Dil Se Dance

By eripeoptimus

16.5K 491 47

St. Louis College of Commerce and Arts, Mumbai. The highly demanded college for the rich kids and scholarship... More

Into the Streets
The Reunion
The Challenge
The Dazzlers
The Encounter
The Heats
The Ego
Lame Excuses and Sleepless Night
The Reason
The Plan
The Weaklings Team
Practise and Problems
Back To The Streets
The Blackmail Friendship
Amar and Bharat
The Qualifiers
RDX Sir's Party
Pehla Nasha
Taani Shekhawat
A New Problem
Shivam Agnihotri
Swayam or Shivam
Shivam's Party
Heart break
The Eliminations
An Unexplained Theory
The Avengeance: Part I
The Avengeance: Part II
Smriti Ghai
Connecting Dots: Love at First Sight
Connecting Dots: Ghai Murder
Last Day
The First Time
The First Time: Swayam's POV
New York Life
Team St.Louis
The Kiss
The Beer Effect
The Rescue
Amazing Show
Surprises After Rejection
Juicy Effects
Bringing Back Dancing Cinderella
Failing Controversy

The Assault

301 12 2
By eripeoptimus

I'm out in front. One wrong move, I leave.

Sharon pressed enter and decided to wait for a few minutes.
Sharon was siiting in the car for the past half an hour in front of Shivam's house, not knowing what to do. She sweated in the pair of tight denim jeans and an orange Capri top even with the AC of her car still on.

10minutes passed. No reaction.
Sharon got out of the car and walked through the opened gate, to the door reluctantly. But before she could knock, the door opened and she was pulled inside by her extended hand.

"What the hell Shivam?" She shouted but froze when she found herself not the only other person in the hall except Shivam.

"Yeh kya hein? What's going on?"
She asked eyeing the boys, about 15 in number, sitting, watching her amusedly.

"They are all here as my witnesses. Well not all, some are here for the entertainment as well!" He winked at his friends and they all laughed out loud.


"Oh... You are going to forgive me now Sharon... Or else I wouldn't like it..."

"Neither would we!" The guys shouted.

"You are messing with the wrong girl here Shivam... I'm not one of your play toy... Nothing will happen like before..."

"She says it as if she has a choice!"

"We decide everything here bitch!" Another guy shouted.

"How dare you call me that you BASTARD?"

"SHUT UP BITCH!" it was Shivam who shouted at her.

In the mean time, Swayam was busy packing in his house, packing up his clothes and at the same time getting ready for his last performance as SW.
Beep beep.
His phone beeped a message and he viewed it.

Shivam's house.
Sharon couldn't tell the time taken for the guys to carry her as a prisoner to another room upstairs (probably Shivam's bedroom). She was busy gagging on the cloth tied around her mouth.
"I think you won't need your phone now..." Shivam snatched her phone from her pocket, as they sat her down on the bed.
Two-three guys of the group were already recording everything in their phone camera.
"Now don't you waste our time... Be a good girl and wear that special dress we've made you..." Shivam pointed to a two piece pink cloth that reminded Sharon of her practise sessions in London that she used to wear. She couldn't wear this in front of these lustful animalistic instinctive males. But did she have a choice?
The guys slowly moved out along with Shivam except the shortest guy of the gang who stayed back. As she stared at him, his hair gelled back, carrying a beard and brown leather jacket over a blue T-shirt; he moved towards her , checking her out from head to toe, smirking whenever his eyes ran through her sexes.
"I've never had a diva before... Well not one as beautiful as you..." He said as he inhaled her perfume sticking out his nose in between the crack of her neck and shoulders. Suddenly he lost it and pushed her to the bed causing her heartbeats to raise up and her vocal cords to involuntarily give out shrill sound of crying for help, only to get muffed by the cloths covering her mouth. She wriggled underneath his body as his hands caressed her, felt her up and down.
"Sharon, i know tum comfortable nahi ho yeh sab se. But if you want I'll help you become comfortable..." He whispered in her ears while his hand travelled to the hem of her Capri and slowly began pulling it up.
Even though Shivam turned back to see it, he smirked and decided to leave it on Rohan and left the room closing the door behind him.
"The guys know I like dressing up girls. I think that's exactly what girls like me to do to them as well. And its a fact that no guy would miss it when a girl begins to undress..." He said while caressing her belly sideways, with his finger sometimes encircling her navel making her to squirm reluctantly.
"But you are a wild cat... Just like the dialogue of Don... You need to lose some inhibition. And don't worry I'll help you in that matter..."

The guys were chilling down sipping on their bear cans waiting for Rohan to get over with his fantasy, when the calling bell rang.
"Who the fuck might that be?" Firoz stood up and nodded to Shivam as he walked to the door.
But as soon as he opened it he saw Rey standing there with Nil and Vicky.
"Where is Sharon?" He asked and Firoz smiled.
"Oh I don't give infos to losers or cheaters..." He laughed but not for long. Because Rey's reply didn't need more words than a powerful booting on the former's chest. Firoz was thrown back to the floor, pushing the door open in the process and going the attention of the guys in the room.

"Oh, this is gonna be fun!" Vicky said.

It didn't matter to Rey that about fifteen membered gang was the one he was facing against, he knew well enough that most of them were so wasted that they couldn't even clench a fist let alone throw a punch at him.
In the next ten minutes, Rey had swept everyone off their feets literally, that no one remained standing on their feet except Shivam who had ran away from his own house in between the action, seeing the former's aggression.

"REY!" Vicky called out to his friend from upstairs.
Rey ran up quickly to find Nil and Vicky kicking the guts out of Rohan who was spitting blood and writhing on the floor like an injured snake.
Rey took a deep breath and moved into the room.
Sharon sat in the middle of a bed, pillows thrown around her, her hands now untied supported her naked legs, but still not used to take the plaster off of her mouth. Her denim jeans were found thrown off the bed, her crossing legs posture barely covered her patch. Her Capri was pulled up showing her matching yellow bra but she didn't bother to cover herself. It was like she didn't care about who saw her right then. Her state clearly indicated how rough she had gone through sexual battery.

Rey saw this all in a flick and didn't waste time to cover her up with the sheet lying near. He tore off the plaster stuck on her mouth.
But it seemed she was in no mood to talk. Rey understood this perfectly well and just stayed their silently along with her on the bed. Vicky and Nil understanding the circumstances decided to stay out and keep a check on the bunch of now unconscious guys.

After ten-fifteen minutes or so Nil came in to see Sharon weeping on Rey's chest. He signalled him it was time for them to leave. Rey nodded and whispered in Sharon's ear, caressing her hair gently. She felt the tingles when he adjusted her hair behind her ear. Rey came for her. He stood there for her. No one else.

After properly wearing her dress in shape, Sharon followed Rey down into his car while Nil and Vicky volunteered to drive her car to her house. As they entered the black Scorpio, Rey swiftly sent a text on his phone.
U wer r8. Bt he ran away. She's safe now. Meet u tonight.

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