The corpse of the past

By JosephineMichelleC

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During cleaning out the house of their dead parents, Willow, Rye and Sunny, finds a book. The book, they disc... More

Chapter 1: I'm o-kay
Chapter 2: Hating everything
Chapter 3: A nightmare
Chapter 4: Do I still love him?
Chapter 5: Oh god!
Chapter 6: He's not himself
Chapter 7: What Effie did
Chapter 8: Thoughts
Chapter 9: We remain
Chapter 10: My two boys
Chapter 11: Stupid
Chapter 12: Avoiding
Chapter 13: What is real?
Chapter 14: I didn't know
Chapter 15: I love you!
Chapter 16: How do they do it?
Chapter 17: An unbeating heart
Chapter 18: Am I ready?
Chapter 19: What could have been...
Chapter 20: Buying a bed
Chapter 21: Won't be a part
Chapter 22: The birth
Chapter 23: Screaming
Chapter 24: The guest list
Chapter 25: So cute
Chapter 26: Telling Annie
Chapter 27: Arrival
Chapter 28: Effie's news
Chapter 29: Buttercup
Chapter 30: More thoughts
Chapter 32: Haymitch confess
Chapter 33: Silly Katniss
Chapter 34: Stress
Chapter 35: The dress
Chapter 36: Another surprise
Chapter 37: Happy birthday Peeta!
Chapter 38: Birthday present
Chapter 39: Felice news
Chapter 40: Tell him!
Chapter 41: I'm pregnant
Chapter 42: Plans
Chapter 43: High thoughts
Chapter 44: Painting
Chapter 45: Family
Chapter 46: Scared
Chapter 47: News
Chapter 48: Flashback. Again
Chapter 49: Caesar
Chapter 50: Who is he?
Chapter 51: The ghost
Chapter 52: What's time?
Chapter 53: Guess what
Chapter 54: L-O-V-E
Chapter 55: Missing you
Chapter 56: Need to find out
Chapter 57: Angry Finn
Chapter 58: She needs us
Chapter 59: Taking care of everyone
Chapter 60: My fault
Chapter 61: Empty
Chapter 62: A harsh Haymitch
Chapter 63: The funeral
Chapter 64: Why?
Chapter 65: Breaking bones
Chapter 66: What is this?
Chapter 67: Hospital
Chapter 68: Happy endings

Chapter 31: Stupid Haymitch!

3.8K 102 8
By JosephineMichelleC

Chapter 31


Katniss falls asleep in my arms.

It hurts to look at her. Her eyes are red and puffy after all that crying over Buttercup. She really did love that cat. I mean, I loved him as well. But Buttercup and me, we were nice to each other. Katniss and Buttercup were like dog and cat. They didn't get along well. One time, like a week ago, or maybe four days ago, I saw Katniss and Buttercup fight about the rights for the sofa. I mean ... what?

Don't get me wrong. I'm also sad that Buttercup is dead. He was such a cute cat, who actually wasn't evil, like Katniss always said. And he was very intelligent. It was just, they were too alike. Stubborn, and wanted things their way. And yes, I know that Buttercup was only a cat, but they can feel these things as well.

Buttercups death really put a mark on Katniss. She's really devastated and I wish I could do something to help her. But I can't. I just have to let her get over this her way, and take her time, that's the only thing I can do, and to be there for her. And that's what I'm gonna do. Be there for her.

But I have to make another person be there for her as well. I'm talking about none other than the alcoholic mentor of ours, Haymitch Abernathy ladies and gentlemen. Ever since Effie left he has been worse than usual. I mean way worse. I think he's trying to kill himself a bit discreetly. And he gotta stop. Now!

I stand up and lay down Katniss in the sofa. She stirs a bit and I see a tear flow down her cheek. It breaks my heart.

"Annie can you watch Katniss for a while, I have to take care of that useless mentor of ours", I sigh.

Annie smiles.

"I'm pretty sure that he's trying I kill himself", she says thoughtful.

I chuckle.

"Yeah, me too", I sigh.

"Don't worry, I'll watch her, she's sleeping anyway, and if she would wake up, I can comfort her, don't worry", Annie says, smiling.

"Thank you so much, I don't trust anyone else but you, Felice or Sae to watch her", I say.

Okay, I know that it sounds like we're talking about a child. But we're obviously not. It's just that, in this time, she doesn't want to be alone, and I don't trust others with her, I just don't, they would just take advantage of her.

"Don't think about it", Annie says, taking up Katniss legs sits down in the sofa beside beside her and puts Katniss legs over her thighs.

Finn is sitting on the floor. He's on the carpet, and plays with the carpet fringes.

I walk out of the house and with firm steps I walk towards Haymitch house.

I knock on the door. He doesn't open it.

"Haymitch!" I shout as I now bang on the door.

He still doesn't open the door.

"Haymitch open the fucking door!" I yell, but he still doesn't.

I feel the handle of the door, and notice that it's unlocked. He's such an idiot. He doesn't even lock the door.

I open the door, and walk straight inside, and close the door after me.

It smells really bad in here. After Hazel and the kids moved to District 5, Haymitch hasn't had anyone to clean up. Sae did that at first, but when she noticed that Haymith makes it smell and messes up everything within an hour, she refused to continue.

"Haymitch?!" I call.

I get no answer.

"Haymitch!" I call again, higher this time.

I get a grunt as an answer, coming from the living room.

I sigh as I make my way into the living room. Haymitch is lying flat on his stomach on the floor, with his face onto the floor as well. I don't understand how his nose can manage.

I walk up to Haymitch, and kick him lightly on his thigh with my foot.

"Come on get up!" I say.

"Stop that!" Haymitch snaps irritated.

"No! Get up!" I say annoyed.

Haymitch grunts and sits up on his butt.

"What's wrong with you?" Haymitch asks.

What's wrong with me? Is he serious right now?

"What's wrong with ... What's wrong with me?! The correct question might be what's wrong with you Haymitch!" I shout at him.

I walk up the two steps between us. I grab Haymitch shirt and tightens my fists as I pull him up and shake him.

"You can't just try to kill yourself, just because Effie left! She'll be back, she told us so. But now you have no clue what's going on. Katniss is devastated, she's only crying and crying over Buttercups death. But you didn't even know he died. Yes, he did die, he got bitten by a snake, and now you know! Katniss mother is living in 4! 4 Haymitch! You're the only adult in her life she really have left, and you're just thinking about yourself, and you haven't realized that Katniss doesn't only see you as a mentor. You're not our mentor anymore Haymitch, the Games are over! So why does Katniss stick to you still? Because you're like a father to her! And you're failing her by behaving like this. Get yourself together for god's sakes Haymitch! I'm sicken tired of this!"

Haymitch only looks at me. And than he burps. Right in my face.

I let him go and he falls onto the floor with a loud bang.

"You disgust me, Haymitch! Get over yourself!" I shout at him. "Have you ever looked yourself in the mirror? Well you should, you'd might realize how broken you look, and you would maybe clean yourself up, but before you have, you're not coming anywhere close to Katniss, I mean it, she's had to many disappointments in her life, she doesn't have to see the one person she actually love as a father, kill himself in alcohol!"

And with that I leave. I don't want to look at Haymitch right now. He really disgust me.

I know that I was pretty harsh, but that was needed. With some luck, Haymitch stops with what he's doing and start to take more responsibility.

When I'm outside the house I hear Katniss scream.


I run inside and sees Finn sitting in a corner, all scared, and Annie stands on her knees beside the sofa, trying to wake Katniss up and comfort her. But without success.


Annie sees me and sighs in relief.

"Oh Peeta, thank god! I really don't know how to wake her up", she say.

"She's having one of her nightmares", I say, and hurry up to the sofa.

I pick Katniss up and feel how she shakes, and sees the tears, as she continues to scream.


I sit down in the sofa and sees how Annie walks up to the scared Finn, picking him up, and rocking him soothing. It's the first time and hopefully the last time he sees Katniss having a nightmare.

"Katniss baby, please wake up", I beg, rocking her. "I'm not leaving you, I'm right here, please wake up".

But she doesn't. She starts to shake even more, and starts to whine, she stops screaming though. She starts kicking with her legs and arms. I know that she's trying to defeat her nightmare.

"Yes baby, try to come back, I'm right here, I'm never leaving you, I promise", I say.

She stops kicking.

Her eyes flutter open, but she continues to cry and shake. She looks so scared.

"Peeta? Oh god, you're alive", she says, sneaking her arms around me and hugs me tight. "You're alive, you're alive, you're alive".

"I am, and I'm never leaving you, I'm always gonna be here", I say. "I love you so much, always remember that".

She nods, and continue to cry and my shirt gets all wet. But I don't care. I just continue to rock her.

"I love you too", Katniss mumbles and gently presses her lips onto mine.



Hey you guys, I hope that you liked this chapter :)

Haymitch can be such an ass sometimes, right? Burp in Peetas face like that xD

Aww Finn got scared. But poor Katniss :'(

Please vote and comment to tell me what you guys thought of this chapter :)

-Josephine xx

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