Steven Universe X Reader ones...

By JamesUniverse12

145K 1.7K 992

There will be oneshots that will have one part, and some will have a part two or more. These will contain fun... More

Pearl x (James OC)
Centipeetle x reader
Peridot x Teen!male reader ~ Move to the beat
Bismuth x Female Reader Pt. 1
Bismuth x Female Reader Pt. 2
Lapis Lazuli x Male Reader
The Famethysts X Male Reader
Aquamarine x Female Reader pt 1.
Aquamarine x Female Reader pt. 2
Peridot and Lapis x abused female reader
Aquamarine x Female Reader pt. 3
Aquamarine x Female Reader Pt. 4
Pearl x Male Orphan Reader
Aquamarine x Female Reader Pt. 5
A Small A/N
Aquamarine x Female Reader Pt. 6
Lapis Lazuli X Female Kid reader
A/N part 2

Sadie x Male reader PT. 1

5.8K 58 13
By JamesUniverse12

(Yn): "Yo, Sadie! I'm back from a mission and I'm ready for a round of coffee and dough!"

(Y/n) opened the doors to find Sadie was fast asleep during her night shift since Lars complained about having a sudden "pain" in his back again.

Sadie: "Zzz-* huh? (Y/n)? Ugggh, what time is it?"

(Yn): "It's about 12:08 AM and-"

Sadie: "WHAT!? Are you serious!? Did anybody come in the store and took donuts off the shelves without paying?"

(Y/n) jumped a bit by her sudden panic as she looked around making sure nothing got stolen. He walked towards her and calmly grabbed her shoulder making her blush as she looked at him.

(Yn): "Sadie, chill out, 'aight? No ones been here, except for Steven, I saw him grab a snack and left some cash in the register."

Sadie: "*sigh* thank goodness, thats...wait, you said you saw Steven come in? Were you...spying on me?"

(Y/n) realized what he said, immediately tried not to sweat alot for her to notice.

(Yn): "Pfft, me? Spy on you? Sadie, come on, its me, remember? We're like, best friends! I would NEVER do that!"

Sadie narrowed her eyes at him getting suspicious. He felt like he failed at being a great liar. Oh man, busted!

Sadie: "I guess it was just my imagination, I mean, I WAS asleep for awhile, my head gets foggy and can't recall what I hear all the time."

She shrugged it off, and chuckled. He sighed a relief. Y/n wasn't prepared to tell her his feelings yet. She was so cool back when Steven wasn't a crystal gem. She always laughs at him goofing around or making jokes which brightens up her day when she's depressed. She acts like a fan girl whenever she hears his stories of hanging out with the gems or fighting corrupted gem monsters using their weapons to poof and bubble them.

He also trained alot with them, learning how to use a sword, which made Sadie admire his helping to protect Beach City.

Sadie: "So you said you wanted coffee and a few donuts, right?"

He shook from his thoughts realising he was still hungry.

(Yn): "Yeah, I'd like a few glazed donuts."

He picked a random seat by the windows grinning.

Sadie: "Coming right up."

She smiles and turned around walking to the backroom to see if they're in one of the wrapped boxes but then she stops halfway making him tilt his head in confusion.

She turned her head, looking at him.

Sadie: "Hey, um, do you mind if I eat with you? I actually wanted to talk with you about something."

(Yn): "Okay?..."

Sadie rubbed the back of her neck and smiled again sheepishly, showing a little blush.

Sadie: "Its..kind of important..and private."

He smiled softly.

(Yn): "Sure thing, Sadie. I'll be sure to keep it a secret. You can always count on me, ya know."

She chuckled nervously,

Sadie: "Right, be back in a sec."

(Sadie POV)

I continued walking until I reached the backroom, searching for stocks of fresh glazed donuts.

Sadie: "I really should organize these boxes, although last time I did that, Steven caught me singing, though it won't be so bad if (y/n) hears me-"

I snapped out of my thoughts. Finding a box full of them.

Sadie: "Should I REALLY tell him how I feel? I mean what if he doesn't like me back?"

I grabbed at least four donuts, and started looking for the coffee machine, but stopped to talk at my self in the mirror.

Sadie: "How do I know he feels the same for me? He only thinks of me as a simple friend."

Sadie: "Pull yourself together Sadie, do you want to feel embarrassed over a simple confession?"

Although there were some strange moments with him.

Sadie: "Well there was that one time when him, me, Lars and Steven were "trapped" on that island, and that was when I tried to get closer to Lars."


Steven, me and Lars were surprised by this weird see-through monster that crushed our hut, we stumbled back while (y/n) readied his weapon, but then Steven made a huge bubble around us when the thing jumped at us.

It pushed us a little further by the edge of the sea giving us an advantage to run,

Steven: "We have to get out of here!"

Steven yelled.

(Y/n) held onto his weapon, picking me up and guided us.

(Yn): "You heard him, c'mon! The gem can't see us down here!"

We made our way through and started running as far away from the monster as possible.

Lars: "What was that thing!?"

Lars yelled, panicking.

Steven: "It must be what (y/n) and the gems were looking for! It never left the island at all!"

I heard Steven explain.

(Y/n) grumbled,

(Yn): "Its invisible. Thats just great. No wonder we couldn't see it!"

Lars couldn't handle the situation,

Lars: "A freak invisible thing is after us!? I just wanna go home!"

I didn't want Lars to be scared, I just wanted him to feel not so bored from working at a freaking donut store!

I put my hands on my ears, hearing him rant about not wanting to be on this island, I guess this is where I lead them the warp pad I hid with leaves. I grabbed Lars and we turned to the left.

Sadie: "This way!"

I said as I grabbed the foliage off the warp thing. Lars and (y/n) were a bit surprised that I knew exactly where it was.

Steven: "Its the Warp pad!"

Steven yelled with excitement as he got on it.

I pulled Lars's arm,

Sadie: "Lars, come on! Lets go home!"

He stared at me with face of anger, making me nervous.

Lars: "YOU KNEW!?"

He screamed at me startling Steven and (y/n).

Steven: "Uh, guys?"


I looked down in shame knowing Lars won't forgive me for this.

(Y/n) and Steven were looking at me with surprised eyes.

Sadie: "Look, I panicked, I hid the warp pad! I knew you were just gonna leave, but I knew how much you really needed this!"

Lars kept staring at me with anger.

Sadie: "Why don't you ever let me HELP YOU!?"

Lars: "Help me? Are you insane!? You dragged me to an you could come on to me!"

I felt pure sadness that he didn't like the kiss he gave me awhile ago.

(Yn): "Lars, lay off her man, she just wanted to spend time with you, what's the harm to just chill out once in awhile?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, did (y/n) stood up to Lars for me?

Lars: "Are you kidding me (y/n)!? She hid our only way back home so she could get all romantic on me!"

(Yn): "She was scared that you were going to leave when we got here! Steven thought this was a good opportunity to relax!"

He shoved (y/n) a bit getting real mad.

Lars: "Well, I didn't agree to come hangout with you all! I should've been goofing off with Sour Cream and Bucky! So leave me alone!"

I saw (y/n)'s face get steamed a bit.

(Yn): "Well how about you stop yelling at a girl who ACTUALLY likes you, even though you be a jerk to EVERYONE ELSE!?"

Lars got scared by his sentence making him slip down on a ground full of mud.

Sadie: "Lars! Oh my gosh."

Suddenly, there was a loud thud a few feet away from him, showing two footprints.

(Yn): "Oh no! Its the corrupted gem! You two stay and-"

I didn't have time to listen so I just slid down the mud to rescue Lars.

Steven: "Sadie, no!"

The monster was charging at full speed towards him, but I managed to ram it with all my strength using my shoulder.

It didn't hurt it that much, it immediately swung at me hard hurling me across to a mud wall falling to the ground. I ignored the pain and charged at it again, a bit of dirt was revealing its face as I rammed the thing again with my shoulder with full force.

It wasn't dazed as it grabbed me by the shirt flinging me next to Lars.

(Yn): "Sadie!"

Yelled (y/n) as he jumped down beside me handing me a sharpened stick.

(Yn): "Here! Use your fish murdering skills!"

(Y/n) ran at full speed towards it using his head to knock it out. But it was too strong! Its large hand grabbed him and started pounding him repeatedly into the mud.

Sadie: "YN!"

It gave me enough time to run towards them and got on top of the gem.

Sadie: "Leave...him...alone!"

I stabbed it, making it let go of (y/n).

It started shaking around as I held on to the stick.

Steven: "Go Sadie!"

Steven cheered on.

It got weakened enough for me to push the stick further through the corrupted gem. POOF!

I fell on my back as (y/n) bubbled the gem and handed it to Steven.

Steven: "Oh man, wait'll the gems hear we took on a corrupted gem all by ourselves!"

I tried standing up using my weapon hold me steady.

(Yn): "Do you need a hand getting up? you can lean on me if you want?"

I looked to see he was offering to help me, why was he though? Ugh nevermind, I'm in too much pain to care.

I took his hand, and used my stick to keep me from falling.

Sadie: "Could you probably carry me? My body is aching, like ALOT."

(Yn): "Sure thing, Sadie."

Sadie: "Thanks, (y/n)."

He boosted me up, carrying me bridal style, making me blush, as we followed the guys to the warp pad.

Steven: "You guys were AMAZING!"

Lars didn't say anything feeling sorry for himself it seems.

(Yn): "Yeah, you were a real gem warrior today! Showing off those moves and all."

Sadie: "Don't mention it."

(Yn): "I haven't seen you fight like that, it was-"

Sadie: "No seriously, don't mention it, my back is killing me from that thing throwing me around."

I said, laughing.

(Yn): "Oh, sorry."

He chuckled nervously as we teleported.

~End of flashback~

(Yn): "Sadie! What's taking so long?"

(Y/n)'s voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

Sadie: "Coming!"

I grabbed some hot water and tea bags and walked towards the door.

Sadie: "Just ask him a little about his day, then get to the point."

I opened to see (y/n) was still waiting in his seat by the window.

Sadie: "Hey, I uh, couldn't find the coffee machine so I thought we could try tea for once."

(Yn): "Eh thats fine, tea relieves the stress people get all the time, am I right?"

I sat down in front of him handing him his drink and donuts. He immediately chomped one.

(Yn): "Mmm! My compliments to the chef!"

I looked at him confused.

Sadie: "(Y/n), this wasn't made by me."

He grinned at me,

(Yn): "I know, I just wanted to see your reaction."

I laughed at his goofiness.

Sadie: "So um, how was your day today, apart from "spying" on me."

He looked embarrassed eating his other donut.

(Yn): "Well, I've been spending some time with Lapis, Peridot and Steven, making music. Then I trained with him and Connie..."

Sadie: "Man, that sounds so cool!"

(Yn): "Nuh uh, Sadie, it was simple holo Pearl fights to earn Pearl points."

Sadie: "Still, its great to be a gem when you think about it."

(Yn): "You fight as strong as Garnet, remember? When you rescued Lars from that gem creature?"

Sadie: "Oh you think I can train to be like you guys someday?"

I asked as I sipped some of the tea.

(Yn): "Sure! But your going to have to do it with me, Pearl's got enough students on her mind right now."

I immediately blushed covering my face, He'll teach me!? Oh my gosh this is too much.

(Yn): "Sadie are you alright? You look like a red tomato or something."

Alright, its time to ask him. I thought to myself.

Sadie: "(Y-y-y/n)? Remember the important thing I wanted to talk to you about?"

(Yn): "Yeah, what's up?"

I took a deep breath,

Sadie: "I just wanted to say...I lo...

I started feeling really nervous, I don't think I can do this.

Sadie: "Ugh! What am I doing? You'd probably won't understand."

I got up and ran outside.

(Yn): "Wait, Sadie! What are you talking about?"

He called out to me pleading for me to stop.

(No one's pov)

(Y/n) was running after Sadie, what was so important she wanted to talk about?

(Yn): "Sadie, please! Stop running!"

She finally stopped a few feet away from the temple.

Sadie: "What?"

(Yn): "Why are you acting so strange? You wanted to talk about something, but then you walked out of the store."

She turned around to his direction not looking at him.

Sadie: "I don't want to talk about it, alright? I wouldn't think you'd understand!"

(Yn): "Are you serious? Of course I'll understand! Your like, my best friend!"

Sadie then groaned.

Sadie: "Ugh! Is that what you think of me as!? Just a friend?"

Yn was silent a little and spoke again.

Yn: "W-What are you trying to say exactly?"

Sadie: "I'm in love with you!"

Sadie covered her mouth upon saying those words, blushing like crazy.

(Y/n) stared at her with wide eyes.

They stood quiet at each other for a moment hearing the calm ocean waves.

Sadie broke the silence.

Sadie: "I love you, (y/n), I like absolutely everything about you! Your funny, and courageous, and your always there for me when I'm not okay!"

He stood there listening to her words.

Sadie: "Ever since we got stuck on that island, I've felt these feelings for you when you stood up to Lars, I thought he was the one for me...but I was dead wrong! Why did I think I could be together with the most grumpy goof in Beach City?"

Sadie was on the brink of tears.

Sadie: "You've made me feel happy every dang day of my entire life!"

She dropped to her knees rubbing her eyes.

Sadie: "I...l-love you, alright? Just...just tell me...(yn), please, I need to know..."

Yn watched her sob, making him cry as well.

Sadie: "What happened on the island with Lars...did you stand up to him because you thought of me as a friend?"

Her sobbing continued until he spoke...

(Yn): "Sadie...I...I did that because...I love you too."

Sadie looked up at him with huge eyes.

Sadie: "W-what did you say?"

She asked sniffling.

(Y/n) walked up to her, kneeling down wrapping his arms around her for an embrace.

(Yn): "I've loved you since the day I met you."

He said, while hugging her tighter. Tears were streaming down his face,
Sadie buried her face on (y/n)'s shoulder, and cried.

(Yn): "Your smart, protective, and a very strong girl. Thats what I like about you."

They both let go of the hug and stared into each other's eyes. She wiped the last of her tears off her face and smiled.

Sadie: "(Y/n)?"

(Yn): "Yeah Sadie?"

She placed her hands on his cheeks.

Sadie: "Your a such a sweet talker."

(Yn): "Aw shucks, you mea-mmph!"

His sentence was interrupted as she grabbed his shoulders and lowered him, kissing him on the lips, startling the boy, making him blush red.

She let go of him still feeling dazed.

???: "Woohoo! Way to go Sadie!"

Both (y/n) and her turn to see Steven and all the crystal gems cheering up on the porch of the house.

(Yn): "Steven!? Guys? Wh- uh how long have you all been up there?"

Garnet: "Long enough, you two are extremely loud."

Amethyst: "You guys are more dramatic than the Crying Breakfast friends show!"

Amethyst laughed.

(Y/n) groaned and facepalmed and Sadie laughed as she got up.

Sadie: "So I guess this means we're a thing now huh?"

He chuckled, getting up.

(Yn): "Yeah, I guess so, next time don't run off to houses like that so people won't hear our conversation."

Sadie: "Heh, whoops, sorry..."

He grinned, giving her a peck on the lips.

(Yn): "Soooo, what now...?

Sadie: "...You wanna come over to my house right now and watch some movies or something?"

(Yn): "Alright Sadie, I guess its a date then."

They both got up, dusting the sand off as they walked away from the temple.

Yn: "Hey, Sadie?"

Sadie: "Yeah?"

Yn: "How did you learn how to kiss like that?"

She immediately blushed again.

~To be continued~

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