Unusual Powers: (BEING EDITED...

By Dance_Away808

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I thought I was normal. I was wrong. Two years ago, I escaped from a Form. They were teaching us how to use... More

Abby Hellen (Edited)
Expectation (Edited)
Alec's back (Edited)
A Dream (Edited)
Kaely... (Edited)
Abandoned House (Edited)
Black Shadow (Edited)
Fighting... (Edited)
Loss in Training (Edited)
I like her (Edited)
No Normal Day
Forgiven. Forgotten. Thrown Away.
Mary Hellen
Our Plan
Drug her
Getting answers
Game Plan
He's Here...
This is our Battle
Live. Fight. Die.
Lost Somewhere
How Do We Get Back?
On my Way
I love you...
Dad doesn't love you...But Someone Does
Holy Green
Memories, Too Strong
Forever Gone

The Fight Begins

231 7 5
By Dance_Away808

Authors Note: I know, I update fast, but I just wanted to get to this part! I HOPE YOU GUYS like IT, I PUT ALL OF MY EFFORT INTO THIS!! :D

                                                                       Kevin's P.O.V

In front of me, I see blankness. But maybe it's not really what I am seeing, but yet, what I am thinking. Nothing. I can't define what is going to happen in an hour when we go to attack. I don't know if we will lose, win, and even who will die. Of course, I am not physic, so I can't know what will happen, though I wish I could know everything. 

 I am just kind of...afraid of what is going to happen. If Abby dies, my whole world will crush down.. I hope no one will die, other than the Form. 

 And who knows...the people training in the Form they might just want to kill them too. I know how much people hated them when I was there, so maybe they might end up helping us. Although, they might be terrified the Form would kill them before they have a chance to do anything.

I finally blinked back to reality. I got up off my chair and went to where everyone was; the kitchen. They were eating their last meal for the day. I forced a half-smile. "Ready?" I asked them, "Let's go." I said with depression i my voice. 

Abby got up off her chair she was sitting on and sat down her water bottle. She went straight to me, and grabbed my back, wrapping her arm around my whole waist. "Are you okay?" she asked really meaning it. 

"Every things in my head at once." I said worried, "What if you die? What if I die?" 

She titled her head and raised her eyebrows. "Were not." she told me. "We got to get going. Come on." I love her too much to let her go. I have spent the last six months of my life with her. And...Honestly, it was the best six months of my life. Even if we weren’t alone all the time, it was still the best. She made my life. She has been through so much with me with what has been happening all this time. I can't lose her. Ever. No matter how much I think about it, I still can never see myself healing if she dies. 

We all got in the car and Alec drove for me. I didn't want to drive while thinking the way I am. Luckily, this care seats six, plus the two seats in front, so therefore, everyone has a seat in the car. I am hoping we win!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE FIGHT BEGINS!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was cold, and dark. It was night time and the wind was blowing fast. We could sneak up on the Form, and they'll all be asleep. Well most of them. We are going to go through the back way. I found an open area, where we had found Kaely the first time with us. Then, we are going to attack and that's when it begins...the real attack...

We all are wearing our matching uniforms, as planned. Holy is going to spread her beautiful wings inside, so she can manage to fit through the open spot. Because the spot is so small, she wouldn't be able to fit if she did have them out. Holy's hair is in a long pony tail. She has quite long hair, too.

Abby looks ready to attack. She also looks appear on my face. Very determined. Her hair, as usual, is in a braid to the right shoulder. Her eyes look kind of read from the lack of sleep lately. As Alec came to a stop, everyone opened the doors and stepped out. Abby looked at me and smiled. She mouthed' I love you'. 

Kaely has just her plain pony tail. Alec, well, his hair is just not even bothered with. And as for Rikki, she also has her hair in a braid to the right just like Abby. 

We all quietly stepped in front of the open spot in the Forms' building. Alec was first to step in, then Abby, Rikki, Holy and then I let myself in ready to attack. This is our only shot. We only got right now.

                                                                 Rikki's P.O.V

We are all now into the building and we are look determined. I made a smirk appear on my face. I saw everything that I saw almost three years ago. When I trained here, it was never really helping, so the Destroyers here tonight won't be so tough as they think they are.

Holy suddenly spread her wings. Still, I am wondering how she got the wings. Is it her second power? Holy made the first move. She ran into one of the rooms that the destroyers live in. In each room, lie three people. All of the same genders are in one room, though. I always wished I could have a room to myself, but that was never possible. I thought Holy would slowly open the door and go in, but no, she slammed the door open and ran in there. It shocked me very much. 

I am actually having second thoughts about this. I know, if I die, I get another life and then I am alive again. But, all my friends don't have nine lives like I do. -Eight- actually, now.

Surprisingly, Kevin ran in after her. "Okay, two people go in a room each." Alec said breathing fast. "Go, now!" he almost now was yelling. I nodded my head and ran in after Kaely. The room Kaely and I have went into was room 18, -the one my dear friend had, Alyssa, she always said that room was really freaky. - And I saw three girls sleeping in their beds peacefully. I know I am going to feel bad about all this if we win because the three girls in here are only around seven years old. That was around the age we were when we were all taken into the Form. Three little girls....

I closed my eyes and knew we had to...we have to kill these girls, no matter how badly I don't want to. I have to. I took a deep breath and grabbed the knife out of a pocket off of my tool belt. I slowly raised it above the little girl. I frowned and felt really sorry for what I was about to do. End an innocent girls' life. Finally, I told myself, do it! I shoved the knife, piercing her heat. "I'm sorry," I whispered. Kaely turned to me and I noticed the blood on her face. He had already killed two of them. By the looks in her face, I could tell she felt bad, too.

                                                              Abby's P.O.V 

Everyone in our "group" has already killed one or two people that were sleeping. Suddenly, when all of us walked out of each room, I saw a guy in a black uniform, but I didn't know him. A guard. I felt fear, but then I sucked it up and walked over to him. He had a small gun in his hand he lifted his head tall and yelled, "Intruders!" he looked at me and pulled the trigger, but thankfully, I jumped out of the way fast enough, and the bullet went into the wall.

I looked behind me and stared at the wall and shrugged. "Good shot!" I told him. 

"Intruders!" he yelled again. Everyone ran to another room starting to kill again. While I was waiting for more guards to come up. But Alec was still with me to help me as they come. More and more guards came to us trying to hurt us, but yet, we kicked their arms which caused the guns to drop out their hands. Then we would kill them with either using our arrows or knifes. It kind of seemed cool because it was like ninja skills. Because every time another guard came, I did a cool move that would make them hit the floor like do a twist in the air and kick their face. It's cool.

I have now killed about fifteen people and I know there is going to be many more people I am going to have to kill. And many innocent's too. But as long as the Form is never here again, I guess I could live with myself.

                                                           Kevin's P.O.V 

I went into a room where it was now boys. All three boys were about thirteen. I slowly walked in, but still tripped over something. I made a lot of noise when I hit the floor. "Shit!" I muttered to myself acting like the damage of them walking up hasn't already been done. One of the boys, a muscular one, grabbed something off of his desk. I finally got back up and kicked his face, but then he came at me with a knife. It didn't look clean. The knife was all rusted and old. I noticed when I kicked him, he had gotten me. The knife had already gone deep into my thigh. I tried not to yell a lot. But it very much still did hurt. 

Finally, I grabbed the sword that was hanging on my back and I stabbed his heart. I then stabbed the other three. And the guy who thought he was cool and stabbed me, dropped to the floor, gasping for air. Which, I found myself grasping onto my leg trying to stop the bleeding. I ripped part of the dead guys' shirt -that was lying on the floor- shirt. I ripped it and tied it on my leg so the blood would still stay in my leg.

I finally got up and limped out to the training room in the Form. I saw Abby and Alec fighting off garuds. She saw a glimpse of my leg, "Kevin!" she yelled running over to me, leaving Alec to himself, but he could do it, there was only one other body guard left. "What happened?" she asked, starring at my leg. 

"It's nothing," I told her, "Go back and fight! Keep going and don't stop. Don't worry about me." I added making sure I sounded very, very serious. Though, I didn't want to sound rude, but she can't ditch Alec like that wondering what happened to me. She has to be focused. 

 My leg is stinging and throbbing very bad. And where did that teenager get that rusted knife anyway? It was old and rusted, so why would he keep it on the side of his bed on his desk? I just don't get it. Because the sword was rusted, it might do bad damage to my leg. 

My keg is still throbbing and because I am breathing so hard, my throat is clogging up and I am pretty much chocking on my own saliva. Suddenly, I felt my leg sting instantly. I don't know what to do about it, though. 

I still have to put all my effort into this fight, no matter how bad my leg is. They need all the help they can get through this whole fight in spite of the constant pain rushing through my leg. I started to limp over to the next room, forcing the door open. Holy went in front of me and opened the door for me. Holy looked at my leg and raised her eyebrows, looking very confused. "I got stabbed," I told her, "Come on, let’s go!" She then went inside the room and I limped in after her. She shot the gun three times, one for each person. She hit all three in the heart. She smiled and walked out.

"We have about thirty more rooms, plus Baron and his co-workers." Holy explained to me. I nodded and then put my hand in front of me and slowly curled it in, making the door shatter. Suddenly, the whole building was filled with people. Everyone was now awake and out of their rooms. They finally realized, an assassination was going on. To my surprise, some of the people discovered their second powers. Some had healing, like Abby's "mother," and some had flexibly and even invisibility which made it harder for us to see them so we could kill them. 

The room was just filled with so many people, it was overwhelming me. I might die, I thought, with an injured leg, and everyone now awake, fighting us off, I might die. I know I shouldn't think like that, but it's probably the truth. Suddenly my head felt light and I fell to the floor. Incautious. 

                                                                    Kaely's P.O.V

I caught a little glimpse of Kevin's leg, and I feel so bad for him. I mean, he was bleeding bad. I could see the blood start dripping from the ripped shirt tied on his leg. He has already filled the shirt with his blood and it doesn't look good. 

Kevin told me not to worry about it and keep fighting, so I am. Suddenly, a guy punched me in the back so I quickly turned around and threw my leg high into the air, while turning, and my foot hit his face. I smiled and the stabbed his heart, making sure he was dead.

Instantaneously, a unfamiliar voice calls my name, and it was a girl. She was hiding behind a wall. She then told me to come over to her, but how could I trust her? I don't know her. "Please," she pleaded, "Let me help you guys fight them," she held out her hands with a whole bunch of tools in her hands, "I got my own stuff, please. I hate the Form, I just could never escape like you guys did. How did you guys anyway?" she asked. 

I don't think I know her, but she seems like she knows who I am and that we had escaped. "Never mind that," I said fast, "Sure, just if you turn on us, you do know I have to kill you, right?" She nodded her head quickly and ran behind some guard and she stabbed his back, and the guy fell to the floor dead. Maybe she means it, I thought, maybe she really wants to help. 

The girl walked back over to me and said, "My name is Ella, by the way." she smiled and went to fight some more people. But no one in our "group" knows her yet. So what if they kill her? Oh, no! I have to tell everyone to be careful not to kill her. 

I then made sure I told them all, I described what she looks like. So now they all know who not to attack. Because Ella is now helping us too. I let a smile appear on my face in thought. 

                                                                            Alec's P.O.V

I was killing many people really fast. I almost felt like I was in a dream. Even though I was killing people, I felt good and proud. Well, I should be, were winning! Although, none of us has seen Baron yet. We would think that by now he'd be here, trying to fight us off, but he's not. I even went into his room and he wasn't there. So, where could he possibly be? At Kevin's house? 

It felt good to have another person in our group to help us, because we need as much help as we can get. I really hope more people will go to our side like Holy did about ten minutes ago. 

Right now, I think it has been about an hour since we came. I didn't think it would take this long. But, Baron has made this building much, much bigger since we were here, so there are many more people than we had all thought the last eight months. 

Suddenly, someone grabbed both of my arms from behind me. His arms were wrapped around mine, causing my to be behind my back. It kind of hurt, but I could deal with it. With fast reflection, I kicked my leg backwards, hitting the guys' chine, making him fall to the floor holding on to his knee. He then got back up but i kicked him back down and grabbed the knife from my pocket and stabbed his heart, just like I have been doing this whole time. 


                                                                    Kevin's P.O.V

My eyes fluently opened, and then I heard a voice, a familiar one, Abby. "How are you feeling?" she asks, as I am still trying to open my eyes. I was lying on the couch in my living room. "You...past out...during the attack..." she told me, stuttering. I looked at my leg, and there it was. The answer of why she was stuttering so much...

"What is this?" I ask staring at my new leg...

Authors Note: THERE IT WAS! THE NEW CHAPTER! THE ONE OF THE FIGHT! THE ONE YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!!! I am excited to post this! I hope you guys like it. ONE more chapter and then I am finished and off to editing....♥

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