Super Genius (Origami X Reade...

By Relentlezz41

66.9K 1.3K 955

Don't call her Tobiichi this white haired chick is a handful. A stalker in a sense, a clingy girl, she gets j... More

Ch 1 - First Day
Ch 2 - Dates
Ch 3 - Cute Duo
Ch 5 - Eating
Ch 6 - Spitfire
Ch 7 - Gawking
Ch 8 - Choosing
Ch 9 - Maid
Ch 10 - Downing
Ch 11 - Vacation Winks
Ch 12 - Twin Fling
Ch 13 - Twining
Ch 14 - Lotion
Ch 15 - Rebuttal and Choice
Ch 16 - Echo Bitch
Ch 17 - Twin Sisters (Mini)
Ch 18 - Phantom
Ch 19 - Yuri?
Ch 20 - Draining (Mini)
Ch 21 - Lesbian Experience
Ch 22 - Tea Time
Ch 23 - Girl House
Ch 24 - Isolate
Ch 25 - Evil Ways
Ch 26 - Confess (Finale)

Ch 4 - Hot Blood

4K 78 55
By Relentlezz41

It was a Sunday at the house. Tohka was eating a huge breakfast that Shido made righy next to you as Yoshino and Yoshinon were done eating and ready to start their day. Kotori took the day off from being the ship commander. But even with the work switch off inside her head, she was still bossy...

"Shido it's Sunday what the heck so you plan on doing all day." She asked.

"The girls were talking about a hot spring. We got a while aways to go. It's because it's the only co-ed one. All of us are going. You should too." He replied happily.

"I have work today." She huffed.

You put a hand on Kotori's shoulder and laugh. "Hey Cousin Commander. Chill pills please."

"Fine I can go along. Are you bringing your girlfriend 'Sukie'?"

"Guess I should be used to it by now."

"You inviting your girlfriend?" Asked Tohka.

"If you two can behave each other." You scold.

"You're my best friend. I don't like the way she treats you. Just being a good friend."

Protective of that. "Okay I'll ask her Tohka. Thank you."

"I guess." She pouted.


"Listen up the Captain has excepted our invitation to the hot springs."

"Yay!" Cheered all the girls except Origami that is. After all it was hard to impress her.

"I don't think it's a good idea." She claimed.


"Ugh. Hold on."

< Hello? >

< Hey Origami. >

< Hi... >

< Sorry. This a bad time? >

< Very. >

< I'll be quick. You want to go to the hot springs with us? >

< Just a moment. >

"Nevermind full speed ahead." She shouted.

< Awesome. Can't wait. It's co-ed but we can be professional about this right? >

< Perhaps. >

< Origami? >

< Yes dear. >

< You're scaring me. >

< See you soon beloved. >


"Sorry girls. My mistake. Those who aren't interested can take the day off right?"

"I would assume so." Agreed to woman in charge.

"It's settled then. See you ladies tomorrow." And Origami walks off.

-Back to the Itsuka household.

"She's scaring me."

"So what did she say?" Asked Tohka.

"She's in the middle of something and afterwards she will try to meet up with us. Let's see me, you, Shido, Kotori,Yoshino and Yoshinon, and Origami. Sounds good."

Reine enters the room. "I as well."

"Huh?" Gasped Shido.

"Good to see you to Shin. I'll be escorting you and the others."

"You better not drive like a freaking maniac." Snapped Kotori.

"Cousin. Chill pills. It's vacation governor."


"Well Commander fall back and know your place."

"Fine." She huffed.

"Oh come on sis you can use a day. Quit being so mean. Put the white ribbons in for crying out loud. Be the happy and giddy Kotori. The one that makes me laugh like hell in the morning."

"Laugh how?" She thought.

"You kicking Shido when he sleeps in."

"(FN) you're killing me."

"Brother Shido hasn't had one in a while. Tempting."

"Great." Sighed Shido.

"We should get a move on." Insisted Reine.

"Right let's take off."


So arrive at the hot spring and Origami is waiting. She's leaning up against the wall reading a book.

"Hey Origami."

"Figured you'd be here."

"What does that mean?"

"I calculated you would be here seven minutes and eighteen seconds faster."

"Traffic probably. Wait calculate my position how?"

"Classified dear."

Dear? Classified? What the hell man.

"Shido let's get in the water it looks like it's just all of us." Chimed Tohka.

"Yes (FN) join me in the bath."


"What? Something wrong?" Origami hugged you.

"Think you're a bit excited for this?"

"You mean being the bath with my boyfriend?"

"What have I done?" Kotori asked with her dropping from the last remark.

Momentarily Tohka, Yoshino and Yoshinon are enjoying their first ever hot spring. Both are in a very happy state of mind.

"Shido, (FN) come in. It's so warm." Said Tohka.

"You heard her. Except come with me." Said Origami while clinking onto your arm.

"Okay. Let's go in." You slowly get into the bath and soak. Origami follows next to you. She's still clinging to you which worried you since your bodies are touching.

"No nosebleeds in the water handsome."

No promises. Oh God I don't like this. Such a bad idea.

"Woman. Give him space." Grumbled Tohka.

"Can't we get along?"

"Fine. But I don't take Shido away from you. Shido's a good friend too."


"Yes (FN)?"

"You two can't agree on anything can you?"

"Doubt much Cuz." Laughed Shido.

"True Shido. But the water's hot. And I feel like a billion yen. Speaking of which Origami you were free?"

"Commander wanted a squad off day. They went to another one and some took a personal day." She replied.

"Guess you did both."

"Quite. Cause your mine."

"You mean?"

"Next time doll."

"What's next time?"

"I'll have you over my apartment again to be your maid for you."


"Yes Love?"

"You're scaring me."


"Maybe if Tohka and you behave I can have you over?"



"As long as I have you. Sound good?"

"Yes fine. But hands to self."

"I guess."


After the awkward day off in hot water the next day came. With an unexpected surprise.

"Class we have a new student today."

You whisper to Shido. "Tohka transferred already right?"

"Believe so. Why?"

"Okay you can come in now."

A girl with black hair and red eye walked in. Her hair covered her other eye but it looked good.

"Hello everyone. My name is Kurumi. And I'm also a spirit."

Why do I feel half triggered?

"Let's move on then shall we....."

"Hey since I'm new can you two show a girl around?" She pointed to Shido and (FN).

They look at each other. "Sure."

Kotori is hearing the whole conversation. She's very concerned. After class she turns to the earpieces with shocking news.

< Yeah guys. She's the real deal. I need both of you to help this case. Be careful. >

< Right. >

< Roger. >

"Hello boys. Are you ready?"

"Sure. Let's go." Shido lead the way.

The three of you walk out of the room. But you had a tail close by.

"What's she trying to do?" Tohka complained.

"My (FN)." Said Origami.

"We have to follow them."

"For once I agree. I don't like this."

As the three walk in the hall is when things should get interesting.

"Which romantic getaway first?" Asked Kurumi.

< Options are coming guys. >

"Alright. Roof, infirmary, or cafeteria?"

"I would go cafeteria." Said Reine.

"The heck?" Pondered Kotori.

"Nurse is in, roof is better at sunset."

"Romantic. Wouldn't think that would be like you."

< Guys cafeteria. >

A little down the hall and right in front of the cafeteria doors.

"Care to look at what we have?" You ask.

"Sorry just zoning out. I have two handsome men in front of me?"


"Excuse me?"

< Guys this won't work if you fall for her. She's trying to seduce you both. >

< Shin. Sukie. She's different from the others. Be on guard.



"So should we continue to walk around and show me boys?"

"Yes of course."

You take point. Wasn't long until more options come up on your cousin's behalf.

< How did that choice slip in there? So perverted. >

What happened next? You hit the retard button. Or so everyone thought.

"Hey Kurumi? What kind of panties are you wearing?"

< Cuz you perverted monkey. You weren't supposed to go with that. >

"Panties? Right now you mean?" Kurumi licked her lips.

"I apologize for my cousin." Shido tried to ease the situation.

"You want a look as well?"


"As long as it's only you two."

She walks up halfway up the stair case. And then grips her skirt. She hiked it up half inch by half inch very slowly. Right before you saw white you and Shido turned away.

"God this is tense."

"Good enough for me." Ship exhaled.

"Boys are cute when their shy. It's adorable."

"Moving on. What'd you mean you're a spirit from earlier?" Asked Shido.

"You two know about them. We don't have to be dumb with each other."

"How do you know about us?"

"That's my secret. But I'm crazy about the two of you and if you can handle me. I have a favor from you two." She grabs both of your hands.




Down the hall out of a locker Tohka and Origami fall out of the door.

"Tohka?" Sputtered Shido.

"Hun?" You gasp.

"Awkward much. Why are the two of you stalking my two favorite men?"

"I needed to see Shido." Tohka lied.

"Students aren't supposed to hold hands at school. Off my man." Demanded Origami.

"But I feel faint." Kurumi smiled.

"Baby can I lean against you? My anemia is making me feel sick."

"I gotcha honey." You catch her fake fall. Oh boy. What now?

"You two are seriously pathetic. Shido my amenable is kicking in too. Catch me and hold me."

"Your what is kicking in?"

"Can't you see I'm dizzy Shido? I'm swaying back and forth and need to be held."

The trio of course with the bad timing. Yet again.

"Are they seriously fighting over them?"

"Is Shido trying to hook up with the new girl? It's only a day in."

"And (FN) cheating on Origami?"

"That's so lame."

"Oh brother. We need to get a restraining order or something at this point."

Seriously these three were a royal pain.


"Hey Shido, (FN) thanks for today. Maybe alone next time. I just think you two are so cute. Sorry for the trouble girls. Goodbye." Kurumi walked away happily.

Origami clings to you and Tohka out of nervousness clings to Shido. They watch her until she was out of site.

< Guys I think those two saved you in a sense. >

< Agreed. > Shido sighed.

"Hey Origami. Want to come over our place tonight?"


"Make for one more Shido."

"Right." He smiled.

"We got seven counting Yoshino and Yoshinon."

Then the four of you start walking to the house. And you see a new face.

"Hello Origami."

"Hello again Mana."

"Wait you know her?"

"I can't believe it. You we're telling the truth after all." She beamed.

"Can we help you?" Asked Shido.

"BIG BROTHER!" She jumped into a hug.

"EHHHHHH?" Everyone cried.

"Okay. Let's discuss this over tea or something. This is gonna be a while."


So you sit between Origami and Mana and across is Kotori and Shido. Tohka, Yoshino, and Yoshinon are on the sofa trying to figure this all out.

"So Origami how do you and Mana know each other?"

"We met after work. She knows were together." Origami smiled.

"You know what that means right?"

"That's right." Said Kotori.

"I'm your cousin Mana."

"Shido how many more sisters do you have?" Wondered Tohka.

"The world may never know." Said Yoshinon.

"A family gathering is quite lovely." Yoshino chimed.

"Take a look at this photo in the locket. It's exactly him."

"I'll be. Shido that's you man. And you two are so similar."

"I can't believe my brother is living with some many beautiful girls. Shido are you behaving?"

"Well Cuz I'm the taken one. Kotori is the sister. Well step sister but means the world to us and the other three are with us at the moment."

"But she can't replace a real sister." She smiled.

"Excuse me? You think you can show up randomly and say you are better than me in love and sibling department? I don't think so." Kotori snapped.

"She's quite the hard ass. She beat me in combat." Said Origami.

"You two work with each other?"

"Hey (FN) baby I need to call it early."

"And I have classified business. Everyone take care."

Mana and Origami dashed out of the house in a flash.

"Well to make her run wild. Maybe that's a book or something."

"We'll Cuz I know two things. One is Kurumi is dangerous. Their are qualities about her that make all of us worried. And two Mana I am pretty sure works for the AST. They worked together and didn't avoid one another at the table. We have our work cut out for us. Please by careful."

"Yes sis."


Admin - Writers Block kicked in a few times during this. Not sure why. This is the hardest one ibhavent wrote so far but I'm enjoying it so much. Think the hardest is having Origami blend in more. But love every step of the way.

Kurumi seems to know so much about spirits and it's concerning. As if she's dangerous and need to be on your guard. You and Shido are scared but must go forward with it. Even though Origami doesn't like it.

As always hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day. You all deserve it. Love you all.


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