Behind Closed Doors (On Hold)

By remmys_bitch

243 31 14

Let's play a game, can you guess what my job is? Are you stuck? Want some clues? Okay, I'll be nice and give... More

Just A Normal Day At Work
Big Bro
Merry Christmas
A/N- Important
Hurtful Words


33 6 2
By remmys_bitch

I'm back. A lot of you followed me whilst I was MIA and all I can say is thank you so much, it means so much to me. Keep it up.

-Amy X-

Walking into work is the worst thing I have to do on a Monday morning. Some people say they hate Mondays because they hate their work. Well, try seeing in from my point of view. Having your dignity broken every hour by someone who could care less. Someone who breaks hearts the moment they step through the red double doors of the building. They don't know the meaning of the word hate.

Pulling the doors open, I was immediately hit with the distinct aroma of cinnamon. I hardly slept a wink last night. My brother, Alex, woke up in the middle of the night. The horrible part about it though, is that he just kept crying and crying and he wouldn't stop. It broke my heart to watch him break down. The first time I saw that it killed me to look him in the eyes. That was the day that I told him what I do to support us.

"Hey, you're late!" Andy, my boss yelled at me.

"Yeah, by about a minute. Cut me some slack would you, I'm so tired."

"I don't care, now get in there and do what I pay you to do."

Out of nowhere, a force was pushed upon me. I was shoved into a door. My clothes somehow being pulled off of me with incredible force. Each layer of my clothing was taken away from me.

" Make sure you give him a good time. He's looked at every one of the girls and as soon as they walked through the door, he said get out on the first glance. You're the last one so, make sure you make it worth it. He paid for the whole building to be evacuated." The information was suddenly hurled at me. I had little time to comprehend what I had been told before my bare skin made contact with the carpeted floor of one of the bedroom. I heard the slam of the hardwood door behind me and the discrete sound of the door locking after.

I raised myself to stand on two steady feet, patting my hair down in the process. My bare elbows and knees had noticeable carpet burns on them. 

Surveying the room around me, it appeared to be empty. Stepping further into the room, I let out a huff when I noticed there was no one here.

"What the hell, where is this special person there all crazed about." 

Deja vu happened in the next instant as I was suddenly thrust onto the bed, landing face first on my face in the black comforter. Rolling over onto my back, I sat up onto my elbows, gazing at the wall.  A well-built man stepped out of the shadows. He had dark brown hair that hung across his face, almost covering his grey piercing eyes. He was wearing a white shirt underneath a black waistcoat. The first two buttons on his shirt were undone, exposing his slender tanned neck. His dark waistcoat matched the black slacks he had on, that was paired with black brogues.

His gaze landed on me, his face showing no emotion. The material was unexpectedly pushed in my face.

"Get changed," He demanded.

I started to slip the dress over my head but halted at his words.

"What are you doing. Take your clothes off" He said in a 'duh' tone.

This didn't feel strange to me at all but, for others who are less experienced in my line of work, this may seem uncomfortable to just be asked to take your clothes off, but in my profession, this was a daily routine.

Undressing needn't go into further detail. Although, dressing would be a different matter.

Looking at the material in the side mirror, hanging from the locked closet door, I could scrutinise the clothing.

I was wearing a pink dress with white lace details around the bottom and waist. The details were of intricate designs, almost resembling daisies. The flower cotton stopped at mid thigh, complementing my white garter, above my rose coloured knee high stockings. The straps of the dress were simple and hung off my shoulder.

It's as if I dressed for the occasion.

I turned towards my client, already knowing what he wants based on the outfit.

He was sat on the left side of the bed, hands on his knees in a tense position. His face still void of any emotion.

I knelt down in front of him. Waiting for his command. Bringing his hand to the side of my face he brought his fingertips to my cheek.

Now in every cliche book, it will say something along the lines of, 'tingles shot all through my body at the sudden contact, filling me with a feeling of warmth and safety. In that moment, I knew I could trust him'.

However, I felt something the complete opposite of what they all tell us.  His skin made me feel unclean. The harsh dry skin contrasting greatly with my smooth skin. It felt as if I had been touched by the devil himself. Instead of tingles, it felt as if the skin on my cheek was being melted off of the bone. Although that could just be his potent aftershave.

"Sit on daddy's lap" He patted his thigh, showing me where to sit. 

Before I could comprehend what was happening, he put his clammy hands under my armpits, placing me on his lap. I felt like a little kid again, sitting on Santa's lap, telling him what you want just so the parents could see what to buy you for Christmas. Them getting annoyed because they bought the wrong gifts. 

He stared into my eyes. No emotion was present. To be honest, I was getting seriously bored. Every cell in my body was repulsed with what I was about to do but, I need to earn my money.

Taking matters into my own hands, I brought my arms around his neck, playing with the tiny hairs on the back of is the neck.

"Daddy, I'm bored can we play a game?" I giggled, looking into his eyes once again whilst putting my index finger in my mouth, nibbling on the end.

"What game ?"He replied, his voice dropping a few decibels.

"Play with me daddy," I said seductively, still in a childlike-persona.

He stared at me for the longest time. Giving up with him, I let my facade drop; getting off of his lap in the process.

"Who gave you permission to move", He asked, causing my movements to halt. With a click of his fingers, I found my wrists secured behind my back, my mouth secured with what I assume to be duck tape.

My eyes zoned in on him. He had a slight smirk on his face, the only trace of emotion I've seen since I first met him.

My small body was shoved into a hard surface. My legs were pushed up towards my chest, my head ducked in between them. I closed my eyes tightly waiting for the pain to subside.

A shrill bang was heard, swiftly followed by the sound of a lock. The cold surface tilted, sending me into the side. I opened my eyes with a start, realising I was in a bird cage the size of a small child, being carried by what I assume to be one of his body guards.

His face suddenly became visible in between the bars of the metal cage. The smirk still evident on his face.

"That's no way to speak to your daddy, baby girl" His laughter echoed around the room.

A pain shot all through my left arm, however, I was unable to see what it was because in a mere two seconds sleep overcame me. 





-Amy X-

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