Wanting You

By nooralawadhi

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"if you don't love me back I will walk out of that door and will never bother you again" •••••••••••••••••• ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fiften
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty Two

55 2 2
By nooralawadhi


As soon as I got my voice back and wasn't shocked as much anymore I raised my voice so he can hear me and said "Colton! I love you too" I said standing up quick before he left.

I can't believe I didn't talk to him and let him explain, I'm such a mean person. God dammit. We could have made up before. His explanation though was really life changing, I never thought Colton felt so broken like me over the same fact that we both love each other. And now I was saying it as well.

He stopped in his tracks, and slowly turned around all the while looking at me. He quickly took large steps towards me, and that's when he did it.

He grabbed my face and kissed me.

It felt like heaven, something I haven't experienced before, or gotten a taste of. It felt like I was swimming in pure pleasure. His lips were soft and plump, but also hard and firm as well. Perfectly kissable just like I imagined. He tasted amazing, and sweet too. His mouth moved against mine slowly, but at the same time like we can't get enough from each other.

My arms were now around his neck playing with his hair at the back of his head, and his was slowly rubbing up and down my waist and hips from time to time squeezing a bit too. His tongue was slowly pushing against my mouth, and I didn't know what else to do than open it a bit giving him access to venture around but not too much.

We let go of each other and stopped kissing. "You have no idea how long I have been waiting to do that" he said out of breathe as his eyes were darker than ever. "Ditto" I said my heart beating so fast. Not a second after I said that though we kissed again, this time impossibly more passionate and heated. His hands now ventured down, and suddenly cupped my bottom pulling me closer. I gasped, and he pushed his tongue into my mouth again. He carried me, his arms still on me and placed me on the counter, as my kegs wrapped around his hips.

I've never felt more alive.Now I know why people obsess over kissing, because it feels so good.

Colton slowly pulled away his breathe fanning on my face, then he leaned in and whispered in my ear "Will you accompany me to dinner tonight at seven?" He asked his mouth slightly touching my earlobe at some words. I shivered and blushed because he noticed and was smirking right now. I nodded and gave him a small smile. He gave me a peck on the lips again and let go of me, walking to the door not a word spoken at out of his mouth.


It was now five p.m. and I was waiting for my mom to finish her call with Colton, I feel like she's doing a full interview with him, asking him what I should wear.

"Ok!" She said coming in clapping. "We are gonna get you looking so chic and pretty that he won't wanna get his hands off you, but let me just say if your planning anything book a hotel room or something because I don't want to hear-"

"Mom! Oh my god. We aren't even together yet, it's too early for that now." I said blushing hard just thinking about it. "Your making it seem like you and Colton just met. Honey you have known each other for so long, and loved each other for long too. You wouldn't be crazy for doing that. Not that I'm encouraging it but I don't want you regretting it when it happens because you think it's too early. With Colton it is never too early, if it's with another guy then maybe." She said sitting me down on the chair and looking at my hair.

"I'll never be with another guy" I mumbled, not sure if she heard me. "Ok so I'm thinking we give you big waves making your hair have this beachy look." She said, taking out the curling iron. My grandma worked as a hair stylist and had her own salon, so my mom learned some things from her. "Sure" I said

My mom did my hair and walked to my closet to see my clothes while I stared my makeup.
I did a light smokey eye and applied a nudish pink lipstick to match. My mom came out with the dress I got for Christmas last year from my aunt. It was a black dress with white stripes in the bodice, the stripes moved to my right leg with a slit next to it, by my left leg the dress was plain black. With it I wore black heels, and carried a beige clutch bag with a gold glittery cover.

"Ok he's definitely not gonna take his hands off of you, you look amazing!" My mom said fixing my hair as a last touch to my look. Just as she stepped back the doorbell rang. "Go! Go!" She said. I walked down the stairs slowly, grateful it was no where near the stairs so he wouldn't see how nervous I was going down them because with each step I was even closer to going on my first official date. And it's with Colton, which makes it so much better.

I heard my dad talking as I came closer to the door. Great, he's talking to Colton. "So, those days sleeping with my daughter in her bed finally paid of ha" he said leaning against the door. Oh my god, he did not just say that. I'm not going out now, I'm just gonna stay here.

"Mr. Wilson, I just want to let you know, when I shared a bed with Avery I didn't take advantage of her in any way. Also we were only friends so you didn't need to worry." I heard Colton say as I couldn't see him.

"So I need to worry now?" my dad asked. "No I mean-" he got cut off by my mom. "Avery what are you doing hiding behind the wall like that!" My mom said pushing me forward so now I was in full view of both of them, and let me just say Colton looked so good!

"Hi" I said blushing. "Hey" he said, looking me up and down and I noticed his eyes darkening. My dad suddenly stepped in front of me to block Colton from looking any further. "I want her back by ten" he said. I looked at the back of his head weirdly when he said that. "Ten, but Colton used to always take her out and they'd be back by twelve or she'd sleep over with him." My mom said looking at him just as weirded.

"It's different now" my dad said. "Ok well I'm gonna go, and I'll be back when we finish" I said walking to the door, as Colton gave me a heated stare all the way until I reached him. "So ten?" My dad asked. "Honey take your time" my mom said glaring at my dad. I saw him turn to her and whisper yell something, and she repeated the action back to him. "Bye" I said. Shutting the door.

Turning around I looked at Colton, and it was my turn to look him up and down. "You look ravishing" he said. "Thank you" I said I walking closer until our chests were touching and wrapped my hands around his neck. He leaned in and our lips connected into a slow paced kiss but not any less heated than the one in the kitchen today. His mouth moved against mine softly, he was such a good kisser I felt like I was melting.

Just as I was about to release a sound from my throat I heard the sound of a window opening. "I thought you two were leaving?" My dad said in a scolding voice from our living room window glaring at us. "David!" My mom shouted, and that's all Colton and I needed to start laughing at them.

He led me to his car and opened the door for me. Once I got in he shut it and walked to the other side to get in. Once he was seated and started the car I asked "so where are we going?"

"I would tell you, but then it would ruin the surprise I'm planning" he said smirking. "Aren't you sneaky?" I asked shaking my head. "Wouldn't you wanna know" he said backing the car out of our driveway, a smirk on his face.

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