Pretty eyes

By looolholland

10.5K 560 93

"pretty eyes" he says smirking "we meet again" What happens when Emily trips in a train station and falls he... More

Chapter 1- Blake's POV
Chapter 2- Emily's POV
Chapter 2- Sophie's POV
Chapter 3- Emily POV
Chapter 4- emily's POV
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
LAST CHAPTER- chapter 25

Chapter 1- Emily's POV

891 28 11
By looolholland

Emily's POV

"Yeah yeah I'm coming" I call out to my friend who's up ahead. "Quickly!" She shouts back. "Okay, Okay!" I say back to Sophie. Running to catch up, I crash straight into someone, causing me to fall down landing on top of them. "Oh, my god...I'm so sorry!" I stutter whilst scrabbling to my feet. "It's fine" I hear a masculine voice say whilst chuckling. I look up and see a gorgeous face with brown hair staring down at me smiling. His eyes are a sweet brown colour which compliments his hair nicely. "Your eyes" he says huskily "they're so blue" he says again. "I'm sorry, you have really pretty eyes" he whispers sexily. I blush at this comment. Suddenly our heads get closer and I find myself leaning in. Our heads get closer until we're almost touching, before someone breaks the moment. "Blake! Dude hurry we're gonna be late!" Shouts a tallish blonde haired boy, grabbing who I presume is Blake by the arm and dragging him off. "Bye pretty eyes" I hear him calling as he walks away. I'm left there stunned. I just nearly had my first kiss with a stranger. A hot stranger. But now I'll never see him again.


"Em what took you so long? God your so slow!" She yells dragging me through people. "Oh uh sorry, I got held up!" I lie before following her to the taxi. We get in and before long we get to where the signing is taking place. "Oh my god em I'm so excited!" She screams giggling slightly. "Oh not this again" I say to myself. Last time we went to a signing she completely freaked out. If she does this again this time I will literally kill her.

We walk through joking the line, as we wait for our turn to meet the bands. I suddenly spot a familiar face in the row of seats. "Hey Soph?" I ask "Who's that guy?" I say pointing to the familiar mop of brown hair. "Oh him?" She asks pointing to him, I nod. "Oh he's one of the boys from the band your brother just signed. I think his names Blake?" she says shrugging. I spot her take a quick glance at him. Wait The Vamps signed a new band? Why didn't Tris tell me? "Emily omg he's staring at you!" She says whilst nudging me in the side. I look over at him and see that she's right, Blake is staring right at me. Smiling. Shit do you think he'll remember who I am? I think going red. I see the blonde guy from earlier nudge him and he jumps. I laugh quietly to myself.

After a while, the line comes down to just us and the people in front. "Oh my god Emily! I'm about to meet my idols!!" She says squealing "how do I look? Do I look okay?" She says panicking. I stand there laughing "what? Oh god is it my hair? I knew I shouldn't of put it up!" She says on the verge of tears. "No..." I say laughing before continuing "you look fine soph...honestly!" I say as she calms down a bit. She starts counting down the people till we get there.

When it's finally us I walk over to where Blake is smiling at him. "Pretty eyes" he says smirking "we meet again!" He says and I go slightly red "yeah!" I say nervously, rubbing my arm with my hand. We chat for a little bit before he asks for my name- "Emily" I reply as he takes my phone case. I see him write-To pretty eyes, never thought we'd meet again did you?;) anyways enjoy the show - love Blake x I laugh slightly at this.

He suddenly asks for my wrist, I give it to him reluctantly and watch him as he writes down a few numbers. Wait? It's his number!! He just gave me his number! I internally scream. I have his number!! "Bye pretty eyes" I hear him say as he stands up to hug me. We hold it for a few minutes before I hear a cough, instantly making us jump apart. "See ya" I say quietly before hurrying off to catch up with Sophie.

"Omg they were so nice! I wonder if we'll meet them again" She says squealing. I laugh nodding. She shows me the photos of her and the boys before asking to see what I got. I show her rather reluctantly, as she grabs my phone case and starts to read what he put. "Pretty eyes?" She asks confused. "Wait meet again? Em what does he mean by never thought you'd meet again? Has Tris already introduced you to them?" She asks stopping with her mouth wide open. I laugh shaking my head. "Emily Sophia Watson! Is there something your not telling me?!" She asks stunned. I laugh nervously for about the 10th time today. "I'll tell you when we get back" I reply whilst pulling her into the car. "You better" she smirks. I nod as we laugh.

It's about 11 by the time we get back, but I don't mind. When we get back I fill Sophie in on everything that happened regarding Blake. She just sits there stunned by all this. "So he just gave you his number?!" She asks sounding quite jealous as to the face that one of her 'new' idols just gave me their number and not her. I just nod. "Have you texted him?" She asks again, sounding a bit more normal and less- jealous. "Uh no not yet." I admit shaking my head. "Well do it then!" She laughs in shock. "Okay" I nod and pull out my phone adding the number written on my wrist. I quickly type a message before showing it to Sophie- hey Blake, it's Emily or 'pretty eyes' here, you gave me your number today:) x After getting a nod of approval from Sophie, I press send. Only to be shocked with a message a minute later. Hey! It was nice meeting you today, twice! Didn't know you were Tris' sis?! X I laugh at this and show Sophie who squeals at this. I type another response- ahah yeah, guessing he hasn't mentioned me then xD x She stays for a few more hours before leaving. "Bye! See you tomorrow, text me if blake says anything else yeah?" She says winking at me and "will do" I laugh nodding in response before shutting the door.

"So who's Blake huh?" I hear my mum ask a smirk evident in her voice. "Oh no one, just one of the boys from the band Tris just signed" I smile more then I should at this, a blush creeping onto my cheeks. "I see, and does Tris know your talking to him?" She says whilst taking a sip of her drink. I sit down next to her, shaking my head before explaining to her how I met Blake- twice. When suddenly my phone pings making me jump. "Who's that?" She asks. I look down and instantly smile as I see who it is. "Blake" I say happily. I smile whilst reading it- oh btw me and the NHC boys are all down for a few more days before tour starts... Want to hang out tomorrow? You can bring a your friend too if you like :) x I quickly type a response back.

{bold= Blake, italic = you}

Yeah! I'd love too! What time should we meet and where? I might bring 2 friends :) x

Yeah thats fine! One for each of us then ;) jk, how's 11 & nandos? X

lol you wish...yeah that's perfect! Nando's is like my fave place haha😂 x

I only wish for you;) awesome, Nando's sick. You have great taste 😂 x

aw:) I do don't I ;) I gtg I'll see you tomorrow then yeah? X

Definitely- can't wait to see you xx

I switch my phone off, smiling to myself. Suddenly I realise I should text Sophie! I quickly make a group chat on Skype, when I get a message from Blake again.

Yo, just wondering but do you have twitter? X

I do yes, it's emilywatssx :) x

Cool thanks;) see you tomorrow x

See you:) xx

Within a second I get a notification saying-

@ newhopeblake followed you on twitter

@ newhopeblake mentioned you in a tweet- Nando's tomorrow w/ @ emilywatssx @ newhopereece @ newhopegeorge

I turn off messages before quickly Skyping my two best friends- Sophie and Holly..waiting for them to answer before squealing. We all chat for a bit, catching up with everything before falling into a comfortable silence. "Oh guys are you free tomorrow at around 11 to go Nando's? I'm meeting a few friends there" I say smiling, breaking the ice. I hope they'll say their free. "Yeah! I'm always free for Nando's!" Laughs Holly, flicking her auburn hair over her shoulder. "Of course! Who are the friends? as far as I'm aware, were your only ones!" Asks Sophie laughing. "Very funny" I say sarcastically, before continuing on about Blake and the others. "Oh my god you guys are actually my new OTP!" Screams Sophie. "Omg no, we just met Soph!" I laugh "he is pretty cute though" I smile nodding to myself. "OhMyGod you like him!" Squeals Holly. I blush slightly "what? No..." I say as she raises her eyebrows "Is it that obvious?" I say groaning in annoyance. "I knew it!!" Laughs Sophie clapping her hands. We chat for a little while longer, before finally deciding to call it night.

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