Jungkook imagines

By ilu_jjk

665K 13.1K 3.4K

Enjoy the imagines between you and Jungkook.. :) More

Imagine 1; avoid
Imagine 2 ; bitter coffee
Imagine 3; misunderstood
Imagine 4; in love
Imagine 5; kookie monster
Imagine 6; overwatch
Imagine 7; jealous
Imagine 8; stay
Imagine 9; 11 o'clock
Imagine 10; jealous
Imagine 11; sorry, my fault
Imagine 12; ring
Imagine 13; confession
Imagine 14; because of you
Imagine 15; ferris wheel
Imagine 16; it hurts
Imagine 17; in trouble
Imagine 18; pizza
Imagine 19; sleepover
Imagine 20; m.c
Imagine 21; baby
Imagine 22; bitter coffee (2)
Thank you!!!
Imagine 23; promise
Imagine 24; welcome to big hit
Imagine 25; warm memories
Imagine 26; oppa
Imagine 27; surprise
Imagine 28; present
Imagine 29; please don't go
Imagine 30; please don't go (2)
Imagine 31; please don't go (3)
Imagine 33; weekly idol
Imagine 34; feel nothing
Imagine 35; dork
My heart..
Imagine 36; countdown
Imagine 37; not for me
Imagine 39; heart problem
Imagine 40; he's mine
Imagine 41; i like you
Imagine 42; fight for you
Imagine 43; costume
Imagine 44; party
Imagine 45; want you back
Imagine 46; want you back (2)
Imagine 47; bitter-sweet love
imagine 51; mine..
Imagine 52; when jealousy strikes
Imagine 53; when jealousy strikes 2
Imagine 54; cut!
Imagine 55; Prank
Imagine 56; fallen harder
Imagine 57; when you two have to sleep in separate rooms

Imagine 32; lost child

10.5K 248 47
By ilu_jjk

"Babe, please..?"

Jungkook was asking if you would go shopping with him because its been a long time since both of you went somewhere together, but you had work to do and you wanted to do finish it in one day.

"But baby..~" you whined and he chuckled, "Fine.. we'll go tomorrow instead, have fun studying.." he ended the call, he sounded sad but he tried hiding it. You felt bad and started working so you could see him tomorrow.


//Jungkook timeee///

You waited outside the bus stop waiting for Jungkook, it was really cold so you wore jeans and a simple cute shirt. You had a scarf kookie bought for you and you just tied you hair into a messy bun.

--and of course you're wearing a coat too..

You just rubbed your hands together because it was that cold. You closed your eyes for a while and kept rubbing your hands together to keep it warm. Aish.. you wished you brought your gloves with you.

But suddenly someone grabbed your hands and intertwined their fingers with yours, perfectly fitting. You opened your eyes slowly and saw a cute bunny in front of you, "This way is better.. i'll keep your hand warm."

He winked and your heart fluttered, he never fails making your heart skip a beat. "Thank you bunny!" You pinched his cheeks lightly, he turned to you and smiled.. he suddenly frowned and stared at you coldly.

You raised your brow, "What?" You simply said, "What time did you stay up last night?" He asked, aish whenever he asks this question it makes you feel nervous because whenever you stay up late he scolds you.

"10." You avoided eye contact, "Liar.." you gave up and sighed, "Fine. 2.." he widen his eyes and hugged you, "Don't ever stay up that late.." you hugged him back and rest your chin on his shoulders, "I wanted to get my work done so i could see you.."

He pulled away and smiled, "Awe~ you're so cute." He mumbled and pecked your lips, wow its been so long.. you widen your eyes from the sudden action. You felt yourself blushing, "Come let's go."

He held your hands again and put it in his pocket, to be honest his pocket was warm, it made you smile.


"I think this one suits you better."

You gave him the white oversized t-shirt with a cute drawing, he smiled and thanked you, he went to the dressing room and tried it on. You waited and just looked at more shirts you could buy for him.

Arms suddenly snaked around your waist, "I love it. Thanks for picking it for me." Your heart beated fast than any normal heart would (;)). You turned around and you snaked your arms around his waist, you pecked his lips and said..

"You're *peck* welcome *peck.." he kind of blushed when you did that, you payed for the shirt and left.

"Do you wanna buy ice cream?" He asked and of course you said yes, you wrapped your arms around his and started walking to the ice cream shop. You sat down while he ordered, when you were on your phone a kid came to you crying.

"Omo! What's wrong..?"

You wiped his tears and held his hands, "Noona! I lost my parents!" He cried louder, you panicked and didn't know what to do so you picked him up and put him on your lap, so he's sitting on your lap.

"Its okay, we'll find your parents with you, don't worry." He pouted, awe he's so cute you thought. Jungkook came back with a confused look on his face, "Who's the kid?" He asked while sitting down, "He lost his parents."

Jungkook isn't good with kids so he's awkward with them, "Oh." Was all he said when he gave you the ice cream the kid looked at you licking it. "Do you want some?" You asked, he shook his head and looked at Jungkook.

He pointed at Jungkooks ice cream and said, "I like that flavour better." You looked at Jungkook signalling him to give some, Jungkook sighed and grabbed a seat next to him, "Come here then.." i smiled and the boy sat next to Kook.

It was like as if Jungkook was feeding his son ;). Jungkook fed the boy carefully, every time he feeds the boy the boy would smile. You saw a little smile plastered on Kookies face. It made you smile big.

After eating all the ice cream, it was time to look for the boys parents. Jungkook was holding his hands and you were behind them enjoying the view, you took your time and took loads of pics of them.

You saved the pic as your locks screen because you just found it really cute. Jungkook turned around to you and grabbed your hands, "Come on.. this is a bit awkward. You know I'm not good with kids." He whispered into your ears.

"You're doing great baby, he likes you." That was a first because whenever kids see Jungkook they will keep their distance away from him because he looks scary when he's not smiling but when he smiles he looks like and angel.

Time passed and Jungkook is getting along with the kid, while they were busy playing you were looking for his parents and keep reminding the boy to help you look but there was no point because them two are so busy messing about.

You sat down and all 3 of you rested for a while, you still looked around but nothing. Jungkook got his phone out and took selfies with the cute boy, you chuckled and smiled. Wait.. you never got the boys name, you were about to ask when you heard shouting.



A feminine and a manly voice was heard, you stood up and decided to look for them, when you walked a bit far away from Jungkook and the lil boy, you saw the couple asking people have they seen a little boy.

You walked up to them and smiled, well this is awkward.. "Are you guys looking for a little boy?" You asked politely and they nodded, "Have you seen him.. please." The woman was about to tear up.

"Actually i have, he's with me." They both looked at you and smiled, "Follow me." They followed you, you still saw Jungkook laughing with the little boy, when we went up to them Jungkook suddenly stopped laughing and stood up.

"Omma! Appa!"

The little boy hugged his parents, you and kookie just watched them hug each other, Jungkook stood closer to you and held your waist pulling you closer. They stood up and went up to you and kook.

"Thank you very much!" They both say bowing down, the little boy just hid behind his fathers legs shyly, they were about to walk away when the little boy started crying loudly. He ran up to Jungkook and hugged his legs, Jungkook smiled and bent down to the little boys level.

"I *sobs* d-don't want to leave *sobs* you h-hyung.." he hugged kookies legs tighter. "Awe.." you quietly mumbled. "Don't worry, i'll see you again.. promise me we'll see each other again soon okay?" Jungkook pats his little head and smiled.

"I never got your name.." the little boy wiped his tears and smiled, "My name is Jungri hyung." He hugged kookie one last time and ran up to his parents. Jungkook stood up and sighed, "I miss that lil guy already." You just nodded and giggled at him.

"I'm proud of you kookie! See kids aren't that bad, they're so cute." You said patting his back, "I agree.. i'm proud of me too because i don't feel awkward anymore." He held your hands and kissed your hands.

"Hehe.. both of you are a Jung." You giggled and looked at his face. "Yeah.." he sighed and both of you started walking to the bus stop.

"Promise me when we get married lets make loads of kids like him." He said, at first you were shock when he said that but you smirked.

"If we get married.." you said smiling at him, he suddenly pouted and stopped walking. "You don't wanna marry me?" He frowned, "Ah! I do! I do!" You kept tugging on his arms, he pretended to not look at you and just started walking away.

You knew he was teasing you so you just played along, you went up to him and said, "Okay bye." You slowly walked the other way..


"Ah okay okay, sorry babyy~"

You smirked and turned to him, "I wont leave you.." you whispered in his ears and kissed his kissable lips, he hugged you tighter.


Kook is such a boyfriend-husband material but he doesn't want to get married until he's 100 yrs old.. wtf kook xD

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