✔️My Purr-Fect Key ⇝ Adrien/C...

By kogikofi

245K 6.9K 10.4K

↱complete↲ ⇨ 2/27/17... More

Ch.1» First Unofficial meeting
Ch.2» First official meeting
Ch.3» Ladybug's first impression
Ch.4» What a Night
Ch.5» Hangout
Ch.6» Hello Again~
Ch.7» FAB
Ch.8» Memories
Ch.9» Mornings
Ch.10» Indirect
Ch.11» Tell Me~
Ch.12» First Day
Ch.13» Christmas Coincidence
Ch.14» Decorating
Ch.15» Surprise?
Ch.16» Unexpected
Ch.17» Thoughts
Ch.18 » Admitting
Ch.19» Planning
Ch.20» Decision
Ch.21» Dat-Hangout
Ch.22» Crazy
Ch.23» Helping
Ch.25» Compliments
Ch.26» Just a Little Chat
Ch.27» Unexpected Someone
Ch.28» Getting Ready
Ch.29» Goodbye?
Ch.30» News [EPL]
Bonus (Special Nash chapter :'D)

Ch.24» Sad To Happy

3.9K 146 168
By kogikofi

" It's...Mom and Dad. "

Nash rushed beside you and look over your shoulder to read the letter.

Dear, (Y/n) and Nash:

Me and your Dad had been thinking for a while and decided to bring the both of you back to London. We've miss you and we want to spend our time with the two of you, that is why we want you to come back. We felt bad about not having contact for these past months. We can't wait for the both of you to come back home.Everything will be back to normal.

Love: Mom & Dad.

" Wait...what? " Nash ask in disbelief, shaking his head.

" I don't want to leave! Why now?! " You growl as tears are starting to from in your eyes.

Nash bit his lower lip, trying not to cry. All he did was to hug his sister and calming her down.

«Time Skip»

At school, the twins friends are starting to worry about their quiet state. They decided to practice to make them feel better. Marinette is still trying to adjust at this side of Nash, she always see him as one of those people that make other people smile. The same thing for Adrien.

But at the end, everything went back to normal. Still, the twins mind was full of problems, but they chose to not think about it for awhile and enjoy it.

" Then why are you making people's lives in danger or miserable? " Adrien act out while standing in front of you, your head peeking on top of his shoulder.

" Cause...I'm jealous..." Nash say, lowering his fake sword.

" Of what?"

" You...you're the reason why I'm like this. "

" Why...me? " Adrien tilt his head.

" Because, you get all the ladies. " Nash then started to burst out laughing.

" What's wrong with you?" You say, giggling, containing your laugh intact.

" I don't even know anymore. "

Everyone started laughing, the others were rolling all over the floor, some were starting to tear up, heck! Even the director laugh! Actually, Nash had been joking around ever since he got better, that's why others can't focus.

" Alright, alright. That's enough. " You utter out through your laughs. " I think we had enough practice for today. " You glance to the side as the director approves.

You pack your stuff and leave with Nash. As the both of you got home, a wave of sadness hit the both of you.

" I'm calling Mom. " Nash states, grabbing his phone and dialing the said person.

You were about to say something, but decided to just listen. Nash put the phone on speaker mode and held it in the middle of the both of you.

" Hello?"

" Mom... "

" Ah! My little babies! It's great to hear your voices again!" She shouted with glee through the phone.

Nash glance at you gives you a nod, signaling it's time for you to talk.

" Mom...we wanted to ask, if we can stay here for a while."

She then paused. " Uh...s-sure! Anything! As long as the both of you come back. "

You frowned.

" Thanks mom. " Nash says.

" No problem. Look, I have to go back to work. I really want to talk more but I have to take this. Love you guys! Bye!" She ended the call.

" Sheesh, that made me hungry. " Nash walks to the kitchen.

" That doesn't affect you? " You followed him.

Though,the only reply you got was a shrug.

" I'm gonna pass patrolling. I don't feel like it." He stated, getting food.

«Time Skip»

You can't help but feel sad for your brother. After patrolling around the city with Chat and Ladybug, you decided to rest in your bedroom for awhile. (K/n) fell asleep by your side while comforting you, which is a really rare thing.

" Everything will be fine..." You mumble.

'I need to see him...'

You stood up and walk outside to your balcony.

" Waiting for me? " Chat smirked, jumping down and landing in front of you.

" Actually, yes. " You say, making the male shock. You step forward, indulging him in a bear hug.

" What's wrong?" He ask, stroking your hair, lovingly.

" Chat...I'm leaving soon." You inform.

He paused before grabbing your shoulders and pushing you away a little. " What? This is a joke, right?" He says in disbelief, gripping your shoulders tightly.

" This isn't a joke. My parents wants me and Nash to go back to London. We ask her to give us a little more time and she approves, but... We're still leaving."

Chat couldn't believe this, all he did was to give you another hug, but this time, a little tighter.


Nash sighs,after eavesdropping on your conversation with Chat. No, he wasn't planning on doing that, he just so happen to be there at the same time, all he wanted to do was to see if you were okay.

" Sir Nash, is there anything you need? " One of the maid asks.

" No thanks. Though, a cup of hot cocoa will do... " Nash smiles.

« Time Skip »

" Tomorrow, is the day of the play," The director exclaims,pacing back and forth. " And all of you made good progress...but, we still have to practice the ending part. "

Nash tapped his chin. " What's the ending though?"

" Well...(Y/n) and Adrien..."

The two shot their head up.

" Since the both of you are Wendy and Peter, I need you two to kiss. "

" What?!"

" I'm liking that idea. Could've done it better myself. " Nash nods his head.

Everyone chuckled.

Getting another kiss from the girl he love? Sure, Adrien doesn't mind but for (Y/n), she doesn't even know that she's gonna have another kiss from the same person she kissed on New Year. As for Marinette, she's starting to ship (Y/n) and Adrien together with Alya and the rest.

" Is there...any other options left?" You ask,sheepishly.

" Well, since it's a romantic play, we don't have any other choice. " The director reply.

You bit your lip, blood rushing up to your face.

" But, " The director starts. " You're not doing alone...Nash and Marinette will kiss too. "

Nash stood up from his seat. " I knew I hired the right person! "

Marinette blushed a scarlet color.

" At least someone is happy about it. " Alya exclaimed.

Changed my name into QueenlyUnicorn.

♦♥~ Queenly Unicorn💖

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