bad luck // dan howell

By godcurly

84.6K 2.5K 2.1K

[C O M P L E T E D] in which a girl who's bad luck is getting the best of her meets the boy who helped her ge... More

twenty-one: part one.
twenty-one: part two
bonus chapter - the chapstick challenge
bonus chapter - twerking dare
bonus chapter - dirty secrets
8tracks playlist (⌒▽⌒)
character ask.
character answers.
explanations and thanks.


3.6K 109 182
By godcurly

"Arizona. Hey Arizona, wake up." I heard Sadie's voice say, shaking my shoulder. I didn't want to open my eyes. I was too tired. I stayed up till 4 watching Dan's old videos.

"What?" I said with my eyes still closed, dragging out the ah sound.

"Just get up. It's important, okay?" She said. I immediately shot up out of my bed, scared it was something about my dad. I was scared that he went earlier than expected.

"Calm down, okay? I got you something, it's not a big present, but since the stuff with your dad and all, I decided to take it upon myself and make you feel better." She told me. We had walked out to the living room and she started digging around in a bag full of her stuff. She pulled out a box, not wrapped but it had a red ribbon tied into a bow around it.

"Here. Open it." She said with a smile on her face. She handed me the box and we sat down on the couch and undid the ribbon. In the box was a blue Danisnotonfire & Amazingphil tshirt and a llama hat like Dan had.

"Oh my god," I said with my eyes wide and a giant smile on my face, "I love you! Thank you so much! I love you!!" I screamed, hugging the box, then Sadie, then the box again.

"Haha, you're welcome! Now go do something with that. I'm going to make some bacon and toast. We're going shopping today!" She yelled as she ran towards the kitchen.

I went into my bedroom and got in my closet. I pulled out some skinny jeans with a few holes in them. I searched a little bit more and got a white. I put on my Toms and a silver chain necklace that matched correctly to my other clothes. I put a few little defined curls in my already wavy hair.

"Foods done!!" Sadie yelled. I ran into the kitchen and got some bacon, even though I wasn't done getting ready, I still had to put my makeup on.

"God this is really good bacon. Better than I make." I said to Sadie.

"I'm a specialist in food! I'm like a food doctor." She told me. I nodded in agreement. When I was done with my food, I went and did my makeup. I put some black liquid eyeliner on and black mascara. When I was done I skipped into the living room and grabbed my bag, and then ran into Sadie's room and got her black beanie that had the word WILD on it.

Sadie was still getting ready when she saw me in her room.

"I expected you to wear your shirt and hat. But you look really pretty!" Sadie said.

"I wanted to wait to wear that, you know for a special thing, or a Dan-a-thon." I told her, she laughed and continued straightening her hair. I went in to my bedroom and got onto my laptop. I went on YouTube and watched some AmazingPhil & then some ShaneDawsonTV.


"Oh! Oh! Let's go into Hot Topic!" I said to Sadie, "Then to Forever 21!"

"We aren't even in the mall yet. Calm down Arizona." Sadie said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

Once we got into the mall, we went into Holister, then Hot Topic, Deb, Forever 21, and Abercrombie & Fitch. We wanted to go to Starbucks so we went to the little booth in the middle of the mall. While we were waiting in the line Sadie turned to me and said, "Are we going to your parents tomorrow?"

"Yeah," I said sighing. I can't believe we only have 6 days, it's going too fast. We ordered our drinks and went to the car. We drove home silent and put our new stuff up in our closets.

"Sadie, I'm going to go check up on Aaron, it's been 3 days since I last saw him and he was acting, really weird." I said. I grabbed my purse and phone and Sadie gave me a wave because she wasn't paying attention, as she was watching Doctor Who.

I got into my car and drove the 10 minuets to Aaron's flat. Once I got to his door, I stood there for a second, I almost knocked, but then I grabbed the door knob, and there was a noise, it was a moan. I quickly let go of the door knob. Did.. the door knob just moan..? I grabbed the door knob again, and there was a louder moan. What the fuck? I turned the door knob and swung it open quickly.

Aaron and some girl were up against the wall next to his couch, he was sucking her neck and collarbone.

"Aaron!" I screamed, I could feel the tears weld up, but I pushed them back, I don't cry in front of people. Aaron recognized my voice and pushed himself away from the girl. I got a good look at the girl, blonde hair, with bangs across her forehead. Her hair was teased up, she wore black makeup, in this smokey eyes look. Aaron was shirtless, his pants unzipped, and the girl was in her bra and panties. I was disgusted on how much her underwear was showing.

"Ari-Arizona, oh my god I'm so sorry." Aaron said backing away. He knew what I was capable of. I raised up my fist, but I knew if I hit him, I couldn't stop.

"You're sorry? You fucking cheated on me, wi-with this!" I said pointing at the blonde. The blonde took the hint that something was going down and mouthed, 'I'm sorry.' I looked at her and nodded, I supposed she didn't know with her shocked look. She went up to Aaron and slapped him really hard and walked out.

"Arizona, I sorry. It's just that you're a virgin and you don't want to have sex with me till you're married, and I can't wait-"

"Shut the fuck up about me being a virgin. And it's not because I want to wait to get married, it's because I want to find the right person, and if they're good to me, and love me, and would die for me, if they are the right one, I would then have sex. But you don't get the chance to get up on this, bitch. You lost it. You screwed up." I said. I started to walk to the door. I stopped and breathed in and out. I turned around really fast and punched Aaron in the face. Then again, and he was on the floor, and I punched him one more time.

Stop. Calm down. You'll kill him.

I stood up and let him lay on the floor. I picked up the glass from the vase that I had accidentally hit with my foot when we fell, I can't leave a mess, I hate messes, it's like I have an OCD thing about it. I threw the glass away and went out the door. I walked out of the building and went to the car. The girl that Aaron cheated on me with was standing outside, but with decent clothes on.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know he had a girlfriend, he was really hot and I just left the bar with him and I'm-"

"It's okay, I thought you didn't know. It's okay, he's a douche." I said to her. She nodded and walked to a red car and got in. I got in mine and drove off. I didn't know where to go. I looked at my hand, it had cut or two on it, but it was bloodied up. I decided to go home and fix it up and lay down.

Once I got home, I went into Sadie's room and she was sleeping. It was 11, a little early but, were always doing things now, sometimes she just sleeps for a long time. I closed her door quietly and went to my bathroom and got the first aid kit out of the drawer. I got a bandage and wrapped it around my knuckles and down to my wrist because I punched him so hard, I think I hurt my wrist. I brushed my teeth, put my hair in a high bun, put on a t-shirt and sweatpants, and laid down in my bed. I thought of Dan and his hair, his face, and oh, how cute that mother fucker is. I still couldn't sleep, my brain is still on. I grabbed my laptop and watched Dan and Phil till I fell asleep.

(hehehehhehehehehheheh aaron you bastard


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