
By Echohippie

308 32 1

Sade Young and Skye Gray two best friends heading on an adventure to a Nature Resort in Virginia that's been... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 6

20 2 0
By Echohippie

Skye's P.O.V

I hate laying to Sade but I have no other choice. I can't tell her way I was really their she would kill me and Brody. So I came up with the excuse saying we where getting food. I know how Sade loves food.

"So did you sleep well?" I asked as we walked into the building. Their was ten tables all around the room with food on them. At the back was a dabbled door probably leading to the kitchen. Their was round tables all around the room with chairs next to them. Their was At least six people here already eating.

"Umm I guess." Sade said as she took a plate and start to fill it. I only grab a yogurt and a cup of coffee as we head to a table in the corner.

"Oh that doesn't sound very good. You have a nightmare?" I asked as I took a spoon full of chocolate chip yogurt.

"Yeah." She said and took a bite of her waffle and ice cream.

"Is it the same dream?"

"Well I'm no this one is different. I'm walking down narrow path located somewhere deep in the woods. I kept close to the riverbank and my feet were bare on the hard soal and I had a flower crown that rested ontop of my head. I felt happy but as I came to a small deck I sat down and when I look up I saw a guy with broad shoulders and a tall slender figure. He had a hood that hid his face from the human eye. And when I walk to the woods I heard something crack and then he came to me. Then I jump awake." She said as I listen to her talking but when she stop I felt like she was hiding something from me.

"Could you maybe dreaming of the guy that attacked you?" I asked as she took a sip from her coffee.

"I have no idea and I feel so confuse. Oh but I kind of net someone." She said as I gasp and was about to ask who but a familiar voice cut me off.

"Sade, Skye I have been looking for you guys everywhere." Brody said as Sade look up at him confused. I look towards Brody shooting him death glares. When he came to sit down I took all my Jeffery and kick his leg. "Ow what you do that for!"

"What you mean you have been looking everywhere, I taught you and Skye came here to get some food." Sade asked as Brody look towards me before putting a hand behind his neck and chuckled.

"Yeah that's what I mean. Sorry I think I have a blond moment." He said as he look towards Sade and smiled. Good call. Sade smiled and start to eat again. We made small talks. I was laughing at how Sade mange to throw a piece of grape at Brody and it landed in his shirt. He was struggling to get it out. I look over Brody's shoulder out to the window when my eyes landed on a figure.

My eyes grew wide as I stop laughing and look towards the familiar guy.

Grey, blue eyes! Oh cheese and sprinkles! It's the guy I saw across the lake! The mystery guy that I can't get out of my head. He still had the same black shirt on with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, black jeans and black boots. His brown hair was kind of ruffled. He was standing behind a big oak tree.

Wait that tree looks very familiar. Wait it's the same tree I sat against when I first saw him. How did I not see how close it was to the restaurant of the resort.

He look towards me as he turn his head to the side before moving behind the tree. I had my twilight book with me as always since I never leave without it.

I quickly stood up and push my chair in as Brody and Sade look towards me confused.

"What's up panda bear?" Brody asked as I look down at him.

"Um I want to go for a walk if you guys don't mind. I want to clear my mind." I said as Brody nod understanding and Sade look a little unsure.

"Are you okay Skye-bear?"

"Yeah I'm absolutely fine I just don't feel so good. You know with all the people I can't get a little.."

"Fear of confinement." Brody finished as I snap my finger towards him not remembering what it was called again.

"Okay, be safe Skye-bear." She said as I nod and practically ran out of the restaurant towards that tree. As I came close I peak around the trunk and saw no one.

Was my mind playing tricks on me?

I quickly shake my insanity of realising that my mind just want me to see him. I open my book and walk down the pathway that lead into the woods.

"None of the boys in town your type, eh?" He was suspicious, but trying to play it cool. "No, none of the boys have caught my eye yet." I was careful not to over emphasize the word boys in my quest to be truthful with Charlie.
"I thought maybe that Mike Newton.. you said he was friendly."
"He's just a friend, dad."
"Well, you're to good for them all anyway. Wait till you get to college to start looking." Every father's dream, that his daughter will be out of the house before the hormones kick in.

"What you reading?" A deep voice said behind me as I gasp and let my book fall as I spin around. I look down at my book that lay face down on the pathway.

"Twilight." I said and bent down to pick up the book but just as I put my hand on the book a warm hand press on top of mine. Sparks shot threw my hand as I lookup meeting the same eyes.

Grey, blue ones stare right into my blue one's. Mystery guy! Suddenly I had no idea what to say and I felt uncomfortable under his gaze. I broke my eye from his and pull my hand out from under his and stood up pulling a piece of black hair behind my ear. He stood up and held the book towards me.

"Thanks." I said and grab my book but my luck our fingers touched and another set of sparks went threw my body.

"Don't tell me you are a Jacob fan?" He asked as he place his hands in his jean pocket.

"Edward fan actually." I said and that took him by surprise.

"So your a vampire girl then?" He asked as I smiled.

"You can say that." I said as he step forward a little as my breath caught in my throat.

"Do you believe in those kind of stuff. You know, vampire and werewolf?"

"Um this may come of a shock to you but I actually do believe in them. I mean we can't be the only creatures living on this planet. The same with other species. We can't be the only planet that has live force on it, we don't even know how many planet their are." I said as he smiled down at me. "I'm sorry I can get a little out of hand."

"Oh no need to be sorry. I think your right." He said as my eyes shot towards him.

"Wait you don't think I'm crazy?"

"Why would I think that? I mean you just say you believe in other species but not just that but also Vampires and werewolves. And I like to think of myself really close to one of them."

"Which one? Vampire it werewolf?" I asked as he smiled and step closer to me and lean down to my ear.

"I like to think of myself the vampire kind." He said in a whisper town as a shiver ran down my back. He chuckled before stepping part me.

"Hey." I said turning around as he stop in his tracks with his back towards me as he look over his shoulder. "I didn't get your name."

"Matthew, but you can call me Matt." He said as I smiled and he return it.

"I'm Skye." I said as something shinny caught my attention on the ground. I frown and bent down and pick it up. It was a silver necklace that had a round ball with holes in them but it was so detailed. "Um Matt I think you drop this."

He walk towards me as I held out the necklace that lay in my hand. He took it out of my hand before moving forward and place it around my neck.

"You keep it. It looks better on you and I was actually going to give it to you anyway." He said as he step back as I took the necklace in my hand looking down at it as it lay around my neck.

"Thank you." I said looking up at him as he smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Stay safe. I don't want anything to happen to you. You are to special to me." He whisper in my ear again as I blink and when I open my eyes he was gone.

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