The awakener (bxb)✔

By XPerfectDistraction

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Riley is a normal teenager. A rebel with a taste for speed and motorbikes, his life is as normal as it can be... More

Author's note
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TA 41 -epilogue

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3.2K 213 21
By XPerfectDistraction

Casey's POV

I had no idea what I was doing. I actually wished I was in my room and Riley was gone. Instead, he was there and I was holding his hand. I could not let go and at that moment I hated myself. More seconds passed.

I felt a tugging. Oh God, his hand wanted to be free and I was holding on to him. I felt something like a squeeze. He was not letting go, he was squeezing my hand. A tiny macaw fluttered in my time. Yeah, a macaw, butterflies were so overrated, and I was sure no one had ever felt what I was feeling at that moment.

Riley smiled, stealing my heart once more. He had the most enchanting smile. I prayed to the heavens he did not leave. He would surely break my heart if he did. Before I could predict his move, he moved his free hand touch my cheek. His hand was so cold it sent chills down my spine. I took a deep breath, an invisible force had me rooted to the ground. His hand trailed down to my mouth. I was certain that was not what friends did.

"Riley..." I mouthed.

I had no idea what I was going to say. The only thing I had an idea about was how I was feeling. This moment of uncertainty, I wanted it. His hand in mine, his hand on my cheek, the little smile on his face, I wanted it. The silence too was beautiful. But those weren't the only things I wanted. I wanted more.

I selfishly wanted more.

"I should be leaving", Riley said.

"I know", I said clearly.

"Casey..." he said. His voice sounded strained.

I let go of his hand slowly. I didn't want to do that. I had to. He had to leave before I did something I would regret.

Even though I let go of his hand, the tension between us didn't disappear. It seemed to be getting stronger. It was like neither of us was prepared to walk away from the other. Where was Calvin when I needed him? Although if Calvin walked in on that scene I'd never hear the end of it. If anyone walked in on the scene I'd never hear the end of it.

It was up to me to break the spell without making things awkward.

"You walked h–" I never got to finish.

I didn't even see what happened. One moment Riley was just looking at me and the next I could feel his lips against mine. I was stunned for a bit, but that disappeared quite quickly. His lips lay still on mine for a few seconds, as if he was asking for permission.

I wanted to tell him no. I wanted to tell him he was my best friend; his girlfriend was my friend. The words wouldn't come out.

His hand trailed down my cheek when his lips decided to move. I moved mine with him, fully knowing I ought to pull back. The macaw was going crazy. The kiss was seducing all my senses. The hesitancy disappeared. Riley's lips were so warm, despite how cold most of his skin felt.

He moved his other hand to cup my face, as if to position me right before he took my breath away. The kiss was no longer soft and comforting. It was fiery and passionate. I could taste him, smell his scent. I thought I knew the inner makings of this guy, but I knew not his lips.

I knew the one spot that had him giggling like a kid. I knew his dreams. I knew his words, his laugh. I didn't know he could kiss me and obliterate every thought in my mind. I didn't know his lips could have me drunk with endorphins. I didn't for a second want it to end.

As if on cue, Riley's head pulled back slightly and his lips left mine. His hands didn't leave my face as he rested his forehead gently on mine. I could hear him breathing.

Seconds passed. It felt like hours. Riley wasn't saying anything. I wasn't either. We were just breathing, as if our breathing alone said all we wanted to say.

"I have to go", Riley finally said.

Those weren't the words I wanted to hear. I could feel the wave of disappointment wash over me. I nodded slowly; at least I tried. Riley still had his forehead against mine, making it hard for me to move. I ended up hitting him slightly.

He chuckled. The sound was so melodious I was mesmerized. Finally, our foreheads separated, breaking contact that had been comfortable. I was now forced to look into his eyes; forced to see the expressions on his face. I wasn't ready for that.

"I...uh, I have to go", he said.

"You've kind of already said that", I said smiling a little, just a little. I wasn't sure what to do in the situation. Things were becoming awkward.

He chuckled again. "I suppose I have".

"So...?" I said. The word was out before I could stop myself. I didn't want to seem disappointed if he left, but I didn't want to seem eager for him to stay.

"So...I am going to leave. I'll see you tomorrow", he said slowly. "Yeah. I'll see you", he said relatively quicker and went straight for the main door.

I barely thought of what to say before the door opened and he stepped out. It closed with a bang. I sighed and leaned against the wall. So many thoughts were going through my head it was getting heavier. What had just happened?

Riley's POV

I pulled the door harder than I had intended and it closed with a bang. I could hear the sound echo in my head as I walked along Casey's driveway. Normally I walked across the lawn. I needed to walk on a clear path to avoid tripping. My senses just weren't working properly.

Casey and I had kissed. It wasn't the occasional peck I gave him on the cheek when teasing him. It was a proper kiss; a moment that wasn't lighthearted. It definitely hadn't felt light. The air around us had been warm and heavy, pulling us towards each other. At least it had felt like that to me.

When I sat near him in the living room, I felt something I thought I would never feel. Looking at the good-looking adorable guy I called my best friend, I felt love around us. But it wasn't the usual love. It was much different. It was like I was seeing him through new glasses. No, not new; just clearer glasses.

I knew I loved Casey a long time ago. He was fun to be around and my go-to guy. He made me laugh and I enjoyed teasing him. Though I always downplayed it, he looked out for me. He took care of me. I never thanked him. Instead I sat on him, ate his food, wrestled with him, took space on his bed, stole his car's a long list. Yet, his lips visited his cheeks whenever he saw me.

That day, I learned I loved him more than I thought I did. It wasn't just that though. I learned I was attracted to him, as evidenced by the moment between us in the kitchen.

When we stood there, my desire to kiss him mounted until it reached breaking point. I couldn't hold back. In that moment, I saw only him. The world fell away. Absolutely nothing else mattered other than grabbing that opportunity I had.

Something deep inside me took over as our breaths mingled. I was caressing his cheek, but it felt like it much more than that. His lips were against mine for the first time, but it felt like we were rekindling an old kiss, giving life to a kiss that was meant to be.

A kiss not of that caliber didn't deserve to be called a kiss.

I dragged my feet across the asphalt road as I walked. Falling for Casey was an unexpected piece in the already complicated jigsaw puzzle that was my life.

I had just found out I was something called a Darkener, the Awakener with some uncle I never knew about in pursuit of me, I had almost hurt my mom and I had fallen for my human best friend. And oh, I had a freakin' girlfriend.

One thing should have taken priority. It was clear what was more important, but I found Casey drifting into my every thought, clouding everything else. I shook my head slightly.

His father had warned me against the very thing I was doing. He saw the signs before even I could. He was right about more than one thing. I was going to hurt Casey. Though we were best friends, I had just found out we were worlds apart. There was just no way things could work between us. I needed to stay away from him to protect him.

I needed to get my act together and focus. Something told me it was only a matter of time before things unfolded. I needed information and I knew who to go to.

I felt the little piece of paper in my pocket and rubbed it slightly.

Chapter 15

Casey's POV

I looked at the math problem with my brows knit. I just could not seem to get the same answer as the one at the end of the math textbook. I was certain I had used the correct procedure.

"Stupid calculus", I growled.

I tossed the textbook at the bed. It hit the bed, bounced and landed on the floor. I cupped my face and ran my finger through my hair.

Math wasn't the problem. I could solve all of the problems in the book with a clear mind. The problem was, my mind wasn't clear. It kept drifting to the kitchen where moments earlier, Riley had surprisingly kissed me, fanning the flames that were already burning for him.

I couldn't concentrate long enough.

There were so many questions that one act had generated. I didn't know even know how to get answers.

Did it mean anything to him? Did he regret it? Why'd he leave?

What do I do? Do I call him? Do I wait for him to call? Do I pretend nothing happened? How on earth do we move on from our kiss? Where to now? If he asks, do I tell him about how I feel? What about Mandy? Was I just making a big deal of things?

God, this wasn't easy. It was safe to say I needed a manual, preferably with a lot of volumes.

Mandy kept running around in my head. I enjoyed the kiss with every breath I took and I felt just as guilty. By kissing Riley, I had betrayed Mandy. I thought it was okay when I just secretly loved him. Things had gotten physical now.

I'd gotten some of what I wanted and I was just confused. Throughout all the confusion, I surprisingly loved Riley even more. I could still picture his lips moving against mine. It was something I hadn't seen but felt, and yet I imagined how we had looked like with his hand on my cheek.

My phone started vibrating, disturbing my thoughts. I answered it before it could start ringing, without even looking at the caller id.

"Hello?" I said.

"Damn, that was quick. It barely rang", the person at the other end of the line said.

My heart fell. It wasn't Riley.

"Who's this?" I asked.

"I'm offended. You don't know my voice?" it was a male voice and the person sounded young. The voice sounded familiar.

"Matt?" I guessed.

"Yeah, Matt. So, how are you?" he asked.

"Fine", I said curtly.

"What are you up to?" he asked.

I coughed quietly. "You called me to ask me that? Where'd you even get my number?"

"From some person, and yeah", he said.

"Okay, I'll just pretend you don't have a sinister motive, what do you want?" I asked.

"Can't a person call to check how you are?" he asked, pretending to be wounded.

"Not if that someone is you", I said.

"Okay, fine Stone. I've got a proposition for you", he said.

I got up from the desk and went to the couch. I climbed onto it and looked outside.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I cannot talk about it over the phone. Meet at the park after school", he said.

"I am not meeting you unless you give me a clue, plus I don't have a ride", I said.

"It benefits both of us, that's all I'm saying. Can't you walk?" he asked.

I watched people as they walked to and fro. I could swear I had never seen some of them before. What proposition could Matt have that would benefit both of us?

"Okay Matt, don't make me wait", I said.

"You should really stop thinking the worst of me", he said.

I groaned. "Bye Matt", I said and hung up.

I fought to keep my mind from guessing what Matt had in mind. It wouldn't help me. Matt was predictable to me, but something told me what he had in mind was sure to surprise me, especially since he insisted on meeting.


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