The Marriage Decree

By Delilah_Wise

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When all eligible wizards and witches are forced into marry in order to increase the population after the war... More

Good Luck (Book 1 Ch 1)
Are you following me? (Book 1 Ch 2)
It's an expression, Malfoy (Book 1 Ch 3)
A birthday kiss (Book 1 Ch 4)
Chapter 6: Modus Operandi - Draco's POV
Chapter 5: An Apple a Day - Hermione's POV
Chapter 7: Fern's can be an Eucalyptus - Hermoine's POV
Chapter 8: The Big Day - Hermione's POV
Chapter 9: Dancing! - Hermione's POV
Chapter 10: Snakes are cold-blooded - Draco's POV
Chapter 11: All Posh and Proper
Chapter 12: Nature Picture?
Chapter 13: Divorce
Chapter 14: Molly Dearest
Chapter 15: The Malfoy Hunting Game
Chapter 16: Oh Geoffrey!
Chapter 17: Naked!
Chapter 18: The Burrow's Banquet
Chapter 19: A Pretty Name for a Pretty Girl
Chapter 20: Memories?
Chapter 21: Snitches
Chapter 22: How very Gryffindor of him
Chapter 23: You can always divorce me!
Chapter 25: One Less Drunk
Chapter 26: How scandelous
Chapter 27: You Need to Look Less Attractive
Chapter 28: There Are Two Ways To Eat A Scone
Chapter 29: Fix Me, Make Me Better
Chapter 30: I Thought You Said You Were Clever
Chapter 31: Behind the Boulder?
Chapter 32: Listen to your Wife
Chapter 33: My affections for you?
Chapter 34: That's a lot of Children!
Chapter 35: This Map is Crap
Chapter 36: He got around
Chapter 37: Love vs In Love, A Kiss
Chapter 38: As if by Magic
Chapter 39: Someone like me?
Chapter 40: It can't be
Chapter 41: Get Out!
Chapter 42: You Were Mistaken
Chapter 43: I Didn't Have A Choice
Chapter 44: Who's Gordon?
Chapter 45: To Greg and Meg!
Chapter 46: Thank You For Your Concern
Chapter 47: Muggle Electicy
Chapter 48: I Regret Your Pairing
Chapter 49: Do I Frighten You?
Chapter 50: One Trick Pony
Chapter 51: Misshapes, Mistakes, Misfits
Chapter 52: This Isn't Real!
Chapter 53: I'm Not A Sniffer Dog
Chapter 54: Babysitting Duty!
Chapter 55: She Makes It Easy
Chapter 56: No Offence, Sir!
Chapter 57: Free Tickets
Chapter 58: A Picnic... In the Attic?
Chapter 59: Mutual Trust
Chapter 60: I'm not Walking to London
Chapter 61: Baby and I are Great
Chapter 62: The Mudblood Herself
Chapter 63: Who's Being Pedantic Now, Rick?
Chapter 64: Will We Now?
Chapter 65: I Would Have Welcomed It
Chapter 66: It's Your Name
Chapter 67: The Estate Kids
Chapter 68: Everything in the Pursuit of Knowledge
Chapter 69: Am I Boring You?
Chapter 70: Wining and Dining
Chapter 71: Don't Be So Naive.
Chapter 72: The Town in Gloucestershire
Chapter 73: You Could Have Said Nothing At All
Chapter 74: You're Doing That All By Yourself
Chapter 75: Maybe You Shouldn't Have Killed All Those People
Chapter 76: As Your Nemesis
Chapter 77: How do I stop him from crying?
Chapter 78: She'll Outlive Us All
Chapter 79: Books Should Never Be Banned
Chapter 80: I Know Someone Who Speaks to Snakes
Chapter 81: Thick, Unruly Hair
Chapter 82: It's Not Your Responsibility, Draco
Chapter 83: Just Do Something
Chapter 84: I Thought It Would Be a Pleasure to Meet You
Chapter 85: I Guess It'll Be a Nice Surprise
Chapter 86: Wait, Is This Magicalโ€ฝ
Chapter 87: It's Christmas! (Part 1)
Chapter 88: It's Christmas! (Part 2)
Chapter 89: Do you want to carry this marshmallow?
Chapter 90: It Was Only a Kiss
Chapter 91: .- .--. .-. .. .-.. ..-. --- --- .-.. ...
Chapter 92: Are you Breaking Up with Me?
Chapter 93: Unmistaken, Mistaken Identity
Chapter 94: I'm Just Being Silly
Chapter 95: You Know, I'm a Watcher
Chapter 96: Will You Stop Waving It Around Like That?
Chapter 97: Fred Would Have Loved This
Chapter 98: Don't Verbally Attack the Minister of Magic; He Won't Like It.
Chapter 99: Minerva, This Is A Surprise!
Chapter 100: A Pretty Birdy
Chapter 101: Long-Term Fixes
Chapter 102: A Fourth Wheel
Chapter 103: I Forgot She Was There
Chapter 104: You Know An Owl
Chapter 105: They're Actually Chasing a Scotch Egg
Chapter 106: A Cloudless, Blue Morning
Chapter 107: Congratulations!
Chapter 108: 'Celebrity' 'Journalist'
Chapter 109: 8th September 2000: Magnus Maddox
Chapter 110: It's Happened Before!
Chapter 111: He Kept Me Company
Chapter 112: I Don't Take It Personally
Chapter 113: Yeah, I don't Know You
Chapter 114: I'd Rather Have More Sweets
Chapter 115: It Could Happen To Anyone
Chapter 116: She was American
Chapter 117: Why Would You Think I Would Tell You?
Chapter 118: By Any Means Necessary
Chapter 119: Our Country Is In Quite A State
Chapter 120: Take It All Off
Chapter 121: Today Is Going To Be Perfect
Chapter 122: One Of The Big Ones
Chapter 123: It's A Good Thing You're So Handsome
Chapter 124: He's Off His Rocker
Chapter 125: If This Gets Out
Chapter 126: This Could Be A Blessing
Chapter 127: You May Be Seated
Chapter 128: Suffering From Your Absence
Chapter 129: Great Analogy
Chapter 130: A Child
Chapter 131: We Don't Have Much Time
Chapter 132: That Isn't Going To Happen
Chapter 133: I'm Here of My Own Volition
Chapter 134: You're Just Settling for the Cards I Dealt
Chapter 135: Care Enough To Try
Chapter 136: I Don't Know How To Fix This
Chapter 137: His Name is Albus Severus Potter
Chapter 138: I Think We've Established You Are
Chapter 139: What is a Helicopter?
Chapter 140: What Have We Done?
Chapter 141: I Shouldn't Have Said That
Chapter 142: An Absolute Nightmare
Chapter 143: I'm a Technophobe
Chapter 144: It's His Style to Cause Havoc
Chapter 145: The Password is Shakespeare
Chapter 146: Is That Not Common Knowledge
Chapter 147: Guess Who I Saw Last Month?
Chapter 148: Scorpius is a Natural
Chapter 149: It's Common Sense
Chapter 150: What Did You Witness, Mr Potter?
Chapter 151: I Have No Further Questions, Mr Malfoy
Chapter 152: He Stole It From Nursery
Chapter 153: Real Life Isn't So Simple
Chapter 154: What's Hogwarts?
Chapter 155: Until Tomorrow
Chapter 156 - Do we have a date?

Chapter 24: Yes, I like my wife!

15.9K 427 235
By Delilah_Wise

They disapparate back to the estate separately, Draco with Athena and Hermione with their dinner for tomorrow. She casts a sideways look at Draco to check that he's alright after their disapparation. He seems fine so they set off for their house.

"Do you think you're feeling well enough for the party tonight?" She asks as she places their plates of dinner into their oven.

"I'm perfectly fine." He sighs, opening Athena's cage for her.

"I'll just take a quick shower and I'll be ready to go." He announces as he heads upstairs.

"We only have forty minutes." She shouts up the stairs behind him.

She about to head upstairs herself to get changed when she hears a tapping noise at the kitchen window. She goes to investigate and finds a large ministry owl stood majestically on their window ledge. When she opens the window for it, the owl flies straight in, landing smoothly on her shoulder and holding its leg out for her to take the post. She unties two envelopes then watches as the owl swoops back out of the window.

Glancing down at the envelopes she sees one addressed to herself and one addressed to Draco. She takes them both upstairs with her to their bedroom, placing them both on the dressing table before opening her side of the wardrobe to find a dress for the party. Settling on a yellow, knee-length dress, she pulls it on just as she hears the shower turn off.

Draco enters their bedroom dressed only in a towel, tied around his hips. He pauses for a second upon finding Hermione in the room then hangs the towel he had just been using to dry his hair over his shoulders, hiding his chest and the long scars.

Hermione looks away since he obviously doesn't want her looking at them, instead, she goes over to the dressing table.

"We both got a letter from the Ministry." She mentions as she puts some earrings in.

Draco sighs in annoyance behind her as he reaches around her for his letter then perches on the edge of their bed as he opens it. She watches him in the mirror as he unfolds the piece of parchment, reads the first couple of lines then rips it up.

"I thought these had stopped." He mumbles as he grabs his wand and incendios the pieces of parchment.

"What was it?" She asks opening her own letter.

"The Ministry have just arrested Rabastan Lestrange and want me to testify against him. I don't know how many owls I've sent back to the Minister. He just doesn't take no for an answer." He shakes his head as he throws the wardrobe door open.

Hermione unfolds her own piece of parchment.

Kingsley Shacklebolt

Ministry of Magic



Wednesday 8th June 1999

Dear Ms Granger,

The Ministry is writing to invite you to a Ministry dinner on Tuesday 2nd November 1999 to celebrate eighteen months since the end of the wizarding war. We ask that you make a small speech after the meal about the impact of the war and the positive steps being implemented to rebuild the wizarding world.

We eagerly await your response.

Approved and Signed by

Kingsley Shacklebolt

Minister of Magic.

She's about to follow Draco and rip the letter into many pieces when a thought crosses her mind. The Ministry needs something of her and it just so happens that she needs something off the Ministry. The Minister to be exact. She needs access to The Ministerial Wizarding Register Department.

"Draco!" She calls his attention excitedly. "I have an idea." She turns to face him, holding her letter out to him.

She waits as he quickly scans the piece of parchment then glances up at her confused. "I don't understand."

"I've been receiving letters like this at least once a week since the end of the war. It stopped a few months ago but it looks like Kingsley has exactly given up hope that I'll give in." She explains. "We need access to The Ministerial Wizarding Register Department to look at those filing cabinets and we could also do with having a look through those banned books on marriage decrees." She smiles.

"You want to bribe the Minister." Draco quirks an eyebrow at her.

She rolls her eyes. "I wouldn't exactly call it bribing. It's just an arrangement that ensures we both get what we want. We should do it tomorrow."

"I wish you'd had this thought before I'd burnt my letter." He admits, going back to rummaging through his wardrobe.

"Would you have testified against Lestrange?" She asks curiously.

"If I got something I want in return, then yes." He answers as he pulls a blue shirt and pair of black trousers out of the wardrobe and heads back into the bathroom to change.

Hermione sits on the edge of their bed thinking. Is there anything else they need from the Ministry? Anything that can help them discover why the marriage decree was enforced in the first place. What they really needed was access to those banned books? She can't help but think that the first two volumes of 'Seventeenth Century Laws' hold something important. Maybe Narcissa hadn't had the chance to hide them and the Ministry had taken them. Draco could ask her about, although it would have to be before they go to the Ministry since it would be a waste of time searching through the books if they hadn't been taken.

Draco exits the bathroom, fully dressed, but hair still dripping wet. He sits in front of the dressing table mirror as he dries his hair with his wand and applies the make-up charm to the scar on his forehead.

"Draco, I was thinking about those books we took from your attic." She mentions, making eye contact with him through the mirror. "Do you think your mother would know more about the first two volumes of 'Seventeenth Century Laws'." She asks.

Draco pauses his wand as he frowns confusedly at her through the mirror. "I'm not sure she knows anything about them. She rarely goes into the attic. Most of the book in there were moved by order of Lucius." He answers going back to casting his make-up charms.

"Great!" She rolls her eyes sarcastically. "The only person who might know anything about the books is locked in Azkaban for the next fourteen years." She sighs.

"Fourteen years and four days." He tells her, earning him a raised eyebrow. "He was arrested on 4th May but wasn't sentenced until 12th June." He clarifies but going back to the topic of the books. "If the books were ever in the Manor, they would either be in the attic or the library. Since we found them in neither, it is safe to assume that the Ministry has taken them." He tells her.

"I suppose there's no harm in searching the books in the Ministry." She mutters as Draco finishes and they head downstairs where they both pull their shoes on.

Hermione leaves Athena a few owl pellets before they leave, locking the door behind them, and set off for 17B, hand in hand.

When they arrive at 17B, Draco knocks on the door and is slightly shocked when Richard opens the door with a forced smile.

"Come in." He tells them as he walks up the stairs, leaving the door open.

He glances at Hermione who just shrugs then steps into the house. They make their way into the living room where they find Sue, Mandy and Oliver sat talking. Sue looks up as they enter, giving them a quick smile before going back to whatever the three were talking about. Draco and Hermione continue through to the kitchen where Theo, Blaise and Gregory are leaning against the counters, sipping at glasses of wine.

"DRACO!" Blaise screams upon seeing him, running over and pulls him into a tight hug, squashing his arms against his side.

When he pulls back, he punches him in the arm, hard.

"What was that for?" Draco asks, glaring at his best friend as he rubs his arm.

"For flying head-first into a goalpost, you idiot." He goes to punch him again but Draco pushes his arm away. "I could have lost you, you idiot." He hugs him tightly again before pulling back and looking up at his forehead.

"Are you using a make-up charm?" He laughs.

"Shut up, Blaise." He punches his friend's shoulder.

"I'm fine."

"Good." Blaise smiles at him as he hands him a glass of wine off the counter. "I worry about you, you know." He tells him making him roll his eyes.

"I'm a grown man. You don't need to worry about me." He tells him, taking a sip from the wine glass.

"A grown man wouldn't have flown straight into a Quidditch goal post." He smirks at him.

"He's never gonna let you live that down," Theo calls out.

"I'm going to go find Luna," Hermione whispers in his ear before heading outside.

"Come one Draco." Blaise pulls him over to counters. "So how's it going?" He asks him.

Draco doesn't know how to answer the questions. He feels as though his life is a little chaotic at the moment. His mind is constantly thinking about his mother, Lucius, the Rowle's, the Minister, Hermione's cousins, Hermione, their marriage, the Ministry. He could go on.

He sighs deeply. "It's going... busy. We've been very busy." He admits.

Theo laughs, "Hey hey, are you going to be the first then?" He elbows him suggestively.

"Not that kind of busy." He rolls his eyes at his immature friends. "Family is very important to Hermione so we've been visiting them quite a lot." He tells them.

"Who do you think is going to be the first, though?" Theo asks quietly, leaning closer.

"First to what?" Draco questions.

"To get pregnant." Theo answers, eyes wide.

"Are we really going to gossip about our friend sex lives?" He asks, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Well, we know it's not going to be." Theo sends him a pointed look.

"What about you Theo?" Draco smirks at him.

Theo stands a little taller. "We want to get to know each other first." He says, looking down his nose at them all.

"It might be me." Blaise suddenly announces.

"You've slept with her." Gregory snickers.

"You can say sex, Gregory. It's not a dirty word." Blaise sneers at him. "And yes, we've had sex. We had sex on the night of the ceremony. And it wasn't the first time." He smiles proudly.

"No need to boast," Theo says before downing the rest of his wine. "I need some firewhiskey." He mutters before walking off.

"What's wrong with him?" Gregory asks.

"Probably just jealous." Blaise shrugs as the three of them head outside into the garden.

They take a seat at the garden table with William, who's pouring himself a shot of firewhisky. He glances around for Hermione, finding her sat with Luna, Isobel and Megan over by the gate. She looks over at him, smiling, which he returns.

"Wow, you've got it bad, Draco." William chuckles as he takes the shot.

"Excuse me?" He questions.

"You fancy Hermione, don't you?" He asks.

Draco stares at him for a moment. "Yes. I like my wife."

"No, it's more than that. You really like her." William nods as he pours himself another shot of firewhisky.

"Well, we have a lot in common." He admits, pouring himself a shot of firewhisky then downing it.

"Oh, I get it. Are Slytherin's not use to talking about their feelings?" He asks.

"I think it's mainly pure-blood Slytherin's. I'm more than happy to discuss my love for Luna." Blaise points out.

"You're not pure-blood?" William asks, looking at him curiously.

"Three-quarters. My father's father was half-blood." He shrugs.

"I didn't know that," Gregory says.

"Not something I could really come out and admit in the Slytherin common room, is it?" He rhetorically asks.

"I'm half too. I suppose the worse kind of half, though. Muggle mum and Muggleborn dad." William scoffs as he downs another shot of firewhisky.

"Are you alright, William?" Blaise asks him, glancing at Draco nervously.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." He laughs. "How does old Xenophilius feel about you, Blaise?" He asks.

"Erm... I think he likes me. I've only seen him twice since the ceremony." Blaise answers.

"Good for you," William says snidely then sighs. "Sorry. I'm sorry." He lets his head fall into his hands. "Isobel's father found out that we've been together for over three years and that we aren't getting divorced."

"How did he not know?" Blaise asks.

"We didn't want him to know until we left Hogwarts. He would have just excused our relationship as a school crush." He laughs. "We've been together since our fifth year, I think it's pretty serious." He grumbles.

"How'd you stay together through our fifth year with Umbridge roaming the halls?" Blaise laughs curiously.

"Isobel was part of Dumbledore's Army so we would just meet there after dinner most nights." He explained. "She tried sneaking me into the Ravenclaw common room once but we got caught by the prefect." He laughs at the memory before sighing again.

"William, do you really think Lucius would accept Hermione as my wife?" Draco asks him.

William burst out laughing. "No offence but there's more chance of you-know-who returning." He laughs again.

"Do you think that's going to stop us from making the best of this situation?" He asks, ignoring that comment.

William stops laughing. "It's different for you two. Your father is in Azkaban, Isobel's father works down the corridor from me in the Ministry." He mutters.

"It could be worse." Blaise leans across the table to whisper. "Imagine if you got paired with someone you couldn't even tolerate and then their father hated you as well." He says, nodding behind William.

They all turn around to find Pansy stood by herself, drink a bottle of butterbeer.

"I don't think Arthur actually hates her. Just strongly dislikes her father." Draco mentions.

"I'm talking about Ron." He corrects him. Draco's suddenly filled with anger although he's not entirely sure why. "He got paired with Pansy, who he despises, and whose father hates him. No wonder he drinks so much. I would if I was paired with her." He mutters.

At that moment, Pansy decides to walk over to them. They all quickly lean back into their chairs.

"So yeah, I would definitely recommend 'The Pentagon'. Luna and I went there a few days ago for lunch, it was grea- oh hi Pansy." Blaise rambles on as Pansy leans against Draco's chair.

"What are you talking about?" She asks glaring at them all.

"'The Pentagon', have you been, Pansy?" William asks her with a smile.

She sends him a glare. "What were you being so secretive about?" She asks, not believing him.

"Draco's crush on Hermione." Blaise answers.

"Blaise." He says warningly. His friend knows how Pansy can get at the mention of Hermione's name.

He looks up at Pansy to find her looking down at him with watery eyes. "I don't need to put up with this." She shakes her head. "I'll leave you to it." She tries to smirk but all she manages is a sad, forced smile.

They watch as she walks into the kitchen.

"Why can't you play nice, Blaise?" He rhetorically asks as he follows after Pansy.

He finds her sitting at the bottom of the stairs with a glass and an entire bottle of wine to herself.

"What do you want?" She asks as he settles down onto the step below her.

"How are you doing?" He asks as he awkwardly watches her wipe a tear away.

"How do you think?" She smiles at him holding her glass and bottle up before downing the rest of the wine in her glass and pouring more. She places her bottle between her legs then raises her free hand to his face.

"Pansy,-" He starts but she shushes him.

"How are you?" She asks, moving his hair out of the way, revealing his covered scar. "My dear husband told me about your accident." She spits.

"I'm fine, Pansy." She tells him, pushing her hand away. The anger returns at the mention of Weasley.

"How is your dear husband?" He asks.

"Drunk." She mutters. "He might be right, you know. This all might be more bearable if we're drunk." She laughs, before taking a large gulp of the wine.

"Have you even talked to him?" He asks.

"About what?" She huffs.

"Your future. What happens once you've had a child together?" He questions her.

"Oh Merlin," She groans as she drinks the rest of the glass. "Our child is going to be so fucked up." She grumbles. "Parents who hate each other, an alcoholic father, an overbearing grandmother, a strict grandfather and then me as a mother." She laughs for a few seconds before sighing. "They'll have every right to hate us." She mutters, drinking straight from the bottle.

"I don't even know why you were even paired with him," Draco mentions. "You're both pureblooded." He thinks aloud. It's something he's been wondering since the ceremony.

Pansy scoffs as she takes another swig from the bottle and ends up coughing and spluttering. "I'm half-blood." She admits.

Draco's eyes widen as he takes in what's she just said. All his life, Lucius and his mother had told him to find a nice, pureblood wife like Pansy. How had he not known that she was only a half-blood? How did Lucius not know?

"I was just as shocked as you when I found out." She smiles at him. "I was filling out that questionnaire in my bedroom when it glowed red when I tried to enter pureblood. I must have tried about twenty times before I went to my father." She laughs as she takes a sip from the bottle. "It turns out that his father's mother was only half-blood. Thought he could keep it a secret." She shakes his head. "Is that how they paired us?" She questions. "Based on our blood?" She frowns.

"We're trying to find out. We think it's a mixture of blood and how many children the person wanted." He explains.

"I wanted two." She admits quietly. "A boy and a girl. There's no way I'm staying with Weasel any longer than I need to so I'll have to live with one." She mutters.

"Draco!" He hears his voice being called from the living room.

Hermione looks over to where Draco had been sitting with Blaise, Gregory and William only to find him missing. Worrying that his head is hurting, she excuses herself and walks over to the table to ask the boys where he went.

"He followed Pansy inside a few minutes ago?" A slightly drunk William tells her and she feels jealousy fill her stomach.

She smiles and thanks him before walking into the house. She cast a quick eye around the kitchen but they're not there so she moves into the living room, which is now empty.

"Draco!" She calls heading towards the hall. She walks through the door and finds both Draco and Pansy sat on the stairs. The jealousy makes her stomach cramp up. "Oh, er... sorry, I'll be in here." She turns to leave but Pansy jumps up and grabs her wrist.

She spins around in shock, her free hand resting on her wand inside her bag.

"Stay, Granger. I'm going to go throw up." She tells her, then crawls up the stairs towards the bathroom.

She looks at Draco confusedly.

"She was upset so I sat and listened to her." He tries to explain but she shakes her head.

"You don't need to explain yourself. She's one of your friends." She smiles at him even though the jealousy is probably clear on her face. "I think someone should go check she's alright up there." She mentions.

"I'm not going up there." He tries to push past her into the living room but she stops him.

"She's your friend." She points out.

"I don't care. I can just about deal with crying women. I don't want to deal with throwing up women." He tells her and tries to make another exit.

"Fine, I'll go comfort your best friend." She calls after him and then instantly regrets it. She really doesn't want to be alone in the same room as Pansy but with no one else offering, she heads up the stairs after her.

She gently knocks on the door before opening it to reveal Pansy leaning over the toilet. She lifts her head up a few inches to see who's invading her privacy only to groan when she realises who it is.

"Come to gloat." She asks

"I've come to help." She tells her as she hangs her bag on the door handle as she shuts it behind her.

She takes her wand out and locks the door before using aguamenti and then incendio to fill the sink with hot water. Opening the cupboard under the sink, she finds a hairbrush and a hair bobble. Carefully, she brushes Pansy's hair back and ties it into a ponytail. She has to stop a few times as she throws up into the toilet.

"Why are you helping me, Ganger?" She grumbles.

"Draco refused and I doubt any of the other party guests would offer." She answers as she rubs her back soothingly. "Except Luna. She'd help anyone out, no matter who they are." She tells her.

"Blaise loves her." She states.

"That's good." She smiles.

"He never shuts up about her." She says as she slumps back against the door.

Hermione finds a flannel in the cupboard and soaks it in the hot water and wringing it out. She kneels on the floor in front of Pansy then uses the flannel to wipe vomit and sweat from her face.

"I wish I had a friend like you." She mumbles, making Hermione pause in her actions. "I never had any girl friends, only boy friends. It would have been nice." She sighs as she closes her eyes. "Can our children be friends?" She mutters.

Hermione stares at her in shock before deciding it's probably the drink talking so she smiles and nods. "Of course, Pansy." She tells her.

"Thank you, Granger." She says.

"I think it's time you went home." She tells her as she helps her to her feet, unlocks the door and helps her down the stairs. She sits her down on the stairs again. "I'll go get Draco to take you home." She tells her.

She finds him in the kitchen, drinking a butterbeer, talking to Luna and Megan. She goes over and grabs his hand, pulling him away from the girls, who giggle and whisper to each other.

"I think Pansy needs help getting home." She tells him.

Draco sighs as he places his bottle on the counter then follows her into the hall where Pansy was leaning against the wall.

"Just make sure she gets into the house alright." She tells him.

"Come on Pansy." He reaches out for her hands and pulls her up, wrapping an arm around her waist to hold her steady.

Hermione opens the front door for them.

"I'll be back in ten minutes." He tells her as he sets off towards Epsilon Street.

They're half way down Alpha Street when Pansy suddenly stops in her tracks.

"I want a baby. You need to have a baby." She stares at him.

Draco stares back at her for a moment before shaking his head.

"Pansy,-" He starts but she interrupts him.

"Come on, Draco." She whines. "They'd be best friends like we were when we were children."

He realises what she means.

"I think you need to talk to Weasley about that, not me." He tells her.

"I can handle the Weasel." She scoffs. "But you need to have a baby too. Granger said they'll be friends." She continues to whine.

"Okay, okay." He gives in, urging her forward.

She squeals excitedly, which is something he has never seen her do before, as she runs down the street.

"Pansy!" He calls after her but she doesn't stop so he runs after her.

She doesn't stop until she reaches her house.

"HUSBAND!" She shouts as she bangs on the door. "WHERE ARE YOU?" She calls as she continues to knock.

After a few minutes of continued knocking, the door finally opens to reveal a shirtless Weasley.

"What are ya fuckin' shoutin' at?" He slurs. "What ya want Malfoy?" He glares at him.

"I'm simply returning your wife home." He smirks at him, anger rising in him again.

"I WANT A BABY!" Pansy shouts in Weasley's face.

"What the fu-" Weasley steps back, away from her but she follows, wrapping her arms around his neck, trying to kiss him. "Geroff me." He tries to push her off but she clings on.

"Upstairs Weasel." She orders. "We're having sex." She tells him as she pushes him back towards the stairs.

"Geroff me." Weasley tries pushing her off him again and this time she lets go, placing her hands on her hips.

"Do you want this over with?" She asks.

"'Course." He spits.

"Then upstairs now Weasel." She tells him.

Draco watches as they both head upstairs, leaving him stood outside with the front door wide open. He closes the door then heads back to William and Isobel's house. He finds Hermione sat on the stairs waiting for his return when he opens the front door.

"Did she get in alright?" She asks.

Draco looks down at her. "They're having sex." He tells her.

"Who? Pansy and Ron?" She asks, to which he nods. "Oh God, in that state?" She shakes her head.

"Did you tell her our children could be friends?" He asks her doubtfully.

"Oh, yeah, I doubt she'll remember in the morning." She chuckles.

"Still, thank you for being kind to her." He tells her, taking her hand in his. "She doesn't have many friends." He adds, bringing her hand up to his lips for a peck.

Hermione's face blushes as she looks down. "As long as Pansy can accept that things have changed, then I'm sure we'll be able to get along with each other." She explains.

Draco smiles at her as she glances back up at him.

"You're amazing." He tells her, leaning down to give her a quick kiss.

They walk over through the living room into the kitchen where they grab a drink each. They're just starting a conversation with Blaise and Luna when Megan calls everyone's attention to her. William and Isobel come in from outside whilst Sue, Mandy and Richard come through from the living room.

"Gregory and I have an announcement to make." She says once she has everyone's attention.

"You're pregnant already." Isobel gasps excitedly.

"No, no we're not pregnant," Megan shouts over the eruption of mutterings. "We're moving to America." She announces and the room goes silent.

Draco looks at Gregory who doesn't seem to be showing any emotion.

"What do you mean?" Lisa asks.

"I've been asked to work in the British Wizarding Embassy in America. We're leaving next Thursday on the 16th." She explains. "We're having a small party next Tuesday to say goodbye before we leave."

"Megan!" Lisa cries, running forward to hug her friend.

"I can't believe you're leaving," Isobel says as she joins the hug.

"It won't be forever," Megan tells them tearfully. "I've been told five years. Maximum."

"Five years. You'll have to come back for holidays and we'll come and see you over there too." Lisa continues to cry as she makes plans. "And we'll send each other owls, every week." She promises.

"Of course we will." Megan nods.

Draco, Hermione, Blaise and Luna head outside to give them more space. They settle on the garden chairs with a bottle of wine between them all. Luna pours everyone a glass then raises it.

"To Gregory and Megan." She toasts and they all follow.

"It's funny, isn't it?" Blaise states as he sips his wine. "How this whole marriage decree can be the worst thing to happen to some people but then the best thing to happen to others. What do you think Gregory would be doing if the marriage decree wasn't enforced?" He asks.

"Probably following in his father's footsteps like most pureblood sons do." Draco answers.

"So having an arranged marriage to some pureblood witch with whom he would have a child and then live the rest of his life off his family's wealth?" Blaise chuckles rhetorically.

"Megan really is the best thing that could have happened to him." Luna agrees, leaning her head tiredly against Blaise's shoulder.

Blaise hums contently as he downs the rest of his wine. "I think it's time we got home." He announces, standing up and wrapping an arm around Luna's waist. "Do you want to join us for the walk?" He offers.

He glances at Hermione, who is in the middle of yawning and decides that it's time to go home. They quickly congratulate Gregory and Megan and thank Isobel and William for the invitation, before leaving. They all walked down Alpha Street, chatting to each other until they came to the Zabini house on Epsilon Street. They hug goodbye, then set off for their own house.

"Do you fancy a cup of tea?" Hermione asks him as she unlocks the door.

Her choice of wording reminds him of what William had asked him, 'You fancy Hermione, don't you?' He knows he likes her. They've gotten along better than he could ever have expected to have and she'd even called him her friend on more than one occasion. But did he like her as more than a friend? He supposes he does. He enjoys holding her hand and hugging her, which is something he'd never liked doing before. She's definitely changing him for the better.

"Yes," He answers as he kicks his shoes off and follows her into the kitchen. "I would fancy a cup of tea." He mutters as he leans against the counter, watching her as she puts the kettle on and adds a tea bag to two mugs.

Once made, they take their mugs of tea into the living room where they both sit on the couch. Draco stretched his legs out, resting his feet on top the coffee table, whilst Hermione curled her feet beneath her as she leant against Draco's side, sipping on her mug of tea.

"I'm not looking forward to tomorrow." She admits with another yawn. "If anyone ever finds out that I bribed the Minister of Magic for access to private records, my reputation would be ruined. I doubt Professor McGonagall would ever hire me as a professor after that." She mutters.

"You could assassinate the Minister and McGonagall would still want you." He reassures, making her chuckle, which he has to admit feels nice with her pressed against his side.

"It's not exactly a secret that she... disapproves of his governing methods." She defends the Headteacher.

"Please." Draco scoffs. "She's hated him since the end of the war." He adds. "I can't blame him. Some of his decrees are rather pointless. He doesn't want to be seen as doing nothing so he does too much." He tells her to which she just hums. "Are you falling asleep?" He asks, nudging her with his shoulder.

She hums again in confirmation. He takes her half-drunk cup of tea out of her hands, placing it on the coffee table before pulling her to her feet.

"Go up to bed, I'll be up in a minute." He tells her as he guides her towards the stairs.

He picks up the mugs, taking them into the kitchen to wash then follows Hermione upstairs to the bedroom where he gets changed into his pyjamas whilst Hermione brushes her teeth in the bathroom. He casts his own tooth cleaning charm before climbing into bed to wait for Hermione to return. When she does, though, she climbs into her side and falls straight to sleep leaving Draco lying on his back, trying to fall asleep.

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