My Uncle Simon?(1D and 5sos)

By fakelimapayne

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Could this summer get anymore interesting? Jade and her friends go to live with her uncle for the summer,but... More

My Uncle Simon?
Chapter 1:L.A. Bound
Chapter 2:Can I Sit Here?
Chapter 3:Were Here!!!!!!!
Chapter 4:Wait What?
Chapter 5: Your Who?
Chapter 6:Hospital
Chapter 7:Ouch
Chapter 8:Um,PDA!
Chapter 9:Not so good first impression.
Chapter 10:Racing
Chapter 11: Hospital, again.
Chapter 12: Worst day ever.
Chapter 13: Im free!
Chapter 14:Im awkward.
Chapter 15: Penguins and ghost stories.
Authors Note
Chapter 17- Eat it!!!
Chapter 18-I hate all of you.
Chapter 19-I Don't Wanna Go.
Chapter 20: Crap
Chapter 21: The Plan
Chapter 22- Backfired

Chapter 16- A Day In L.A.

381 8 5
By fakelimapayne

Demi's POV

"Wake up! WAKE UP! WAAAAAKE UUUUP!" Ella's screaming makes me wanna punch her. "WHAT!"I throw my pillow at her. "One Direction has an interview today and WE'RE COMING WITH THEM!!!"She squeals.

"OH MY GURSH NO WAY!!!!"I jump out of bed. "YES WAY!!!"We jump around the room together. "Where's everybody else?"I ask. "Getting ready hurry up!"she runs off.

After I get ready I run downstairs to see Symon talking to everybody. "Sit down."he says. He scares me so I do as he says and sit on the couch by Mariah.

"Listen up,today you five are going to an interview, but only two of the girls can come with you." Symon said. "Why?" Jade asks. "Because we can't drag every one of you with us. And I've chosen Ella and Arizona to come because they seem the best behaved." He explained. He could never be more wrong. "Not fair." I mumbled.

"And as for you four," Symon pointed to 5sos. "You guys have an interview too, infact the car is waiting so you guys need to leave!" Symon said. "Why don't you ever tell us anything?" Calum asked. "Like you boys would ever listen, just go." He sighed as the boys walked out the door. But Luke winked at Jade before leaving, I rolled my eyes as Jade blushed and waved.

"What about us?" Jade asked. "I guess you can tour L.A, but your parents are trusting me with you. So be careful Jade." Symon said. "Don't worry uncle Si, we'll be fine." Jade smiled. "We have to go, bye everyone and don't do anything stupid!" Symon yelled as they all ran out the door.

Ella and Arizona gave us excited smiles but I just glared at my back stabbing sisters. We all sighed as we mosied towards the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"No offense, but your uncles a jerk." Mariah said as she took a box of Pringles out of the cabinet. "Not really, he's just stubborn and honest I guess. And why are you eating chips for breakfast?" Jade asked. "We've been over this a MILLION times, I. HATE. BREAKFAST FOODS!!!" Mariah yelled. "Geez, sorry." Jade took a box of cereal and frowned.

"We've been best friends for years, how do you not know this?" I asked. "I forgot." Jade said. "Anyways. It'll be fun touring L.A. But I'm driving!" I yelled excitedly. "Too bad we don't have a car!" Mariah said. "Uncle Symon showed me the garage the other day, we can use any car we want..." Jade grinned evilly. We grinned with her. "Let's make sure we find the perfect car."

Ella's POV.

I looked around smiling, the director rushing around yelling at others, people getting the cameras ready, makeup artists and costume designers making people look good, it's all so exciting.its just too bad the other girls couldn't come.HAHA not really.

"Let's go walk around!" Arizona nudged me as we sat on a couch watching the boys get their hair done. "Okay." I nodded. We walked around and it was really cool. I've never been anywhere like this. "I'm gonna see if I can move here, I mean we all just graduated." Arizona smiled. "Yeah, but I don't know if I wanna live in L.A, I like arkansas." I shrugged.

"Come over here girls, the interviews about to start!" Symon called me and Arizona back towards him where the boys were standing. "I'll be back when the interview is over, I have to go home and babysit my kid while my wife goes shopping." Symon said and left the building.

"Symon has kids?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's got a baby." Harry replied. "Why does he live in the flat with us then?" Arizona asked. "Because he has to take care of you guys, he told jades parents he would watch her, shouldn't you know this?" Niall raised an eyebrow. "I just thought he lived there and let us stay with him. Must not be enough room in his real house for us." Arizona shrugged.

"Time to go out there boys!" The director called. They boys smiled and walked out to the set. We waved and they grinned at us. I wish they would stop being adorable.

Arizona's POV

"Hello, I'm Sandy, and today I'm interviewing the hot british boy-band One Direction." An older lady smiled at the camera as the boys waved. "How are you guys doing today?" She asked. "Good." Liam smiled and the others nodded.

"So, there has been so many rumors about you living with five girls AND five seconds of summer. Mind telling us what that's about?" She turned towards them. "Well." Louis started. "We decided to buy a huge flat in L.A to live in for the summer and whenever we want, Symon being in control of us and all said he'd have to live with us because he doesn't trust us." Louis rolled his eyes and the lady laughed.

"Then he told us his niece is coming for the summer with her four best friends, and that they would stay with us since our flat is huge. And then Niall asked Symon if 5sos could stay because they were coming to L.A for the summer, and for some strange reason Symon said yes. So now there are 15 people living in our summer flat." Louis finished with a huge sigh after all that taking.

"Wow, that settles it then." Sandy laughed. "How is it living with those girls? Any relationships or crushes maybe?" She wiggled her eyebrows like a freak. They all grinned, Louis poking Liam as he looked at me. What's that all about what do I have to do with Liam's crush?

Liam's face turned red as he smacked Louis and pointed at Harry. It pretty much turned into a poking and grinning fest that I do not understand. "So, any? Or are you boys just going to tease each other." The lady smirked. "Actually, Lukey poo has a new girlfriend." Niall grinned. "Really? Who?" She asked.

"Jade Davis, Symon's niece." Zayn smiled. "Wait, were we not suppose to say that?" He asked. "Too late now, but they are official." Harry said. "And that's the only relationship, besides Elounor and Zerrie?" Sandy asked. "Yep, for now....." Louis grinned, the other boys grinned with him. "Oh don't grin I know some of you have crushes!" Louis said.

"Anyways, we all heard about that nascar crash. I know that Ashton got hurt but is alright, what about the other girl who was in the crash with him?" She asked. "Demi Best, she was hurt and had to stay in the hospital for a while. But she is fully recovered now." Liam replied. "That's good, we'd like to know all the names of the girls who are staying with you." Sandy said with greed, as if she wanted to ruin them.

"Are we allowed to tell her that?" Niall asked. They boys looked at us backstage, I looked at Ella and she shrugged. I turned back towards them and nodded. Why not?

"First, as you know, Jade Davis. His niece. Then Demi Best, and her sisters Ella and Arizona. Those two are twins. And Mariah Writer." Zayn answered. "I have seen some pictures,but it's hard to tell how they look like. Is it hard to tell the twins apart?" She asked. I huffed and rolled my eyes, these kind of questions people ask twins annoy the living crap out of me.

"Actually when you get to know them, they look very different. Personality wise too. All of the girls are super nice, funny, and the funnest people I've ever been around." Niall smiled. I blushed, he's so nice. "He's right, they're crazy too." Louis laughed. "How old are they?" She asked.

Okay what next does she want my birth certificate?

"Um, Demi's the oldest, she's eighteen, the rest are 17." Harry said. "That's nice. Are any of them with you?" Sandy asked. I'm going to kill Sandy. "Yes, the twins are here, come out here girls!" Liam called for us. "No." Ella looked at me.

We're both shy, but Ella's the shyest person I know. "Come on." I grabbed her wrist and drug her out there.

"Hello girls!" Sandy smiled at us. "Hi." I waved and looked for somewhere to sit. They boys took up the whole couch. "Sit on our laps." Niall smiled and patted his legs. Liam grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap as Ella sat down on Niall's. I blushed and thanked Liam.

"And what's your names again?" She asked. "Arizona." I smiled. "Ella." Ella smiled too. "What beautiful girls. I wish I had your blond hair." Sandy looked at us. "Thank you." I said politely. Her hair is light red and had been highlighted so much you can't tell if it's naturally that way.

"So how long are you girls staying?" She asked. "All summer. Maybe later, we just graduated so we don't have to worry about school." Ella said. "Nice." She smiled and asked more questions about us and the boys.

It was pretty nerve racking actually, I thought she was going to ask questions about their career, not my personal life. The interview eventually ended and we all waited backstage for Symon to pick us up.

Ella's POV

"That went well." Zayn smiled. "She asked too many questions about us." I frowned. "Yeah, but after seeing all these pictures of you girls with us and all the rumors, at least we cleared it up." Harry said. I nodded.

"Im here, now let's go. You boys have another interview, thank god it's only 12:00." Symon checked his watch as we followed him to the car. "The director sent me the interview video." Symon frowned as he drove. "What about it?" Louis asked.

"Do you know now much information you gave?!? We were suppose to try to keep this a secret!" Symon yelled. "But they asked." Liam frowned. "The fans are going to go crazy when they find out about five girls living with you, and they know your names and ages and everything!" Symon sighed.

"Well the lady wouldn't stop asking those questions!" Niall defended. "You didn't have to answer, I have one thing to say to you girls." Symon stared at me and Arizona. We exchanged scared glances.

"Prepare for a whole lot of hate."

Jades POV

"OMG this is the coolest car ever!!!!" Mariah squealed as we drove down the streets of Hollywood. "Red convertibles are the best." I smiled and put on my neon sunglasses with the summer wind flowing through my hair. "I love driving." Demi smiled. "You're way better than Arizona, she scares me when she drives." Mariah laughed.

She's right, Arizona CAN NOT drive. Last time she did she drove into a trampoline. Don't even ask I have no idea. She somehow got her license like the rest of us, but we never let her drive.

"So where are we going first?" I asked. "Let's find famous people!" Demi yelled. "How?" Mariah asked. "Just walk down the streets, shop a little, and search for famous people's rich spoiled faces." Demi replied. "They aren't all like that." I laughed. "I know." Demi laughed with me.

We got to a part of L.A with stores and all sorts of stuff,so we got out of the car and walked around outside.

There were some Indian band playing a cool song by an ice cream stand, I smiled. This place is so cool. "Look! It's Ella and Arizona!" Demi pointed to the two girls running towards us from a black SUV.

"What the heck are you doing here?" Mariah asked. "We were passing by while going to another interview and saw you guys, me and Arizona have had enough of interviews so Symon let us hang out with you guys." Ella replied. "Good!" I smiled as I watched the SUV drive off with five boys waving at us.

"How was the interview, back stabbers?" Demi asked with a smirk. "Eh, the lady asked so many questions about us and now everyone knows about us and Symon got mad and said we're gonna get a lot of hate." Arizona said quickly. "What?" We all asked. "Let's get some ice cream and sit down and we'll tell you." Ella said. We nodded and got in line for ice cream.

We sat down and they told us everything. How they were in the interview too, all they know about us now, what Symon said, and everyone knows about me and Luke. "Don't worry guys, just ignore the hate we'll get, it will be fine. Let's just have fun." Mariah smiled. We nodded and stood up.

"So, some of the boys have crushes?" I wiggled my eyebrows as we walked away. "Yeah, we don't know who though." Ella frowned. "What if people hate me because I'm dating Luke?" I asked out of the blue, just realizing what might happen. "Calm down, I'm sure some people will ship you, and Luke likes you, so just don't worry about it." Demi patted my back. "Okay, thanks." I smiled.

"Look at those hats!" Arizona squealed at a stand full of crazy hats. We ran towards them and tried some one.

I put on a sparkly sliver hat that lights up. "Oh my gosh that's cool!" Ella squealed when she saw my hat. Mariah had a magic hat with a giant bunny popping out of it. I laughed at her. "I like it." She said with a grin. "I love this one!" Arizona smiled when she picked up a huge Mickey Mouse hat with giant ears and everything.

Me and Mariah smiled in agreement as Ella put on bright pink hat that had flashing lights and was super tall. The Demi walked towards us with a huge sparkly cowboy hat. "Let's take a picture!" I said. After we paid for the hats we all took tons of selfies in our crazy hats and then had someone take an actual picture of us.

"Hey, these are pretty good. I'll post one." Demi smiled at her phone. "Me too." I said and posted one of us standing by a huge fountain with our big hats. The others either posted a selfie of us or one where we look like idiots trying to get a good picture by a hot guy we found by the hat stand.

Don't judge.

None of our twitters or Instagrams are that popular, pretty average. But not after that interview goes on the internet. Pushing that thought out of my head, I linked arms with Arizona and Demi, and walked off.

Mariah's POV

We all looked like idiots trying to be cool. Linked arms and walking down the streets in giant hats. It was fun though, really fun.

"Guys." Ella said barely above a whisper as stopped in her tracks, causing us to stop with her. "What?" We asked. "I think that's Brent Rivera." She pointed towards an extremely hot guy walking down the streets. "It is him!!" I jumped up and down. I have the biggest crush on him.

"Should we go say hi?" Demi asked. "Yeah!" Arizona squealed as we ran towards him. "Wait!" Jade stopped us. "Act cool." She gave us a look, we all nodded and walked towards him causally.

"Um." Ella tapped his shoulder. He turned around and we all froze. He. Is. Perfect. "Hi." We waved. "Hey." He smiled. "We don't wanna bother you but could we please have a picture?" Demi asked. "Sure." He smiled. We got out our phones and took a few pictures with him.

"I love your vines!" Jade smiled. "Thanks, I like them too." He laughed. We all laughed, memorized by him. "It was nice meeting you girls, bye." He smiled and waved as he walked off.

"Someone hold me." I fell into Arizona's arms dramatically. "I told you we'd meet a famous person!" Demi squealed. "We live with One Direction and 5sos, it's kind of hard to compete with that. So I wasn't that shocked." Jade said. We stared at her. "Okay IM ABOUT TO SCREAM!!" She squealed with us.

"Come on girls, let's go." Ella held out her arms as we locked them together and walked down the streets again.

I love Los Angeles.

Demi's POV

"We're home!" I yelled as we walked through the door with bags full of stuff. "Did you get enough stuff?" Ashton asked who was sitting on the couch with Zayn and Michael playing video games. "Not really." Arizona shrugged and walked upstairs to put her stuff up in our giant room.

"Where's Luke?" Jade asked. "In the den." Michael replied not taking his eyes off the tv. Jade dropped her bags and ran to the den. I followed Ella and Mariah upstairs to put my bags up, after I did I ran downstairs to get food.

"When are you ever not eating?" Louis asked who was sitting by the counter on his phone. "She's like me, she has a passion for food." Niall said as he walked in and grabbed a bag of chips. I smiled at him. "Well someday you guys are gonna eat all the food and we're all going to starve." Louis smirked. "Well in that case I'm eating you first." I grinned and ran out of the kitchen with a candy bar.

Symon walked through the front door and sighed. "Everyone in the living room, NOW!" He yelled. I sat on the couch by Ashton. Calum, Harry, and Liam walked out of the game room and sat dowm along with Jade and Luke who wouldn't stop talking to each other.

Louis and Niall came in as Symon stood infront of us tapping his foot impatiently. "Where are the others?" He asked. "Blondies! Get down here!!" Calum yelled. "Wait a minute!" We heard Mariah yell. "COME DOWN HERE NOW!" Symon yelled.

Three scared girls came stumbling down the stairs as fast as they could while pushing each other out of the way. I chuckled quietly when Arizona tripped and fell face first on the ground. Dusting herself off, she scurried off the floor and sat on the floor embarrassed.

"The interview will be put on the internet early tomorrow morning. That means when you wake up you will be receiving tons of tweets and notifications. Some might be good, but most of them will probably be bad. This was suppose to be a secret, or at least share as little as possible. But some people had to run their mouths." Symon glared at the boys as they shifted in their seats.

"So just beware, and you will probably lose most of your privacy. I'm sorry girls, but that's life. Just be careful. You all can leave. I'm going to my flat." He sighed as he walked out the door. Symon has his own little flat right besides ours, it's more of a guest house but he can come here whenever he wants. Joy.

"What's up his butt?" Ashton asked. We all looked at him. "Oh yeah, the whole interview thing. I just forget for a second." He chuckled. What the heck?

"I don't wanna have hate and all that crap." Arizona frowned. "It's actually not that bad, I'm sure all the real Directioners out there will love you guys." Liam smiled. "I hope so." I sighed.

I really, really hope so.

This is Sar-bear! I hope you liked that! Blah I miss the real owner. She should come back. I keep begging her but she says no.

Anyways PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!!! You guys are amazing and I love you!

BYE MY BEAUTIFUL PENGUINS!! 😄😃😀😊☺️😉😍😚😘😜😝😛😋✨🌟👄👍✋👐✌️💁💛💙💜💚❤️💗💓💞💋🌂🎀🎵🎶🍭🍬🍉🍒. 🐧🐧🐧🐧

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