
By Krazyk2314

368K 14.9K 4.8K

After your Dad was killed, you were shocked to learn all about his hidden life. Deciding to follow in his foo... More

Life Turned Upside Down
No Place to Hide
More Than You Expected
Getting Comfortable
Turn About
Hunting Together
Death By Toilet
Waking Up
Back to Normal
A Break
Flirting with the Devil
Pleasing Crowley
Praying For Help
Rescue Goes Wrong
Help From Unlikely Sources
Mixed Signals
Drunken Amnesia
Ice Cream
Siren's Call
Taking Care of Business
Settling In
Trip Home
Figuring Things Out
The Pier
Parting Ways
Missing Emotions
New Room, Same Plan
Traveling Back Home
Morning Cuddles
This Can't Be
Running Away
Ending it
Coming to Terms


7.4K 330 67
By Krazyk2314

With trepidation filling your body, you opened the door,  surprised to see that Dean was sitting on the bed, slowly pulling off the cuffs that had been holding him. Maybe you shouldn't have been surprised, after all he was Dean Winchester, and he was used to making his way out of tight situations.

"Y/N." He breathed, looking up from his hands, his face full of relief when he noticed you were okay and relatively unharmed. Standing up, he moved to come over to you, before stopping himself quickly. "Are you, did she..." He stuttered, unable to find the right words to say.

"I'm good. She talked a good talk, even used her poison on me, but that worked out well, because I was able to kill her then." You said carefully, waiting for what you knew was going to happen. For him to apologize, taking all the blame while trying to push you farther away. 

"Y/N, I'm so sorry." He started, exactly like you knew he would. "I didn't realize she was the siren until it was too late. I promise I never would want to kill you." 

Sam came in to the room at that moment, but a look from his brother had him turning right back around. "Why don't I go grab us some food." He muttered as he walked out the door, shutting it behind him.

"Dean, I know that. You were poisoned, and it's hard to resist that. But you didn't harm me, she's dead, and that's all that matters." You assured him, leading him to the bed where you perched on the end of it, wondering how you could make him see that it was alright. That you were a big girl, and a hunter and you could take care of yourself. That if he just opened up his heart to you, you wouldn't leave him like he was afraid you would.

Sitting down next to you, he stared down at the handcuff still hanging from his wrist. The two of you were silent, Dean trying to find the right words to say while you waited, hating the fact that he could tear you apart with only a word or two. He might be afraid of you leaving him, but if he didn't open up soon, that's exactly what you were going to do. Anything would be better than staying here, never having the chance to love him and be loved.

"Y/N, I remember what I said that night I was drunk." He told you, catching your attention. "I know I told you why I was afraid to start a relationship. Because things like this would happen, or you would grow tired of me and walk out that door. This hunting trip I kept telling myself I was making the right decision. That I could survive with just being friends with you. It wasn't what I wanted, and it was already a hopeless cause, but I couldn't let my true feelings be known."

"Dean..." You started, not knowing what to say, but he continued on.

"And then, while Sam and I were out doing research, he talked to me. And while he might not have the greatest track record with relationships, he said something that stuck in my gut. He told me that we all lose people we love. They either die, or walk away. Or in Sammy's case a little bit of everything. But it's worse to push them away, to pretend the feelings aren't there. Because when you are on your last breath, you will be thankful for all the times you were able to spend together. Instead of thinking about all the could have beens."

"What are you saying?" You asked, hope blooming in your chest that you might have a chance with him after all. 

"I know I'm not good with words. But what I'm trying to say is, that siren knew what was in my heart, what I desired, and tried to take it from me. It was you. I desire you. Hell, I even think I'm in love with you. As a hunter our lives aren't the longest, and I don't want to be dying on my death bed, wishing I had gotten the balls to tell you how I truly felt. That I was brave enough to finally try a relationship with you. That is, if you still want to try?"

Truthfully, you had given up hope that something like this would happen. That Dean would finally see reason and give a relationship a chance. It was easy to see how uncomfortable he felt, how out of his comfort zone he was. His shoulders were hunched, his hands clenched in his lap, and he wouldn't even look your way.

"Dean, look at me." You told him softly, waiting until his mossy green eyes were on you. "Of course I still want to try. I've fallen for you hard, and nothing is going to change that fact. It's about time you wrapped your mind around that fact too."

"Too bad it took a siren to make this work out huh." He answered, a smile slowly growing on his face. 

"Maybe I should have thanked her instead of killing her." You teased, taking the chance to lean to him to press your lips against his. Before yours could touch the smoothness of his plump lips, your nose bumped his, and you laughed. 

"Here, let's try this again." He suggested, turning to face you better. Cupping your face, he lightly kissed you, his lips brushing softly against yours. Again and again, he brushed his lips against yours, before finally moving in and sealing them over yours. It was unlike the first kiss you had shared. That one had been a surprise, a heat of the moment type of kiss. This one was full of promise, full of unspoken feelings that you couldn't wait to explore with him. Pulling you closer to him, he changed the angle of the kiss as your hands moved to wrap in his hair.

It was only seconds later he pulled back, resting his forehead against yours. "No matter how much I would like to move this along, I know Sam will be back any minute. And I really don't feel like having my brother walk in on us."

Nodding, you let yourself revel in the feel of being held in his arms. It was almost as good as having his lips against yours. As his lips brushed your forehead, you couldn't believe your luck. Just hours ago you had been worried that you might have to walk away, and now, here you were, ready to start a relationship with him. And while it might not be all smooth sailing, you knew it was a step worth taking.

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