By qt_dolan

83.4K 1.4K 947

"You know damn well I didn't have a choice to put on these clothes! You know damn well I didn't have a choice... More

//Part 1: The Auction chapter 1\\
//chapter 2\\
//chapter 3\\
//chapter 4\\
//chapter 5\\
//chapter 6\\
//chapter 7\\
//chapter 8\\
//chapter 9\\
//Part 2: More Than 1 Hootage chapter 11\\
//Chapter 12\\
//Chapter 13\\

//chapter 10\\

7.2K 90 119
By qt_dolan

"Drug dealers."

I look at him confused.

"What do you mean "drug dealers"?"

"Their here... most likely... to find us."

Grayson and I run down the hallway to look for our room. We turned left and right like crazy trying to find the number.





I pull Grayson's hand from him going any farther.

"The room is right here." I said out of breath and pointing to the number.

He quickly gets the card from his pocket to unlock the door. He inserts the card and pulls it out quicky. He tries to open the door, but it still goes locked. He tries to put the card back in but he misses the insert hole. He was doing this for the past 10 seconds. By this point I was frustrated, so I grabbed the card from his hand and inserted the card. Then, I open the door and took the card out. I wave him the way in with attitude and Grayson glares at me. Then, Grayson bruges in.

"Close the door!" He said throwing his bag on a chair in a corner, next to the balcony. He sat on the far end right corner of the bed. I close the door and  sit diagonal from Grayson, with my back resting on the headboard. Grayson's face was full of worry and confusion. He just there sat there with his hand on his temples, staring at the floor.

"So are we planning to stay here forever or...?" I said waiting for a response. Grayson didn't move at all or make eye contact with me as I asked him my question.

I really hope he's thinking of a way out of here. I am actually really looking forward on going to the restaurant.,I thought to myself.

"No, we are not going to stay here forever." He sighs, still not making eye contact with me.

"Good! I am not planning to eat hotel food all my life." I said with a laugh.

Maybe not the greatest time to make a joke Sophia..., I thought to myself. I make an awkward face to match the tension. I clear my throat, breaking the silence.

"So- what are we going to do?" I said.

Grayson shakes his head hesitantly, but he finally speaks.

"What about you checking if they are still out there..." Grayson said doubtful and turning his head my way.

"What?!" I said, loathing his idea.

"I mean, If I were to go out there I would be killed if they see me. I wouldn't be able to come back to alive." he said. "Plus, I don't have anything to defend myself with. "

"But why send me if I have the same chances to die as you? They might not know who I am but if they sense me spying on them, I'd probably be killed too." I said.

"But what are the chances of you actually getting caught?" Grayson said.

"Actually, likely." I said.

"But not as high as mine, so you got a better idea smartass?" He said with overbearing pride.

"Actually I do-" In that moment, his eyes lit up with hope because he thought I had a better idea. So he thought....

"You go out there and get yourself killed and I can go free. Oh! It would be just great!" I snap at him in spite. His face fell as he heard my plan.

"Ouch! Princess is meaner than I thought." He says putting his hand over his heart, as if I had hurt his feelings.

"Don't call me princess." I said irritated.

"Whatever you say princess." He shrugs with a grin his face. I rolled my eyes of how much of an ass he sounded.

"Well, your "idea" still isn't as good as mine." He said.

"C'mon, what do you have to lose with mine?" I said joking.

"Uh- if you haven't noticed, my fucking life!" He said bitterly.

"Well at least I got nothing to lose." I said with satisfaction.

"On a serious note, do you want to actually get out of here alive?" Grayson said seriously, which caught my attention. I nodded my head in response. "Okay then, you will have to help me out to get out of here!" He said demandingly. My funny switch in my head turned off and I snapped into being serious.

"You really have nothing to lose if we do this correctly." He said sincerely. I give him a serious look and clench my jaw.

"You know what, I will go but how will we do it?" I said.

"You start of looking in the lobby. Try to act normal because if they are there, we don't want to scare them off or kill you. Then check out to the pool and playground. Then check every floor. And if they are there... that's still the part I don't know." Grayson said.

"What if I just come back and tell you?" I said.

"No... they are risks to that. Like, If they move to another part of the hotel, then we wouldn't know where they are." Grayson said. "But either way, we are going to kill them." Grayson said calmly, as he has done it before.

"Kill them? we?" I said confused, pointing my finger at Grayson and back at me repeatedly. "Didn't you not want to confront them a while ago?" I said crossing my arms.

"I'm not scared to confront them, I just don't want to go up to them and then be killed. There will be no point to do so if you don't think through it smartly." Grayson said. "And what would be the point to see check if they are here and do nothing about it? They came here for a reason, but not for small talk. It doesn't work like that. They want to see blood, so that's why we are going to kill them.". Grayson said.

"But what if there are more than two?" I asked.

"No, I know him too well to know that he likely sends his men in duets." Grayson said surely.

"Who is "him" because now I know you're not talking about those two outside. What happened between you two?" I asked.

"It's more like "what shouldn't have happened between us three.". He said with a deep chuckle.

"Three?" I said confused.

"Ethan, Devon, "The Boss", and I. It's a long story. I'll tell you later." Grayson said. "But right now, let's focus on what to do if they are here." Grayson said, trying to change the subject. He zones out, I guess, thinking of a what to do. I rested my head on my hand and thought what we could do.

One way to know where are, have them stay, and trapped is to lead them somewhere for them thinking that they are the wolfs and we're the sheep but it is their distraction., I thought.

Or in a more simple way, lead them into their own trap.

"What if I make it seem chase me?" I asked.

"What do you mean? That's the thing we are trying to get away from." He says confused.

"If I make it seem that I am spying on them they would obviously chase me to get off their case. When they get the hint that I am, then I'll try to take them to a place where nobody can see us. Then that's when you come in a kill them. But the only down side to that is how will I signal you that I have them?" I said.

"That's not a bad idea....but what if they catch you for real? What if I don't get there in time and I wouldn't be able you..." Grayson said. All of a sudden, his eyes full with terror, his face fills with sadness, his mouth slightly frowns and his lip murmurs something under his breath. He had looked like he'd lost someone.

"Grayson... are you okay?" I said worried.

"I couldn't save her... so I'm am not going to make the same mistake with you." He said, sounding protective.

"Who's her? What are you talking about?" I said with confusion.

"Look, I made a mistake once that lead me to a lot of pain. I am not trying to do it again." Grayson said.

"You say it like I actually matter to you." I said. I was trying to get rid of the feeling of warmth and secure from Grayson.

I can't get hurt or have any feelings for Grayson by being cold hearted, right? Or at least trying.

"Well-" Grayson pauses and looks down at the bed. I lean myself forward slowly and looking at Grayson with wide eyes. Something in me kinda hoped for Grayson to mention my name for mattering to him in his next sentence , but I knew that it's too far-fetched. I'm not in some happily-ever-after story because I wouldn't be in this situation.

"Let's not focus on what matters or not. We need to get out of this building alive tomorrow!" Grayson points down, as in saying "right now.". I leaned back to the head board and drooped my shoulders. I rubbed my neck and I felt my collar that I forgot I had on. Then, right there, imagine a light build turn on in my head.

"Grayson? How can I trigger a shock from the collar with you doing it?" I ask.

"If you try to take it off, it will shock you. And it'll send me an alert that says that it has triggered a shock." Grayson said.

"From where?" I asked. Grayson reached in his pocket and took out a a device, almost square like, that the only colors on the screen is green, greyish-green and red ,which was blinking to where we were at. It had names of streets and pictures of buildings, almost like google maps.

"This is connected to your collar. It can tell me where you are, trigger a shock, and it will alert me all on here." Grayson said pointing to he device.

That just ruined any chance of escaping...

"So I'm thinking that when I see them, I'll tug on the collar. Then, it will alert you that it shocked me, but that is really that first sign that "hey, I found them and there are here.". Then when they I have them following me, I'll tug it once again to alert you. Then follow me to where I'm heading. But if they aren't here, I won't tug on the collar and I'll just come back to you." I explained.

"That's not bad- I like how you think." Grayson said impressed.

"Well-thank you!" I said as if I was full of myself.

"This is actually good plan. So your okay about your part? I never in a million years that someone like you would be able to do this." Grayson said a bit surprised.

"Excuse me?! "Someone like me?"." I said with anger and annoyance.

"Wait...that came out wrong." Grayson said quickly as he realized the mistake he said.

"It was pretty clear. So a person "like me", which are people that are forced sell there own bodies, to you are supposed to be a helpless, vulnerable property that you control?" I said furiously.

"I didn't say that." Grayson snapped back.

"But that's the reference, I bet, you go by and why you buy "them". It's what you expected by me, and don't deny it. That's why you said what you said." I said attacking him with my words.

He sat there while his eyes, blankly, looking at me. He didn't know what to say back because he knew it is true. He opened his mouth a little bit to say something but, before I could get any angrier, I got up from the bed and started walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Grayson said standing up from the bed.

"To do what you should be doing." I said grabbing the door nob. "Make sure to look out for the alerts." I said before slamming the door closed.


"But mom!- I want to stay!" A little boy cried. "There's no swimming pool at our house!" The little boy said as his mother, almost dragging him, took him out of the building.

"Oliver, I'll take you to a pool. Now let's go!" His mother says desperately.

I turn my head back looking in front of me. I sat on a chair that I once sat on earlier. I tried to spot out the drug dealers but they weren't in sight.

I've been here for 5 mins and there's still no sign of them..., I said in my head.

My left foot starts to tap on the floor, and I begin to get frustrated because I don't see anything alerting.

This is a waste of time. Maybe they are outside?, I thought to myself. I look to my left to see a glass door with a paper taped on it saying "Swimming Area". Beyond the door I could see people out in the pool and some people on beach chairs tanning.

I stand up from the chair and walk towards the door, but half way there I feel another body bump into me.

"Oh I am so-" I cut myself off when I look at the person's face.

It was one of the drug dealers!

He had colored eyes, shiny curly hair, and looked white. He was tall, handsome, and same body as Grayson but buffer. The shirt he had on looked like he had brought it from baby gap because it was really tight on him. I could see his muscles through his shirt.

"I- I- I-" I said like a record player getting struck on only saying a few words over and over again.

"Umm- are you okay?" He said concerned.

"Ummm-no I-" I didn't know that to say. I'll thought to go with something flirty so he won't suspect anything. I was just a girl who in awe of his beauty because bitch... he is a pretty ass motherfucker. "I just never seen something so beautiful" I said with sweet smile and eyes, but I was screaming internally because I was scared for my life.

He smiles at me showing his dimples.

"Same here." He says with a deep voice.

Drip! Think I just... bathroom break?

Damn! What is it about criminals being so damn attractive!

"Well it was nice bumping into angel but I have to get going." I say walking away slowly. I turn towards to the door.

"OH MY GOD" I mouthed with wide eyes because of what just happened.

I push the door open and walking fast towards the swimming area. I could feel eyes on me. If any person was at a pool, they would have the appropriate clothes to swim, not sweatpants and a t-shirt with some house shoes. If they only knew why I'm truly here...

I sit on chair in a empty table and try to process what just happened a minute ago.

I relax and try to catch me breath. I remember that I'm suppose to try and tug the collar to signal Grayson. I grab the collar from the back a tug on it.

The collar had no mercy on me. It made me jump a little, but it made me want to scream.

An employee, in her early 20's, walked past me just as I jumped from the shock. She walked back to me and got eye level with me.

"Are you okay ma'ma?" The employee looked at me with a gentle smile.

"No I'm okay. Just a little shock from the chair that's all" I lied to her. She looked and the chair and realized there was no metal to shock me.

"Okay." She said with a weird smile. I knew she was thinking that I couldn't possibly get a shock from the chair.

Lord so help me not go bill-bye-the-science-guy on this bitch! I've A's on science in my report card since day one, so bitch test me! There are other ways to get shocked other than metal!

Then, felt a hand on my shoulder.

"What are you doing-" I turn around, expecting it to be Grayson but it was the drug dealer I bumped into.

He kneeled down and said, "Come with me or I will kill you right here in front of many people, and I don't think you would want that, right?"

I was paralyzed with fear. Adrienne is running through my whole body. I feel my heart beat on the top of my head.

"Now move!" He harshly whispered. I stood up and he put his arm around me griping tight my right shoulder. "Walk," He said demandingly.

Yea, it's not cute anymore.

I walk forward and his hand is on my shoulder takes control of what way I go. We walk past the play ground. I could see little kids playing, laughing while going down the side, others on the swing sets. Their mothers and fathers were in their own groups talking to each other.

Those kids have more freedom than me, I thought to myself.

We stopped at the back of the hotel in front of a garbage can. The drug dealer got my wrists and held them behind my back tightly. I struggled to try to get out of his grip, but he was way stronger than me.

Then, Someone came out from behind one of the garbage cans. He was just as tall as the other drug dealer. He was tan skinned, which made his blue eyes pop out, and he looked mixed. He walks right in front of me. The other guy gripped my wrist tighter, making them hurt. I shouldered him even though I knew I wasn't going loose.

"Where's Grayson and Ethan?" He asks in a serious voice.

"Who?" I said, acting confused

He chuckles devilishly.

"You think you can fool me? Now, where's Grayson and Ethan?."

"Okay, ummm?..." I said raising a brow.

"Micheal. Minus well tell you my name since it's the last thing you'll learn." He said with a creepy grin.


"Well, Micheal, I still don't who you're talking about. You must have the wrong person." I said.

Micheal looks up at the the sky and chuckles again with his hand on his torso. He down at me and glares. He looks straight to the guy behind me and nods once at him. When I thought his grip couldn't get any tighter, Michael punches me in the stomach. I fell back on the man and grunted in pain.

"Where's Ethan and Grayson, bitch! We know you were with them. We won't stop until we have them dead " He screams at me. I stood back up and I kick the man behind me in the balls. He immediately lets me go and falls to the ground. Micheal grabbed me by the shoulders and tried to push me back. I pushed back with all my force and I was able to have him against the garbage.

I couldn't move my arms to punch him and I couldn't kick him because I'd probably be knocked down. I head bumped Micheal, making him hit the garbage hard, and he seemed to be unconscious.

Yea, the last thing y'all learned about me is that I'm fucking unpredictable and I will beat you ass bitches!

I make a run for it, not thinking to where I'm going or Grayson. Then I feel a hand grab my ankle and pull me back, making me fall to the floor. I looked back to see the same guy that I kicked hold my ankle. I tug on my collar and the shock runs through me and the guy holding my ankle. The man and I grunt from the pain of the shock but he doesn't let go of me.

"Please Grayson come as soon as possible." I thought to myself.

He climbed on top of me and pulled out a knife from his pocket. He held it against my neck.

"Sofia, I know your with Grayson right now so tell me where he is." He says all in one breath.

"How do you know my name." I shout.

"We.know.everything." I don't answer him. He drags his knife along my chest and down to half way of my stomach.

"Tell me- how does a pretty girl like you end up in the hands of Ethan and Grayson?" He says with his hands going down my waist.

"I could make you mine.... oh, just the things I could do to you, but just tell me where Grayson is." He said.

"Don't you fucking touch me!" I shout.

"You know what... let me make you talk." He unbuckled his pants with one hand and pulled down my sweatpants with the other, revealing my underwear. Out of nowhere, someone punches him in the the face.


I pick up my pants and back away from them. Grayson kept punching at the guy's face. The man lifted his hand and cut Grayson across his knuckles. Grayson got the knife from the guy and had it on his neck. The guy laughs as if he had won.

"Come on! Kill me...just like I killed Addison!" He said.

Who's Addison?, I thought.

Grayson picked him up by the collar and pushed him against the garbage can.

"So it was you motherfucker" Grayson shouts in his face. The guy just smiles at him.

"Oh but the best part was seeing the expression on your face. It seemed like you just lost someone you loved-"

"It was because I did!" Grayson shouts.

"Really? So did you and Ethan share?" He acts surprised.

"No she was family!" Grayson's face started to turn red. I started to get scared, and I felt like this was going to end worse than I thought

"And right before she died she gave you the big news. That didn't last long though."the guys says.

"You better fucking take that back!" He banged him against the garbage box.

"You know, I'm fine." He says with a smile on his face.

"Oh yea- you'll do better in hell!" Grayson said.

"Meet. You. There." He says grunting through his teeth. These were the last words of the guy before Grayson slits his throats and throws him in the garbage.

I cover my mouth with my hands in shock. Then Grayson kneels down to Micheal and stabs him in the chest several times, angrily. By this point, tears are in my eyes.

"See you in hell too." Grayson said to Michaels and leaves the knife in Micheal's chest. Grayson stands up and looks around, his eyes lay on me. He forgotten that I was there to watch everything.

"Sofia," he says with softness. He walks towards me, but I back away.

"Stop." I said getting up from the ground.

"Sophia, I was trying to help us." Grayson said like he did nothing wrong. He slowly looked down at the floor. His face was full of sorry, but his eyes were filled with gloom.

"I'll see you inside." I say walking away with tears steaming down my cheeks.


Grayson's P.O.V.

I walk through the hallway thinking about what happened minutes ago. She seemed so scared of me. She acted as if I was going to hurt her. I probably traumatized her. She probably won't ever talk to me.

I never intended to do any of this. He shouldn't have ever found out where we were. I shouldn't have killed them in front of Sophia. I shouldn't have feelings for Sophia, but she is the only girl I've truly liked for so long.

Since me and Ethan have became drug dealers ourselves, it been hard to meet other people since we live a low-life. We had girls here and there at parties and from auctions but they we nothing. I'd never thought that I would meet such a great girl. She is nice when you dig down a few layers, tough, feisty, funny and more. I really don't want to lose her. She made me feel love again. You know, the one that gives you a warm feeling when you see that one person. You could look at them for hours and not get bored because you admire their big to tiny features. You can't go a day with out thinking about them. The thing that makes you take action to make sure that they're okay.

She makes my heart melt with her green eyes. I wish I could just kissed her lips all day. Her beautiful body that I could hug and please.

The things we could be, but I can't because she thinks I'm a monster.

I take the card from my back pocket and insert it in the card hole. I open the door and take the card out. I slowly walk in the the room and quietly close the door.

"Sophia?" I shouted. I could hear water running from the bathroom. She must be taking a shower.

I walk to the bed and see that her drawing book and pencils were scattered everywhere along the bed. I got her drawing book and sat on the bed. She had drawn in a drawing that looked like it came from a comic book.

There was two dead bodies on the ground. One of them had a scratch across the neck. The other one has a long, thin claw in his chest. They both were bleeding out. In front of them was a tall man. Instead of hands, he had long claws. Just like the claw inside of one of the guys chest. His claws were dripping in blood. He had snake eyes and a scare across his left eye. His mouth had a big grin with his tongue out, which was long and pointy. But behind the creature was a girl. The girl with wide eyes and tears in her eyes. The monster had his arm out in front of the girl and it looked like he was protecting her. She drew what happened earlier.

I close the book and throw it on the bed. Even though I don't really know what she portrays in her drawing, It makes me pity that she thinks of me as a monster....

I take off my shirt and throw it to the wall. I stand up to get a new t-shirt from the target bag, but then I hear the bathroom door open and it was Sophia. I turn around to see her in just in a towel. She stands there just looking at me up and down.

"I forgot the" she clears her throats looking at the ground nervously. "I forgot the bathing pack. Give it to me, please." She said uncomfortably. I reached down to the bag and handed the item to her.

"Here." I said with a small smile.

"Thank you." She said pushing her lips to her right cheek, revealing a dimple. She looked at me once but quickly walked back to the bathroom.

God don't let her hate me, please?


Sophia's P.O.V.

I honestly think I am scarred for life. I saw 2 people died in a brutal way. I can't take the imagine out of my head when Grayson slit the guy's throat. He tried to gasp for air as blood gushed out of his neck. How without hesitation, Grayson stabbed Micheal in the chest.

I don't want to hate Grayson because he saved me, but he was a monster at the moment.

I feel the warm water drop from my body and the steam forming over my head. Shampoo flowing down my back from washing it away. And the Loud slashing sounds when I gathered my hair and squeeze the water out of it.

"Should I thank him or hate him?" I thought as I messaged my hair to get the shampoo off my head.

With all that him and his brother went through.... I wouldn't know what to do with myself. But should that the excuse?

But I wonder, who was Addison? Why did they kill her? What was her big news? I am curious to find out. She was obviously something special to Ethan and Grayson.


I sit on top of the toilet seat cover as I side my flats on. I get up and straighten out my dress and fix my hair with my fingers. I stop as soon as I feel satisfied with my look.

Am I really about to go out to eat with a Grayson?, I thought.

To get it straight, I am going to dinner right now like a normal person would, but I'm not in a normal situation. This seems so unrealistic to me. I'm going out to eat with Grayson, who is a criminal. And I am making friends with him, Instead of trying to get as far away as possible from him. I am supposed to be an asset to them and be tortured by them right.

When I was at the auction place, they were names to fear. Just like any other person in that room, but the way they treated the girls they brought was a whole other story. They tortured, raped, and killed the girls they bought. I heard that once they put a girl in a box where she could barely move and they knew that she was really claustrophobic. They left here there for days letting her starve and go insane. Days later, she was so traumatized that she couldn't stop crying, and I got really annoying to them. So they cut her up and let her blood out until her death.

It send me chills to my spine that they could being doing that to me. But they're not... at least Grayson isn't.


My stomach growls.

Grayson better be ready to go because I am hungry.

I open the bathroom door to see Grayson outside, about to knock on the door.

"Are you ready to leave?" I asked him.

"Yea, I just need to go to the bathroom." He points inside of the bathroom. Grayson had a white t-shirt and blue jeans. His hair was messy but perfect.

"Hurry, I'm really hungry." I said walking out of the bathroom, but Grayson grabs my arm. I turn back and, tensely, take a step towards him.

"Are you okay?" Grayson asked. I knew that he was referring to what happened earlier.

"Yes... but Grayson, you have to understand that it's not everyday I see people being killed brutally." I said walking back to the bedroom.


I put my hand on the handle of the car door and barely click it open.

"Wait, I'll get the door for you." Grayson's says quickly opening his door. The door raises above him and he gets out. He pushes it down to close. He comes to my side and opens the door. Grayson pushes the door up for me able to get out. I get out of the car feeling weird; he was being so much of a gentleman.

"You know, I have hands to open the door. You didn't have to do that but... thank you." I smile at him. He chuckles, forming a embarrassed smile.

"Your welcome." He says closing the door.

I must have a nose of a blood hound because I could smell the food all the way from the parking lot. I've been waiting for hours to eat!

"Come on! Let's go eat, I'm starving!" I pull him to the entrance of the restaurant.

We walk up the stairs and see a sign that says "BACHATA NIGHT. HOURS 8 p.m.-11 p.m." With bright bold colors.

"Yay!" I screamed in my head. I love to dance. Bachata is one of the first dances I've learned. I am going to dance tonight no matter what.

We walk inside, side by side, into the restaurant and it was pretty packed. There were four families waiting to be seated along the sides of the entrance. We walk to the posttest. The guy behind the booth was a average height, Black man with hazel eyes. His hair was in waves, an he had a iPad in his hands.

"Hi, my name is Ashton. Welcome to Mi Tierra, How are you doing?" The guy asked with a smile. I turn my head to Grayson and he eyes me.

Let's see... today we had to run away from drug dealers and I got beat up. I almost got raped again and saw two people die with my own eyes. So today was....

"We are doing great, Ashton." I said politely but with a forced smile.

"Okay, a table for two?"

"Yes," Grayson answered. Ashton typed in the iPad.

"And what name shall I put you under?"

"Alex" Grayson said.

"Okay" Ashton typed some more on his iPad. He reached under the booth and took out a buzzer.


"There will be a table available for you two in a few minutes. When this buzzer flashes red, that means your table is ready. We will call you up or you can inform me." I grabbed the buzzer and held it in my hand.

"What is the number of the buzzer ma'am?" Ashton asked.

"13," he typed in his iPad again. "You two can you wait outside or here if you'd like." Ashton said.

"Thank you" Grayson and I say in sync.

"No problem." He said with a warm smile. We turn around as we start to walk outside.

"No problem unless you share me a piece of his ass." I heard Ashton murmur under his breath. My cheeks filled with air from stoping myself from laughing. Once we stepped outside, out of sight of Ashton, I let out all the laughter I had inside.

"What's' so funny?" Grayson said confused.

"You didn't hear him?" I asked, but Grayson just shrugged his shoulders.

"No problem just share me a piece of his ass" I said putting my fingers in quotation marks.

"Did the guy say that?" He said all surprised.

"Ohh- plot twist!"

"He didn't even look like-"

"He didn't look like what?" I cut Grayson off. "Gay?" I furrowed my eye borrows.

"Well-yea" he said nervously.

"Well I mean, you are a drug dealer, but you don't look like one."

"Shh!" He said almost tackling me. "Someone might have heard you." He backed up and leaned his back on the railing that connected to the stairs.

I roll my eyes to him. I put my forearms on the railing, and in front of me was a beautiful garden. It almost looked like an oasis. There was a pipe and water was flowing down from it. It made a thin river and then into a pond. Along the side of the pond had all types of flowers and a path made of flat stone. It seemed to lead farther back of the building. The curious self that I am, walk down the stairs and go on the stone path.

"Sophia where you going?"Grayson shouted, following behind me. I ignored him and kept walking. The lights in the garden turned on because it was getting dark. There were bushes of roses along the side of the building and the large green plants spread out with big or thin leaves.

I turn the corner to the most beautiful man-made part of nature I've seen yet. There was a water fall made from rocks along a tall wall,m. Water gently steamed down and hit he pond

Flower lilies floated on the top of the pond. Plants, such as Cattail, and flowers surrounded the sides of the wall. There was a porch swing on the left side of the waterfall and other benches on the other side of the wall.

I sat down on the porch swing and I felt so relaxed. The sound of the water flowing down the wall and then hitting the pond. This is such a great place to escape. Then, Grayson comes to the comer.

"So-...phia."he was in awe of how beautiful his view was.

"Pretty- ain't it?" I said calmly.

"Yea." Grayson said walking towards the swing. Before sitting, he tripped on a rock and fell. Grayson caught himself by placing his hand on my thigh. I jumped up because it was so sudden. I grabbed his hand to help him up.

"Be careful, you almost fell on your face." I laughed.

"Yea, I need to watch where I'm going." He chuckles. Our eyes locked and we just stared at each other. I didn't even notice but we still had our hands together.

I felt a bit uncomfortable but I almost liked that his hand was handing mine. Either way I let go of his hand, and placed mine on my lap. I start swing the bench at the tips of my toes.

"Who's Addison?" I asked breaking the silence. Once I mention her name, Grayson faces falls as if he were depressed. He takes a breath in and holds it for a second. He exhales through his nose and opens his mouth to speak.

"Before I answer that, what did they tell you before I- you know..." Grayson  said hesitantly.

"They said that they know everything and they won't stop until they have you and Ethan dead."

"It that all they said?" Grayson asked. I nodded in response.

"That explains enough..." Grayson said.

"Okay, now you owe me an explanation... what happened today... why did it happen?"I asked. Grayson hesitantly answered and then looked at me straight in the eyes.

"It all started when my parents died. My dad smoked every day since I can remember, but he increased smoking as he got older. My mom and dad would as fight about his health and that she'd like to see him alive in his older ages. Until one day he was having trouble to breathe and we toke him to the E.R.. we found out days later that he had lung cancer, and he was in the last stage. They estimated a 5% chance of survival, but a month later he ended up with the 95%. His death was so sudden that my mom died from her broken heart." Grayson paused as his voice cracked, and he blinked as away tears.

"Our sister, Cameron, toke their deaths hard and went into depression. At the time, we were in high school and 17, then Cameron was in college. We had to, somehow, pay the expensive bills of the house, but we didn't have jobs. We lost the house, but our friend, Jack, offered to let us stay at his house. The way me and Ethan handled our grief was drugs. Jack was the one who knew where to get it from. We were struggling to find a job since we didn't have experience and we didn't want a low paying job. We asked jack who he got the drugs from so we could sell them too. His name is Devon, but everyone called him "The Boss". He was a mean, ruthless guy, but respected his people." As Grayson was talking, i could tell the anger when he was describing The Boss.

"Jack was not sure for us to sell drugs because of the consequences, but we were despite. For a few months, we sold enough to maintain financially stable and we started a good relationship with Devon. And we would visit Cameron even once in a while at her college, but very time we went to visit her, she got worse. Her grades were going down and she didn't have  any drive to do anything. She got suspicious about how much money we'd get because we never told her that we got jobs. So then we told her that Ethan and I sell drugs, she got very mad and we argued. We left mad at each other and I regret it so much." He paused as his eyes became glassy.

"Then a few days after, she got into a crash with a 18 wheeler....She was killed immediately." I could hear the deep emotion as Grayson spoke. "I didn't even say good-bye or I love you you...".

"She was the only one left from my family other than Ethan. But instead of grief, we were filled with anger.... we blamed ourselves for her death. We just added to her worries and sadness. We toke out our anger by killing people that devon assigned us to. But then Ethan soon got out his anger by a sold girl..."

"Addison?" I spoke.

"Addison, she made Ethan happy again and she was my best friend. Addison was the light of our dark lives. Ethan and her were soul mates, they were sure they want to be in each other's lives." As Grayson described her, his eyes lit up for a moment.


"They wanted to start a family but that's when we found out that she couldn't have kids... but Ethan didn't want to believe that, so they tried as hard as they could to start one. During that time, me and Ethan moved up from selling coco to setting up the drugs. On top of that, We had a great relationship with Devon that I was going the god father for his kid. Ethan and I asked him if we all take equal parts on deals, since we thought we had created a very trustworthy friendship, but he refused. We argued about the topic for an hour. We were so furious because through all we've been through he still didn't trust us.. So Ethan and I planned to take all of the drugs and money, and take it to start our own brand of drugs. All in one night we toke all of his drugs and money. We put the drugs and money in three cars. Sophia, Ethan and I were behind the wheels. We didn't get caught that night but until the next day." I imagined all the shit Grayson was saying.

"He called us, and I could feel the heat from from his rage on my side of the phone. We clearly told him that we didn't want to work for him anymore and that if he wanted his drugs back, then to come out to look for us. We moved to Louisiana, in the middle of nowhere. We hoped that our location would never be found by him or anyone. We just started our first brand which is called X face.  For the first month, everything went smooth. Our brand was really getting out there. But that all ended when Addison when out for a couple stuff from a store. She was gone for a couple of hours and we started to get worried. Then, we got a call from a unknown number. It was Devon saying, I remember clearly, "I didn't find you, but I found her."." Grayson said in such a voice, that send my chills down my spine.

"Ethan and I knew he was talking about Addison. Ethan went psycho when we found out that Devon had his Addison. We spent 3 months trying to track them down. And once we did, we found the warehouse they were keeping her in, and World War III happened. At one point, I had Addison next so we were planning to retreat. We were behind a rock for protection from all the bullets. There she told me she was pregnant and it was Ethan's. Right when she told me that, a smile planted on my face and I looked down at her stomach and her baby bump was showing. She told me she was probably already 4-5 months in the pregnancy. I put my hand on her stomach, and I felt the baby move. I didn't care for the war behind me but the fact that I was going to be an uncle... until someone shoot her in her chest and stomach. My eyes flooded with tears and I buried my head into her shoulder. I put my hand over her stomach. Her unborn child, my soon-to-be niece or nephew- I didn't even get to know if it was a boy or girl, they had a life ahead of them." My eyes started to watered as he spoke because of how much of a tragedy he went through.

"They would've had a great life, I knew Ethan would do anything to make that possible. Then, it was in her mother's lifeless body. And that lifeless body was my best friend...I couldn't stop that tears from flowing down my cheeks. I didn't care at the moment if I was a clear target. My mind was in haze. Out of nowhere, Ethan ran up to be to get me out of there, he quickly glanced at Addison and his eyes glued on her. He fell on his knees and he scanned her wounds. He pulled up her shirt to reveal the bullet wound and her baby bump. He gasped and laid his head on her stomach. He cried so much that his breathing became unsteady. He didn't care either if he were a open target, she mattered more than our death. We snapped back to reality when one of our people went to go get us for retreat since Devon had more people. Even though Ethan was hurting, he was able to take Addison over his shoulders. We went to back to one of our many vans we came in. The the only thing you could hear during the ride was silence. A week later we had a funeral for Addison. Ever since Addison died, Ethan lost he energy, patience, and reason to live. I told that we still had each other to thrive. He has gotten better but I know every once in while, he thinks about Addison. He still isn't over the fact she had died. So, we starting going back to the auctioning places-" Grayson stopped talking . I guess since he knows I'm from there too, he didn't want to bring it up.

"He has not been the same, yet not completely drained." Grayson spoke.

"Wow," I said.

But...really.... damn! They went through hell.

They might not have a clean record but they are still human. They did everything they could for them to survive. Honestly, if I went through what they did, I would be lost....

All of a sudden I feel the buzzer vibrate. I look at it and it was flashing red.

"I guess our table is ready." Grayson said.


We walk inside and hand Ashton our buzzer.

"Okay, let me call up your waiter." Ashton said.

"Okay." I speak up. He walks off to the front of the kitchen doors were there was this short Burnett girl next to a small computer that, I guess, puts in information about orders. She had big boobs that looked like they were going to fall off and, not even going to lie, pretty butt. Her hair was long and she had pretty clear blue eyes.

By the way Ashton's face expressions were and his hand movements, I could tell they were gossiping. The girl toke out her note pad and writes something down with her pen. Then she confidently swings her brown hair behind herback and walks toward us with Ashton following behind her.

"Hi! I'm Haley and I will be your waiter for tonight." She said in a high pitched voice.

This girl is going to blow out my ear drums.

"Follow me and I'll lead you to your table." She said looking up and down at Grayson.

This bitch...

She got two menus under the both and starting walking towards our table, but I saw that she put a little piece of paper in one of the menu's.

Our table was on the wall and high, and it had two seats on the sides of it. I was walking to a chair but Grayson pulled out the chair so I could sit before I could. I smiled at him and sat on the seat. He pushed in my chair and went to go sit in his seat.

"Thank you, Grayson." I said genuinely. I kinda glared at the waitress, and I could tell she was intimidated to me but she had this type of determination.


"What can I get you to drink?" She said as she leaned on the table and just looking at Grayson. She gave him a menu and she kinda tossed the menu to me.

"Umm- a Coca Cola, please." Grayson said as she wrote on her note pad.

"And I'll have a sprite." I said trying to make her be aware of my presence. She ignored me. She gasped and grabbed Grayson left, buff arm.

"Omg, do you work out? Your muscles are rock hard!" She said with a fake smile and her high pitched voice.

"Yea..." Grayson said a little uncomfortable.

"Hey, aren't you suppose to be getting those drinks?" I said with sass. She turned to me and leaned off the table. She looked at me up and down, with disdain plastered on her face.

"ya vienen.*they're coming*" she said under her breath.

"Pues apúrate porque esos vasos no sé si van a servir solos."*well, hurry up because those cups are not going to serve themselves.*. I smiled at her. She turns back surprised that I responded back to her in Spanish. She rolled her eyes and started to walking towards the kitchen.

That's right, I'm bilingual. I speak bitch too.

Roll my eyes as I open the menu to see what is there to order.

"Umm- Sophia?" Grayson said. I snap up my head to look at him.

"What just happened?" He said with a chuckle.

"Ha ha, very funny Grayson. That girl was rude!"

"Okay." Grayson said with sarcasm.

"Yea." I said laughing lightly.

"Well, let's see what's on these menus." he said all in one breath. He opened his menu and a little piece of paper fell out from one of the pages. It was faced down, I couldn't see what was on it. Grayson tried to get it but I snatched before he could.

"Call me hottie
055-627-0997" the note said. That girl, Haley, put this in Grayson's menu.

"What does it say?" Grayson asked.

"Oh. Nothing to worry about."

"Oh really, then can I see it?" Grayson said reaching out for the note.

"No!" I held the note to my chest.

"If it's nothing, then you'll let me see it." He asked. I sigh and held it out in front of him. He squint his eyes and mouthed what he read.

"And the waitress wrote this?..." Grayson asked.

"No Grayson, Casper left the damn note." I said with irritation.

"Sophia, chill..." he said with his hands surrendering. I rolled my eyes.

"Are you jealous?" He asked incredulously. I scoffed and laughed.

"No, it's just that the waitress is getting on my last nerve." I said looking back at my menu.

I might be a good liar, but I don't think Grayson was lying. But... Is it possible to love a criminal? Yes. But am I willing to allow myself? I honestly have no answer. There is too many "what if's". What if I don't really know him? What if he doesn't trust me because of all the issues he has? What if he just really care about me but he just cares because he spent so much money on me? If I do get with him, what if he has other bad habits? What if people don't accept us together? And what if he doesn't... feel the same way? Plus, he is a drug dealer. He has a job that ends with death or prison. It is dangerous to fall for him. And I'm just a idiot for think I can love someone like Grayson. I need to stop being stupid and imagine things that will never happen. I am just wasting my time. I need to get over my self!

I focus on the menu and see the many choices of platters to order.

Man, I could really go for some flautas!

They better serve flautas. And just how my mom made them...

Oh, just how much I miss her cooking! I remember waiting for her to get home from work to make food. I loved every dish she cooked. But there was this one dish that I don't really like. It was called chiles rellenos *stuffed peppers*. It was This big green bell pepper and she would cut it open, take everything out of it, and she filled it with cheese and vegetables. Then she sewed it together and fried it. Even though I don't really like the dish, but I would rather be home and eating it than be in this head spinning situation.

"So what are you going to order?" Grayson said making me lose my train of thought.

"Well... umm- I could really go for some flautas but I don't know if they serve it." I said skimming through the menu. Then i knew god had answers my prayers.

"Yes, they do give out flautas!" I squealed.

"What are flautas?" Grayson asked.

"They are fried tacos filled with your choice and topped with sour cream, lettuce, and cheese. It is one of my favorite meals!" I said describing with passion.

I love food so much, I am passionate about it.

"Sounds delicious. If you're getting flautas, then I'll get it too." Grayson said with a strong English accent while he said flautas. I laughed at the way he said it, and he looked very confused.

"What's so funny?" He asked still confused.

"You need to take some Spanish lessons, Grayson." I said still laughing.

"I barely know how to speak English and I don't know any Spanish. It not fair that you judge my talk" he said lecturing me.

"If you want, let me teach you Spanish. You want to?" I asked.

"Yea, so if you ever try to curse me out in Spanish I will know what your saying." He said chuckling.

"Oh, can I take that back?" I said acting nervous.

"Nah, now teach me how to talk Spanish. Now, how do you say my name in Spanish?" He asked.

"No sé." *I don't know* I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Noo-si?" Grayson said with doubt. I burst with laughter at how the way Grayson said it and that he thinks "I don't know" in Spanish is his name.

"Is that how you say it?" Grayson said blushing.

"Yea..." I said trying to hide my smile.

"Really?" He said questioning my expression.

"Yea. So if I were to ask you in Spanish, "what is your name?", which is "que es tu nombre?", you would say?..." I wave my hand toward him.

"No se...?" He barely spoke.

"Yes! Your getting better. So, que es tu nombre?"*what is your name?* I ask.

"No se" he said more confidently. I burst out laughing again for how easily he fell for it. He looked so confused at me.

"I'm sorry." I choke on my words as I laugh. ""No se," really means "I don't know"." I said laughing.

"So, if I someone would how ask me what my name was in Spanish and I wold have said I don't know. I can't trust you can I?" He said almost mad but talking as if it were a joke.

"But just imagine how dumb you'd look and how confused the person would be." I said laughing and then Grayson joined my party. We were having a good time until I sensed something unusual. The air was more bitchy than usual. It must be Haley. She walked up to the table with our two drinks in her hands.

"Here's a sprite for-this one" she said as if I were a object.

"And here's a coke for you!" She said with enthusiasm and her annoying ass high-pitched voice. She wiped her wet hands on her apron and got out from one of her pockets a note pad and pen.

"Are you ready to order." She said looking at Grayson.

"Yes. Can we get 2 flautas platters, please?" Grayson said. Haley wrote down her note pad.

"Can I get you anything else?" She said walking towards the table.

"Umm- no, that will be it." He said thoughtfully.

"Are you sure?" She said in a seductive voice and leaning on the table, turned towards only Grayson. Grayson opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

"We're sure. Now can you do your job and get our food?" I said. She rolled her eyes and turned her back on us, walking to the kitchen.

"Oh, wait! Before you go let me return something to you." I said. She turned back at us, confused, and walked towards me. I pulled out the slip of paper with the bitch's number and held it out in the air. She was shocked that I found the paper.

"I thought it should go back to its owner." I said furrowing my brows. I side the piece of paper to the edge of the table. She picks the paper up and she looks ate me straight in the eyes in defeat.

"Si quieres jugar ese juego, yo juego dos veces más duro. Y por decir, yo voy a ganar. Pero si quieres esa chanca de uno de millón, vas a necesitar tratar más que eso."*if you wanna play that game, I will play twice as harder.just saying, I will win. But if you want that one una million chance, your going to have to do more than that.* she rolled her eyes and walked away.

I smiled, I felt like a badass. That fucking bitch got what she deserved. She need to what watch on who she messes with.

"Wow... that was..." he said chuckling, choking on his words. He was stunned.

"What she deserved."I said finishing Grayson's sentence. "She can't be doing that to people relationships. What I we were together, I'd feel mad and disrespected." I said angrily.

"Oh, so I'm your man?" Grayson said with a smirk.

"No, your just getting my words twisted" I said. He laughed.

"Yea, right?" He said winking. I rolled my eyes and gave a lip smile.

How does he manage to be this hot?! Man, if you weren't so dangerous to fall for, I like for you to be my man.

Suddenly, I hear the sound of a guitar hitting high notes, and piano keys and low trunpers notes. It was almost in the sound of salsa but I knew it wasn't a salsa song. I knew bachata hour had began, and especially with my favorite song!

I want to dance so bad but I don't want to ask Grayson.

I see couples go to the dance floor, staring to sway their hips side to side. Moving their feet.

1, 2, 3 step. Left to right. Going along with the rhythm.

Oh, how have I carve to dance! 

"Grayson?" He jerks his head my way.

"Do.. do you want to dance?...." My words barely came out.

He took a deep breath through his teeth. He face became unsure.

"I would but I don't know how to dance this."

"I'll teach you." I said standing up from my chair and walk to Grayson's side. I put my hand out, expecting Grayson to grab it. He looked at my hand hesitantly, but got out of his chair himself. I yanked his arm, making him follow me to the dance floor. By this time, the big floor was packed. I found a little space where we didn't bump into anyone.

"Okay Grayson you see how people move their feet. That's how it is." I said pointing to people's feet. "Doesn't look so hard, right?" I said.

"I guess," he said laughing.

"1, 2, 3, step." I moved my feet to the left as I said the numbers.

"1, 2, 3, step?" He moved stiffly to my left.

"That's good, but move your hips to the beat like me. 1, 2, 3, step." I said falling into the beat of the song.

"Come closer. Give me your hand." Grayson said as he put out his left hand. I was about to lock hands with him but something in my nerves stopped me. I cupped his hand instead. He put his right hand and put it on top of my waist.

Something inside me didn't feel right about tonight but I couldn't see it. I put my left hand on his broad shoulder. I moved to the left, swaying my hips to the beat. Grayson adapted to the flow.

"Una aventura es más divertida si huele a peligro..." *an adventure is more fun if it smells like danger.* I sang along to the song. Grayson was becoming less of a manikin and be more loose in his movement. I laugh from Grayson messing up and having to start again our steps.

I was having fun for the first time in a very long time.

I look over at our table. Not empty, but with our plates!

"Grayson, are plates are at the table. Let's go eat." After I say that I feel my stomach grumble.

"You don't want to stay for the rest of the song. I was actually getting the hang of this." Grayson said.

"We'll come back to dance another song." I said pulling his arm towards the way of our table.


"I'm so full!" I said playing with the lettuce pieces, that I didn't eat, with my fork, resting my other hand in my stomach.

"I bet! You devoured the whole plate." Grayson said laughing while cleaning his fingers with a napkin.

"I mean the plate is still here," I lift my plate for him to see. "But how could you not? It was so good."

"No shit. I need to learn how to make these." Grayson said.

"They are pretty easy to make. You shed chicken breast to small pieces and microwave tortillas. You roll up the chicken inside the tortillas, tight though. For them not to undo themselves, you put a tooth pick through the flauta. You can put serval on one tooth pick to save more tooth picks. That's what" I paused.

I miss her so much...

"Ima go to the restroom- I'll be back." I said with my voice cracking. Grayson did say anything. I got off my seat not knowing where to restroom was. I just walked straight.

I saw a sign that said "Restrooms" and I started power walking towards there. I found the ladies room and I push the door with tremendous force. I scared to teenagers inside already. I could feel there eyes piercing at me. I walked in a stall and slammed the door shut and locked it. I could hear the girls whispering and they left.

I put me head against the door and shut me eyes letting my burning tears fall down my cheeks. My lips curled my teeth. The stringing in my throat was sharp. I covered my mouth trying to not make a sound, but I just left me with whimpers and muffed screams. It felt horrible. I just wanted to exclude myself from the world.

Why do I have to be have to be so emotional? I can't go on like this, I thought to myself. I punch the the door, leaving my knuckles denting the door.

"Fuck!" I screamed in anger. I didn't care if my knuckles were hurting. I didn't care if people could here my scream half way across the world. I wanted out.

"Sophia, stay calm. You'll escape tonight. Money, bus, Houston." I said to myself. I slowly exhale and unlocked the door. I walk out and go towards the sink.

I rest my hands on the counter and dip my head under my chest. I slowly look in the mirror. My eyes were light pink. Trails of tears went all the way down my neck. I look down at my hands and my knuckles on my right hand were red. I turn the cold water on the sink and rinsed my hands. I pumped the soap from the wall and rubbed it all around my hands. Every time I would rubbed my knuckles I would flinch in pain.

I rinse my hands with the water and turn off the faucet. I shake the water of my hands and fix my hair. I grab a paper towel and dry my hands and face. I walk towards the door. I grab the handle to the door and pull back. I walked towards the table as a song just started. I see Grayson talking a sip out of his Coke. He sees me approach him.

"Hey," He said gently.

"Hey," I said awkwardly. I didn't look Grayson straight in the eye, but it felt him noticing my pink eyes. I sniff from my runny nose. Grayson looked at me weirdly and I felt very uncomfortable.

"Lets go dance. I really like this song." I lied, I just want to get out of the weird situation. He looked at me strangely but I just put out my hand. He stood up and put his arm around my waist. We walked towards the dance floor. People walk out of the floor with sweaty faces or joining the dance floor.Grayson and I walk to the middle.

"Remember how to dance this right?" I asked Grayson.

"Yeah, I think I am getting better." He said with pride.

"Oh really? Then let me go more advanced with you since your getting better." I said with a devilishly smile.

"Uh-oh," he said sarcastically. I laughed. I put my left arm on his shoulder and Grayson grabbed my hand and he put his other arm around me waist. He started dancing to the left, which caught me by surprise. He shrugged his shoulders with attitude as in saying "I told you so.". I raised my eyebrow and gave him a look as in saying "Bring it on!". We dance to the left the right. I dance forward and I surprise him he got lost on how to move. He tripped but didn't fall. I laugh and help him balanced out.

"I toke it easy and slow on you. Do you think you can catch up?" Before Grayson could respond, I was pulled back by someone.

Two hands were on my hips. It wasn't Grayson because he walking towards me with a almost irritated, angry look on his face, but he wasn't looking at me.

"Wanna dance?" A man whispered in my ear. The scent of alcohol hit my nose from his breath.

"No I'm fine." I said, pushing away from him. I looked at him face to face, with my heart starting to race for no reason. I couldn't control it. The man was a tall white guy with green eyes.  He had a beer in his hand.

He was drunk.

I felt Grayson approaching him but I put my arm over his chest. I shot Grayson a look.

Don't, I thought inside my head. Somehow thinking he was going to ready my mind, but he didn't move any closer.

"Plus I was already dancing. You can't pull me like that man." I said loud enough over the music for him to get me. At this point, I was angry too.

"The names Jake." The man said, slurring his words.

"Well, Jake, I don't know who the heck you think you are but that not way to ask some to dance." I turned but he grabbed my arm tight pulled me towards him.

"Come on mami, dance wit me." He stirred his words. I struggled to get out of his grim but he wasn't letting go. He was stronger than I thought. I start panicking inside. I felt helpless. As much as I want to get away from him, he's has me by force. Next thing I know, I'm under him... by force...

"Hey man, leave her alone!" Grayson yelled at him firmly. He pushed Jake away from me. He tripped and fell down, but he never dropped the beer. Grayson clutched down to get on his level.

"You don't ever touch her like that!" Grayson pointed to his face. I look around to people looking at the scene we were making.

"Grayson lets go." I pulled his arm.

"I was trying to have some fun, if you know what I mean." Jake smirked.

"Oh really, let me show you fun." Grayson kneeled down, grabbed the collar of the man's shirt, and started punching Jake, repeatedly.

"Grayson." I shouted at him. I tried to pulled him back from Jake but he shrugged me off. People from the restaurant started rushing in, trying to pull Grayson off Jake.

"Get out before we call the cops." A women shouted at us. People were at gasp and shocked.  Employees helped pick up Jake up. He was weak and had blood coming out his nose and mouth. He was red from all over his face.

"Grayson lets leave." I grab his arm with force, pulling him towards the doors.

"Yeah, bitch, your lucky you got saved." Grayson shouted throughout the walk out.

"Come on!" I said pushing him forward making him walk in front of me. He turns his head back and smacks his lips.

"Hey don't give me attitude because I didn't ask to be kicked out of here." I said irritated. He turned around, looking really confused.

"I saved you from that situation-"

"I didn't need saving! I could have gotten out of that myself. I wouldn't need you." I said firmly and pound, taking out all my breath. Grayson walked up to me, almost chest to chest, he looked down at my short self. He was starring me down but I didn't let myself go that easily.

" and lets go in the car." I said through my teeth.

"Oh, so now I'm going to take orders from you?" He said annoyed.

"Oh, so do you want to pay our unpaid dishes? And have police on your ass?" I said mockingly. He looked at the restaurant and then back at me. He turned around and started walking down the stairs. I followed Grayson, and on the way down I saw a sign that said "Have a nice day!".

Bitch look how it turned out? Fuck off!,I said inside my head to the sign. I walked to the car and opened the door. I almost pulled it out because I had forget it was a butterfly car. I got in with Grayson and closed the door.

There was so much tension in the car that you could feel the matter of the air. He started the car and I turn to my head to the window not to look at him. The waitress, Haley, walk out screaming "You forget to pay!" Waving the receipt in the air and jumping up and down. Grayson must have seen her because he got out of the parking space quick. We were out of the restaurant in a blink of an eye.


"You should have let me finish him off." Grayson said with slight frustration. During our whole ride back, we argued about what happened in the restaurant.

"Oh really? And stay and wait for the cops to come?" I said. Grayson unlocked the door and we went in. For a long pause, no one spoke.

"You should at least say thank you." He said annoyed. My eyebrows furrowed and I grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around to look at me.

"Thank you? For what, to be getting into this mess? You haven't given me anything to be thankful about!" I said in his face.

"I saved you from that guy-"

"Saved me?" I cut Grayson off. "You're sounding like I was going to die. I didn't need saving."

"Really? Cause that has helped you so much!" Grayson with disbelief.

"What do you mean?" I say closing the door because I didn't want other people hears our yells.

"Oh you know hat I mean."Grayson says rolling his eyes. I narrow my eyes at him and slowly walk to him, and I point to his chest.

"You know damn well that is very different." I pushed him back. He got into my face.

"Yea they are." Grayson said.

"But guess what, he didn't rape me, unlike your brother!" I screamed in his face. He backed up and looked surprised of my reaction. Tears were welling up in my eyes but I blinked them away. Pain and anger felled my heart and mind.

"Why do you even care if something happened to me?"I raised my voice. "Even if you stopped that guy from hurting me, why didn't you stop your brother. I bet you knew!". The stinging sensation came to my eyes and tears were forming again.

"I bet you didn't have to the balls because I kicked them off." I scoffed.

"That is not true." Grayson was getting pissed, so I decided to add on even through I knew that it wasn't the truth. But I can't top what they've done to me.

"Tell me? Do you hide under the shadow of Ethan?" I questioned him.

"No!" He yelled. He put his hand on his hips as if still standing his ground.

"I bet he bosses you around like if you were his property." I say with satisfaction in my voice. He leans his hands on the wall and his head dunked in between.

"And you don't say anything because you're a coward." He scratched the wall with his nails as he put his hands in a ball.

"A cow-"

"Stop!" Grayson yelled to my face as he gripped my arms tight, with our chest almost touching.

"I dare you to do something." I said slowly through my teeth. His jaw clenched, revealing his cheek muscles. His grip got tighter and tighter by the second.

He is going to cut my blood flow, I thought in my head. He looked all around me face and, in a blink of an eye, his lips were on mine. My eyes widened and at first I didn't kiss back. But I soon got into the kiss. His grip got looser and our lips moved like a good song. He pulled back and leaned his forehead on mine. He let out a hot breath and rested.

Holy shit

I realized what happened and freaked out in my head. I slapped him across the face. I looked at my hand because 1, It hurt. I slapped him so hard that I left his cheek red. And 2, I was confused at myself because I liked the the kiss but anger and pain were taking control.

Grayson was also confused by my sudden act. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and brought him so close to me that, since I'm 5'4, I was breaking my neck to look up at him. I wanted to say something like, "don't ever touch me again" but nothing came out. Something in me carved for another kiss but there was still anger inside of me wanting to get out.

I looked in his eyes, and they looked so sweet but dangerous. His nose small, but well proportioned. His lips were so pump and rosy. His jaw, so sharp and defined. A face sculpted by god. His arms, very muscular and vainly. His tall figure with his rockin' body made him look like a god himself.

Am I going to regret this?... maybe.... I'll will once I get back to Houston.

But Should I?....Oh! Fuck it!

I grabbed his faces and pulled him in for another kiss. Aggression was oozing into the kiss. Grayson was tense at first, but soon became relaxed. He put his hands on my waist and slowly slid them down, under my butt. He gripped my butt tight, and I grunted from under the kiss. For some reason, I felt slightly uncomfortable, almost disgusted, but I shrugged it of like it was nothing and let the guilt fade away. He grabbed my thighs and lifted me up. I jumped and put my legs around his torso. He walk towards the long desk in front of the TV and paced me there without breaking the kiss.

He pushed my hands to the wall, over my head. He broke our kiss and planted kisses on my jaw. As he kissed my sweet spot, I moaned softly. He sucked on the same spot and made me whimper in pleasure.

I spend my arms and got out of his grip. He kisses me back on my lips with passion, but aggression. I put my hands under his shirt and let my hands roam his abs. I, softly and lightly, slid my fingers from under the sides his chest to his v-line. He moaned to my gentle touch and I smiled in pleasure.

He is easy, I thought in my head. I licked his bottom lip then slipped a little of my tongue in his mouth. He slips his tongue in my mouth as well. I tug on his shirt, trying to give him the hint to take it off.

He parts away from the kiss, leaving ourselves huffing and puffing for an other breath. He grabbed the collars of his shirt and took it of from over his head. For a second, I zoned out looking at his sex-god body. I grabbed his left hand and pulled his closer to me. I put my other arm around the back of his neck, pulling him in for another kiss. His hand went to my knee and starting going up my thigh. The slight feeling of guilt came back to me but it was it little more uncomfortable. Grayson's hands went under my dress, reaching for my panties. I felt more uncomfortable as his went closer and closer to my area.

He plays with the band of my underwear, and horrible memories come back to me when Ethan raped me. The little power I felt, the pain, the uncomfortableness. How the energy was drained out of me after he did what he did. I couldn't stop him, I couldn't defend myself.

I look at Grayson, and I swear, I saw Ethan and his damn smirk that I hate. I push Grayson away from me. He tripped over himself but landed on the bed. He at me confused, irritated, and worried altogether.

"Sofia, you're okay. It's not Ethan, it's Grayson." I said to myself. "I need to stop being so confusing."

"Sofia? Are you okay?" Grayson said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, something went over me?" I said easily.

"Are you sure?" He said taking a step towards me.

"Yes, I'm sure." I hop off the desk. "And let me prove it to you." I said seductively. I take off my dress from over my head, revealing myself in my bra and underwear. I push Grayson on the bed and climb on top of him. I hold him down by his shoulders and kiss his lips.

His hands go behind my back and he unclips my bra. He grabs the front of my bra and pulls it off, dropping to his chest. My nipples became hard as exploded to the cold air. I pull away and throw my bra across the room. His eyes were glued to my breast.

"What are you looking at?" I said, with the intention of teasing him. He smirked at me and his hand slides up to my chest. I took his hands and put them on my hips. I rock myself back and forth on his hard member. He grunts and leans his head back. I continue to kiss him on the lips.

I reach to his belt and unbuckle it. I unbutton his pants and pull them down. Grayson kicks his pants off to the floor, leaving him naked. I put my hand in his member, making Grayson lightly gasp and breaking the kiss. I stroke it and then firmly grabbing it. I pump him up and down slowly. Grayson moans uncontrollably as I go faster. His grip gets tighter on my hips, for sure leaving prints.

"You like that?" I whispered in his ear.
He grunted and grit his teeth.

"Stop," grayson flipped us over, so he is on top of me. "Being such a tease." Grayson said out of breath. He pulled down my panties and took them off my legs. He hovered over me looking onto my eyes.

His hazel colored eyes were replaced by lust. He went for another kiss and parted my legs apart as he slowly inserted himself in me. I gasped to the pain at first because he is really big but then it turn to pleasure.

"Faster." I said barely. Grayson kept his pace slow at first and annoyed me.

"Faster!" I said. He thrust hard into me as I said that, making me scream. He moved faster making me moan loudly and him grunt. I dug my nails on his back and dragging them down. He planted kisses on my neck, down to my breast.

"Ayyy papi"*oh daddy* I screamed as he hit my g-spot. He looked down at me with a smirk on his face.

"What is my name?" Grayson said in a husky voice.

"Grayson." I said breathlessly. His he buries his head to my shoulder. He bites my earlobe lightly and lets go.

"What was name?" He said in a cold, deep voice, sending me shivers down my spine. He thrusted again with all his force, hitting my spot.

"PAPII!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Grayson thrusts slowly become sloppier by the minute. I still haven't felt the knot in my stomach and didn't want Grayson to climax before me. I flip us over, making myself on top. I hold Grayson's hands down.

"You finish when I do." I said adjusting myself. I rock us back and forth. I throw my head back and moan in pleasure.

"Sophia." Grayson in his moan. His face wrinkles up to his effort not to let loose. I suck on his neck, leaving him a hickey.

"Papi..." I whisper in his ear seductively.

"Sophia?" Grayson said loudly. I pounce on him and grip his wrist tighter.

"What's my name?" I whimper as I feel my legs go weak, start to feel pressure on my hips and my stomach turn.

"Sophia." Grayson said with a moan. I moan loudly as I release myself on Grayson. I immediately jump off him just before he cums on himself.

We lay next to each breathless. I look over at Grayson. He was looking at the celling in awe. He looked at me with a 'wow' face.

"Wow," he said still catching his breath. "That's the best I've ever had."

"Me too." I say trying to avoid silence. "But we left a little mess." I said pointing to our mess on Grayson. We both laugh.

"How is it that you can make me laugh at any moment but not make it awkward?" Grayson said.

"Oh, then you don't know me yet. I am the most awkward person on the plant." I said jokingly. We laughed as it grew silent. I cleared my throat breaking to silence.

"Ima go to the restroom because I have to pee." I said awkwardly.

"Yea, go ahead." Grayson said.

I get up, and I felt light on my legs but heavy on myself and I felt pressure in my area as I walked quickly to the bathroom. I closed the door and sit down on the toilet and let nature take its course.

Do I want to leave?, I ask myself. I do want to go back with my family and leave this hell. If I leave, I get to go back to my normal life and see my family once again. If I stay, I bet it won't get any better. Side 'go home' clearly wins.

I get toilet paper to clean my self and throw it in the trash. I hear Grayson's foot steps approach the door as I wash my hands. Grayson knocks serval times just as I dry my hands with a towel.

"Can I come in?" Grayson asked through the door.

"Yea, I'm just getting out." He opened the door without warning. We are caught in each other's way and I try to get out by Grayson get in the way. I slip through a side and catch a glimpse of Grayson's- fellow.

That must at least be 8 fucking inches, I thought to myself. I can't imagine when he was hard...

I go under the cover and cover up to my shoulder. I close my eyes for a quickly power nap.


My eyes flutter open as I adjust to the dark. I look to my side to see an electronic clock I haven't noticed before. It read 3:01 a.m.. I look to my other side to see Grayson sleeping shirtless. I immediately look down at my body to see that I have the shirt and sweatpants Grayson gave me.

Thank god, I thought in my head. But if we didn't do it, why did have a wet dream about Grayson and I? At least I do have to leave him knowing that I had sex with him.

It is a good time to leave now, I thought. I stand up as quietly as possible and look for the bag of money in the dark with the moon and the city lights making me able to see. The duffle bag was on the chair on the corner, next to the balcony's glass siding door. I walk to the chair and look back multiple times to see if Grayson wasn't awake. I unzip it, checking if the money was in there. Not to my surprise, there was stacks of money for days. I look for the stuff i got at target. I head to the bathroom for the things and get everything, expect for my drawing book and the pencils. I walk back to the duffle bag and I squat down to put everything in there. Before I zip it, I left 2 stacks of money for Grayson on the desk so when he wakes up, he can have gas money to go back to Ethan.

I might be mad a the fact that they are the ones we bought me and put me through hell, but my fucking sensitive ass feels bad for Grayson.

Where could I have put my drawing book?, I thought to myself, pushing my lips to my cheek.

It can't be in the bathroom or in the desk because I never put anything in there. It can't be on the bed because there's nothing. It can't be outside this room....but it's not in sight. Oh well, I have tons at home.

"Looking for this?" Grayson's raspy voice filled the room. The hairs of the back of my neck stood up and adrenaline was pumping through my blood as what I feared the most, happened. I stood up and turned around to see my drawing book with the pencils inside it and in his other hand with a gun, pointing at me. I put my hands up as surrendering.

"Grayson," I said calmly.

"I don't wanna hear it." Grayson said angrily.

"Grayson, listen- I-"

"NO SOFIA! YOU LISTEN TO ME!" He shouted as loud as he could. Tears weld up in his eyes and sweat was forming on his forehead. He calms himself down by taking a deep breath in. "Leave that bag alone and go lay down on that bed or attempt leaving but you won't, unless if there's a bullet in your head."

For the first time in my life, I understood the real meaning of fear. I feared that my life was going to be taken, for real.

"Grayson please- I- can't do this. Nobody can go through this sanely! I need to go- we can leave together. Forget the low-life, it only repays you with jail time or death. Grayson...please." I said with tears streaming down my cheeks and my voice breaking.

"I'm not leaving.. and neither are you." Grayson says with his voice cracking. He pulls back the trigger and it hits the window, breaking it. I grab the bag and run toward the balcony, I jump over it expecting to hit the floor, but I'm falling 100s of stories high.

My life flashes before my eyes as I feel getting closer and closer to the ground. I scream out but my shouts are muffed. Everything stops for a minute. I look down and its a bottomless pit behind me. All the cars, highways, and buildings disappear but the hotel. I look up at the sky and the seems to be a painting of a beautiful night. I look back to the floor we were on and I see Grayson aiming with his gun at me.

"Don't do it." A little girls voice, that I didn't recognize, went through my head. I didn't want Grayson to pull the trigger, but something inside me felt there was 2 different sides to "don't do it".

Don't do it, don't pull the trigger Grayson., I imagined.

Don't do it, don't leave mommy., I heard the voice say.

Mommy?, it is the last thing I think.

BANG!, is the last thing I hear before feeling intense pain in my head, but it quickly went away.


I quickly sit up and gasp loudly. I look around the room, confused that I'm back in the hotel room, as my eyes adjust to the darkness.

I'm not dead, but I felt so real.

I look to my side and see Grayson sleeping right next to me shirtless. I slowly look down at my self to see my bare chest out in the open. I quickly grab the covers to cover myself from feeling exposed. I rest my head on my hands as I think: fuck!...

I look up to the chair in the corner and there it was. The duffle bag laying there, temping me to pick it up. But the voice in the back of my head saying "don't do it.".

But I need to leave. I need to go back to my family, my town. I can't stay any longer with me crying or going insane. I can't be dumb enough to not try, but I was already dumb enough to sleep with Grayson.

God, I regret it so bad.

I feel bad leaving him right after sex. I know he has feelings for me but I don't my to admit to mine. It'll never work out between us.

I quietly get up from the bed and, unintentionally, step on my underwear. I put them on and I look from my bra. My bra was under the desk, so I kneeled down and reached for it. I try to get up but as soon as I do, my head hits the desk from under.

"Shit!" I whispered to my self. I didn't want to turn around to see if Grayson was awake because I didn't want to face him. Either way I look behind me to see no movement from Grayson. I sigh in relief and try to get up again. I zip open the bag and the smell of money rushes into my nose. I take one stack an count it. They were bills of 100s, so I'd think it be easy and less time to count... wrong!

When I done counting, which felt endless, there was $12,500 in the stack. Each one must have the same amount, yet I can't take so much money. I take out all the money to place it on the desk and decide to take me 3 stacks for the ride home and the rest for my family.

I stand up to go to the restroom for my clothes I had, before going to the restaurant, and put them on. I walk out with the pack of underwear that I got at target. I pick up my dress and put it in the duffle bag, along with my underwear packet. I zip it up and put the straps over my shoulder.

I didn't want to look for my sketch book because that was my end to the dream, I don't want it to ruin my moment to escape. I walk towards the door, but I felt a like I stepped on a lego. I kept my mouth closed from screaming from the pain. I grab my foot as standing, but I lost my balance. I went falling to the floor, making a big thump! I realized at that moment that I was going to walk out with no shoes. I heard Grayson a rumbling in place, then I saw his nappy hair pointing up and his face with pillow marks. He looked to his left, expecting to see me at his side.

"Sophia?" He spoke out, confused, in a raspy voice. He looks down at me with surprised eyes. He looks up to the desk to see all the money stacked up. He quickly got what was going on. I sat there quietly and I looked at what I had stepped on. It was the thin metal from Grayson's belt that adjusts the tightness. I look back at Grayson and he looked into my eyes with hurt and anger all together. He sighs as he hangs his head down to his chest. He shakes his head in disapproval and smacks his lips.

"Fuck it, go if you want. I don't care anymore." He said with bitterness as he got under the covers. I was surprised that he would let me slip so easily.

"Your not stopping me? Why?" I questioned.

"Because I don't care any more. Does that answer your fucking question?!" He yelled as he was still laying down. I got scared of the tone of his voice and I was left speechless. His voice can make me shiver from all over.

I wanted to get up from the floor but something in me was holding me down. I couldn't move from the guilt. The only thing went through my mind sitting there was "pick your ass up."


Oh my damn.

This chapter was 15,795 words long!!! Omfg! Sorry to keep y'all waiting for such a long time. I lacked editing this chapter and I was busy with school and family. I really y'all like this chapter. Tell me if this chapter. Made you cry, med, happy, confused. And if there is any typos sorry, it's 7:27 a.m. And I stayed awake all night. I hope I wrote this chapter good. Plus that edit at the top I made, so don't make fun of me, I tried. Oh, the smut part... damn. I need to work on writing smut. I really bad at it😂. Don't try to report because of the sexual part because I clearly I clicked MATURE CONTENT when making this book. And THANK YOU for 60 followers and 26k views!! I genuinely appreciate it. I hope to one day to reach 100k views but it'll take hard work. I love you you guys.


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