Wanting You

By nooralawadhi

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"if you don't love me back I will walk out of that door and will never bother you again" •••••••••••••••••• ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fiften
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty Three

52 1 1
By nooralawadhi


Kissing Avery is so unbelievable, I never thought it would feel like that. I mean sure we've kissed before when we were really young, but if you compare it to the kiss we had, it wouldn't even be a kiss. When I kissed her in the kitchen, I was surprised just as much as her because never in a million years I would have thought of doing that.

I can't even begin to explain how turned on I get just by getting a peck. It's like she's unreal. I also feel like I have no control over myself and I keep kissing her. Her dad was protective over her around me for the first time, I think it's because this time there's the potential of me and Avery being a couple. Well at least I hope so because if we don't it wouldn't make sense why we kissed like that.


"Ooh so this is were we are going" Avery said as I opened the car door for her. "Yeah, I hope you like it." I said as I held her hand while we walked to the restaurant door. I looked at her and admired her beauty again, no words could describe her, and if I were to describe her I would never finish. She looked at me then, gave me a smile that looked different than usual. For the first time she looks genuinely happy, her face was literally shining. "I'll like everything you have planned" she said squeezing my hand.

Going in the restaurant I walked to the main desk with Avery and saw a man stood there. "Hello" he said giving us a warm smile. "Hi, reservation for Anderson please" I said fixing my suit jacket. He looked in his book and then grabbed two menus. "This way please" he said walking before us.

He sat us down in the balcony, it was a nice set up as well with all the lights hanging above us. "Thank you" Avery and I said to the guy as he left. "This is so cute Colton, thank you so much" she said glancing at the lights and people around us, also enjoying the place and food.

We opened the menu and started looking for what we wanted to eat. Avery suddenly put her menu down on the table, her eyes wide open. "Colton, this- I- oh my colt. This is very expensive, we really don't need to be-"

"Nope, it's not." I said looking at her in a scolding way. "Colton." She said looking back at me with the same look. "Your worth everything" I said caressing her face. She blushed, smiling at me. "Thank you" she whispered, as she went back to reading her menu. I wanted to kiss her so bad, but I still needed to do something. I can't just kiss her randomly without us being a thing, Even though I already did... I'm still not even used to all this, and I'm sure kissing her will never be a thing I'll get used to cause it's always amazing and different. But I do want to get used to a real relationship with her.



After the amazing dinner, and me arguing over him lying to me about going to the bathroom and paying without me knowing, we were now in the car. "Thank you so much" I said as I noticed we were getting closer to my house. "We aren't done yet" he said passing by my house, but instead of stopping he just kept driving. "Where are we going?" I asked curiously. "Somewhere we aren't dressed for at all, but I know you will like it." He said.

About ten minutes later, we stopped on the side of the highway, which was surprisingly empty, and he opened the door for me. "I really hope my car doesn't get towed, even though I don't think it would at the moment." He said, addressing the empty street as well. "What are we doing here?" I said looking at what looked like a woodland ahead of us. "We are going to do one last thing today" he said opening the backseat door and taking out my sports shoes. "Wow, you do have this all planned." I said chuckling taking off my heals and slipping on my nike shoes. "You ready?" He asked. "Yeah" I said walking with him. About five minutes in I was starting to get tired, especially since it was going higher, like a hill. Suddenly I felt myself being carried bridal style into Colton's arms.

"You don't need to, it's fine" I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "I don't want you getting tired" he said back, continuing his trek. My heart swelled at his actions, and the fact that's it's towards me makes it even more special.

Two minutes later, he slowly let me down. He then held my hand and walked me a few steps until we reached a tree with huge branches and leaves. He kissed my cheeks, smiled, and pushed a branch of leaves revealing a beautiful scene.

A picnic lay out was on the floor with a basket of chocolate covered strawberries next to it. Fairy lights were hanging on top of us from the trees, and there were pillows to make it look even more comfy. We were at a cliff, where we could see the quiet streets of our town with little light. "Who did all this- when- how?!" I asked surprised as he guided me to the carpet to take a seat. "I prepared everything, but I just told Liam to come set things up here while we were out." He said. I smiled at him "this is so cute, thank you" I said leaning towards him as he wrapped his arms around me. Slowly he leaned back having us lay down on the pillows, and what I saw then almost took my breathe away.

Thousands of stars were scattered on the sky above us, filling my view. Each star different than the other, or brighter than the other. "This is beautiful" I said softly. "You are beautiful too" he said his arms still around me. I chuckled but was also blushing like a tomato.

We just laid there in each other's silence for about thirty minutes before he got up, looking nervous. "I know I shouldn't be nervous about you saying no," he said as I got up holding his hands in mine, worried about what he was gonna say. "But I can't help but be scared. I know I've kissed you like three times and you did kiss me back, so I took that as a good sign" he said looking straight into my eyes. "You should have" I said leaning in closer to him, as if on extinct.

I was gonna connect my lips with his but he pulled back. I knew I shouldn't have felt hurt about that but I slightly did. "Trust me you'll  get many kisses from me in the future, but I just wanted to ask one thing to be sure" he said. "What is it?" I asked.

"Wow, I never thought this would ever happen" he said laughing, running his hands through his hair. "Avery will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

Never in my life I thought I would hear those words, especially from Colt. It felt like a dream, a dream I've dreamt a thousand times and more, just waiting to come true. It felt like a fairytale story, with a happy ending witch doesn't usually happen in real life.

And most importantly, it made me feel ecstatic, happy, and like I was on top of the world. To get something I've been wanting for long felt awesome to the point where it didn't feel real.

Ok yeah this definitely doesn't feel real, which is why I decided to pinch my forearm a bit. Feeling the sting though, I knew it was real. "Avery, I'm sorry if this was very sudden, you can take all you need to think this through and-"

Oh wait, why am I taking this long to answer. I should have answered by now.

"Yes" I said. "What?" He asked his eyes going big. "Yes!" I shouted grinning from ear to ear. Suddenly he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into his lap, connecting his lips with mine. His lips were moving heavily against mine, as if he was savoring the feeling. Slowly he laid me down on my back and was above me, holding his weight up with his arms by my shoulders. His lips were moving so heavenly on mine that I didn't know what to feel anymore, and I practically stopped kissing just wanting to feel his lips even more on me.

He gave me one last peck before he stopped, and once his lips left mine I had to take a deep breathe. "I still can't get over the fact that I can kiss you anytime I want now" he said smirking. "And I can't get over how amazing kissing you feels, oh my god Avery" he said turning over so that he was next to me now on his back, he then let out a breathe of air cooling himself down. I also noticed his hands covering his manhood area, which made me blush and that didn't go unnoticed by him. "Oh Avery" he said chuckling. "I guess I'm gonna be taking more cold showers from now on"

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