Kurai Yoru (Darker Night)

Da Freeze-kun

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You've gotten used on accompanying the heroes in their adventure. It's always fun, rainbows, cries and rain a... Altro

Copyright and disclaimer
Prologue: The Embodiment of Despair
Table of Content: Arcs
Kurai Yoru OS: Different Yet The Same
1: A Daily Life of A Demon Lord
2: Past Best Forgotten...
3: Got a Secret, Can You Keep It?
4: Sweet Revenge
5: A New Friend...
6: ...Then A New World
7: Broken Bird
8: Double Vengeance
9: Lingering Nightmares
10: Rebuilding Trust
10.5: A Caring Brother [AC]
Season 2 Prologue: Learn Fear
11: Let's Start Fresh
13: Tricks and Lies
14: Unsealed
15: Killing Death
16: What You Really Are
17: My Child
18: Her Tutor
19: The Genie's Wishes
20: Wrathful Heart Of The Emerald
21: Not A Lie
22: Consequences
19.5: Phantasmagorical [AC]
Season 3 Prologue: Equals
23: False Serenity
24: Purgatorial Trinity
25: A Monster
26: Hybrid
27: Simplest Tactic
28: King & Queen
29: Transition
30: Difference in Strength
31: Evil-Nice Girl
32: Happy Ending
Web-Novels' Commonly Used Japanese Suffixes
Info: Cast/ Informations
33: Loyal, To The Very End
34: New Dawn

12: Just A Plaything

77 18 25
Da Freeze-kun

"Dum, da-dum, dum dum, ba-dum." Ani sang another random tune as she skipped around their palace.

The human child is currently looking for something, it seems. She keeps on peeking at everything, moving chairs, sofas and tables out of her way.

"Where's my knife...? I know I left it here in the lobby somewhere." Ani scratched her head.

The little girl kept on looking, not noticing the glinting metal strapped to her waist, the knife. Suddenly, Celleya appeared from a nearby hallway, the one that comes from the library. The white-haired girl looked on confusion at Ani as the younger girl almost wrecked the whole place unknowingly.

"Eh, Ani-chan, what are you doing...?" Celleya spoke up. This time, she's now wearing a school uniform, the uniform her school uses. The school is just right beside Light Year Academy. Even though she's a demon, she chose to attend a normal school.

"Mou, I can't find it Celleya-chan! I don't know where I left my knife!" Ani whined as she flop down on a mispositioned couch.

"A knife?" Celleya rose her eyebrow.

"I always carry it, it's my personal toy, given by Sitri-nii!" She beamed a smile. But then, she deflated again as she remembered that it was currently lost.

'A knife for a gift? What are you thinking onii-chan?!' Celleya thought, slightly annoyed at her brother's 'stupidness'.

"I'm sure you'll find it somewhere..." Celleya said. Ani turned around to look at the same table for the twentieth time, and there Celleya saw the 'missing' toy. "... like, in your waist?"

"Ani blinked, then stared at Celleya like she grew another head. "What are you talking about, Celleya? If it was here, I would have noticed it already!" She grumbled. "Just help me find it instead." Then she went back on tossing random furnitures around.

Celleya sweatdropped, then shook her head. She walked up to the restless child, and grabbed the knife from Ani's waist.

Ani turned around and saw Celleya and the knife. "Eh, you were hiding it Celleya? How mean!" She grabbed it and harrumphed away from the shocked demoness.

"Ani, you're really something." Celleya spoke to no one.


The door to Thalia's room suddenly opened, and out came a decently dressed Thalia. Rubbing off the sleepiness from her eyes, she closed the door behind her and walked away to an unknown destination.

Strangely, a weird smile is plastered on the vampire's face.

"What a dream..." The vampire didn't noticed the aura-less kitsune in front of her and bumped into Tamamo.

"Ow!" Tamamo dropped down on her back. Waking up from her own daydream, she saw Thalia on the ground, similar to her. "Thalia?"

"Oops, sorry Tamamo. I wasn't looking where I was going." Thalia apologized.

"I-It's okay. I wasn't looking too." Tamamo sat up, and cleaned her kimono. Then, she stood up, offering a hand to the still cleaning Thalia.

"Thank you." Thalia accepted it and stood.

"Oh, where were you going, Thalia?" The goddess asked.

"Um, I was gonna check Sitri at his room." Thalia smiled suspiciously.

"Oh? But Sitri isn't there right now. He said he was gonna visit a friend of him, back at your world. Don't worry, I can get him back." Tamamo assured the vampire.

"So you can teleport us back there? Why did you teleport only Sitri?"

"Well, I don't have enough power to do a full Dimensional Reset just yet, though I can do a weaker version of it. When I get all of my powers back, I will teleport you all back to your world." Tamamo smiled.

"That's... great, I guess." Thalia spoke. "I mean, this world isn't so bad either. Maybe we could just live here. Maybe with you too, dear goddess of fate?" Thalia wiggled her eyebrow up and down.

Tamamo thought about it for a moment. Living in a palace with everyone. Watching Ani do her usual antics, Thalia's facade towards the demon king, and Celleya's cute ways on getting her older brother's attention. Last but not the least, watch Sitri, or rather make Sitri watch her while she's dressing herse--

'W-Wait, why did I think about that?!' Tamamo stopped her train of thoughts.'F-Forgetting about that last part, it doesn't look bad.' The Nine-tailed fox thought. 'But still, I have a job to do. I am the goddess of fate, I can't just leave my duty like that...'

"Maybe... Maybe." Tamamo let out a small smile.

"Tamamo." Thalia spoke in a low voice. "Did you just think about something perverted with Sitri...?"

"W-What? No! Why would you think that?" Tamamo said in defense.

"Your expression changed halfway when you became silent. You started smiling oddly." Thalia narrowed her emerald eyes.

"O-Oh, I just... thought about something funny. Yes. Something funny." The kitsune nodded to herself.

"Hmm, if you say so." Thalia dropped her angry act. "Anyways, wanna go to the kitchen? Let's cook something for the two kids on our house." Thalia smiled.

"You know that we really aren't tall ourselves, right?" Tamamo sweatdropped.

"Well then, let's go!" Thalia grabbed her by the hand and walked off, completely ignoring Tamamo's remark.

'So this is why she and Ani are so close.' Tamamo thought to herself.


"Waaaa! Huhuhu..." Ani cried to herself in her room. The human is currently sitting on her king-sized bed alone.

"What is it Ani?!" Tamamo, Celleya and Thalia immediately came running to the little girl's room. Her wails can be heard throughout the whole left wing of the palace, after all.

"I-It's Sitri! He's not here!" Ani hiccupped.

The three older girls walked towards Ani. They all sat in her bed in a semi-circle shape. Tamamo in front, Thalia on Ani's left, and Celleya on her right.

"Well, like I've said before to Thalia, he was..." Then Tamamo explained everything to Ani and Celleya. She didn't tell them her last encounter with Sitri though. For obvious reasons.

Celleya spoke first. "Geez, not even saying goodbye to us. Baka-niichan."

Ani grumbled next. "Whaaat... But I want to have my bath with onii-chan!"

"..." Everyone was silent for a minute.

"Y-You, always bath with Sitri?" Tamamo stuttered.

"Hai!" Ani beamed a smile, feeling a little bit proud.

Thalia asked next. "A-And, you two have been doing that, since he found you?"

"Hai! Everyday." Ani dreamily said, remembering all her time with her older brother figure.

"Sitri-niichan... You're such a..." Celleya started.

"PERVERT!" All the other three girls yelled.


On an unknown location, a rip on space was created. At first, it was just a slit, then it opened up. A white-haired figure stepped out, looking at the dark abyss around him.

Every direction, all he can see is blackness. No cloud, no ground, no anything. Just plain void, an empty space in between the different dimensions of this Multi-dimension.

"Hex? Hex! I'm here, it's me, Sitri." Sitri spoke, walking forward, though no sense of direction can be felt there.

"Where's that girl?" Suddenly, Sitri felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist. Sitri smiled, recognizing the dainty little hands of his unknown assailant.

"There you are." Sitri turned around, and patted the slightly crying girl on the head.

Hexhine, like Tamamo, is also a young goddess. That was apparent on her height, which is just probably 4'4. She possess a long luscious midnight hair, that reaches up to her mid back. She's wearing a witch's hat, with a single skull badge strapped on it. Currently, she's wearing a purple and black dress, nicely contrasting her fair skin.

"I missed you... Why weren't you here this past month?" She said in a tiny voice.

"Ah, I apologize for that. A lot of things happened." Sitri spoke, wiping the building tears on her eyes.

"B-But you're the Great Hero, nothing can stop you when you want to. Are you lying?" She accused the white-haired boy.

"No, I'm not. I just met another god like yo--" Sitri was interrupted by the black-haired girl.

"A-Are you replacing me now...?" She took a step back, her lips quivering a bit. Tears began to well up in her eyes again.

"Silly, of course not. You'll always be in here." Sitri pointed at his heart. "Though I don't know if I have a heart, but you know what I mean." He smiled.

Hexhine replied by hugging him again, this time more tighter and longer.

"Remember my promise? I said I will never leave you, didn't I?"

"Y-Yes. Don't ever leave me, Sitri-chan." Her voice squeaked behind Sitri.

"Well, enough of this. Let's celebrate your birthday now." Sitri pried the girl off of him, then smiled.


(Later that night, back at Sitri's new palace)

"When will Sitri-niisama come home?" Ani grumbled, burying her face in the heaps of books in front of her.  She already finished the homeworks Thalia and Celleya gave her, but Sitri has yet to come.

"It's already 8:00 pm..." She stood sheepishly, then slowly walked outside of her room(which is once again a pink, girly room). She used the circular teleporter just beside the door to her room, and teleported to the dining place.

She looked forward, and saw Thalia happily drinking a red wine. Tamamo sat a seat away from the vampire, eating a pizza. And lastly, she saw Celleya on the other side of the table, reading a book with a red cover. Some dark red runes seems to glow from it once in a while.

"Good evening..." Ani walked to the chair right beside Thalia. Thalia immediately turned to her.

"Good evening Ani. Why do you look so sad?" The vampire asked.

"Sitri is still not here. I miss him already." Ani spoke in a whiny voice.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be here soon." Thalia took another sip from her drink. Ani looked at it boringly.

"That's blood, right nee-chan?"

"Hmm. It tastes nice, wanna have some?" Thalia offered.

"They taste good?" Ani's interest peaked up after hearing that. She was about to grab the glass, but then Tamamo spoke.

"Thalia. Ani isn't a vampire like you." The fox scolded.

"Well, you're not a human but you eat pizza!" Thalia jokingly retorted. Tamamo just stared up in shock, coming up with nothing from that remark.

Celleya spoke next. "Ani, I wouldn't drink blood if I were you. They taste horrible." She said, not even taking her eyes off from the pages of her book.

"Ani, don't just drink anything Thalia asks you too." Sitri suddenly spoke behind Ani.



"Sitri?" Celleya, Ani and Tamamo spoke respectively. "How did you get back? I haven't rearranged the dimensions just yet!"

"That would be thanks to this girl." Sitri smirked, and stepped aside to show someone to the other three.

Ani and Celleya immediately narrowed their eyes at Sitri. Thalia rose her eyebrow, and Tamamo hanged her mouth open in shock.

"H-H-Hexhine?!" Tamamo exclaimed, seeing the shy and introvert goddess after a long time.

Ani turned to the slack-jawed kitsune. "You know her Tamamo-chan?"

Celleya is just keeping her mouth shut. Same with Thalia. Unlike Ani, they can feel the overwhelming energy coming off from the girl. Hexhine may not look like it, but her powers is one of the most dangerous in existence. She is Death after all.

Tamamo recomposed herself. "Y-Yes, that is the Goddess of Death, Hexhine. She is one of my fellow Goddess."

Sitri sweatdropped, seeing Ani pouting a little bit at Hexhine, who kept on hiding behind him. "What is it Ani?"

"..." Ani just kept on pouting, then snobbishly turned her head away. "Hmmph! I'm not hungry anymore." Then she stood up. "Call me if you want anything, master." Ani emphasized the word 'master'.

Sitri walked towards the jealous girl. "I'm sorry Ani. Let me make it up for you tomorrow." Sitri rubbed the girl on the head.

"I want a bubble bath tomorrow, okay?!" Ani demanded. Then she ran away.

A tug  behind Sitri made him turn around.

"I-Is she angry because of me...? I'm sorry." Hexhine was about to cry again if it wasn't for Tamamo.

"Don't worry Hexhine, Ani was just a bit jealous of you. I'm sure she'll forget this tomorrow." Tamamo comforted her.

Hearing Tamamo's voice made the black haired girl flinch, but after understanding what the fox girl said, she looked at Tamamo and spoke. "O-Okay then. T-Thank you..."

Thalia suddenly said something. "But wow, I think that was the first time that I saw Ani angry. And to Sitri nonetheless! Is she on the rebellious stage already?"

"She sure grows up fast." Sitri smiled.

Suddenly, Tamamo noticed a very critical information. "Sitri, why are you so... nice today?"

Thalia chimed in. "Huh. Now that you've said it, I think he is too."

Sitri's eyes glinted. "What are you talking about? Im always nice." His smile is similar to that of a 'shut up now or I might kill you later' look.

Thankfully, Tamamo and Thalia got the message. Tamamo smiled nervously, then stood up. "E-Eh, I think I forgot to turn off the air-con on my room. Bye!" Then she speedily walked away.

"Oh, would you look at the time! I need to sleep now. I'm a good vampire after all." Thalia did the same with Tamamo.

Silence befall the two remaining figures inside the dining hall. Hexhine tugged on his cape again, then spoke.

"T-They don't like me, don't they...?" Hexhine asked in sadness.

"What? Baka. They were just busy, that's all. And how can they not like you? I'm sure you'll be all friends." Sitri optimistically said.

"I-If you say so, hero."

=≠Flashback: 11 months after Genesis, the start of time and everything≠=

A caped figure calmly walked in that empty place; the void. A black space, just a mere gap between the different dimensions in this Universe.

Though he kept on walking forward, such a thing is not present on that place. North, south, west, east, they are just nothing but a lasting myth on this wretched space.

"Hex...? Hex! Where are you? Come out come out wherever you are!" The white-haired man said in a gleeful voice.

Off to his far side, a trembling little girl can be found. She was blending in with the darkness around her, though her occasional whimpers and cries gave her away.

"Don't be afraid, little Hexhine. I just wanna be your friend." The boy grinned maliciously. He kept on laughing, looking like he's enjoying whatever he's doing.

'W-Why me...?' The girl named Hexhine thought. 'W-What does he want from me? Even in my own domain, he still followed me?!' She mentally panicked to herself. Droplets of tears can be seen streaming down from her eyes.

She doesn't have any way to escape him. She's trapped. Hope had left her the second he went inside her place.

"Found you." A voice called behind her. Her body seized up, hearing him just a few centimeters away from her.

"Say hello to your new master, Death." He grinned, and before she could shout in fear, he grabbed her and vanished together with the black-haired girl.

His interest was diverted, for now. No one knows how long Hexhine can keep him 'interested' on her.

No one knows how long she'll stay sane to keep him interested on her.

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