I need you - (JAMIE CAMPBELL...

By wastedyouthwbu

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She loves him. He loves her. He can't get over his ex-fiancé. Will he ever move on and fall for the one he ac... More

Chapter 1-The fight
Chapter 2- Without you/I need you
Chapter 3 - 'Ask me, doofus'
Chapter 4 - Back In Town
Chapter 6 - Confusing
Chapter 7 - New Guy
Chapter 8 - Movie

Chapter 5 - Make Up Your Mind

903 16 4
By wastedyouthwbu

Chapter 5:

I woke up and pulled the covers off the bed, then opened the door to go into the lounge room and kitchen.

"Hey" Lily said as she made some toast.

"Good morning" I say walking up to her and standing next to her.

"Want some?" She asks.

"Sure" I say smiling.

"Now, while I'm out you are allowed to eat everything and anything you want, okay?" She asks and I nod.

"Thank you" I say as she hands me Nutella on toast.

"I have to go now, I'll be back at roughly 6 o'clock" she says.

"Okay, and thanks again" I say hugging her.

"No problem" she says hugging me and then leaving.

I walked over to the pantry and pulled out a hot chocolate powder and started making a hot chocolate.

Once I had finished making it, I walked into the lounge room and picking up the movie 'P.S I Love You' and inserting it into the DVD player.


I woke up when I felt a vibration of a text from my phone in my pocket. I must've fallen asleep during the movie, since it had already finished.

"Where are you?" The message said. It was a message from Ashlee.

"At Lily's.Why?" I reply back.

"I'll come over, see you in about ten?" She texts.

"Sure" I say getting up and going into my allocated bedroom and brushing my hair, then braiding it.

Knock Knock Knock.

I ran over to the door and opened it, revealing Ashlee.

"Hey" I said hugging her.

"Hey, how are you holding up? I'm sorry about last night-" she started hugging me back.

"Shh. Don't worry about last night. But I think I'm okay" I say.

"That's good. I guess Lily's going to talk to him today?" She asks.

"Yeah she is. Come on in," I say "that's really weird to say when you're in someone else's house".

"I hope he has a good reason" she says stepping inside and giving me a thank you smile and walking to the lounge room.

"Same" I say sitting down on the couch and she does the same thing.

"I'm here for you, you know that right. I didn't think it would happen last night. And I just- it's hard. I didn't know whether I should come back to you or if I should stay with Josh" she says.

"Wait how do you know what happened?" I asked

"It's the news of the day, plus his tweets are easy to see through" she says.

"Right. But don't worry about it. It's not your fault, you were with Josh and I know how much you love him" I say winking.

"I love you more, sister" she says hugging me.

"I love you too, sister" I say hugging her tighter.

Ashlee and I always call each other sisters because we've been friends since we were fifteen and we're both only children, we always wanted sisters but we've know each other that long we're like sisters.

"I'm really nervous though" I say after letting go of her.

"So am I. But you'll be okay, no matter what the outcome is" she says.

"Yeah. Uh, are you hungry?" I ask.

"Yeah, a little bit" she says.

"What would you like?"

"I have a craving for schnitzel" she says.

"I'll check if she's got any" I say standing up and walking to the kitchen.

"Did Lily allow you to access her food?" She asks from the lounge room.

"Yeah she did" I yell back.

"Can I make chicken parmigiana, test out my cooking skills?" I yell.



"Here you go, chicken parmigiana" I say handing Ashlee a plate and sitting down with mine.

"It smells good" she says cutting off a piece.

"Thanks" I say cutting mine up.

"It tastes so good" she says.

"Thank you" I say again taking one of my pieces and eating it.

"If you need me I'm here" she says.

"I know" I say.


"I'm home!" Lily called out after I heard the door open and close.

"Hey Lily" I said walking out of the bedroom I was in and walking to meet her at the door near the lounge room.

"How was today?" She asked me.

"Ashlee came over, and we talked for a while but she went back home. How was it for you?" I asked.

"Lets sit down" she says bringing me down to the couch.

"Okay" I say breathlessly.

"So I went in today, and he was there, and I walked up to him and he said that he wanted to talk to you personally," she says "but he did say that he was really sorry and that he'll be waiting for you at your shared flat for you guys to talk. He doesn't mind what time tonight, he wants you to take your time. But he has filming tomorrow so, you know".

"Okay" I say standing up an walking to the bedroom.

"What are you doing?" She asks following me.

"Getting ready to go and visit Jamie" I say.

"Okay, talk to you when you are ready" she says walking away and I close the door.

Taking my clothes off, I walk into the bathroom that is connected to the bedroom. I turn the shower on and walked into it letting the hot liquid wet my body, I wash my hair, body and face and then get out of the shower.

I dry my hair and curl it, using Lily's curling iron.

I get changed into a dress that has a red skirt and a white top like a singlet.

I put on the red flats I have brought with me, put some light makeup on and then put my keys, phone and purse in my handbag.

I make my way out of the bedroom and find Lily drinking a bottle of water in the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go over now" I say.

"Okay, I'll see you when you get back. If you need me, call me" she says hugging me.

I hug her back and then I leave her flat.

I walk down the flat's stairs and then down the street, making my way to our flat.

I walk up the flat's stairs and then know on the door.

Soon enough, Jamie opens the door and his face appears.

"Hey, come in" he says.

I walk in without saying anything and walk over to the lounge, sitting down.

He sits down across from me and asks if I want a drink, I say no.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean too. It was an accident. I went to Kevin's and then I stayed the night, and then in the morning I slipped out without telling Kevin, to take a walk. I went into Starbucks, an I saw Bonnie, and she saw me, she invited me to sit down, and she asked how I was going," he says "I said I was fine and that I was working on the second Mortal Instruments movie, and that I had a girlfriend. Just as I told her that she was kissing me unexpectedly. I tried stopping her but she kept it going and then... I kind of kisses her back because it felt like I was being tricked into it. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry".

I fiddled with my hands and looked around at the place. It looked neat, the same as always.

"Say something" he says.

"I don't think this will change anything. We're not together. But I think I should move out" I say.

"No! Don't move out! I love you. I only love you, Jade. I need you" he says leaning forward in his seat and taking my hands, looking deep in my eyes.

"I'm going to get my stuff" I say walking into my bedroom.

I grab my suitcases from under my bed and start stripping the bed of my sheets, placing my clothes out of my draws into them. I empty the bathroom of my stuff too.

"Stop packing. I love you. Please, please stay" Jamie says standing at my door while I pack. I empty the ornaments into my bags too.

I take the apartments key off my key chain and place it in his hand and close his hand over it.

"If there is anything of mine left here, I trust that you will send it to Lily" I say.

"Goodbye Jamie" I say standing there and looking in his eyes. I reach up on my toes and kiss his cheek and then walk out of the apartment.

I walk down the streets and back to Lily's flat.


"How'd it go?" Lily asked as she opened the door for me.

"Well it was an accident apparently, I said I was moving out, I packed all my stuff, gave his key back, kissed him on the cheek as I said goodbye and... Left" I say pulling my suitcases in from behind me.

"Oh wow," she says "what now?"

"I think I'm going to find myself an apartment to live in" I say.

"There's a nice one nearby, I saw it when I was going to work today. But you can stay here until you find a place" she says.

"Okay" I say.

"I think the apartment was in the local newspaper, hold on I'll get the newspaper" she says standing up then wondering off into the kitchen.

"Oh! I found it!" She yelled from the kitchen and came prancing into the lounge room.

"Here" she says opening the newspaper and handing it to me.

"It one street away, it's got two room, a lounge room, two bathrooms, kitchen, laundry room, dining room and a balcony. I think it sounds good. Oh and it come fully furnished!" She said as a looked at it.

"They have an open day tomorrow, I'll go" I say.

"I'd go with you, I really would but I have filming tomorrow" she says.

"Don't worry about it! I'm fine to do it by myself" I say writing the address down in my phone notes.

"I'll make us dinner" Lily says walking into the kitchen.

"I'm going to look the place up on my computer!" I yell out to her.

"'Kay!" She yells back.

I pull my suitcases into my allocated bedroom and open one up, pull my laptop out of it and turn it on.

Opening Google, I search the address up and get directions.

I wake up and go into the lounge room, and Lily has left for filming already. I walk into the kitchen and make a coffee and Nutella toast, I walk into my allocated bedroom and get changed into a pair of denim wash jeans, black midriff, brown cardigan and my boots.

I grab my handbag, put the essentials in and braid my hair.

I grab my phone and exit the house, lock the door and walk down the stairs.


I went up the carpeted stairs, up to the third level, flat 6. I met a man in his forties with a clipboard and he brought me inside.

The first room was the lounge room -the kitchen was connected to the lounge room by an island that you sit at and eat-, there was a white couch in the middle, a faux rug, a clear coffee table, TV set, lamps, pillows and blankets Max the couch and some bit and bobs.

We walked into the kitchen which was decorated with white and matte colours.

We entered into the bedroom, the room was a creamy gold colour, with two huge windows on either sides of the bed, which was against the far side of the wall. Two white-wood bedside tables, sat by the windows, and there was a white dresser and desk as well. There was white sheets and pillows on the bed and white, sheer curtains that reached the floor. There was also a walk in wardrobe which was opposite of the door to the bathroom.

The next bedroom was exactly the same except the wall was a white creamy beige colour instead. And it didn't have a walk in wardrobe, it has a wooden wardrobe.

The laundry room was pretty plain, with its main colour as white, with a washing machine, dryer and a sink.

The first bathroom was connected to the first bedroom I went in. It had a toilet, a big bath, a shower, sink and a cabinet above the sink. It had a theme of white and gold.

The second one was separate instead of connected to another room, it was basically the same except it excluded the big bathtub.

The balcony was concrete and it had a chair and table with plants all around.

"I want it" I say in awe.

"Well if you sign here it can be yours to rent" he says handing me the clipboard.

"And signing" I say signing the piece of paper.

"Okay, here's your key, you can move in whenever you like, but we would think tomorrow would be best because the open day is over then" he says.

"Okay thank you" I say and he leaves.

I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge. Empty.

'Got it' I text to Lily.

'Eep!' She replies.

I walk to the lounge and plop onto it, grabbing the tv remote, I turn the tv on. I turned it onto a random channel and watched the program.

After getting bored of the program, I change it to the news.

'New images of Jade Elles walking to Jamie Campbell Bower's and her's flat after their alleged break up. Images of her walking home that night where taken too, and today there were pictures of her walking and entering an open house to look at a flat' the news reporter said.

"And that's your business because?" I ask the tv, then turn it off and walk into the bedroom.

I flop back onto the bed and lay there.

"Holy shit it's soft as" I say.

I put my phone next to me and close my eyes, resting and taking in the smell of lavender on the bed.


I opened my eyes, realising I had fallen asleep. Picking up my phone I checked the time and saw I had fallen asleep for half an hour.
I get up and grab my bag, walk outside the flat and then lock it walk down the stairs then out the whole flat building.

I walk to a coffee shop not too far away and grab two coffees.

I walk back to Lily's and once I get there, I knock on the door because I don't have a key.

The door opens and I see Jamie.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Came to see you. But I came, and Lily gave me a key awhile ago, so here I am" he says with one hand in his jeans, the other on the door handle.

"Ugh" I say as I push past him and put one coffee on the bench. I lean against the bench and start drinking my coffee, Jamie follows me in.

"Got me a coffee love?" He teases.

"It's for Lily, plus do you know when she'll be back?" I ask.

"In an hour or so" he says walking over and standing in front of me.

I put my half full coffee cup down on the bench beside me and fold my arms.

"I love you" he says holding onto one of my arms even though it was folded.

"But what about Bonnie?" I ask.

"Like I said last time. I'm over Bonnie. I love you. Only you" he says.

"And what if you see Bonnie on the street tomorrow? Will you just kiss her again? I can't risk it" I say looking into his eyes disappointed.

"I won't. Because I love you" he says.

"'To love is to hurt'" I say quoting Jamie's character in The Mortal Instruments.

"C'mon Jade! Give me one more chance!" He whines.

"No" I say.

As soon as that one word came out Jamie's lips were on mine. He reached his hands up the my cheek, as my hands crept out of their folded position and went to his waist. The kiss turned a bit more heated and I reached my hands up to his neck. Out of breath, I pushed his chest away a little bit, and he rapped his arms around me so he could hold me whilst I still had my hand in his chest.

Having by breath caught up, I looked up at him and he looked down at me.

"I still can't believe you" I say.

"Babe" he says brushing a fallen piece of hair behind my ear.

"Hmm?" I say with my eyes closed.

"I love you" he says.

"Uh..." I start wondering why here I should say I love you back, "I love you".

"Why did Bonnie come back by the way?" I ask looking up at him.

"I don't know. Didn't have a enough time for chit-chat" he says.

"I guess so," I say "did you guys establish what that kiss was? That it meant nothing, and your not getting back together?"

"Well, that's kind of the reason why I'm having dinner with her tomorrow night. I do know she's staying here for a few weeks. I did offer her to stay at my place though, because you've decided to move out" he says.

"Your going to dinner with her? She's staying at your flat? What?!" I ask.

"What do you mean? What's wrong with that?" He asks, confusion written all over his face.

"I cannot believe you!" I say pushing him away from me, grabbing my coffee and going into my allocated bedroom.

"Fuck!" I say as I slide down the door and sit there drinking my coffee.

"What the fuck did I do wrong now?" He asked angrily from outside the door.

"You are basically going on a date with your ex fiancé then go back to your place and have make up sex or something after you couldn't control yourself and fucking kissed her! What is wrong with you?! Why don't you see why I'm upset? Shit!" I yell resting my head back on the door.

"I won't do that. I'm better than that. I'm only going out to dinner with her to see how she is because she's my ex fiancé and an old friend. I'm letting her stay at my flat like Lily is letting you say her hers" he says calmly.

I jumped up, put my coffee cup on the dresser and packed up my suitcases. Which I didn't need to pack much up so it took roughly ten minutes.

Sitting on my bed, I decided I would move my stuff in tomorrow and stay with Lily tonight.

"How's Ashlee?" Jamie asked.

"Good" I say rolling my eyes. Jamie knew all my friends, especially because they got on well and she was my female best friend.

"Bonnie and I are just friends so can you please come out and pretend this never happened?!" He asks.

"Fine" I say getting up and walking to the door. I open the door and see Jamie sitting beside the door, resting up against the wall.

My phone buzzed and I quickly ran back into my room and checked my phone.

'Got a date tonight, sorry I can't come home, there's some macaroni and fish sticks if you're at my flat. I'll text you later. -Lil x'

'Okay. I'm at your flat, guess who joined me? Jamie. Giving him that key was a good decision right? Don't worry, I'm going to try to get at least his friendship back. -Jay x' I reply back with.

'Good luck. Lil x'

I put my phone in my pocket and walked out again, Jamie was standing up now.

"Lily's out for the night" I say awkwardly standing there.

"Cool" he says.

"Want some dinner?" I ask.

"Sure" he says.

"Put on a movie and we can have dinner and a movie to watch" I say walking away and going into the kitchen.

Pulling out two packets of macaroni and cheese and chicken sticks, I make the meal.

As I have put the meals in the oven and on the stove pot, I stand back and wait.

Jamie walks in stands next to me.

"Video up?" I ask.

"Yeah. I'm going to wait in here with you" he says.

"Okay" I say looking at the stove.

He grabs my face with his two fingers so I'm looking at him.

"I love you, you know that right? I love you, not Bonnie. I don't even understand why Bonnie is apart of this. Are you feeling threatened because I was engaged to her?" He asks, his face centimetres away from my face.

"Maybe," I say quietly "she was going to marry you, and when we were together, you kissed her. I have rights".

"She's nothing to me now, you're my everything" he says.

"Have you been watching too many chick flicks, your doing the soppy 'come back'" I say.

He reaches his face down to mine more and kisses me softly on the lips.

"Maybe" He says grinning.


Hellloo guys!

Sorry for the wait! But I worked on this as hard as I can, and I think this is a pretty big chapter for you guys to read, and it'll last longer!

Social Networks:

Tumblr: shinorhino.tumblr.com
Twitter: Shino_Rhino

On Tumblr you can see my username for Pinterest, WeHeartIt etc but I don't use those as much. (On header thingy)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, love ya guys.

Comment, Vote and Follow me :)

I want comments!

Video on the side is of Jamie Campbell Bower - Favourite Moments (Part 2) by Tiffany Maxwell over on YouTube, and as you know, each update I will post a video on the side related to JCB. Enjoy and have a Jamielicious day :)

Talk to you later.

-SHINO the only RHINO you love :)


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