Lost Queen [4] βœ“

η”± FifthAngeI

634K 30.1K 4.6K

The line started moving and I could feel myself growing extremely anxious. Everyone was watching, everyone wo... ζ›΄ε€š

see that space between "girlfriend" & "girl friend"? it's the friendzone
i'm not clumsy, the floor just hates me
i put the hot in psychotic
stalking? i call it intense research on an individual
there are no bad ideas, only great ideas that go horribly wrong
a kiss is a lovely trick, designed to stop speech when words become superfluous
welcome to the single ladies club, where we sing campfire songs and eat pizza
a little peanut butter never killed nobody
a secret: something you tell everybody to tell nobody
a good friend knows all your best stories, a best friend has lived them with you
going on a field trip and realizing the bus ride was the best part
i got 99 problems and you are all of them
keep your friends close but your enemies closer
families are like fudge, mostly sweet with a few nuts
that awkward moment when your crush asks you who your crush is
i'm a beautiful brunette with lots of blond moments
can i borrow a kiss? i promise i'll give it back
you smell that? smells like bullshit
please cancel my subscription to your issues
i never make the same mistake twice, i make it five or six times just to be sure
the geometry of love triangles
i miss you like pluto misses being a planet again
he loves me, he loves me not
abracadabra! nope you're still an asshole
and the award for best lie goes to you
i can't wait to tell my children how many times i survived the end of the world

we're not together but no one else is allowed to date you, okay?

20.4K 1K 170
η”± FifthAngeI

My legs were tired from my race, all I wanted to do was gulp gallons worth of water. Me being my stupid self, I forgot to pack my water bottle and now I had to run into the school to get some.

While I was walking back to the school, I spotted Asher underneath the bleachers, leaning against one of the beams.

He looked sad.

My tongue was parched but I decided to stay. It looked like he needed someone.

"Hey, Asher!" I waved and he picked up his head.

"Oh, Lia,"

"What are you doing? You know the track isn't under here." I said hoarsely, my throat really dry.

"Yeah, I'm just. . ."

I studied him, the way his eyes were dazed and his voice was strained.

The way he wiped his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"It's my sister." It sounded like he had a knot in his throat.

"You have a sister?"

"We're twins."

"Cool." I'd always wanted a twin and switch spots for a day. Or maybe a hundred.

"Not as cool as you'd think." He scoffed.

"Well, is she doing okay?" I shifted my weight from my left foot to my right foot.

"She's been better. She's just-" He stopped himself abruptly, "I don't want to talk about it." He gave me an apologetic look.

"It's okay. But if you ever need to talk, I'm here," I smiled up at him and he smiled back.

"I might just take you up on that. Someday." Someday maybe.

"Everyday" blasted from my speakers.

Wow, why did I just have a random flashback during my dream? That was so weird.

But it's memories like those that I cherished. I only saw Asher during track meets, which was only like four times a season, and if I was lucky, around town.

I just wished he'd actually let me in.

I swung my legs over my bed and stretched. Today was the day.

I chose to wear heels, tights and a pink flowing dress that cut off above my knee. I curled my hair, put on my makeup and was out the door in an hour. Asher offered to pick me up but I told him I'd drive there. I wanted to remember where the place was. After all, it was where he lived.

On my way, I got lost a couple of times so I ended up finding the road an hour later. Good thing he said to show up whenever I wanted.

When I finally got there, I couldn't believe what I was looking at.

It was a huge castle, vines climbing up all sides, with a vast, luscious forest surrounding it. It seemed to fit in even though it looked like an old Middle Ages castle.

I drove up to the gate and a familiar-looking guy greeted me there,

"Good afternoon, Lia Deliz."

"Yeah, that's me, how'd you know?" I asked.

"Asher told us you were coming. If you don't mind, I can drive you to the castle and park your car." He offered and I grinned.

"Not at all, thanks,"

I sat in the passenger seat as he drove me up to the front door, which was incredibly tall by the way.

I got out and turned around.

"Thank you," I gasped when I finally realized why he looked so familiar, "You're Philip, right?" He was a student at Mystic High, how could I forget?

"At your service." He bowed his head.

"Do you know where I can find Asher?" I was so overwhelmed right now.

"No, I'm sorry."

"Well, thanks again,"

He nodded his head and drove away to park my car somewhere.

I faced the tall French doors and gulped.


"Wow, I can barely tell she's a werewolf."

"You're right, she has a human scent."

"Maybe it's because I've been hanging around humans." I replied, hating the fact that everyone was sniffing me right now. Ever since I'd walked through the door, they'd been staring at me like I was some alien. Not the first time this has happened.

"What pack did you say you were from?" An older woman who looked like a grandma asked.

"Um, I don't live in a pack,"

"Really? How odd."

What's so odd about that? I wanted to say but bit my tongue.

I left without excusing myself and searched frantically for Asher. Where the hell was he? Did he think he was just going to abandon me?

I'd been standing here alone for an hour. Why did he even invite me in the first place? Was it because he knew I was a werewolf? Was it because I was his second choice after Laurel?

I heard a familiar heartbeat behind me and turned around, hoping it was him.

He looked so handsome.

His hair was combed back, showing off his beautiful face. He was wearing a suit and tie, looking very sleek.

"I want to introduce you to some people."

"Who? I thought this was a date."

"It's only for a couple of minutes. I promise." He grabbed my hand and I almost died of happiness. Ohmygod, we were holding hands!

Asher led me to a middle-aged couple comprised of a pretty big looking fellow and a smaller woman with reddish brown hair. Both were dressed spectacularly; if they were at prom, they would've been voted King and Queen.

"Alpha Ares and Luna Alexandria, I present Lia Deliz." Asher put his arm around me and gave me a little nudge.

"Hi," I smiled, albeit a little forced.

"Bow." He told me quietly and I quickly bent my knees to bow. That's right, it was a sign of respect to bow before an Alpha and a Luna.

"Raise your head, Lia," Luna Alexandria said kindly, "How are you enjoying the festival?"

"It's nice. Love the pie."

"We hope our son has kept you company." Ares said and my eyes bugged.

"Oh!" I said loudly and Asher looked at me.

"He didn't tell you who we were, did he?"

"Oh, no, he did, I just didn't think. . . ah. . ." That he would introduce me to his parents so quickly, "That you were so young looking."

"Ha, I told you we still looked young," Alexandria teased at her husband.

"I said I looked old, not you." He kissed his wife's forehead then stared at the sky, as if he were listening to something. "Please excuse us," Ares said suddenly, his hand on the small of Alexandria's back.

"It was nice meeting you, Lia, we hope we see you soon!" She added before leaving.

"Come on, we have more people for you to meet," He grabbed my hand again and led me through the crowd of werewolves.


I'd been following Asher around during the whole festival, bowing down to everyone since they were all Alphas and Lunas.

I was taking a break from meeting everyone Asher wanted me to meet. I sat down in one of the empty lounges. Everyone was dancing outside, having a good time, while my date abandoned me. I even saw Grace hanging out with a bunch of important looking people, chatting it up.


"Oh, Roan," I couldn't keep the surprise out of my voice.

"Didn't expect to see me here, did you?"


"Enjoying yourself?"

"Not really."

"Who did you come with?"

"Who said I came with anyone?" I challenged but, speak of the devil, Asher came walking in, grabbing my hand and pulling me from the couch.

"Lia, come on," Asher said.

"Can we stop for a second and just relax?" I yanked my hand from his grip, tired of him.

"No, come on," He tried to grab my hand again but I moved away.

"She said no. Just leave her alone." Roan spoke up.

"Why did you invite me in the first place? Just to meet some random people I'll probably never see again?" I shot back. Asher's chest heaved with frustration.

"What do you want from me? Do you want me to say that I wasn't planning on bringing you, that Laurel and I broke up because she was a hunter and I was a werewolf?"

It felt like a slap to the face.

"You don't talk to her like that." Roan stood infront of me, between me and Asher. A brave but also very stupid move.

"And what will you do about it, human?" He threw Roan's vulnerability right in his face. Roan clenched his fists and I knew he was itching for a fight.

But he was human, he couldn't take on a young Alpha. He would be killed in an instant.

"Roan, no," I tugged on his shirt but he didn't even look in my direction.

"Let's get this over with." Asher shrugged and in a blur, he threw Roan across the room. His back hit the wall with an audible crack and a table broke his fall. He tried to get up but failed. There was a piece of wood stuck in his arm.

"Stop!" I shrieked and ran infront of him. I thrust out a protective arm so Asher couldn't get to him without going through me.

"Step aside." He said in a clipped voice. In the background, I heard Roan cough, blood splattering on the wood floor.


"What did you say?"

"I said no. If you want to get through Roan, you'll have to go through me."

"Need I remind you that I'm an Alpha." His eyes ringed amber, baring his canines.

Oh God, please don't phase.

I refused to back down, "Doesn't matter. You won't hurt him."

There was anger in Asher's eyes and I could tell he really wanted to take me down.

But he stepped away and left just as soon.

The sound of Roan coughing made me spin around and crouch next to him. The huge piece of wood was still stuck in his arms and I bet his ribs were broken.

"This is going to hurt." I warned and he squeezed my hand for comfort. My other hand reached for the piece of wood and my fingers wrapped around it.

"On three," I said and he nodded, looking away, "One, two-"

He let out a strangled cry as I pulled the wood out before I got to three.

"That. . . was not on three." Roan muttered, blood gushing from his arm and getting everywhere.

"Let me see," I said and gently grabbed his blood-stained arm. I needed to wrap his wound before he bled out.

I told him to sit on the couch while I went and got rubbing alcohol and gauze. I patted his arm down with water and then the alcohol.

He hissed.

"That's what you get for going against Asher. Are you insane?" I asked sharply.

"What else was I supposed to do? Let him talk to you like that?"


I wrapped his arm several times with gauze. It looked terrible, which concerned me because we had school two days from now.

"I should be the one protecting you." He sounded beaten up about it.

"Then do me a favor and protect yourself."

"How's your mouth?" He asked randomly and I stared into his eyes.

"Good, why?"

"I'd have thought it still hurt." True, the surgery did hurt when the medicine wore off but I wasn't like him.

"I'm a werewolf, I heal quickly."

"Teach me how to fight." He changed topics again.

"What makes you think I know how to fight?"

"I know your parents taught you and your brothers how to fight."

"Self defense, it's not the same." I pointed out but he didn't care.

"Lia, please," He begged and I'd never heard him beg before, it tugged at my heartstrings.

"I don't know, I could end up killing you." That wouldn't be taken well by his parents.

He grabbed my shoulders, shaking them so I had to look up at him.


"Fine but just know that I warned you."

Wow you guys have been pretty quiet. . .


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