with my brother. Ultimately, it was a good day.
6th September, Friday, 9:38 pm
"Cam, get to downtown immediately. It's an Elite Emergency" Sky said through my earpiece. My earpiece being the clip on black hoop earrings I was wearing. I got pff my bed and walked over to the small wooden table placed by the window of my room. Bending downwards, I slid open its drawer, pulled out the bottom of the relatively empty drawer, to reveal a secret compartment, and fished out the tiny remote laying there. Shuffling over to my wardrobe, I opened it and moved the clothes on hangers to the sides. Pressing the blue button on the metal device I waited for the back to slide open.

At the back of my closet was this 4 feet deep hidden section where my Mirage outfit hung proudly. It was basically just a bulletproof black battle corset with short sleeves, teal colored pants that had enough oadding to stem a bullet but allowed enough room for me to perform acrobatics, black knee high lace up boots, brown leather bracers and fingerless gloves and my black eye mask. That and my black watch and set of leather braceltes.

The leather bracelets were charmed with to hold magical properties and you never know when you need to see the time.

My blinds were shut like every evening so I didn't have to worry about my neighbor/ guy I hang out with at school accidentally looking over and nearly getting a heart attack at seeing me with half blue hair. I walked into the closet that allowed me about 2 feet of movement but I've changed in weirder olaces so it's fine. 

I walked out and placed the mask on and made sure that it won't fall off my face. I opened my door and silently moved to my brother's room, knocking thrice. Noah opened it with his face grim. He was in his Hunter get up with his bow in his hand and the quiver strapped to his back. As Hunter, Noah wore a sleeveless leather hoodie-vest thing, forest green pants and hunting boots. He had bracers similar to mine on his arms and fitting black leather archery finger guards.

He had his hood up and mask on. "Ready Mirage?" The voice modulator in his hood made his voice slightly deeper and huskier. "Of course Hunter" I answered, my own voice modulator at work. Reaching out, I grabbed his hand and envisioned downtown Prime City.

It was the darker part of the city. Drug deals, weapon exchanges, all sorts of criminals, they were all there but the government couldn't remove the entire area because several poor people lived there. They couldn't make these people homeless, could they? Of course they couldn't.

When we arrived in the middle of the dark street, Hunter let out a slight shiver. "Man, I hate teleporting" he muttered. What a coincidence. I loved it. "Quit complaining," I snapped. "We have a job to do" 

Hunter nodded at me and sprinted down the street with me hot on his trail. We turned corners by judging the amount of noise. The fight seemed to have already begun.

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