Just the Girl

Galing kay dianneservera

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Just the Girl ©2013 by: Starcy Richver What would you make out of these 5 words? WORLD’S DROP-DEAD GORGEOUS B... Higit pa

'Just the Girl' was formerly 'Charmed by Summers'
Chapter One: Considering THE Option
Chapter two: the Social Homicide
Chapter three: Meeting Lauren Hotshots
Chapter four: Chryslerphobic
Chapter five: In your Face
Chapter six: Sugbo!
Chapter seven: Sleeping Beauty challenges? ACCEPTED!
Chapter eight: We hit the BASELINE low!
Chapter nine: Being Eye REYped
Chapter ten: Love like Woe
Chapter Twelve: Back to Square One
Chapter Thirteen: Send me curses under the rain but I ain't leaving!
Chapter fourteen: Sealed a deal with the devil
Chapter fifteen: Strawberry Smooth Talk
Chapter sixteen: Have you seen this (mistaken) Couple?
Chapter seventeen: A man of Catch
Chapter eighteen: Game On

Chapter eleven: Torture is a Cebuano Delicacy

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Galing kay dianneservera

Chapter eleven: Torture is a Cebuano Delicacy

“You came to your senses, hotshots!” I murmured in between kisses. 

Instead of giving me a smart ass comment, she just deepened the kiss sending electric waves coursing through my body. At some point it made me giddy and kind of excited. I trailed kisses to her neck making her moan with pleasure.

“Anything for the lying bastard, Mr. Ean CHRYSLER Cassity” she whispered deviously. I then looked up at her in confusion. 

“What?” She just gave me an ironic appetizer of a decent smile which anger enraged in her eyes before I knew it; she served the main course of a hard ferocious slap across my face.

“I said wake up Chrysler!” I heard Lauren shouting in my ear which caused me to jolt awake. I felt a sting on my right cheek as I sooth it gently.

Ouch! For a moment I thought it was all real but truth be told, the slap was pretty much reality.

Thank God! It was a dream or I would’ve never gotten out of her wrath. Even so, both worlds, in dreams and in reality, I saw a fuming tomato sending curses at me. I never did escape. 

At least, I could handle this fuming Lauren with ease than the other one in dream mania of mine. 

She looked so cute with red blushes across her face; even so she looked like a baby. I didn’t know that her expression made me smirk until she flipped me with both of her middle fingers. I just smirked even more.

With one swift move, I grabbed her arms with such force which send her flying in bed with me.

“What the hell, Arse! Get the fuck off me!!” she squirmed under me as I immediately hovered over her.

“One thing you should know about me hotshots is that I don’t tolerate cute blushing girls who give me the fingers let alone two of them in unison” I whispered huskily which earned me shivers from Lauren but she quickly pulled herself together.

“You wouldn’t even wake up after I shouted like a million times which made me irritated let alone when you finally did and just stared at me with a smirk that you would think its breathtakingly amusing” she scowled.

“Oh, baby doll! I prefer it quite adorable than amusing and might I mind you it was really breathtaking especially the sudden kiss you gave me” I winked at her which caused her to flush in embarrassment of my compliment. She pushed me in the chest to take herself some distance but I didn’t try to sit back up and let her get away from me. 

Oh no you don’t, hotshots!

“Well so much for your fantasizing. You might as well try and pack up because we would be on board on our commercial boat 2 hours from now and seems to me you had wasted 30 minutes of it” she spat out.

“Well I would hotshots if only I could have something to energize me for the day” I said plopping on her fragile body which made her squirm even more.

“Chrysler!! Get the fuck off!!” she said pushing me on the shoulders but I stood my ground even so by having held my body firmly against hers.

“What the fuck do you want! Do you want to miss the boat back home?” she said.

“It wouldn’t matter as long as we’ll both end up here in this bed let alone, I fantasizing you with some lacy underwe-“ 

“CHRYSLER!” Lauren immediately interrupted me.

“Lauren!” I whined returning her comment.

“You know it won’t happen. You can have tons of girls at your feet than chasing me with something you firmly knew you couldn’t have” she spat out which made me frown.

Seriously! I was just joking, did she really think of me like that? If only you knew hotshots I had this—

Wait what’s it this time, Chrysler?

“Isn’t that what people are now chasing for? They want something they can’t have. You my hotshot is a worthy catch” I winked which earned me an annoyed groan from her.

Oh well! I knew I could never get it from her and time was really quick as I glanced at the clock on the nightstand near the bed. If so, then a kiss wouldn’t hurt to try.

“Well then” I said while looking up at her frustrated face. “If I can’t get then a kiss might get me half awake at this moment”

“What are you five? Do I need to get you hot choco for you to wake the fuck up!” she started to fume again but I kept on.

“Yes, in fact you’re kiss serves as a drug to me. Keeping me awake at least half a day let alone a French kiss or even a hardcore se---“ 

“OKAY! OKAY! I’ll kiss you” she interrupted which made me surprised for a moment. I leaned in to her while closing my eyes, her lips made a quick brush against mine before it landed on the side of my mouth.

I blinked my eyes open.

What the hell?

Before I could protest, she immediately pushed me with force which made me land on my butt with a loud thud as Lauren grabbed the opportunity and rushed out of the bedroom and into the living room.

One smart ass hotshots we have here!

After I was done preparing (that includes packing, taking a bath, shaving and changing of clothes), I walked out to the living room where Lauren was playing with her phone.

“Finally!” she exclaimed sarcastically as she just went out and didn’t say a word leaving me trailing behind her as we walk out of our suite.


“Did you enjoy your stay sir?” a woman in her mid 40s asked me with a warm smile as I gave back our card keys.

“Absolutely” I smiled back as I reached out for my card and shoving it to my wallet.

“If so we are glad to know that. Hoping you’d come back soon. Thank you, sir” she gave me a wave before entertaining another customer.

I went to Lauren who was sitting on the couch while looking confused twiddling her phone.

“Ready to go home, hotshots?” I asked. She looked up with an irritated expression on her face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, concern dripping on my voice.

“It’s going to be just us” she said in a flat tone but anger was beneath it.

“What?” I asked in horror but inside I was leaping in joy.

“Yeah, Luciana said she’s going to stay at her grandma’s house in Amara with Wesley and they also invited Conner for thanksgiving, Driana and Owen said they’ll be here to organize the wedding plans, Nicoletta, Graciella, Clyde and George are practicing this week for their volleyball tournament against Chinese athletes. So that results to both of us going back to home. Just us” she said the last part with pure sarcasm while rolling her eyes.

“Shall we take a bus or something to get to the boat?” she asked as she started getting up to face me.

“Have you forgotten that Conner gave us the keys?” I asked as I shook the valet card in her face.

Yeah! That’s right, he gave me the keys the night he went haywire, blurting out to them that I was the Ean everyone thought had died.

“Yeah, I now remember” she said bluntly while taking immediate action to reach for the door.

What’s up with hotshots today? PMSing? Oh well!

As we got to the front door, I handed the card to the doorman wherein he signalled a valet boy to bring us the car.

“Shall we?” I asked as I opened the shotgun for her.

“Whatever!” she murmured while sliding in.

The drive was pretty much in awkward silence because of the fact that Lauren was having a full blast of her headphones to keep me out of hearing.

A stubborn and clever girl! I have to give her credit for that!

I focused myself on the road to keep me away from thoughts and distractions of Lauren but somehow her image just pops out of the road in front of me which is so hard to resist drooling over—

What am I effin’ saying?

“Can you make a pit stop at Titays? I need to pee” she said bringing her earphones down.

I stole a quick glance at her as she gave me an innocent pleading face.

Gah! Every passing day, it seems like its hard to turn her every plead down. What the hell’s wrong with me?

“Where?” I asked.

“See that red sign over there that reads ‘Titays’” she pointed out to a red post.

“Yeah” I motioned for her to go on.

“Make a left there. I’ll be going to use the bathroom while you go ahead buy us something to eat” she said.

I did exactly what she told me to do. As I parked in the front of the place, I saw series of yellow bus with passengers on board making a pit stop as well.

Lauren immediately head towards the bathroom, while I entered the place. 

As I entered the store, the first thing that caught my attention was the sweet melody of a playing harp. I turned to see an old man gracefully playing it as he care-freely strokes each string. I somehow had pity for the old man and started reaching for my pocket to pull out a 50.00 peso bill. I placed in the cup in front of him where some coins where given to him as well. He looked up and smiled at me as I return the smile as well.

I went up to the aisle on the left where there were a variety of delicacies of Cebu City. 

Hmmm, I wonder if these taste good. 

“Boo!” someone managed to startle me as she poked me in the sides. 


I thought she had the playful face again but to my luck she had an annoyed expression on her face.

“You managed to get just that in 20 minutes? What took you so long?” she asked in frustration as she grabbed the delicacy from my grip and placed it to the red grocery basket she was holding.

“I was making sure if these weren’t poisoned” I mentally face palmed my face, seeing Lauren rolled her eyes to pick up some more delicacies.

Way to go, Arse! A lame excuse!

Lauren went to the fridge section to grab 2 bottles of water, a can of Nescafe Mocha, 1 can of Pepsi and of course her big tub of vanilla yogurt!

She then went straight to the cashier to settle the bill. Upon reaching for her wallet, I immediately gave the cashier a 1000.00 peso bill while Lauren gave me a death glare. I just shrugged my shoulders as I got my change, grabbed the bag and then went out, leaving a fuming Lauren behind.

“You’re such an Arse!” she yelled as she got out of the store.

“I believe you meant, gentleman” I winked at her before sliding in the car.

“Whatever” I heard her mumble as she got in.

I chuckled at her angry expression as I started driving on the highway again.

I couldn’t understand Lauren. Basically, almost all girls would be delighted if a guy pleasures them with money but it’s a whole lot different towards Lauren’s own stubbornness, I am greatly challenged by hotshots if I must say.

Lauren started rummaging through the backs and opened some pack of what look like cookies covered in peanut crushes.

What’s up with their delicacies? Then an idea came to mind.

“Mind giving me a taste hotshots?” I said cocking my head up to look focused on the road but in a quick way, I was looking at Lauren from the side of my eyes.

She handed me the pack while shook my head in amusement.

“Feed me” I said.

“What are you? Like five?” she said in an annoyed tone.

“I would happily do it myself if only I wasn’t the one driving” I taunted. At first, she hesitated but seeing that I had a point, she finally gave in and started feeding me; inching a bit closer as our arms brushed each other.

“What is this?” I asked as I munched the cookie. Man it’s a tough cookie! I would have choked if not for the bottle of water she gave me.

“It’s called Caycay” she said bluntly.

She tossed me another cookie but I shook my head.

“Let’s try the other delicacies” I beamed. She nonchalantly rummaged through the plastic to find an oblong type of biscuit.

“What’s that?” I asked glancing at her then at the biscuit then back at the road.

“This is called otap” she said while bringing it to my mouth.

I took it and then shove it to my mouth. I could feel sugary crisp of flakes in that crunchy biscuit.

“Do you want more?” she asked.

“Let me try another one” I said. She brought out a big pack of round biscuits then shove it in front of my mouth for me to try.

Hmmm! I like this one. Just the right taste.

“This taste delicious. What’s this one called?” I asked still munching the biscuit.

“This my dear alien, is a Rosquillos.  The significant delicacy of the town of Lilo-an” she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

She gave me a few more until I felt full and told her so. She sat back in her place and for that I regret what I had said.

I felt a cold gush of wind pass through the spot where Lauren’s presence had radiated earlier.

I looked up at her to see her opening the tub of yogurt.

“Crap! I forgot to ask for a spoon” she pouted.

Hell! Not the pouting hotshots!

“Oh well!” she shrugged while taking the tub like a beverage and gulping it all up.

Man! Hotshots is really that worry-free.

She amused me by gulping it all up like some shots of vodka. I wonder what she looks like gulping shots of vodkas.

I looked back at Lauren to see her putting the tub down while a white beard of yogurt was on her face. I gave out a carefree laugh.

“Man you can be strange sometimes hotshots!” I complimented while glancing at her blunt expression.

“Why do I need to be appropriate? Its not as if I am to exist in this world to please almost everyone I meet. Why would you have to be someone you’re not just to pass through other’s standards?” she shrugged as she wiped her face with her fingers.

She made me smile in awe. A point well made.

I looked back to congratulate her when all of a sudden I saw a Lauren sucking her fingers to get the remains of the yogurt out of it.

That turned me on.

I couldn’t stop giving her a quick 5 second glance as she sucked all her fingers slowly.

Man! This girl is going to be the death of me!

Calm down man! Keep it together! You’ll survive!

Even so I convinced myself, I could already feel myself starting to build up an excited tension in my groins.


I tried to picture out Horror movie to keep my excitement at bay but unfortunately my mind always finds its way back to the image of Lauren sucking her thumb.

She’s scared me for life!

Just as I started my 5 second routine of glancing up at her, my eyes immediately widen to see Lauren sucking her middle finger.

I closed my eyes and focused back at the road but no matter what I could still see her sucking that finger. I believe that’s the longest time duration she had sucked on that finger than the others.

That’s it! This is torture!

I parked the car at the side and looked back at Lauren who was looking at me in confusion. 

“What the hell’s going on?” she asked as I turned the engine off. I inched closer, feeling myself strongly drawn towards her and in one swift move, I managed to claim that natural teasing plushy-red lips as mine.


I’d like to express my apologies on the grammar guys! Hopefully you’d fully understand because  I was caught up with time and pressure on school activities!

But hey! It’s better to have it than never, eh?! Hahahah! 

I salute my middle finger to REY bayot and Elaisa lagum for pressuring me to update! Gahhh! I had such a hectic schedule. Unya these two manage to inspire me so, yeah! Nka upload nko!

Anyways! This chappy is dedicated to:

ELAISA CASEY D. MAYOL! Happy sweet sixteenth birthday!!!!

For Elaisa: Hoy miga! Lamat kaau sa support ani! Sorry nlng sa grammar ky dinalian para lng maipublish nko sa imohang birthday! Nagdali2 intawn ko ani, dai! Para lng sa imo! Ehehheeheh!


Anways! Ugma pud ko greet! Ako gyud ni giprioritize og una kaysa akoang journal! Hheheheheh! Kaya pato xa ugma oi sa skol! Hahahha! Ingon ana ka kaimportante lai!

Anyways! You deserve it! Sooo happy sweet sixteenth! Amping hap! Kay daghan na’y maggukod nimo! Hahahhaa! Anyways! Enjoy your day! Hopefully mkacheer ni nimo up!

 ELAISA! i hope you didn't mind your picture on the multi-media!

Multimedia features: CASEY♥

(K ra na lai! chix btaw ka ato ;>) hahahah! labyu lai :))







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