The City Girl & The Seaside B...

By writing_with_roses

2.5K 148 12

"Listen darling, when you bump into a handsome stranger you don't keep standing in their way. You apologise."... More

First Meeting
Coffee Shop Chaos
A Trip To The Market
Awkward Chat
Forest Fun
Chester's Stupid Car
Shocking News
Baking And Mail
A Stupid Argument
Fairground Fiasco
Search Party
A Sweet, Drunk Phone call
Sunshine And Love
Adorable Advice
Leaving For Home
*Letter To Readers*

Phone Calls And Fun

131 9 0
By writing_with_roses

"Hey sweetie, how have you been lately?" my mum asked into the phone.
"I've been great! I've made a friend, been to the beach and the forest. The only downside is this unbearable heat," I said and my mum laughed.
"It was always really warm across there. You say you've made a friend?"
"Yeah! Her name's Tina. She works in the Coffee Shop in town," I explained.
"Ah," I had a feeling my mum was nodding. "That's great, honey. Not what I thought you were going to tell me but still great!"
"What do you mean?"

I shielded my eyes as I looked across the golden sand to where my cousins were running about. Denny had found some seaweed and was waving it in front of Ro's face. She screamed, running away. "I mean, your auntie text me saying Ro and Denny saw you talking to a boy named Chester. Is there romance in the air?" my mum asked in a teasing tone and I groaned loudly, rolling my eyes.
"No! They just got the wrong idea!" I said and mum laughed.
"Is he cute though?"
"Look, I've already been through this with Auntie May. Yes, he's cute. But I don't like him! Can we just change the subject?" I sighed.
"You're such a buzzkill," mum said.

I glanced across the beach again and saw Ro and Denny wrestling in the sand. Honestly, they were like a pair of five year olds. "I've got to go. The twins are making a mess."
"Okay, honey. Love you," mum replied.
"Love you too, bye."

I jumped to my feet and and slipped on my sandals, making my way over to my little cousins. "Must you two always do this?" I questioned and Ro looked up with a pout.
"We're just playing," she said and Denny sat up.
"Yeah, Aria! Just playing!" he agreed and I sneered.
"Well, how about you go play in the sea?" I suggested and they screamed as I scooped up the closest twin in my arms.
"Ariaaa! Put me down!" Ro moaned, wriggling in my arms. I marched into the sea until the water was up to my thighs. Then I threw Ro in and she screamed as she was submerged in water. Her head bobbed back up and she glared at me, Denny laughing a few feet behind us.

"You horrible cousin!" Ro yelled, splashing me with water.
"Hey! Watch my hair," I exclaimed then Denny joined in. The three of us laughed, making small waves and splashing water over each other. Then Ro stopped, looking over my shoulder at something. "Aria, look! It's your boyfriend!" she smiled and I froze. I spun around in surprise and felt my heart skip a beat when those dark blue eyes met mine. He smirked, sticking his hands in his pockets. "Having fun, city girl?" he asked and I tiptoed out of the sea towards him.
"What's it to you seaside boy?" I asked when I finally reached him. The slight smirk didn't leave his face as he looked down at me. "Nothing, really," he shrugged.
"That's what I thought. Anyway, where have you been these past two days? I couldn't get rid of you before," I said and he raised an eyebrow.
"What's it to you city girl?" he grinned and I rolled my eyes.

Ro and Denny appeared beside me and crossed their arms. "Uh, these are my cousins, Roxanne and Dennis. Twins, this is Chester," I said and my cousins put on their most polite smiles. Chester smiled back and my heart stopped. It wasn't his usual smirk or his smug grin, it was a real, genuine smile. I felt my cheeks growing warmer and I stared down at my feet. The red nail polish I had put on last night was now gritty with sand and sea water, I noticed.

"Did you uh...did you get your car fixed?" I asked, looking up. Chester was watching me intently. "Hm? Oh...yeah," he blinked a few times, shaking his head as if to clear it of something. I nodded, pressing my lips together. There seemed to be a strange look in his eyes, as if he was trying to figure something out. But then the expression was swept away like the sand on the beach when the sea rolled in. He grinned and that mischievous glint was back in his eyes. "Anyway, city girl. I've got to get going."

And then he was gone, leaving me staring after him with butterflies in my stomach.

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