The Captured Shifter

By crazyreader111

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Bree comes from a family of horse shifters. After being separated from her family and sold, she does not know... More

The Captured Shifter
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter 5
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter Eight
chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter 12 & COMPETITION
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Authors note
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty - One
Twenty - Two
Twenty - Three
chapter twenty- Four
Chapter Twenty- Five
Authors Note..
Chapter Twenty- SIx
Chapter Twenty- Seven
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Clear things up
Chapter 31
Chapter 33

Chapter 32

3.1K 109 18
By crazyreader111

Emma's POV

 I woke up in a cell. It was cold and dark, I was aware of nothing. Everything was blurry and it angered me. Trying to recall what happened hurt my head. All I knew was that I was naked which meant I either shifted or was raped. But why was I in a cell?

Groaning I pushed myself onto my knees. I recognized the surroundings, I was in the Pack's dungeon. 

What did we do?  I asked my inner voice. 

Well, we tried to attack that bitch Amanda. We needed to give her what she deserved. Sadly, we failed. That is all you will ever be Emma, a fucking failure. Why did the moon god curse me with such a pitiful human being. I am cursed living with you. You are a weakling, a no one. 

No. I will show you I am not weak. I am a strong wolf- soon to be Alpha Female of this pack. They will bow down before me. All of the packs will. I am strong. You just wait. 

I sure hope so. If not, I will leave this body. 

Please no. You cant.. you know what that means.

Yes. We will both die. I would rather die than be stuck with you - you worthless piece of trash. 

I grabbed my head, whimpering at the pain my wolf was causing me.

"Please, no." I cried. "NO NO NO NO!" I screamed and yelled. Yanking at my hair, I tried to get into my head. "YOU WILL NOT LEAVE ME. I WILL PROVE TO YOU." 

I got up and began slamming against the walls. I threw myself against the door, screaming in frustration. I needed to get out. In the back of my mind I head shouting and the jingle of feet but I was to far gone in my mental breakdown to place it. I just needed to get out. To get out of my own head. 

I couldn't escape. 

** Amanda's POV**

That girl is crazy. I pity her because I know she hasn't had the easiest life, but she is insane - literally. She tried to kill me!


" God dammit Amanda. You cannot sneak up on me, your future Alpha Female! You were listening into my calls and who knows what you could have been planning after! If your brother was awake he would be disgusted with you! Get out of my sight you filthy animal. Or I'll put you down like the rabid animal you are." Emma snarled with a smack to my face.

My face whipped to the side, burning. I whimpered but then growled. I would not be put down nor would my brother be disgusted with me. I began to shake as anger consumed it. It filled me with a fire, and I was ready to exploded.

My clothes were shredded as I shifted. My fur sprouting instantly, forcing me into my shape. I was a little bigger than a normal she wolf, due to the Alpha blood pumping through my veins.  I faced Emma, ready to attack. The horses began to panic as my growls filled the room. 

Emma shifted and I knew we were going to fight. Watching her eyes change from blue to solid black, I knew she had given control over to her wolf. And that this could easily become a fight to the death. The warriors in the pack came rushing forward armed with chains and muzzles. I assumed that Emma had mindlinked them, sprouting lies that I was vicious. I barked to them, warning them that she was out of control and to be cautious. The last thing I wanted was death on our hands. She barked also, and the warriors had no idea who to follow. 

The decided to go with the bigger threat, her.  They knew I was in control. I watched as they jumped on her, and struggled to take her down. First the chains wrapped around her limbs and a muzzle was forced on. The pack doctor came running out with a sedative  - enough to take a horse down. It was quickly injected into her neck, the yellowish liquid quickly leaving the syringe. 

"Take her into the cells and leave her there. We will handle her once she wakes up. Make sure to have more sedatives ready. I think she finally lost it." I said through mindlink and they nodded. They knew to trust me. 


I still can't believe she slapped me and I let her live. Everything has just been happening so fast and I do not know what to make of it. 

Stroking my brother's face, I began to cry.

" Why did you leave me here all alone? Why. Everything was finally going well. We got the pack together after the death of our parents and now..". My voice cracked with sadness. "I can easily loose you too. I need you. I need you here to help me. If you do not help me who will? I will be left alone." I shoved my face into his chest. Hoping that I would feel his arms go around me, comfort me and tell me that everything was going to be okay. 

I slowly felt my tears dampen his shirt. I sniffed and lifted my face. I thought of Kalessi. I wondered how she was doing. I really needed to get her back. I know that she was sold, but how can I convince Mr. Jones to give her back? I do not think it is possible but I need to try.

My head snapped up at the sound of screams. My first thought was rouges were attacking us an we had no way of defense with my brother in a coma. The door busted open and a warrior came through, out of breath.

"Well??" I said impatiently. "What happened? Are their rogues?" I demanded.

"No miss. It is Emma. She is throwing herself against the walls and pulling her hair out. I fear she might have lost her mind - or worse, her wolf." He said.

"James, grab the doctor and the sedatives. We need to sedate her and restrain her so she is not a danger to us or herself. I fear that you are correct. I think she may have lost her wolf." I say, standing up. "lets go."

Together we ran throughout the hallways and people pushed to get out of our way. James and I split up, I ran to see what was wrong and he went to get the doctor. 

The sight before my eyes was tramatizing. 

Emma was bleeding from everywhere it seemed. Raw scratch marks were all over her arms, neck, stomach and legs considering she was naked. She was screaming and throwing herself against the bars, causing terrible bruising. Her arm seemed to be in the wrong position, and very painful. Thankfully I heard the doctor coming down the stairs and I demanded the warriors to restrain her.

  It was truly a fight. She growled and snarled, but did not shift. That worried me but I was grateful at the same time. Eventually we got the upper hand and we could inject her. 

"Please no. No. Not another shot. Please i'm okay. Just tell my wolf to come back. I am not worthless or weak." Emma whispered and I felt my heart break a little at how mentally weak she was. 

once the sedative worked through her system and she was passed out I demanded her to be restrained to a hospital bed and taken into the psych ward. We needed to evaluate her. Any shifter that lost their inner wolf usually went crazy and killed themselves and others. I didn't want to take any chances. 

Watching her being pulled away through the stretcher, i began to understand. Her wolf told her how weak she was an the only way to be strong was to be the highest you could be in the pack - Alpha Female. She did something to my brother - and i am assuming it has to be with witches - for her to misplace my brother's heart for his mate. And I intended to fix it because Kalessi is his true mate. She has to be. And true love turns everything around. I just hope that was true. 

HEY GUYS!! LONG TIME NO TALK. I hope you all are enjoying your break and spending time with family. I again had to say goodbye to someone close to me - my great aunt - in November. I had to read at her funeral and I messed up and I felt so bad. But i know she is looking down on me and is proud that I even stood up to read at all. How do you guys like this update? Please let me hear back from you, so I know that there are people out there who still care about this book.. please...

Word count: 1482 :)

I really want to finish this book, i just need some help.. someone who will actually work with me and help me finish my dream for this.. So if you are interested and really wont give up, reach out to me :) . Thank you. 

What do you guys think will happen with Emma? Are you feeling sorry for her? 

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