Rebel High: A Year Later

By GraceBeard

11.8K 406 308

This is the sequel to 'REBEL HIGH' that I wrote a few years ago. You guys kept begging for a sequel so here y... More



484 17 5
By GraceBeard

Ezra woke up to the sun shining on his face. He looked at his phone to see it was 10 in the morning, he decided to get up and ready, he took a 5 minute shower, dried off, put on his blue ripped jeans, white vest top, his black ankle boots, and towel dried his hair so it was just damp. Once that was done he went down stairs and into the kitchen to see two notes from Zeb and Sabine both saying that they were at work at that they'dbe back around 5. Kanan and Hera were still in bed so Ezra decided to make them some brunch (breakfast and lunch if I somehow didn't know what that meant). He cooked some bacon, sausages, eggs and put them into 3 cobs, the whole time singing different songs, his favorate song was 'Are We Human, Or Are We Dancers'. He loved it!!! Anyway, the food was cooked so he turned around to see Kanan and Hera both stood at the door smirking "how long have you two been there??" Ezra asked as he felt his cheeks turn a tad but red "10 minutes I'd say" Hera said.

They sat down and ate, spoke about different things and laughed at one of Kanan's had nothing jokes. As they were putting their pots into the dishwasher, Kanan asked "so where are we going today Ez??" the teen boy smirked "it's a surprise but" this made them both raise a brow but they didn't push. Finally it was fine for them to go, they three for into the car and drove, Ezra put the directions into the GPS for Hera who was the driver, she was so confused with were she was going because it was learning where?!?! "Ezra are you sure we're gong the right way??" the woman asked for the 5th time "yes Hera, I'm positively sure this is the right way".

After 20 minutes, they reached a....woods?!?! "Em...Ezra?? Where are we exactly??" Kanan asked as they got out "it doesn't really have a name but I call it...well used to call it...home" was the teens reply. The two adults shared a look "what do you mean??" Hera asked but Ezra just said "follow me and you'll see" and with that, he ran into the woods. "Ezra!? Wait up!!" they yelled as they tried to catch up "come on!!" Ezra yelled with laughter. Finally, the couple court up with Ezra "you need to remember that you're 10 times faster than us kid" Kanan said with a hint of amusment "sorry, forgot". They walked for 10 minutes until they saw a wall vines "come on" Ezra said making the two confused "em Ez...there's no where to's a wall of vines" Hera stated but the boy just smirked "not everything is as it seems Hera" and with that he moved some of the vines to show a cave, shocking the adults. They walked through and followed the teen through the cave until they saw some light up a head, that's where they went. All of a sudden, they were in front of a beautiful scene, a willow tree surrounded by a gorgeous lake, flowers and grass everywhere, it was like the whole thing with in a massive bowl, it was an inside cave but with no roof so the sky was seen. "Ezra...this place is amazing!!" Kanan stated, his girlfriend the asked "where did you find this place??" Ezra explained "years ago when I lived on the streets, I was walking around one day and  I ended up getting chaced by a cop, I ran and lost him so I decide to have a rest, I leant against the wall of vines when I fell through...that's whne I found this place and...made it my home" they smiled.

Ezra ran in one direction which lead to a big, and I mean BIG tree, he began to climb it. "Please be careful Ezra, you only just got out of hospital!!" Hera called. The two watches until Ezra got pretty high, he vanished for a few moments until a rope came down "climb up!!" by heard the teen yell. The two shares a look before going as told, Hera going first then Kanan. Once they got to the top of the rope, they saw a...treehouse?! Well actually it looed way bigger than a treehouse "welcome to my treehome" Ezra greeted as he went over to a bed looking thing "you did all of this Ezra?!" Kanan asked in amazement "sure did, took me a whole year to do". They looked around before Ezra pulled the couple to the edge of the treehome "this is how we get down" was all he said before..jumping off!?!? "Ezra!?!?" his foster parents yelled, looking over to see...the boy laughing as he went down a long wooden slide into the lake near the willow tree. "Come on down!! The waters fine!!" Ezra called, the two shared a look before Kanan went and jumped, once Hera heard a splash, she did too. They played in the water for a while until they got out at sat under the willow tree to dry off. "This place really is beautiful" Hera stated as they relaxed "agreed" Kanan added.

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