Thanatos: The Blue Dawn

By Devita33

1.2M 65.9K 20.1K

*COMPLETED* (Book #2 in the DAWN series) #19 in Fantasy Aurora Venerelli, the new goddess-to-be in Olympus... More

(1)Slipping into Cerulean
(2)Cyan Flavoured Desire
(3)Stirred and Viridian-filled
(4)Trickery in Teal
(6)Drowning Deeper in Blue
(7)Sapphire Surrealism
(8)Thoughts as Deep as the Aegean
(8.2)Thoughts as Deep as the Aegean
(9)Olympian Blue
(10)A Mask of Cobalt
(11)Indigo Heat
(12)Blueberry Clouds
(13)Turquoise Family Tapestry
(14)Spindrift Blue Barracades
(15)Azure Nights
(16)Even-handed Aqua
(17)Breaking the Ice
(18)Steely and Arctic Tactics
(19)Deep Sea Dreaming
(20)Amidst Blue Flames
(21)Lapis Lazuli Souls
(22)Powder Blue Blaze
(23)A Sea of Lavender and Ash
(24)Aquamarine Haven
(25)Zaffre Dagger
(26)Aurora Borealis
(27)My Tavernier Diamond
(28)Opal Pardon
(29)Whole Cerulean Hearts
(30)Bleu de France (Part 1)
(30)Bleu de France (Part 2)
(31)Path of Midnight-Blue
(32)Hell is a Forgotten Blue
(33)Moonstone Delights
(34)Denim, Deities and Departures
(36)Under a Navy sky
(37)Periwinkle with Serendipity (Part 1)
(37)Periwinkle with Serendipity (Part 2)
(38)The Royal Blue Treatment
(39)Capri Bonds
(40)Blue-bathed Revelations
(41)The Glaucous Corrosion
(42)Hyacintho Daemonium
(43)A Tanzanite Throne for my legacy
(44)Confessions of the Night sky
(45)Blue dusk
Azurian Threads- The Tales Book
Book Three
White Dawn

(5)With Navy Nuance

28.7K 1.3K 385
By Devita33

'Like a dark angel, he illuminated this aura of mystery and depth...'

With Navy Nuance

"This looks promising- 'a god could bind their powers to a certain object in case of mortal-transitioning'. What on earth does that mean?"

Thanatos took a sip of his whiskey and reread the line from the book I held. He grunted; "That's only applicable to a god transforming into their human form. If they want to store their power somewhere, they can use this spell." Thanatos pointed at the line underneath that. It was in ancient Latin.

"Aren't you all already in your 'human' form?"

"Not necessarily- to be truly human, you need to give up what makes you immortal. So in this case you store it away for safe-keeping."

"Ah..." I nodded and turned the page to continue looking for more relevant information. Still no sign of anything that could help me with my goddess-induced nightmares.

It was well past midnight, and we'd covered an entire wall of Thanatos' large study. It was beautiful and packed with tall shelves filled with an endless array of old books. The mere sight of the towering shelves of books somehow intimating in itself. The room smelt of old pine and firewood.

We were sat in front of the slow burning fireplace on a thick, white, fur rug. Thanatos had scattered some pillows on the ground; I was extremely comfortable leaning against the black, leather couch; my bum snugly perched on a wide cushion.

Thanatos was seated next to me, his glass tumbler of whiskey in his hand and a red-covered book in the other.

The study was dark, except for the light from the large fire.

I gently picked up my glass from the floor, careful not to spill it on my white dress. I'd decided to go with a comfortable and airy dress that Opis had delivered to me a few days ago. It had two slits running up on either side of my legs, which made it immensely comfortable to sit in. It was loose fitting and wrapped in the middle with a thin, cotton braided belt. It was strapless at the top, but tight-fitting so I had no need to constantly pull it up.

Thanatos appreciated it greatly.

He couldn't stop staring at my bare legs as I walked into the study. Even now as I sat next to him, I felt his burning gaze on my legs and my bare shoulders.

It took everything I had to keep slapping away his hand whenever it came close to touching me.

And believe me- he tried quite a few times. Especially after his third glass of whiskey.

I took a sip of my drink. The refined liquor burnt my throat as it slipped down.

Thanatos had pretty good taste in drinks.

"This is useless." I said as I reread the same sentence for the tenth time; "We're never going to find what we're looking for..."

"Such a pessimist." Thanatos said as he pushed up his rolled down sleeve. He was dressed more casually- his black shirt and pants more loose than his normal leather attire. He was barefoot, like me. I pressed my toes deeper into the thick furry rug with a sigh.

"I'm a realist. And I'm really tired."

Thanatos chuckled next to me as his eyes skimmed the book's index. "Well, then..." He casually patted his lap, "Sleep."

I raised a brow and dryly looked at him from the side. "I'm going to bed."

I attempted to stand up, but his hand shot out to grab my knee; holding me down. "Wait. If you're really tired, go climb into my bed."

"You do remember this little thing we have going on, right? The lie we need to maintain?"

Thanatos sighed and put the book down; I felt my skin heat up as his palm still held down my leg. "I just don't want you to be scared and alone. You know what happens when you sleep alone."

I sighed and rubbed my fingers against my temple. I could feel the whiskey running through my veins. Maybe drinking while doing research wasn't the best of ideas. And him acting like this- so concerned- it made me agitated. It was odd, to say the least.

"I know, I know. But we can't risk it. I'll be fine."

Thanatos' eyes were worried.

I smiled softly, trying to subtly reassure him, but his eyes merely glazed over. He was definitely more intoxicated than I was. How many glasses has he had now? Six? Seven?

"You're right."

He picked up a book and tossed it into the fire- my eyes shot up with shock. I gasped and rushed forward to save it from being engulfed by the flames. I ripped it out quickly, careful not to burn myself.

I turned around to scold him, but he was up on his feet moving towards his desk.

"What the hell, Thanatos! What's gotten into you?"

I dusted off the book and clapped it a few times to stop the small embers from picking up again. A book was a sacred thing- especially a book as old as this. My furrowed brows deepened as he picked up a dark pen and a piece of parchment. He began writing.

I dropped the book on the marble table and quickly walked to where he stood to peer over his shoulder.

His handwriting was beautiful; so elegant and graceful with wide swirls and a semi cursive loop.

"Who are you writing to?"

I pressed closer to him to see what he was writing; ignoring the grumbling sensation that leapt up as our bodies touched.

The message was short- very short.

'Need a favour. Come quickly. T'

"Someone who could help you."

I looked up at him, his eyes were dark and his jaw was clenched.

"You don't look like you want to do this?"

"Oh, believe me, I don't. But unfortunately, I'm out of ideas and people I can trust. Now, let me get this over and done with before the alcohol wears off and I can think sanely again."

I raised a brow and watched as he hastily folded the paper. Thanatos handled it like a burning coal. He couldn't get it out of his hands fast enough. Now seeing him like this, agitated, was even odder.

He rushed out the door of the study, leaving me leaning against the desk with a worried expression. I could hear him call to a servant to deliver the letter. I stayed put and waited, seeing as we didn't want any of the staff to see me here in his chambers after he'd so successfully snuck me in. Thanatos walked back in, his hand behind his neck and his eyes full of calculation.


"Well what?"

I crossed my arms and moved to where he sat down on the leather couch. Thanatos picked up his tumbler and gulped down the rest of its contents.

"Who is this mysterious confidant?"

Thanatos picked up my tumbler from the ground and chugged it down as well. He clearly didn't want to think about what he'd just done.

I stared at him with an impressed expression.

Wow, he can really pack in a lot of alcohol.

"Someone I haven't seen in a very long time."

"Your conscience?"

Thanatos laughed loudly, more due to the whiskey finally making its way to his head than the actual joke. "Actually, you're not too far off..."

Okay, now I'm really confused.

"Thanatos, please start talking some sense." I sat down next to him; my eyes drooping slightly from drowsiness and the lull of the fire.

He sighed and suddenly his head was on my lap. I tensed up and looked down at the overgrown, drunken god of death gazing up at me with half-closed eyes. He was pretty adorable like this...

Whoa, remember the plan. You can't get close.

"He's so much like you actually..."

I frowned.

Okay, so at least we've established that this mysterious person is male.

"And 'he' is...?"

"You're both so closed off and emotionless."

You're one to talk.

I sighed and ran a hand through his hair; it was so soft. If this was how he got when he was drunk, then I wouldn't mind for it to happen more often. "And you think that he'll be able to help me?"

"Eh... Maybe."

Thanatos rolled onto his side and planted his face into my stomach. I laughed softly at his delirious state.

He was completely inebriated.

"And his name is...?"

My fingers trailed softly over his cheek and I couldn't bring myself to stop them. His stubble was prickly and his jaw was hard and firm. He was beautiful bathed in the firelight. Like a dark angel, he illuminated this aura of mystery and depth.

His pitch black hair contrasted strikingly against my white dress and my tanned legs that showed through the slits.

His one hand was unconsciously clamped onto my wrist and the other around my waist; even while intoxicated he kept me close. Somehow, his dull senses still screaming at him to keep me warm and safe. Thanatos' eyes were closed and his breathing had slowed down. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was sleeping...



Nope. Didn't think so.

"Who is 'he'?"

Thanatos pressed his face deeper into my stomach, and I could faintly hear him mutter-

"My brother, Hypnos."

"Keep your mind focused on the task at hand. You keep veering from the spell." Alexus' index fingers tapped at my temples. "Focus, Aurora. You're much better than this."

I breathed in deeply and kept my eyes closed. I could hear Alexus move around me again; her small heels clicking against the tiled floor of Conrad's study.

The incense she was burning in the corner had travelled all around the room by now; musky sandalwood.

At least I was allowed to come back to the Academy after Thanatos meticulously examined the new magical-barrier around the school. Even he struggled to get past the first time, but there was no worry that a Fury or any other mythological creature could. They weren't nearly as strong...

I could hear Alexus breath in with annoyance.

I didn't bother to defend myself. My mind was struggling to keep itself centred. After last night's research 'date', five glasses of whiskey and only about four hours of sleep- I definitely wasn't up to the task of concentrating on a 'mind blocking spell'.

The 'Mens Murum' spell was tricky, to say the least, and I was still a novice. A quick-learning novice, but a novice nonetheless...

I'd spent my better half of the night researching everything I could about Hypnos, Thanatos' twin (a little detail I'd discovered) brother. He's the Greek god of sleep and is known to keep himself very detached from the other gods.

The book I'd snatched from Thanatos' study, after distracting him with a fresh glass of whiskey, could only tell me the basics- so I turned to my next best source.

No, not Thanatos. He was very much drunk, and a bit too handsy. Dodging his advances became all the more difficult as the whiskey began to flow harder. Normal human beings' reflexes slowed down when ingesting alcohol, but to me it seemed like Thanatos only became more agile and sneaky.

So I bolted the moment he grabbed the decanter for his thirteenth glass.

I could hear him grumble all the way from the sanctuary of my room.

Luckily, I'm fairly certain he passed out somewhere in between running after me and calling for more hard liquor. I contemplated helping him out, but Opis had popped his head into my room to notify me that his master was passed out on the couch and wouldn't be available until the next day. I tried not to laugh too much.

I failed.


The elderly butler popped back in before the door could close; "Yes, my lady."

"What's Hypnos like?"

Opis' eyes widened a bit, but then a small, knowing smile made its way onto his thin lips. "Ah... I was wondering who that letter was for." The old butler sighed and pursed his lips; "No wonder he's in such a drinking mood. My lord and his brother have a 'complicated' relationship as of late."

"They don't like each other?" I asked as I leaned against the corridor leading to my double doors; Thanatos' book in my hand.

"Oh, no! They love each other, as most brothers do, but they quarrel- as most brothers do too."

I nodded my head; "How long has it been?"

Opis sighed and shook his head. "This time I think it's been about a two decades, if I'm not mistaken..."

I gasped and stood up straight; "Twenty years? They haven't spoken for twenty years?"

"Twenty years for a god is nothing, my dear."

Twenty years ago I wasn't even born yet. That piece of news really shocked me, but I suppose Opis had a point. Twenty measly years for a being that's been alive for more than about four thousand years probably doesn't mean much.

How insignificant I suddenly felt...

"Wow..." I breathed; "What did they fight about?"

Opis shrugged and smiled softly; "I haven't the faintest idea. It's been twenty years after all, they might not even remember. But I must say- my lord clearly cherished your safety if he's willing to lay down his pride and call to his brother for assistance."

I grinned sheepishly.

I suppose that's true. I'd never thought about it in such a way.

"They're twins, right? Do they look the same?"

"Oh no, my lady. Hypnos has slightly lighter features than my lord, Thanatos."

I nodded. At least that means I won't have to worry about seeing double the trouble. Although, who would mind looking at two Thanatos'? Certainly not me...

"Hypnos, is he- well, does he have a similar attitude to Thanatos?"

Opis chuckled slightly; "My lord Hypnos is far more mature in a sense and a far less impulsive god. They are sometimes like night and day, but do not think for a second they do not love being mischievous together. You should've seen them when they were young. No one was safe from their tricks."

I smiled broadly and leaned against the wall again as Opis' eyes sparkled with good memories; "They used to feed special white poppies to Cerberus. It always caused him to become over-excited, racing around and knocking over things and howling deep into the night. Hades would get so direly angry and make them polish his throne-room as punishment."

"They sound like they were really naughty!" I laughed, just imagining young Thanatos with his bother running around causing havoc.

I felt suddenly guilty for leaving him there, in his study alone.

"Oh, they were!" Opis laughed, but soon his smile became sad, and I wondered what broke the old man's happy trail of thought.

I bit my lip.

"Maybe I should check on him..."

Opis held out a hand as I moved towards the door. "I'd rather you didn't, my lady. I know him all too well, and right now is not a good time for you to be in his presence. He's prone to... thoughtlessness."

I nodded my head, understanding what Opis was trying to convey. "I understand. Please, let me know if there is anything I can help with."

Opis smiled and bowed, signalling to me his farewell. I nodded my head and watched as the door clicked shut.

A sudden snap in front of my eyes shook me from my thoughts.

"Aurora." Alexus' voice was hard and impatient. I sighed in annoyance and sat back, opening my eyes to stare at the ceiling; the memory of last night and my conversation with Opis floating away into the warm sunlight.

"I know, I know. Focus. I'm trying..."

"No, you're not. You're thinking about other things. Is this about what happened between you and Thanatos yesterday, in the courtyard?"

Pausing, I looked around the room, pretending like I was battling with myself whether or not to tell her, but in actual fact I already knew exactly what to say.

"Yeah... I just didn't want to be so rude to him, but he pushed me too far."

Was it bad that I was getting really good at lying?
It felt like second nature.

Alexus nodded her head and took my hand in hers; "Relax, it'll blow over. At least these girls might go easy on you now..."

"Because of the little 'show' yesterday?"

We both turned our head at the sound of Samaria's perky, Italian-accent.

I shot up from the sofa and ran towards the brunette. She was walking with crutches and a neck brace. I gently folded my arms around her waist and hugged her deeply, careful not to strain her. Samaria laughed and nudged her head into the crook of my neck. Her voice was as cheery as ever; "Hey girl! Long time no see!"

"Good to have you back!" I giggled and tucked a loose hair behind her ear; her smile big.

"Samaria, how are you feeling?" Alexus asked as I looked over Conrad's assistant. Her cheeks were full of colour.

"I'm alright. Bene, babes. All is good in the hood."

I laughed and pinched her cheeks. She tried to dodge, but her neck wouldn't allow it.

Alexus stepped closer to examine the young girl's neck brace; "I heard you got off lucky."

Samaria sighed and nodded to Alexus; "Yeah, only a few cracked ribs, a concussion, a broken ankle and a really stiff neck- I suppose that is 'lucky'."

I helped her to the chair and sat her down onto the soft cushion.

"I should stop sounding so ungrateful- I am lucky. Thanks to this sexy lady."

I scoffed and shook my head as Samaria dropped her clutches onto the tiles.

"I did what anyone would do."

"Yeah, right. I would've fainted. Come to think of it, I think I did for a few seconds there..."

Alexus smiled softly as Samaria's cheer filled the room, but her eyes were clouded. I tried to push the conversation further- I had no more focus left to attempt the rest of the spell for the day and Alexus was starting to get on my nerves. I knew she was only trying to help, but sometimes putting two fiercely independent women in the same room wasn't such a good idea.

"So, about you and Thanatos..."

"Wait," I sat down on the armrest and gaped at the Italian girl; "You know about yesterday?"

"News travels."

"From the Underworld to Florence? Not very likely..."

Samaria's eyes caught something behind me. I paused, crossing my arms over my chest and turned my head to glare at Alexus; "You told her."

"She wanted to know what's been going on since she'd been away!"

I grunted and shook my head; "Well, it's really not a big deal, okay. We had a small spat and that's all."

Samaria scoffed with slanted eyes; "Please, you just made him more determined and interested by doing that."

I raised my brow and crossed my one leg over the other; "He's done with me. We haven't spoken since."

Lies, lies, lies...

Like crisp water it flowed from my mouth- easy, cool and unhindered. Worry etched itself at the back of my head; was it worth lying to friends? Or was I letting Thanatos' hold on me control my strings more than I thought he could?

"Whatever you say, Alba, but mark my words- he's coming for you; and this time, harder than ever before."

I gulped softly as Samaria tossed a book to Alexus and they started discussing my magic syllabus. My mind raced back to his words-

'Alright, I'll keep my distance, but it won't be easy.'

Was he planning on going through with this or would he let his own desires ruin my chances at safety among the gods?

This was our plan, but why did it feel like I was the only one making an effort...

I suppose soon we'd find out- for better or for worse.

Aurora, you little minx...

Poor Thanatos is definitely going to feel his head in the morning.

So who's excited for Hypnos? What do you all think he'll be like?

{*Pic- Samaria, Alexus Delilah.} --- Who's you favourite?

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