✔️My Purr-Fect Key ⇝ Adrien/C...

By kogikofi

245K 6.9K 10.4K

↱complete↲ ⇨ 2/27/17... More

Ch.1» First Unofficial meeting
Ch.2» First official meeting
Ch.3» Ladybug's first impression
Ch.4» What a Night
Ch.5» Hangout
Ch.6» Hello Again~
Ch.7» FAB
Ch.8» Memories
Ch.9» Mornings
Ch.10» Indirect
Ch.11» Tell Me~
Ch.12» First Day
Ch.13» Christmas Coincidence
Ch.14» Decorating
Ch.15» Surprise?
Ch.16» Unexpected
Ch.17» Thoughts
Ch.18 » Admitting
Ch.19» Planning
Ch.20» Decision
Ch.21» Dat-Hangout
Ch.22» Crazy
Ch.23» Helping
Ch.24» Sad To Happy
Ch.25» Compliments
Ch.26» Just a Little Chat
Ch.27» Unexpected Someone
Ch.29» Goodbye?
Ch.30» News [EPL]
Bonus (Special Nash chapter :'D)

Ch.28» Getting Ready

3.8K 135 48
By kogikofi

" Mom said that they did send him here." Nash informs.

" Alright..." You sigh.

Liam closed his eyes." I'm guessing the both of you are still flustered about my arrival, huh?"

Your twin took a sit beside you. " I guess."

" I understand that you don't want to leave, but what I got was an order and I need to do it." He started. " Before you guys go, is there anything you want? Like a party?"

" A party?" You tilt your head.

" Yes, A party about you guys leaving." The male across you say.

" Who the hell celebrate someone leaving?!" Nash says.

A chuckle escape Liam's lips." I think it serves as the last party their going to attend until they come back."

" Still." Nash shakes his head a little.

" I approve having a leaving party. When is it gonna be held?" You ask.

" Since we're leaving sooner than you thought, how about tomorrow?" 

" tomorrow?!" The both you jolted up.

" Tomorrow night. Don't worry, I'll hire some party planners." Liam smiled.

You calmly took your seat as Nash stood up the same.

"You know where to sleep, right?" He asked.

" The maid escorted me there earlier when I arrived. So, yes." He stood up. " Have a great night." He bowed before leaving.

" Nash?"

The mention male turned around.

" Yeah?"

" Are you going tonight?"

" Yes, why?"

" Well," You twiddle your fingers. " I'm not going."

He tapped his chin." I understand that you are confound, but this night might be the last time we're gonna see those two."

You stayed quiet.

" I'm not going." He sighed, making you look up. " I'm gonna contact our friends about tomorrow. Do you wanna call Adrien?"

You want to scold him but it looks like he was serious about it." Sure."

He let out a faint smile before greeting you good night and leaving. Grabbing your phone you dialled the blonde's number, going to your room.

" Hello?" He calls out.

" Good Evening, Adrien." You greet.

" Oh, Hey! Are you... okay? Your voice seems off." 

You bite the tip of your thumb, finding the right words to answer.

" Umm. I don't know how to say this to you and this all sudden" You say slowly.

" Is there something wrong?"

" Well,me and Nash are leaving the day after tomorrow and—"

" Wait, going back to London?!"

" Uh, yes and—"

You looked at the screen and saw that he hung up. Sadness was written on your face as you texted him about the party. A loud knocking was suddenly, coming from your terrace door. You stood up and opened it, only to be indulged in a tight bear hug — or should I say, Cat hug.

" Chat? What are you doing here?" You ask.

" I heard the news." He reply, gripping you tightly.

" From who?"

" Umm, Close friend?" He smiled sheepishly before pulling back.

-- Time Skip --

" Really? Aww, I really want you guys to stay." The principal say, looking at the twins. " I guess you both did what you guys have to do?"

You nod your head.

" How about you, Nash?"

" Yeah, I took care of it. I made the vice captain of the team into a captain. He said I ever come back I'll be the captain again." He reply.

" I guess that's true. Please, have a safe trip tomorrow."

" Yes,thank you." The both of you say before leaving.

" Nashy boo! Are you really leaving?!" Chloe burst, clinging onto Nash.

" Yeah. Away from you." He mumbles. " Well, our parents want us to, I'm sorry Chloe."

" If only there's a way." She whispers. " But, will you come back for me?"

" Uh...I guess?" Your twin lied as he untangle himself from the annoying female.

"We'll be leaving now." You say.

" Alright! Bye (Y/n)! I'm gonna miss you! Mostly you Nash!" She boomed.

" Yeah..."

The both of you turned around.

" Not." The teen beside you shook his head.

You chuckled." Come on."

The twins went inside their van, going back home with a groaning Nash.

" She gives me a headache. The worst one yet."

" Uh-huh." You reply.

" If I'm in a room with a gun and with a killer bull and her.  I'll probably shoot her." He let out an growl.

"Did something happen?" You ask, noticing his actions.

" What're you talking about? I'm perfectly fine." 

" It's because, You never hate her like this." 

He puffed his cheeks." I always hated her. Are you blind?"

" Tell me." You stated.

 He gave you a look before giving up." She...Well, before, she gave me a box of chocolates and keeps on clinging on me than before. Turns out she was trying to convince me to buy her something she wants."

You hummed." Anything else?"

He glared at you." After that, Nathaniel told me all the bad things Chloe's been doing to Marinette, and trust me, it was bad stuff." He continued. " And...she kinda tried to kiss me this other time after practice."

You gasp." I heard Nino saying the same thing, guess she is a bad person."

He groaned again." See? This is why a trash can is cooler than her." He folds his arms.

You blinked. " I don't have any comment for that." You exclaim.

" We're here." The driver informs as the both you hop down the van.

" Ah~ You guys are back, come inside and rest, we still have a party to hold later." Liam cooed.

" Why are you acting suspicious?" Nash asked, giving him a look.

" Your mother called to make me say that."

" Guess she pays you to say that as well. Well, I'm gonna rest since I just met the most annoying human being in the whole universe. I don't even think she can be called as human anymore." He say, disgusted before going to his room.

Liam looked at you with an confuse face.

" A girl likes him for his wealth." You answered.

" Oh. There's a lot of girls like that, guess he became a victim of it. Anyways, Go and get ready for tonight. I'm gonna be outside also preparing." He smiled before going to the garden.

Once he was gone, you took out the key and took a deep breath." It's time to show it to him. He may not be my destiny, but it doesn't hurt to try." You crook up smile.

" You can do this!" Your Kwami cheered, making you giggle.


I love this picture so much xD. ( Yes, That's BTS)( And yes, I'm an ARMY too.) ( And freaking love Jungkookie.)

♦♥~ Queenly Unicorn💖

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