R I C H • Stiles Stilinski BA...

By superman1011

170K 4.5K 921

Stiles has had enough of the pack ignoring him, and above all abusing him. He is not their damn housemai... More

C R Y S T A L • E X P R E S S
G O D S • W H I S P E R
C O M P A N Y • S I N
P R E T T Y • T H I N G S
S O B E R • T O U C H
T E N N E S S E E • W H I S K E Y
H E A R • M E
F A M I L Y • P A C K
T R U E • F O R M
I A N • H A R D I N G
P O W E R F U L • A N D...
D R O W N I N G • I N...
G A M E • C H A N G E R
U N C L E • S A T A N

A L P H A • B E T A • O M E G A

4.3K 168 14
By superman1011

As requested by @RicardoNajera314, an update (I know right finally)


  I gaped open mouthed, Scott had bitten someone surely not purposefully. After all that drama about the bite being a curse and what not I'd assume that it was accidental. "Okay?" I breathed through my temporary shock, "Where is he?" I wondered. 

Scott looked wary and that's when I became aware of the muffled thump resonating from which Scott's eyes had flickered to, my shock returned. "You kidnapped the poor helpless teen whom you'd bitten, fantastic work Scotty- a real triumph of brilliance really," I spoke with enthusiastic sarcasm while my hands moved like hyperactive shadow puppets.

I stood suddenly, the back of my legs hitting the edge of the seat with enough force to crumple the carpet beneath and drag the chair back a few inches. "You're an idiot," I spoke with somewhat fondness before marching to the bathroom where I discovered the young teen; tied up, mouth duct taped in the bath tub. His expressive eyes screamed 'save me from that idiot!' and I fought a chuckle. 

  "So you bit him," I observed as if I hadn't quite believed him when he first told me.

Scott groaned from the doorway where he leaned, "Yeah."

  "And you kidnapped him," I said sending him a disapproving glare.

He lowered his eyes, "Yeah."

  "And brought him here, of all places- Derek's loft really?"

He shrugged, kicking at the spotless floor, "I panicked."

Sighing I relented, "Yup," wetting my lips I cast a look at the struggling teen, "This isn't going to end with us burying the pieces of his body out in the desert, is it?" His muffled cries became louder and I shot him what I hoped came off as a reassuring smile; which in reality probably looked like a certified death-glare and above all creepy smirk. "As a reminder, this is why I always come up with the plans. Your plans suck," my voice caught in my throat slightly and I coughed to cover up my reminiscing of the old days. 

Scott's eyes lit with hope, "I know. So, what do we do?" 

I sighed while Liam's muffled grunting consumed the silence, "Liam, right?" I shot Scott a look and he nodded, I stepped closer, "we're going to take the tape off your mouth. If you scream, it goes right back on. If you talk quietly, it stays off. Got it?" Liam nodded slowly, "Okay." My fingers gripped the edge of the tape and tore quickly- Liam swore loudly before covering his face with his arms when I threatened to replace the tape. "Okay, Liam, now you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight. And more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight. Do you understand?"

  "Not really," Liam replied.

I grinned, "Good. That's good."

Liam frowned clearly believing I was nuts and shot Scott a dirty look, Scott shrugged, "I don't understand either." 

I turned to Scott, "Get rid of the pack, I'll tell him." 

  "Tell me what?" Liam asked. 

We both ignored him, "Maybe I should tell him, I did bite him," Scott shrugged as if it didn't bother him but I saw the strain in his shoulder blades. 

  "And what?" I mused, "Go all, 'Liam... What happened to you, what I did to you, which I had to do in order to save you, it's going to change you," my eyes flared as I stuttered for added effect, I then faced Liam, "Unless it kills you," Liam's eyes widened and I sucked in a breath at the vulnerability in his eyes, "I shouldn't have said that."

  "What?" Liam whimpered and I thought briefly, 'oh god another puppy.' Scott glared at me with a nonverbalized, 'nice one.' 

  "Uh... Uh-oh. Oh-oh. Is he... Is he crying?" I mentally slapped myself, 'of course he is idiot.'

  "Liam, it's okay. You're going to be all right," Scott tried to sooth while Liam continued to sob. "You're not going to die." 

I shrugged, "Probably not." I mean why lie.

  "Stop it," Scott growled and I relented with a raised hand surrender before murmuring a, "Okay, possibly not." 

Scott's scowl reappeared before tugging me closer to the possibly soon to be feral teen, "Would you just help me untie him? Liam? Are you okay?" he asked as Liam quietened down. 

  "We're sorry about that," I started; when Scott glared at me, "I'm really sorry," suddenly Liam's head connected with my chin and I grunted from the impact as my blood cells burst with pain.    "Liam, what the hell is your-" I cried out as he punched me impossibly hard for an in-transition-wolf-boy. "Ah. Get him." I screamed, as Scott who'd also been attacked in the struggle and now had blood streaming from both nostrils, struggled to remain upright. 

I staggered after a slightly blurry Liam, and managed to grip his shirt when Scott collapsed against me causing all three of us to fall in a heap of groaning limbs, "Leg!" I screamed as I gripped the limb tightly, "I got him! I got him! I got him, I got him!" Somewhere above me someone exhales loudly. When I manage to blink back the blurry circles and swallow them elsewhere I spot an unimpressed Scott who's leg I clutched.  

  "Your plan sucked," Scott said, "Luckily Derek here still likes to push people against walls huh?"

  "Liam, hey!" I cheered when I spotted Liam being man-handled against the wall, he shot me a dirty look, and my face became serious, "We need to talk and you need to listen." Scott looked towards me surprised, everyone taking notice of the way the wind picked up outside.

  "No, you need to back the hell up, okay?" he struggled against Derek, who with a nod from Scott reluctantly let go.

   "Can you just listen for one second. Please? Liam... We're brothers now," Scott said and everyone sighed.

Liam's eyebrows tugged together in confusion, "What?"

  "Oh, God. That's-" I groaned.

  "The bite-" Scott struggled, "The bite is a gift."

  "Scott, stop," I begged, "Please stop. You, you, we're trying to help you, you little runt."

 Liam scowled deeply, "By kidnapping me?"

I shrugged, chuckling, "Just to clarify, Scott kidnapped you. Okay? I aided and abetted."

Liam's eyes widened slightly before narrowing, "What the hell is going on?" he demanded.

I shrugged, "Think of it like an intervention. You have a problem, Liam. And we're the only ones that can help. Look-" I drawled, "You either stay and listen or this duct tape goes back on your mouth." Liam remained silent and I took that for a reason to start talking. "About nine years ago I was your age and there had been a murder in the forest which was a feat in itself because Beacon Hills was a small town; everyone knew everyone, and everyone knew everything. After hearing about the investigation I dragged Scott out into the woods; he was bit. Just like you. When the full moon rose, and I had long figured out how Scott had gone from the benched severely asthmatic lacrosse player, to the star of the team who could run twenty laps of the field without breaking a sweat and hear the new girl say she hadn't brought a pen for the first day of school from outside of the classroom, I knew things were going to go downhill. He turned into a werewolf, ferocious and in a state of blood lust he ran from Lydia's infamous party where he was found by Derek a fellow werewolf.

This instigated the search for the Alpha who'd not only bit Scott but had gone a murderous vendetta to destroy all those who'd aided Kate Argent, a hunter, in the Arson of the Hale wolf pack. Long story short, Derek killed Peter, the Alpha," I pointed out," taking his Alpha role and beginning his own pack; starting with Erica, Boyd and Isaac- all Betas. We worked out our issues between each pack to fight Jackson who'd been turned into a Kanima and used by Allison's evil grandfather, Gerard Argent to kill and poison whoever he liked. Derek later lost his Alpha role and became a beta to save his sister Cora who is also a werewolf. With an Alpha-less pack we all began to drift apart but we managed to survive the Darach and Alpha pack when Scott became a true Alpha. Soon after we discovered Lydia was a Banshee and could sense death, and from what I've learnt after just returning Kira is a fox and Malia is a Werecoyote who Scott somewhat rescued."

Liam stared in disbelief, "Werewolf? Werecoyote. Hunter? Banshee. Fox?"

Kira shrugged, "Kitsune. But fox works."

Liam glared at me, "What are you?"

I wet my lips, mashing my fingers together, "Uh, for a little while, I was possessed by an evil spirit," Liam frowned, "it was very evil." 

  "What are you now?" he asked.

I shrugged, "Better. Um- well you know about them and I'll kill you if you tell anyone about what I truly am. But I'm a demi-god slash kitsune."

  "Huh? Okay-" Liam's eyes fell on the chains that were now in Scott's hands, "Are those for me?"

   "The moon's already out," I whispered and we could all hear Liam's heartbeat rising.

  "You're starting to feel something, aren't you?" Scott acknowledged.

 Liam's face formed a snarl, "I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nutjobs. You guys are out of your freaking minds." He made to leave but I stopped him.

  "Fuck it," I growled before transforming into my true form.

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