My Best Friends Emo Brother

By BubbaForest

151K 2.7K 668

My name is Amber Green and I have the best friend a 17 year old girl could ask for! Her name is Riley. The on... More

My Best Friends Emo Brother
Introduction To Amber Green
That One Hug
What's Happening To Me?
Skipping School
Truth or Dare?!
Kiss Me
What Are You Doing Here?
Living in the Moment
Our Day
Jake and Blake
Nick and Kevin!!!
Brotherly Love
Calming Down
Meeting the Devil
Ambers Faith
Meanwhile with the girls...
Saving Blake
Back to School
Party Rocking in the Club Tonight
Last Day
Character Ask!!!

Fight to The Death

3.5K 70 12
By BubbaForest

Heyyyy!!!! Thanks for all the comments on my last chapter!!! I love all of you!!!! Now.... I'm going to try to male this story longer, but it's gonna get pretty.... Bad. I'm sorry, I got it from a movie and I'm going to try it out. Also, I do have a cast done and they will be posted in the next update :) Also, there is a lot of pov switching, sorry!


 "Hi, baby? We need your help.... Luke, he, um.... We think Amber's been killed."

Chapter 21

Blake's pov.


We can't find her anywhere. We've been looking for hours now but we can't even find a single trance of her! I heard Kevin tell Nick that we think she may be dead, but I don't believe that. She's stronger then that! I know she's still alive but I just want to be 100% sure.

I'm going to find her though.

"AMBER?!" I scream into the silence of the night. I have been doing this for the past hour, I know that Luke has her, there's no point in screaming. I just... I miss her. I need to know she's safe. We continue walking for what seems like millions of years, but truthfully only 30 minutes, until the sound of a cell phone ringing stops us. I turn to Jake, raising an eyebrow. "Well, you going to answer it?" He nods and flips open his phone saying a non-chalant, "Yello?" His face pales greatly until he looks like Caspar the friendly ghost. "Jake, what's wrong?" I ask, concerned. He gulped before handing me the phone. "It's for you..." I grab the phone and whisper out a greeting.

"Hello, dear brother of mine." A sickening voice says. Luke. "What did you do with Amber?" "Oh, Blake. I didn't do anything to her, I wanted to, but never really got the chance." He chuckled evilly. "WHERE ARE YOU KEEPING HER?" I roared in anger and fear. "Settle down, Blakey. Remember when I use to call you that?" The memories of him taunting me while I was chained onto the ground. "Stop." I pleaded, "Just tell me where you're keeping her." I was close to breaking. "The old bunkers, the one where dad use to take use when we were young. Remember those?" He said before hanging up.

I gulped, I hated the old bunkers! Dad and Luke use to lock me down there for weeks as a punishment for not selling enough drugs. It was only the number one hot spot to fulfill your fantasies of raping a little boy. I started to shake as I gave the phone back to Jake. "They are at the old bunkers.... The ones on Williams Street?" It came out as a question, but they got the point. They nodded and we set out on our journey there.

I'm coming Amber.

"Hey Blake? Should I call Nick back and tell him where to go?" I heard Kevin speak up. Wait... He wanted to invited Nick to come? I turned to Kevin with wide eyes, "No! The less people involved, the better! Plus, Nick's to fragile to deal with this kinda shit." I said, turning away again to keep walking. I heard Kevin dial some numbers onto his phone, then, talk into the phone. "Hey babe... Yeah we are okay... Amber's okay as well.... No we didn't find her but we are about to.... No sweetie, don't come.... Because.... Because I said so! I'm your boyfriend and I'm asking you not to come....No, I want you here but you're going to get hurt... I promise.... Love you too, boo. Bye." I nod and look up.

We're here.


 (A/N: I can't remember if I gave Blake's dad a name yet so just saying, it's John.)

John's pov.

That little shit!

Thinking that he could just get away like that and live a happy, normal life. Bullshit! HE'S MINE!

Luke was a great son, but the people don't think he's.... Well.... Fuckable enough. That was a great business and it brought in a lot of money! I could probably just put his toy to use, she would be popular on the streets. But people were a big fan of Blake, with his pale milky skin, bright blue eyes and dark hair. I will admit that my son looks like a fallen angel, but he's still a worthless fuck. I know I can't make him come back to THAT business, so I've come up with... A game, I suppose.

People beat on fights all the time, right? Would they pay for... A fight to the death? I'm sure. There will be 5 stages, each fight harder then the last. Winner of the fight goes up to the next level, loser dies. A smirk crawls to my face as I think of it. The winner of the final level gets free drugs for a year and Blake's little toy. I have to admit, he did well for himself. The girls silky blonde hair matched with her sexy body will make any guy bite. What is she doing with a fuck-up like my son? I may have a little fun with her myself, but I'll save that for later.

It's not like I'm treating her badly! She has a room, a bodyguard who keeps men out of her room, food and water. Frankly, she is being treated like a princess in my opinion. I know that Blake will still go insane. As soon as I even mention what the prize is for 'winning' is, he'll flip shit! I laugh to myself, god, I hate this kid! A loud bang brings me out of my thoughts and I look towards the door. There he is.


He's prettier then the last time I saw him. He's taller, so his torso and legs go on for miles. His black hair is long, and covers his left eye, his eyes an angry stormy blue. His skin is still a milky pale and his lips are nearly red. "Ah, good to see you son!" I say, clapping my hands and walking towards him. His eyes widen when he sees me and he shrinks back. "D-Dad?" He whimpers. He is still scared of me? Good. "Hello, son. How have you been? You look...." I say scanning his lanky body. "Delicious. The guys will love to have you back! They missed you! Luke never really.... Meet their request." I laugh and rub my hands together. It's so fun teasing him.

"D-Don't touch m-me!" He stutters fiercely. I laughed before answering him, "Oh Blake, such little faith in me. I won't hurt you! But.... No promises you won't be hurt." His whimpered and stumbled back into another tall boys arms. He had snake bites, as well as Blake, and his blonde hair was buzz cut. "I'll make sure your little friends have a nice seat to watch the show." I smiled evilly at him before yelling at Drew, one of my men. "Bring me the girl!" I waited, staring at Blake as they brought the toy out.

"No! No! Let go of me! I don't want to talk to him! I want to stay with Hunter! Hey! Watch your-" The girl was struggling against Drew. I chuckled as Blake tried to scramble to her. "AMBER!" He shouted, his voice desperate, oh this will be fun. "BLAKE! BLAKEBLAKEBLAKEBLAKE! OH MY GOD!" She was babbling in happiness, a happiness that will soon fade away. "Shut her up!" I ordered. Drew tied clothe around her mouth so her shouts turned to muffles.

Blake looked at me with furious eyes, eyes I've never seen before. "Let. Her. Go!" He growled coming right up to my face. His face was only an inch away from mine and his teeth were baring. "Oh hush Blake, I'm not going to do anything to her. At least not yet." I smiled at him before one of his friends spoke up. He had black and blue hair, black shirt and tie and was tall also. "Wait, you said something about a show. What show?" He asked. I smiled at him, chuckling. "Right, right. I almost forgot! Drew, take Blake to the arena. The rest of you, come with me." I ordered, turning and walking to the safe room.

I don't really have any jobs for these boys to do, so I'll just make them watch Blake's death. Although, the short one would be a nice male stripper for the homosexual customers. Once we reached the safe room, I pulled him aside. "Do you happen to be a homosexual?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. "Why should I tell you?" He snarled, "You don't really need to, just asking questions. I want to get to know my sons friends." I said with a sigh, still smiling at them. "Well... I am. But I don't see why it matters." Great, he won't even mind a dick up his ass.

I turned walked out of the room and down to the arena. "Jas, lock the safe room door, will you?" I asked as I was heading down. He nodded and went to go follow my orders. When I finally got down there, I had one last order. "Paul! Strip the girl down to her underwear and tie her to the pole!" I said, staring at him intensely. He nodded and scrambled to go get her. Once she was stripped, clothe off her mouth and up on the pole, I turned on the loud speaker.

"Ladies and gentleman! Welcome to The Fighting Games! These games are like my own little rendition of The Hunger Games. I shall now explain the rules! There will be 5 stages, each fight harder then the last. Winner of the fight goes up to the next level, loser dies. The winner of the final level gets free drugs for a year and the girl over there. Bets will be handled by Russell, at the front door. There are no rounds in the levels, just straight forward fighting. Blake will start off at level 1 with one of my men, Josh. Let the games begin!" I cheered and set my journey up to my secret room, where I had all the controls.

I heard shouts of anger and desperation from his peers and his toy. "YOU SICK BASTARD!" "JUST LET HIM GO!" "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I also heard cheers from the men betting. The shouts stopped when I rang the buzzer. Round one started now.

Josh moved, damned fast. So fast that Blake nearly missed seeing it. Blake’s body seemed to react on its own, without conscious thought. He slid to his right, opposite to the direction he had been circling as the man rushed him. Blake’s vision seemed to be blurred as the battle resumed.

Josh threw a block with his left hand, tried to hook Blake’s left leg with his own, trying to throw him to the ground. Blake turned forward and to his right, slapping his left hand against the middle of his opponent’s back as he slid past. The blow caught Josh between his shoulder blades, making him stumble to the ground. Blake kicked him in the back causing him to cry in pain. Josh tried to stand but Blake kicked him in the face, causing Josh to fall once more.

Blake jumped on to Josh's chest, punching him over and over in the face. I would have guessed Josh was out cold by now but Blake just kept punching. He picked Josh's head up into his hands and slammed it to the ground. He did so repeatedly, over and over. Finally, he checked Josh' pulse. After a few moments, he got off of Josh and stumbled into the corner.

Wow, I never thought he had it in him. "Winner is, Blake Evan!" I said into the loud speaker. "HIS LAST NAME IS MOORE YOU DICKWAD!" Came a shout from the safe room. "In the games, Blake's last name is Evan, for it is my last name." I said again into the loud speaker. I clapped slowly for Blake. Well... He's stronger then I thought. No matter, he will die soon. Drew and Jas cleaned up the arena, taking Josh's limp body and cleaning up the blood. I started to play the song 'Blood' by My Chemical Romance, just because I thought it fit the situation.

I hummed along while staring down at Blake. He looked sicked, paler then usual. I could tell he was shaking as well. Ha! I am slowly braking him.... He will die. I will make sure he doen't live to see the light of day! Ok, I need to calm down. I grabbed a beer from my mini fridge and took a big swig, I could feel the beer travel down my throat to my stomach. I chugged the whole thing in less then 2 minutes, feeling the buzz shoot through my body. I leaned forward and spoke into the loud speaker, "Level 2 will be starting in five minutes!" I leaned back in my chair and stared at Blake, I'm going to enjoy this.


Blake's Pov.

I just killed a man.

He's dead. I stopped his pulse.

I've never felt so sick before, in my whole life. I can't stand it! Why is he making me do this? Why is he making me kill 5 men? FIVE MEN! That's more then one person ever should! You should never even kill anyone! I'm surely going to hell. I'll see my father there too, along with all these men! But I have to kill all these men or they get Amber.


She was chained to a pole, almost naked. It made me mad that they did that, stripped her of her clothing! She was innocent! She has never done anything bad in her whole life! Well.... Besides being with me. I never should have dragged her into this, this is all my fault. But no matter what, I'm not letting her go again. Not ever. She was mine and it's gonna stay that way, forever. That's why I have to win these.

With new found determination, I get to my feet. I won't let him win, he won't brake me. I look around, trying to figure out where everyone was. I look up a bit and find a shaded room, that most be the safe room. If I squint, I can see their faces. Jake looks crushed, like broken. He is on the ground, crying. His head in his hands, body shaking. Kevin looks furious! He is pounding on the glass, it looks like he is screaming because he's mouth open and wide. And Rayne looks like he doesn't know what to do, he's walking around shaking his head.

I screamed, loudly I might add, trying to get their attention. It makes everyone, including Amber and the boys, to look at me. I punched the air and cheered, trying to show them that I'm ok and I can do this. The boys all jump up and cheer with me, cheering me on. I knew if they were with me, they would hugging me and patting my back. I stop cheering and go as close as I can to Amber. She's crying, sobs racking her body. I would be crying too, if I was her. I just killed a man, right in front of her eyes, I'm a monster.

"Amber, baby, please don't be scared! It's going to be ok, I promise." I tried to sooth her. She looked up at me and sniffled. "Oh Blake.... Are you ok? I can't believe that you just...." She was breathing heavily and sniffling a lot. "I know... I'm sorry you had to see that. Just close your eyes and it will all be over soon, I promise." I cooed at her, trying to keep my voice calm. She sniffled again and nodded. "Next level starts now! Fighters to your mark!" I could hear my father's voice ring through.

"Bye, baby. Close your eyes and sing to yourself, ok?" I said, starting to walk away. "NO! NO BLAKE WAIT! NO NO NO DON'T LEAVE ME! BLAKE! BLA-" Amber's screams were heart-wrenching but they were cut off. I turned around to see that some guy knocked her out. "HEY!" I shouted in the direction of my father. "YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T HURT HER! YOU BASTARD!" I screamed at her. "She's fine. Now, fighters to your post." He spoke. I felt the anger seething through me.

I went to my post and waited for the bell. When it went off, I roared and changed at the guy. I tackled him to the ground and started punching his face, each punch for every time my dad made me made or broken.

I was flipped on to my back and the guy started to punch me in the face. I tried to raise my hands to block the punching but it didn't help. I could feel my mind start to blur. Maybe I should let him kill me... But my thoughts were taken over by a scream. "BLAKE! GET UP! BLAKE!" The screams were high pitched and loud. Amber, I had to live for Amber.

I kicked him off me, causing him to tumble over. I jumped up to my feet and started kicking him in the ribs. Loud whimpers came from his mouth but I kept kicking. Just die already, give up! I stopped kicking and raised him to his feet. "Just. Die." I growled to him before throwing him to the ground. He hit his head on the cement and stopped moving. I went up to him and checked his pulse, it was still there but it was weak. "FUCK!" I screamed and started kicking his head.

Each kick hurt my own foot, my body was starting to become weak. I've never really fought that much, just bar fights that went seriously wrong. After a few more kicks, I bent down and checked his pulse. There wasn't one. I just killed another man. I got off him and stumbled to the corner again. I can't.... I can't do this. I can't keep fighting and killing these men!

I spit something from my mouth, turned out to be blood. I just spit blood. My jaw hurt like a bitch and I'm pretty sure I broke my foot and sprained something. I heard a vomiting sound from to the side and looked over to see Amber, poking her guts out. I raced over to her again, and started to sooth her. "Amber... Amber shh, baby I told you to close her eyes. Are you ok? Oh my baby...." She didn't answer, just hung her head and breathed loudly. This was all my fault, her watching me kill people.

"M'not closing m'eyes." She slurred. I shook my head and tried to reach for her, but the wall was to tall. "It's gonna be ok, baby, I promise. Three more guys and then we can go home. Yeah? Just three more guys. Come on, baby don't be scared." I was trying to help her but I don't think it was helping. "Just go, Blake. If I look at you, I'm going to be sick again. Please... get us out of here." She whimpered. I nodded and went back to my post.

"Level 3 starts now!"

A big guy came to the arena. He kinda looks like Jake, but stronger. "Blake vs. Hunter. FIGHT!" Dad's voice boomed. We both got into a battle position and waited for the other to make a move. "I know her name, you know. It's Amber, I know because I'm her body guard. She's a good girl, you could live a hundred life times and not deserve her, you know. (A/N: I LOVE YOU HAYMITCH) She deserves someone to take of her, to protect her. Not fucking you." He growled at me. I froze, was what he said right? No. I can protect her. I love her.

The first punch glanced my chin. I noticed too late that it was a feint, though, when the second punch doubled me over and expelled the last bit of choked air from his belly. It was a heck of a shot. Outside of having the wind knocked from him, which he always hated, I noticed a fair amount of pain with the gut shot, which was something I wasn’t used to. A hit to the face, yes, or even the kidney...but the gut shouldn’t have been much more than discomfort, if that.

Fortunately, I was used to it all. I stood straight, eyes bulging with rage, and stared at my opponent right in his shifty little eyes. “You…little…” Tyler took a lurching step forward with each word. On the third, he swung: “Punk!”

The blow felt too sluggish. I knew the second he launched it. Hunter went for another shot. I shoved him off. Seeing Hunter scoot back so far against the weight of it gave him a second wind. He covered the distance between them. Threw three more punches that did land. Hunter fell. Then, he stood again.

It was unreal. Between the pain in my guts and ribs and the general confusion, the sight of Hunter on his feet after I got him down was not something I wanted to see. I threw a hay-maker that Hunter ducked but didn’t parry, then another that he swung under again—and responded in turn with an uppercut. “Punk,” he said again, his throat sore from the effort of speaking that single word. I growled at his words before pouncing on him.

"Don't." Punch to the jaw. "Ever." Punch to the neck. "Call." Punch to the gut. "Me." Punch to the ribs, causing a crack. "A." Punch to the temple. "Punk." I slammed his head to the ground, making a huge cracking sound. "AGAIN!" I roared and slammed his head to the ground again. Hunter started to cough up blood, before he looked at me smirking and whispering the word, "Punk."

I growled before slowly crawling off him, my body aching protesting, and kicked the side of his head. My foot screamed in pain so I kicked his ribs with my other foot. "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" I screamed as I kicked him over and over. Then, I did something that will make me grimance every time I think of it. I took my injured foot and slammed it down on his neck. There was a sharp cracking noise before I knew he was dead. I dragged my foot from his neck, it was covered in blood.

I went over to the corner again and slid down the wall. My body ached everywhere, Hunter had gotten too many good shoots and I couldn't protect myself. I wanted to give up. Let them win, I would die. I wanted to so bad. Loud shouts and banging were made, but I couldn't look where they were coming from. My neck hurt and my back hurt even more. I think I sprained my ankle and I totally broke my left hand. Shit, I was dead meat. But I had only two more men to fight, that's all. I had to win these, or everything would turn to shit.


I could hear the anger in my fathers voice, he was probably upset I wasn't dead yet. Don't worry dad, I will be soon.

"This level, Blake's opponent will have a gun. It will be fully loaded and you will fight with that, but, a box will also be put up so Blake can hide behind that. The fight begins as soon as everything is set up."

I gulped. Holy shit. A gun. The guy will have a gun. I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'M GOING TO DIE!!!! When they had everything set up, I hid behind the box and the fight began.

“Step out from behind the box,” The man said. “Let me kill you quick.”

I  ducked back behind his cover by the time the guy had lifted his arm to fire. The 9mm pistol sounded powerful and frankly scary as shit. I broke the box open, trying to find anything to help me out at this point. I peeked in find and found a miracle. A rifle. I peeked around the box, twisting my whole upper body. I heard a loud bang and for a second I thought it was just a stab in the gut from his nerves. Not, as he first imagined, a bullet. But sadly, the bleeding in my side said other wise.

I waited for a second, maybe he gave up, maybe he-

The three rounds sent splinters flying and polluted the bunker air with even more dust. The gunsmoke and sawdust must have irritated the man's lungs because he coughed. I tried to stay silent in hopes he would believe I was dead.

"I did it. He's died! I killed the oh so great Blake Evan! I may get his bitch now as well!" He laughed.

A final pop. The man was conscious up until the second he hit the floor. The rifle’s muzzle, poking almost invisibly from one of the hole’s he’d shot through the box, looked more like a smiling mouth to  than anything, even with the smoke coming out of it.

I laughed at the man's dead body. He deserved it. Death, I mean.

Amber looked at me like I was crazy, I probably was. I just laughed at the death of another. I can't believe I just did that. I hear cheering from the guys, they are rooting for me, like always. What if they knew the pain I was going through, having to kill all these men? I stood by and stumbled to the corner.

One more just one more man to kill. Then we're free.

I looked up at Amber one more time and took a deep breathe. I'm doing this for her. Suddenly, I heard a round of slow clapping. "Well done Blake, very well done. I've never seen a man as ruthless as you. Killing 4 men is a lot on your shoulders. Are you sure you want to continue? Maybe you should just give up and die, after all, you look like shit and you have a serious injury." My father chuckled.

"I'm going to kill that last man, then, we are getting out of here." I said through gritted teeth. He jusr laughed and nodded. "Alright then." He said and snapped his fingers. Kevin, Jake and Rayne were brought into the area by some men. Amber was taken off the pole and dragged over to the guys. The man throw her at them, luckily, Kevin caught her. "Your little friends will have a close up view of your death." Dad laughed. "Just tell me who the last man is!" I screamed at him.

"The last person you will be fighting today, is me."



Bad news.... that whole chapter

Wanna make bets on who wins the last and final fight? I hope it's Blake....

Thanks for the long wait and please keep up the votes and comments, they make my day :D


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