OTP Mpreg Oneshots

By JustTex

170K 2.5K 700

Just a bunch of fluffy mpreg oneshots! -Johnlock -Destiel -Sabriel -Stony ANY OTP!! Commissions are open!! More

The Fight
Commissions for oneshots!!
First ever Destiel! (Pregnant!Dean)
Very Few Words (Destiel)
Second Thoughts (Destiel)
First ever Sabriel!
Author's Note (PLEASE READ!)
Larry Stylinson
Another Larry Stylinson!!
A New Heir (Thorki Mpreg)
Hex (Part 1)
Hex Part 2

Here's some Stony!

9.1K 152 36
By JustTex

Steve woke up to the loving feeling of warmth pressed against his back and a hand to his sturdy chest. With a smile on his face, Steve turned his head to see Tony with his arm around the captain's waist before grabbing his hand and kissing his husband's knuckles.

"I know you're not asleep Tony. I heard you come in not even an hour ago." Steve rose to his feet and ran his hands through his short blonde hair and stretching his whole body with his hands above his head as he earned a small chuckle from the shorter man who crawled across the bed and wrapped his arms around Steve's waist before kissing him on the shoulder blade repeatedly. "I just wanted to spend the morning with you. I feel like it's been forever since I've gotten to see you so I wanted to spend the time with you while I had it."

"Before you go back down to the lab again?" Steve asked as he turned his head to see a rather sarcastic look from the shorter man, a specialty he was famous for besides his science and money. "It never surprises me of how well you know me Steve." Tony kissed the stronger man's cheek before he playfully slapped his husband's ass and smirked before getting off the bed and heading for the bathroom to shower and change. Steve was left behind with a large smile on his face as he followed Tony into the bathroom and joined him in the shower.


3 months ago...

"God, I can't believe we're actually married!" Tony yelled from the rooftop of Stark Tower as Steve chuckled from behind him, wrapping his long arms around his new husband and pulled him close to his chest only to kiss him lightly on the cheek and sigh in contentment.

"I love you so much Tony. My husband. Tony Stark-Rogers. God, doesn't that sound wonderful!" Steve turned Tony around and placed a rougher kiss on the shorter man's lips.

"Steven Stark-Rogers. Kind of a tongue-twister isn't it?" Tony let the new name settle in his mouth before it became an essential comfort to him. Steve laughed.

"Yeah, I guess it is. But it still sounds good anyway." The Captain captured his husband in another rough kiss before deepening it as Tony welcomed the opened-mouth kiss.

"Wouldn't you like to move this to the bedroom?" Tony asked between the heated kisses with an excited nod from the taller man. Steve lifted Tony as the shorter man firmly wrapped his legs around The Captain's waist and continued the heated kissing.


1 month ago...

While the newlyweds were settling into their life together along with being some of the biggest superheroes the world has ever known, Tony was toying with some new experiments in his lab while Steve was training with Natasha in the training room on the lower levels of Stark Tower. As they were on break, Natasha and Steve decided to cool down before the next round of working out.

"So how's the marriage going with Tony? I know he's not the easiest person to be married to but..." Steve interrupted her with a small chuckle before waving her off. "No, it's fine. He's actually very caring and always cautious about anything I do. He's also very nice, something I never thought I would see from him. But he really is." Steve took a drink of water with a smile on his face before glancing down to the black and silver band on his left ring finger. It was specially made by Tony in his lab, explaining why he wouldn't let him down there for weeks on end, getting the perfect design and the perfect engravings as well.

On Steve's ring towards the inside of the band were the words "To Steve: My shield. -Tony". It made Steve smile and tear up a little at the alter. On the inside of the band of Tony's were the words chosen by Steve "To Tony: My armor. -Steve". The Captain had never seen Tony cry like that before, practically falling apart and barely keeping it together for the reception.

"Well, I'm just happy that you finally found someone. Even if that person is the Tony Stark." Natasha replied.

"Hey, that's Tony Stark-Rogers to you." Steve responded, a slight chuckle after his sentence as Natasha followed after him with a light laugh as well.

"So, have you guys had any thoughts about kids?" She asked, taking a drink of her water as Steve almost choked on his at the unexpected question.

"Umm, I really don't know. Tony and I have talked about it before as in adoption, but it just left as a discussion. We dropped it rather quickly. But, I really don't know. I think it would be nice to have a kid sometime, just not anytime soon. We both have plenty of time, we're both still healthy and somewhat young, we could handle another member of our family if we wanted to but we just don't know when would be the right time." Steve began twisting his wedding band in thought, a nervous habit he picked up throughout the months he was married.

"There is never a right time to have kids Steve, the time tends to pick you. Don't worry, like you said, you both are healthy and somewhat young so you have plenty of time to have kids. When the time decides for you, that is."

They both finished their training sessions and went their separate ways until the next needed workout or when the world needed saving as Steve made his way down to Tony's lab only to see him with a black tank top on with sweatpants and glasses for his recently failing eyesight and his arc reactor glowing from beneath his shirt. Steve smiled warmly at his husband before walking over and wrapping his arms around the shorter man typing away on his laptop.

"Whatcha doin?" Steve asked. Tony smirked and kissed the man's cheek before going back to typing away on his computer. "I'm coding a new system for the suit and the nitwits I call lab helpers. Isn't that right, tweedledee?" Tony turned to the robotic arm that was twirling around a piece of wiring in the corner with satisfied noises emanating from it as well. The shorter man shook his head as Steve chuckled in his throat.

"Why don't you leave this for tomorrow and come upstairs with me?" Steve whispered, lightly biting down on his earlobe as Tony moaned from the sudden sensation. "I-I can't. This hAs to be d-done tonight."

"I think it can wait. C'mon, don't you want to be with me?" Steve took Tony's hand and led him up to their bedroom as the shorter man pushed the other man to the bed as he climbed on top of him and started kissing down his tanned and toned body.

"I love you so much, Steve. I love you more than anybody I have ever known. I love you." Tony whispered through the darkness, ravishing his husband throughout the night.



Steve hopped out of the shower without his husband, figuring he was already down in the lab, as he dried off and got dressed in a simple tank top and sweatpants to go work out with Natasha.

Before he left he bathroom, he started brushing his teeth but was soon disrupted by the need to throw up. He immediately spit the toothpaste into the sink before bending over the toilet and dry-heaving into the bowl with nothing coming up.

"What the heck?" Steve said to himself, slowly standing up and still having that need to throw up but still nothing coming up. He swallowed thickly before making his way down to the gym to see Natasha waiting doing a warmup workout and a smile on her face.

"Hey Steve! How you been?" Natasha asked, a look of worry coming across her face as she saw the pale face of her friend. "Are you okay?"

"I, uhh, I don't think so. I think...I think I need to see a doctor." He said before breaking into a cold sweat and falling to the ground.

"Steve!" Natasha caught him just in time to keep him from falling completely on his face. She hooked his arm around her neck and supported him to Bruce's laboratory just a couple floors below them.

"Bruce! Hey, Bruce! Are you in here anywhere? We need help!" Natasha sat the taller man on the table as the scientist came out from his office only to see the pair in distress, especially Steve.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked.

"I don't know, one minute Steve is doing fine and the next he's on the floor in a cold sweat and about to throw up." Natasha explained. Bruce looked to her then to Steve in worry, telling the taller man to lay back on the table and let him do an examination.

"Have you felt this before, Steve?" Bruce asked, feeling around on his stomach looking for any obstruction in his abdomen. "No, no, I haven't! what does it mean?" Steve frantically asked. Bruce quickly went back and forth over something that was in Steve's stomach that fascinated him as he continued to hum in question.

"Give me a minute here Steve, I'll be right back to get something." Bruce quickly walked out of the room only to come back with an ultrasound machine from the back.

"Lift your shirt for me Steve."


"Tony? You down here?" Steve asked the air in the lab, swallowing thickly at the news he received not too long ago.

"In here!" He heard his husband yell from the back of the lab, testing a new add-on to one of his suits. Steve gave a sigh of relief before holding his breath again at the hope that his husband would react nicely toward his news.

"Hey, whatcha working on down here? Are you trying to avoid me?" Steve joked, wrapping his arms around Tony's shoulders and kissing his cheek as the shorter man smiled and kissed him back. "Of course not, I'm just testing some of the new additions."

Steve bit his lip in worry and cleared his throat. Tony basically just handed him the perfect segway to his announcement. "Well, umm, I also have a new addition to tell you about." Steve reached around and pulled the remote from Tony's hand as he turned him around and looked him in the eyes with a proud smile on his face.

"I had a...problem this morning as soon as you left the bathroom. After that, I fainted in training with Natasha."

"Oh God, Steven are you okay?" Tony asked with hands checking over any imperfections on the taller man's body before Steve stopped him and pulled his hands away. "Yes, yes, I'm fine. Trust me, I'm fine. Natasha took me to Bruce in his laboratory to check me over and, uhh...he found something." Steve continued to bite his lip in worry as he handed an envelope over to his husband and he took it to look over.

Inside it was a piece of paper that had a whole bunch of graphs and lines on it that Tony didn't care to understand as he set them aside and looked around in the envelope again. The last thing that was in the envelope was an ultrasound picture with a small peanut looking blob in the center of the black and white picture.

"Steve? Is this what I think it is?" Tony asked, turning to his husband to see him practically shaking in anticipation and nervousness. "Yeah, are you mad?" Steve asked.

"Why would I be mad? Steve, you're pregnant! We're having a baby!" Tony hugged his husband as tight as he could while kissing him roughly on the lips as Steve gladly accepted it.

When they had to separate for air, Tony smiled as he got to his knees and gently kissed his husband's still flat belly. "Hello in there. This is your daddy. I just wanted to say that there will be times when you think I'm crazy and other times where I will love nobody else but you. But I will love you always. I can't wait to meet you." Tony kissed his husband's stomach once again as Steve was on the verge of tears.

"I love you so much, Steve." Tony said, standing once again and kissing his husband on the lips. "I love you too Tony." Steve replied.



"You're not letting the baby play with your science experiments. Ever."

Tony chuckled as he nodded. "I think we could arrange something. But it'll have to know what I do for a living. Err, what we do for a living. But we can save that for a future time."

"I think that'll be just fine."    

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