The Armored Warrior

By ArkenSenpai

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Your father has gone missing for almost a year now. You were cleaning out your attic until you found somethin... More

Chapter 1- Remnant
Chapter 2- The Armor
Chapter 3- Beacon
Chapter 4- The previous visitor
Chapter 5- Friends
Chapter 6- Initiation
Chapter 7- Myths and Legends
Chapter 8- Official
Happy New Year
Chapter 9- Lead
Chapter 10- Missions
Grimm Eclipse Request
Chapter 12- Nightmares, Or visions?
Chapter 13- Belonging
Chapter 14- Messages
Message to the readers
Chapter 15- Neo
Chapter 16- Bounty
Chapter 17- Perspective
Chapter 18- Former Glory
Chapter 19- Lies from a dead man
Chapter 20 Prologue- A cup of Tea
Chapter 20- Regiment
Chapter 21- Cella
Chapter 22- Reunion
Chapter 23- Mirror Mirror

Chapter 11- Maze

5K 61 18
By ArkenSenpai

The grimm roar echoed through the maze, the slight sound of its steps goes by. Snow turned on night vision, i could see it passing by. The sheer size bigger than what i expected. Its red eyes illuminating a green glow cause of the night vision. I let it go forward more and slowly followed it, trying to make as little to no noise as possible. It turned a corner and i followed. I had almost ran into it, it had stopped moving, just standing there. A crept back and went into a corner of the maze. It just stood there, not doing anything. I could see its shoulders rise and fall, answering my question that it is still alive. I could get a good look at it now. Its huge, bigger than anything i have encountered. It's arms the size of tree trunks, maybe bigger. Its horns were unbelievably large, this armor is basically useless to them, well i wouldn't want to see that guess made true. The club looked like a tree with a rock on the end. I slowly crept to the side of it, where's it head should be was replaced by a skull, but it just looked like it was floating. I could see no neck no nothing there, just a floating skull with red eyes. 

It started to move forward again, but a faster pace than before. I let out a little sigh, relieved that it didn't swing its club at me. I had to pick up my pace to follow it. It felt like hours had gone by, twisting around every corner. It eventually stopped and waited again. A door open...wait.. door? Yeah a door, a door had opened showing a ramp going down, again this corridor is dark. It went down and i followed, my mind screamed no, do not follow it down there but wait outside for it to come out again. But i followed, hesitantly. 

We came up to a large room. It felt like a hanger, this was definitely man made. I stayed close to the walls and watched what it did. I observed the room quickly, trying to gather as much detail of this room as i could. No doors except for the one we came in through, no lights, no nothing. Except for the center of the room sat a pool of some sort of liquid. It seemed to be heading to it. I quickly turned on the camera attached to my helmet and recorded what i was seeing. This creature had just walked into this pool and disappeared into it. I was so confused by this action. What was that pool? Just where the hell am i?

That's when i was launched across the room, slamming into the wall on the other side. I quickly got back up and tried to see what hit me, but i couldn't see anything. Again i was launched into across the room. My shields going to half. I landed near the pool, i caught a quick glance at the creature standing behind me through the reflection. I quickly turned around and rolled, but i didn't see anything. I ran back to the pool and did the first thing that came to my mind, i jumped in. 

When i jumped in though, it was if i went through a worm hole, i don't know exactly what happened but it was if i re entered this room from another puddle. But this wasn't remnant, this place was dark, the ground was red, i could see the shattered moon, our same moon. There were some purple crystals nearby and a purpleish redish haze all around us. There were more puddles of that same black liquid. I turned around and barely had anytime to dodge the minotaur rushing at me. I rolled and pulled out my axe. It turned around, paused and held its weapon at the ready, we circled each other before rushing head on into each other.

 I raised my axe up ready to swing down, but it used its club to parry mine by swinging upwards. I circled myself around, using the momentum from its parry to bring my axe straight into its chest. I pulled it out and parried its attack. During that parry i saw it raise its fist and throw a punch at me, it sent me a few feet away from it. I saw its shadow looming over me and saw that it was bringing its club downwards. I rolled, got onto my feet and readied myself again. It pulled its club out of the ground, reached down for one of the crystals and threw it like a javelin at me. I side stepped out of the way of the first one, and rolled to dodge the other one. I rushed at it again, ducked under its club swing and rolled underneath it and swung at the back of its knee. I hit something, because it went down on that knee, i ducked its club swinging backwards and brought my axe upwards into its arm. 

Luck was not on my side, my axe got stuck. It brought its arm up, and i couldn't pull my axe out of its arm. It knew that i had lost my weapon, cause i heard something that sounded like a laugh. It stood up, and it seemed as if none of my attacks had affected it in the end. It pulled my axe out of my arm and tossed in into the pool that we had came out of. It charged at me, i rolled out of the way and ran to the other side. 


'Deploying BR' 

I'm glad i had brought my Battle rifle with me. I aimed it at its skull mask, dead center. I charged and i emptied the clip into's head, i could see the skull slowly cracking, i didn't have enough time to dodge and was hit dead on by its charge. It lifted me up by its head and threw me to the side. I landed on a crystal, i could feel that my side had been penetrated by it. I jerked my body and broke the crystal, it still in my side. I loaded another clip into the rifle. Aimed it again in the same spot. And fired, again, i was hit. Tossed again to the side. I can't survive another hit from this grimm. I landed and slammed my back into a rock. I could see it preparing to charge again. 

But something had happened. A figure landed in front of it, covered by a cloak, i couldn't make out any details of what this figure was. All i saw was that the minotaur had knelt to this figure. It turned and faced me, a black smoke had started to surround me, i passed out. 

I don't know how long i was out for, but i awoke in the room with the puddle in it. But the puddle was gone. 

'Are you alright (Y/N)?' 

"Not really, i still have that crystal in my side." I replied, putting my hand over the wound. I saw that beside me was my axe, and another weapon. A dagger. It's hilt seemed to have engraved in it that strange language as before, as well as 2 orbs. One red, one purple. The blade itself was 6 inches and had a purple line on one side and a red on the other. I grabbed in my left hand and put my axe in its sheathe. I left that room, i limped around the maze for what seemed like eternity, each step getting weaker and weaker. I came across what seemed like an alter, with in the middle the skull of that minotaur, i could tell by the bullet holes in it. It wasn't emitting that black smoke anymore. I got the urge to place my hand on it, and by doing so i found my way out. The wall in front of it collapsed into a pile of rubble. I was basically blinded by the sudden flash of light. I had stood there for a good 5 minutes covering my eyes, letting the adjust by the sudden exposure to light after god knows how long of being down there. I walked out and realized that i was now outside on the other side of the hill. 

"Oh for fucks sake, i don't want to climb this again." I said aloud. 

'Well, its faster than going around it.' Snow replied

I let out along groan, and that groan continued for most of that climb. When i reached the top, my legs were screaming  and my side didn't help either. I could see the town, alive with people walking everywhere. I couldn't spot team rwby. I decided to head back to the hostel. I slowly walked there, it was more of a shamble. Whenever i passed someone, they stopped and stared. I slowly opened the door to the hostel and barely pulled myself up the stairs. I opened the door to our room, i found team RWBY. They were all basically asleep. But when the door opened the awoke, and drew their weapons on me. I walked by them and collapsed on Weiss bed. 

I let out along groan of relief when i felt the soft bed beneath me. 

"Jesus christ! (Y/N)! Are you alright!?" I heard Weiss basically scream at me.

I replied with a slight groan. 

"Snow...deactivated armor into portable mode." 

My armor turned back into the bracelet. I grimaced in pain as the wound was exposed again. 

"Jesus, we need to get a doctor!" Yang said.

"On it!" I heard Ruby say, i could hear a gush of wind as she left the room. Someone had ran into the bathroom and turned on the sink. Probably getting a wet clothe to clean the wound. I just laid there. 5 minutes had passed and the sound of feet could be heard outside. 

"I found one!" Ruby yelled. 

The sound of feet rushing towards me and then paused. A bag fell, i could hear the slight sound of pencil against paper writing furiously. I could feel my wound being cleaned again, then something, probably pliers of some sort were put into the wound. I let out a yelp. 

"Okay (Y/N), this will hurt but count to 10 for us okay?" I heard Weiss say. 




I screamed at 4, as the crystal was pulled out of my body, i passed out from the pain. 

(Y/N) had passed out. I looked at the mute woman again, she held a crystal covered in red, about 4 inches long and 2 inches in diameter. She dropped it in a bowl of water and began to seal his wound. 20 minutes had passed and she was done.  She wrote 'He should wake soon, but ill be here until then, just in case anything happens.'

"We don't know how much we can thank you." Ruby had said, she just shook her hand in a no need to way. I sat down near (Y/N) and just rubbed his head. I could hear the rest of my team talking with the lady, who we found out her name is Arryn. We had to wait for (Y/N) to awake before he could go to the mayor with our report...that is if he defeated the grimm. 

I could hear someone pick up the crystal, it was cleaned now. 

"Weiss, is this by any chance a dust crystal?" Blake had asked, i turned and looked at it.

" least...i don't know, its unlike any that i have seen." I replied

"Odd, I'm going to go and call Ozpin, see if he knows anything about this."Blake had went to the other side of the room, and called Ozpin. I couldn't make out much of their conversation, but i did hear that Ozpin wanted a report first thing when (Y/N) awakens. Arryn had sat beside me and started to write on a piece of paper. 

'I guess you two are close?' 


'Ah, i get it.' She smiled 'Don't worry, he should be fine, but when you do leave, get him to a hospital before anything.' 

I nodded in reply. She stood up and sat with Ruby and Yang. I don't know exactly when i had fell asleep, but i awoke with his hand on mine, and my head on his lap. I'm guessing that he had brought me into the bed as well. He was chatting away with the rest of the team, i just closed my eye's. Enjoying this. He eventually called Ozpin and gave his report. Its obvious that he did know that i was awake and listening.

"It has a maze underneath the hill Professor. It's large, as well near the entrance there is an alter of some sort, with the skull of the minotaur on it, it had activated something that destroyed the wall, letting me escape." He said

"What about this grimm, the Minotaur?" 

"It was large, bigger than an Ursa major, way bigger. Probably about 4 feet taller. It was strong, and held a club that looked like a tree with a rock where the leaves should be. It was black and where its head should of been, was just black smoke and the skull floating there." 

"Odd.... What about this black puddle?" 

"The black puddle was about the size of a pool, when the grimm had entered it it just vanished. When i had watched it disappear into the puddle, i was launched across the room, when i had recovered it had happened again, i was tossed near the puddle and i could see the minotaur behind me. When i turned to see if it was there, there was nothing. I took a gamble and jumped into the pool. I reappeared in the room again but it wasn't the room. It was half destroyed and it looked like another dimension or plane." He had went on and continued to describe what had happened to him. He described the place he was in, his fight and the mysterious cloaked figure. It had reminded me of that cloaked figure from before. Ozpin had told him to try to remember any details of this cloaked figure, but he couldn't. The only thing was him being covered in black smoke and the dagger. 

"Hm, you did say you recorded this whole thing?" Ozpin asked

(Y/N) was shocked that he forget he did, and replied with yes. 

"When you get back, we shall watch this recording and look at this dagger of yours. I'm sending a bullhead to come get you, it should be there within two hours. Go give the mayor your report and wait for the bullhead. As well, i am informing General Ironwood of this maze, ill let him deal with the rest. Rest easy." With that the call had ended. 

Ruby, Blake and Yang had left to go give their report to the mayor. Arryn had left awhile ago apparently, while i was sleeping. (Y/N) had laid down, i snuggled closer, i was greeted with his arm wrapping around me. He fell asleep almost instantly, i placed my head on his chest, and could feel it rise up and down as he breathed. I loved moments like these, they make me feel safe. I placed a kiss on his forehead, and fell asleep as well. 

-Authors notes- 

Sorry for a late update, but here is chapter 11! YAY

Umm not much that i want to say sooo yeah...nailed it! 


(Credits go to original owner of the photo) 

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