Mysterious Girl (Harry Potter...

By MaryEden08

528K 17.5K 3K

She can apparate into and out of Hogwarts when it should be impossible. She can randomly apparate to whereve... More

My Life
Facing Fire
Renewed Friendship
Long Time No See
Weird Rooms Again!
Turning Tables
I'm so excited!
Old Faces
Quick Thinking
First Prank
Leaving Hogwarts?!
Bish Please...
Christmas At Hogwarts
Juice Face Boy...AKA Malfoy
Throw caution to the wind?
Detective Work
Jelly vs. Satan's Imp
Spiders, Magic, Centaurs
Author's Note
Finding the Chamber
Inside the Chamber of Secrets
New Beginning
Author's Note: COMING SOON.
Double Trouble
The Guards of Azkaban


16.7K 552 34
By MaryEden08

heyya everyone :D thankyouu for the votes on the last chapter! It did give me some time to write this chapter, which I needed cause had mock exam week meaning I had no time for anything but revision but yehh!

I'm gonna ask for 10votes on this for the next chapter because I think you're all awesome and can do it! :D

This chapter gives alittle more information about Robyn soo.......;) ENJOY!!! :D



Dumbledore sat behind his desk, his head resting on his hands as he stared into the pensieve; viewing, as he had done many a time since it had happened, the memory he had of the mysterious girl ‘Robyn’.

A gut feeling had him sure that he recognized her or knew who she was; he just couldn’t put his finger on it. The locket had to be the key! That too he felt sure he had seen before.

For many months now Dumbledore had been searching for her but with no hope; visiting both common muggle and magical places, asking around or inquiring of old friends and acquaintances if they knew or recognized her but still she remained a mystery. The business with the Chamber of secrets didn’t help matters either.

Tonight Dumbledore await the visit from a friend who he had not seen since having taught him at Hogwarts. Remus Lupin. They had run into one another on one of Dumbledore’s many queries about the girl.

A knock at the door drew Dumbledore from the depths of his thoughts. “Enter” he called.

The door was pushed open to reveal a rather tired looking, run down man with long sandy coloured hair and tattered robes.

“Ah Remus, my friend, how are you?” asked Dumbledore motioning for Remus to take thhe seat in front of his desk.

“Tired but well, thank you, and yourself?” spoke Remus.

“I find myself as I ever did, which would be in good condition,” replied Dumbledore smiling.

“May I ask what it is you were doing before I came in? I hope I didn’t interrupt,” inquired Lupin, eyeing the pensieve with interest as he took a seat.

“No not at all; I was viewing a memory that has been holding most of my attention since it happened.” Dumbledore tapped the penseive with his wand, making the face of the frightened girl appear out of the pensieve's surface, allowing Remus to see it.

Upon seeing the girl’s face Remus’s behavior abruptly changed. “This girl have you seen her?” asked he, leaning forward in his chair urgently, “Is she alright? She looks terrified!”

Dumbledore looked over his half mooned spectacles surprised by Remus’s sudden change in posture. “Yes, we’ve seen her. For many months now I have been looking for her. I can show you the memory if you’d like?”

“Would you? If its not too much to ask,” though even while he said this Lupin was already on his feet. Dumbledore too rose and together the two men entered the pensieve, only to return some minutes later.

Lupin sunk into his chair, looking more worn than ever; he ran his hands through his hair in a stressed manner then groaned.

“It can’t be her… they wouldn’t…I thought they were good people…I checked…she always seemed fine…I never…I couldn’t… I thought… it would be best…” mumbled Lupin to himself, shaking his head; not really aware of his surroundings anymore.

“May I ask, how is it you know her?” inquired Dumbledore intrigued, hoping he might be able to finally find out some answers and help the poor girl. Lupin stayed silent, absorbed by his thoughts and emotions, having not heard Dumbledore’s question “Remus?”

Remus looked up through the eyes of a drained man “I’m not sure if it’s the same girl but the locket. It was the locket I recognized; 11 years ago a baby appeared in my fireplace, wrapped in a pink blanket with nothing but a picture, a letter and a locket. When I tried to remove the locket it burnt me; the locket that girl was wearing, it looks exactly the same, did you try and remove it from her?”

“Mmm, Madame Pomfrey showed me some burns she had received when she tried to take it off her,” replied Dumbledore, more fascinated by the girl than ever.

Remus groaned again, louder this time and let his head fall back into his waiting hands. “I couldn’t take care of her. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t given what I am. It would have been dangerous for her; I would have been dangerous to her. Instead I went and found a young couple that could take care of her, I left her on their doorstep with a letter explaining what little I knew about her and the photo. I knew never knew or thought they would hurt her” the pain and guilt in Lupin’s voice became clear as if he were admitting a terrible crime.

“I have been trying to find her, in hope that I may be able to help her. Everyone of whom I have inquired knows nothing of her. It would be of great help if you could tell me what you do know about her?” asked Dumbledore leaning forward onto his desk with a small sense of eagerness.

“I’m afraid that there is very little I can tell you, myself; in the letter she arrived to me with, it gave only small information about her. I have it here, if you liked to read it? I carry it out of hope, incase I see her again” Remus put his hand into his tattered robes and pulled out a letter which he promptly passed to Dumbledore who proceeded to read it.

Dear Remus,


Though we know that you will not be able to care for our little girl, her other guardians have been killed and it is likely that if this letter does arrive to you then we, also, are to be killed. We beg you not to send her to an orphanage; we sent her to you because you are one of the few people we trust with the most valuable of things and we have made you her Godfather.


Our beautiful little girl does have a name but out of safety, she must not be found and for this reason we cannot tell you her name. What we can tell you is that she is half blooded and her birthday is on 31st July.


When the time is right she will know all the answers; the locket she carries will provide them. Keep her safe, keep her well, and keep her hidden.


We love you both

Thank you!

After reading then re-reading the letter, Dumbledore returned the letter to Lupin who tucked it back into his robe pocket. Lupin was the first to speak “when I left her with the young couple, I also left her with a letter explaining some of that information”

“Naturally, I had hoped that if ever, I found out more about ‘Robyn’ as she called herself, then I would have more answers than questions" chuckled Dumbledore "but it appears that this is not the case, she is still a mystery it seems. The couple whose possession you left her in, would it be too much to ask if you took me to their residence? She may still be there” asked Dumbledore gravely, standing once more and walking around his desk to stand in front of Remus.

“Yes, anything!” raising his head out of his hands, Remus stood also and took Dumbledore’s arm. In an instant both men were gone; though neither expecting the sight they were to find.


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