Rescue (UnderFell!Sans X Read...

By BanthaBug

75.9K 3.2K 3.8K

It was supposed to be a search and rescue with your two closest friends. With your 'brother' Frisk missing no... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
Art A/N
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Finale Pt. 1~

~Chapter 17~

2.2K 97 56
By BanthaBug

You laughed hysterically as Rey fell felt on her face, attempting to squint at the details of a photo on her phone as she tripped on a rock. Undyne looked back at us and sighed as she hoisted Rey onto her feet. "Are all humans so clumsy?" She asked in a whining tone.

"Only the stupid one like Rey." You teased, giggling as she flipped you the birdie. Frisk laughed happily as he trotted at Undyne's side, holding a steady conversation with her as they walk.

"How do we always end up behind him?!" Dash asked, as though reading your thoughts. "His steps are less than half the length of mine."

"Because we're lazy and don't walk that fast?" Rey supplied, shrugging.

"Maybe it's because he's secretly a really intense workout trainer and he's trying to keep up with his cardio."

You snorted in laughter, throwing a hand over your mouth to muffle the outburst. "Guys, just imagine Frisk in the front of an entire Zumba class, but he's teaching it in head to toe 80's women's workout gear."

You and Dash burst into giggles as Rey tilted her head and looked at him before shaking her head. "I'm not going to lie." She said. "He could totally pull that off."

"Oh my God, and what if he was like a little dictator! I ran see him running through the rows yelling: 'higher ladies! I wanna see you stretch those glutes!'" You added.

"Come on Debra! I saw you stuff that donut before we started. Now you pay the price!" Dash said, trying her best to mimick Frisk.

"God dammit Debra." Rey chortled. "It's all always Debra."

"Fucking Debra." You laughed, tears in your eyes as you gasped for breath.

"Debraaaaa....." Dash groaned before grabbing her gut as she howled in laughter.

Undyne looked back at us as we completely stopped under the laugh attack. "What the hell is happening to you?!" She asked, raising a confused brow.

"DEBRA HAPPENED!" You yelled, imagining the fake soccer mom turn her head in shame, and busting into even louder laughter.

Frisk seemed confused as well but he shook his head as he sighed. "They're imagining things again."

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." You chuckled, finally calming yourself. You drew in a deep breath and smiled at Undyne. "Okay okay. I'm fine. I'm fine." You said calmly, smiling.

"Are you sure? Are you sure?" Rey teased.

You bit your tongue to avoid another break before flipping her off and turning sharply to meet pace with Frisk. He looked at you and sighed again. "How do I get into these things?" He asked sarcastically.

"Because Undyne broke the DVD player in frustration and Papyrus kicked us out while he 'fixes' it. What do you wanna bet he just buys a new one?"

You smiled as you reflected on the not so far off memory. Currently you were walking with Undyne to her home in Waterfall, but less than an hour ago you had been watching the Mew Mew Kissy Cutie anime. It was all in a box set, but when the footage messed up due to a scratched disk, and Undyne couldn't fix it, she smashed the device completely.

Sans jumped up immediately and disappeared, saying something about Sentry duty. Papyrus was furious and forced us all out to wait as he fixed it. Since it was too cold for the human part of the party to remain in the cold without the coats that had been left inside, Undyne decided to lead you to her home instead.

At the present time, we were making your way through Waterfall. Sans said he'd call you when Paps cooled off, but you didn't expect to be back anytime soon. It didn't take much longer for a fish shaped house to break the horizon and thoroughly confuse you. "The fish monster lives in a fish shaped house..." You mused quietly. "How...... convenient."

Undyne approached the door and it slid upwards like it was straight from any futuristic movie. She started stripping off her armor as soon as you stepped foot in the household, retreating into a back room and throwing the pieces of metal clumsily.

Every human was looking around the house curiously, peering at her low table and examining her television set. Rey let out a cry of triumph as she found the television remote and launched herself into the couch before turning on the TV.

"Are you that easily entertained?" You asked in a sarcastic tone.

She nodded. "Just because I'm older doesn't mean I have to act like it. We both know this is how the home shut us up, and now it's a permanent thing. TV keeps me quiet. Would you prefer me another way?"

"No!" Dash yelped. "The few minutes a day you aren't talking is a blessing. I only have so much in this world."

Rey stuck her tongue and returned her gaze to the television. Dash remained with Frisk as they ransacked the kitchen. You found yourself bored by the house and peered out the window at the scenery. All around you, shades of blue, green, brown and every color in between painted the land. You felt like it was beckoning you outside as your fingers brushed the glasses.

"I'm gonna look around outside. I promise I won't pick fight." You announced, glancing back at your friends.

Rey was silent as she shoved a thumbs up in the air. Dash offered a half-hearted 'cool' and Frisk offered a strong nod. You tucked your phone into your pocket and hung your ear buds around your neck before letting yourself out.

You scanned the terrain, head swiveling all around to get the full view. You walked aimlessly with your fingers trailing the scale-like house. Your feet carried you beyond the front of the house and you found yourself tucked into the corner of a dead end. The house met the wall and the natural geography cut off. Your brow furrowed instantly.


Your instant thought cause you to pull your hand against you as you took a step back. Your eyes traced the shape of the house and you felt confusion flood your thoughts. The house seemed to sink into the wall, but the inside walls of the house were too smooth to have been scooped out.

You jogged around to the other side of the house and looked at the wall. It wasn't chucked off as it was on the other side. From the front, it seemed shifted closer to the right side. The natural wall seemed to cut it off at the corner but it still seemed off. A nagging feeling kept you searching as you examined the rock face.

As your hands crept over its surface for a handle of some type, your heart seemed to pound against your ribs. It was exciting in a way, like finding the key to a forbidden treasure chest. Then, as if hearing your childlike thoughts, a glimpse of a memory flashed in your eyes.

You stood with someone, you couldn't make out who, as you stood at the stone wall. A hand as was wrapped around yours, someone you could only know as Frisk. He seemed almost eccentric as he waited with you. "Watch this." The other person said.

Your eyes didn't remain on them long enough to identify them, but they followed their hands. He grabbed a stone that jut out of the wall. Though it seemed identical to the rest of the wall, you took note of three evenly spaced notches in it. They grabbed the stone and grunted in effort as he pressed down on it and pulled at it. The stone released a grinding sound and you were returned to the present.

You looked at the wall, searching the stones that sat just below your eyelevel. About a foot from the real wall, you spotted stone. Your traced it with your finger, counting the notches and smiling. "Yes! Thank you unclear and confusing memories that keep popping up!"

You pressed gently and watched as one notch disappeared into the wall. A neat click greeted you and you wiggled the panel back. A small gap opened as you pulled he part back until the same stone you held down stopped it. You slipped through the opening and released the button, your arm snaking back in behind you. The gap snapped such behind you, cutting off the light that was provided by the crystal stars.  

You turned and look at the hidden space. Dark blinded you and you pressed a palm against the wall to guide you. Your leg brushed along something small on the ground and you yelped, drawing your leg up as you fell away from the wall. Gentle light filled the chamber and you looked around you.

Small mushrooms came to life with aqua light as you brushed against them. "Wow..." You gasped, eyes moving from the luminescent fungus to the field of blooms that extended before you. Contrasting from the golden petals of Flowey and the other flowers in the Ruins, these flowers where shades of blue. At their center it was dark, navy blue, fading into a more gentle blue. Flecks of turquoise decorated them, extending from a core of blue. "Beautiful..." You muttered.


The words echoed all around you and you gasped as a chorus of your voice filled the air. The flowers repeated your words as you marveled at them in the soft light. You stumbled forward a few more paces, feeling almost at home in the new location. You sat in a small, ungrown patch of dirt and crossed your legs. As you looked ahead, it seemed as though something was missing.

"This all looks... familiar?"

The flowers seemed to echo your words, getting shorter and shorter until it wound down to a simple word: Familiar. The already nagging word clawed at your struggling mind as you looked at the flowers.

"Where? Who was it?" You asked quietly.



The words all melded together in the Symphony of the Blues Blooms. You focused, retracing your steps. "That memory. Someone let us in. Frisk was with me. Who was that other person?"

You tried to come up with a name, or at least a face, but you could barely even make out a color. Red. A tune came into your head without explanation and you felt as though the solution was just at the tip of your tongue. It was a familiar song. What was it's name?

"They're coming, creeping from the corner." You hummed. "And all I know is that I don't feel safe."

"I feel a tapping on my shoulder."

You eyes snapped upward, but no one sat with you. You remained alone.

"I turn around in an alarming state."

"Sans?" You called, knowing the voice had to be him.

The strum of acoustic bounced off the walls and you looked down at the flowers. "But am I loosing my mind?"

"The video?" The same song echoed around you, repeating it as though it had been whispered to them by your ghost like memories.

They seemed to get louder, surrounding you in the music. It sounded almost like he sat before you, but it was empty. A gentle giggle interrupted, right next to you. It was, with no doubts, Frisk. Your heart pounded. You had held doubts of the memories you'd been seeing, but you weren't the only one that remembered.

The song wound down and you felt like you were sitting in an altered version of the memory. Your own voice filled the air and you stiffened...

"See Sans! It wasn't that bad." You cooed. "And you said you couldn't sing."

"Okay, let me rephrase. I can sing. I don't like to sing." He retorted.

"Oh don't be such a baby!"

"I'm not being a baby. I'm just don't like singing."

"Then why did you have the acoustic guitar in the first place."

Frisk's giggles rang in your ear. "She's got you there."

His voice fell silent and he grunted. "Aw! Are you pouting?" You teased.

"Shut up." Sans growled.

You snickered, both in reality and in memory. There was quiet and you were confused. "What? Where'd it-"

Frisk's strangled squeal broke the air. "Aaawwwwww!"

"What? What happened?" You asked like someone would answer.

"Hey Sans?" Your past self said gently.


"I l-"

The door to the chamber swung open, silencing the flowers and new light flooded the room. You whipped around, looking at the shadowed figure.

"There you are!"

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