Torn Asunder

By Trewest

154K 2.3K 311

Valentine and Dante Smith are twins that are nothing alike and yet share a strong connection. So what happens... More

Torn Asunder
Chapter 1 Valentine
Chapter 1 Dante
Chapter 2 Valentine
Chapter 2 Dante
Chapter 3 Valentine
Chapter 3 Dante
Chapter 4 Valentine
Chapter 4 Dante
Chapter 5 Valentine
Chapter 5 Dante
Chapter 6 Valentine
Chapter 6 Dante
Chapter 7 Valentine
Chapter 7 Dante
Chapter 8 Valentine
Chapter 8 Dante
Chapter 9 Valentine
Chapter 9 Dante
Chapter 10 Valentine and Dante
Chapter 11 Dante
Chapter 11 Valentine
Chapter 12 Dante
Chapter 12 Valentine
Chapter 13 Dante
Chapter 13 Valentine
Chapter 14 Dante
Chapter 14 Valentine
Chapter 15 Dante
Chapter 16 Dante
Chapter 16 Valentine
Chapter 17 Dante
Chapter 17 Valentine
Chapter 18 Dante
Chapter 18 Finale

Chapter 15 Valentine

3.2K 56 16
By Trewest

A/N: The woman to the side is Billie Piper. I'm casting her for Isabeau now. I like her look better.

I have all but given up on the pg 13 rating. I'm going to write this chapter to my dirty little heart's conent and just change the story to a friggin' R rating already. Hold onto you keyboards my friends, you KNOW what this means :D

Music to the side is one of the songs I was listening to while writing this chapter, just felt like sharing


Once you fall from favour in the vampire world, things start to look a whole lot less like the decadent hedonism I'd been spoiled with and turned nasty very quickly. Lucretia held me in place, my body broken and bleeding while Isabeau Fed on me. Hours ago I had been a toy and trinket to these women, a treasure or possession to be squabbled over, bickered about and finally forced into the role of sexual partner. And now I was an example to be made, a warning for the other vampires of this den to never disobey, never fight each other and especially NEVER attack Lucretia.  My bad but I really couldn't find it in myself to apologize and mean it.

There was this horrible look in her eyes that said I needed to derail her thinking before she put her sadistic plan into action. As Isabeau pressed her fangs deeper into my flesh, trying to increase the pain I endured, a desperate plan jumped into my head. I knew exactly how to distract these harridans and I just gave up on staying sane for the sake of survival. So while Lucretia stood over me snarling and Isabeau tore into my neck, I allowed the body I wore to react like it wanted to.

My hand dropped from trying to pull Isa away to fall into the gap between her thighs and even in her anger Isa groaned against my flesh with anticipation.  We were sprawled in a darkened alley way, barely out of the view of whichever poor victim witnessed our monstrosity and there were seven vampires around us snarling. And yet the body I wore stroked the front of Isa's jean clad core as if we were in a private boudoir. I felt the blond Feeding from me shudder as she remembered what my Dante's touch must feel like against her flesh and the only way I could continue was imagining it was him and I again.

I closed my eyes and brought my other hand down to undo the front of her jeans while she whimpered into the wound she'd given me. Like when I'd nearly killed her, no one stepped in while my hands disappeared into the front of her pants. They probably all stood there and watched while the long fingers of Dante's hand, the body I wore, stroked out familiar patterns against her ever dampening clit. There is an advantage to being a woman trapped inside the body of a virile man, while trying to pleasure a woman. I was going to need therapy for eternity after this but that didn't stop me from stroking Isa until she couldn't Feed, building her lust while she writhed against my hand. I kept my eyes pressed shut as helping hands pulled the fabrics covering the vampire against me away. They were helping us.

There is just nothing approaching healthy about this group of sick fuckheads but I was taking advantage of that fact so who was I to complain about it? The rough callouses on the hands I wore scraped over silky smooth skin, making her shudder and goosebumps raise in response. I could feel the painful pressure of my own arousal hitting the seam of the pants I wore and frustrated hands tore at the fabric, freeing my erection. Since my hands were still busy pressing pleasurable nonsense into her body, I had to assume that things were degenterating into a Dyonisian orgy beyond my closed eyelids. I didn't care. I had to give up my decency. I could only do this, keep my beloved Dante's body alive by giving up pieces of me that I wouldn't get back.

What would I want Dante to stroke against my skin? Thought occured and fingers complied, imagination presenting my own feminine body as the canvas my fingers painted. If I were Dante, I would touch me like this, fingers stroking against flesh like a blind man studying the Venus de Milo. I could head her moaning against my neck, still too weak to be her more aggressive self and hapless against my blatant seduction. As the clothes were literally torn off my body, I felt her eagerness as a dampness against my abdomen. There were snarls in the air around us as the vampires standing guard were hit by their own combinations of Hunger, arousal and true bloodlust. Part of me greatly wished that they would start to tear into each other, kill each other off so I wouldn't have to worry about them anymore.

The vampire above me shifted and slammed her wet core around the arousal that pressed between us. I let out a groan, reminding me of the sounds Dante had made on our dreamscape. I tried to focus on that sound, the way his body had responded to mine even though none of it had physically happened. I knew what he liked done to his body and planned to use every single thing I learned. My hands gripped her hips roughly, guiding her bouncing movements as she rode me. The good news was that the distraction was working. The bad news was that I was once again having sex with a woman.

A wave of grief hit me from my twin and I was so grateful when I felt myself connect with him again. It might have been desperate or needy, but I clung to that sensation and tried to ride it back to my Dante. I needed him so badly now, the broken pieces of who I was and what I was becoming were raw and infected and I needed him. And somehow, impossibly he felt me and clung right back. It wasn't the same as the dreamscape, then I'd been able to see, feel, touch, love. But this new connection was more ephemeral, not a conversation but instead a connection of the emotions. I knew somehow that Luka was dead, and I also knew that Dante was aware of the changes in his own body now. He could feel the change in the Master-Childe bond even if he didn't entirely understand everything else that happened.

The connection faded as quickly as it had appeared and I was once more aware of the skin I wore. The last time I had walked away from my body, I'd woken up in Dante's. It might have been foolish and naive, but I had secretly hoped that the body I woke up in now would be my own again. I also fervently wished that I would wake up safe, with Dante and away from all this world. I just knew it woul never happen. So I was only half disappointed when I realized I was still wearing Dante's flesh. Although I was now finding that I greatly liked the idea of having him in me, it wasn't in this fashion that I wanted.

Isabeau was in the final throes of her orgasm and my body throbbed and hummed with it's own ending pleasure. Great, so I was there for the violence, the work and the effort but I miss out on the fun and come back in time for the clean up! There is really some higher power up there that really dislikes me.  There is no other explanation for the garbage heap my life had become in the last three months.

I shoved the satisfied Isabeau away, part of my brain filing it away for later reference that both of us were entirely healed from our wounds even though our naked bodies were painted in blood. The rest of my attention was on the fact that I had no clue of the actual date, but with the length of time we've been hauling ass all over Europe, it had to be well into September. I was missing school, Dante was as well. Our parents must be freaking out about us. We just disappeared, me especially.

Panic clawed at my throat, closing off my airway as I tried to suck in oxygen I didn't need. My heart rate was trying to beat in a paniced race but the body I wore wasn't human anymore. So instead the abused muscle throbbed and jerked out painful spasms of fear. Acid squirted up to coat my mouth as my stomach clenched and I rolled over and threw up blood and acid.

My vision ate away under a wash of grey and white, the inside of my skull feeling like broken glass, metal shards and firey coals were being crammed in and shook about. The muscles of my body spasmed, twitching and jerking like I'd touches a live wire. The rest of the vampires stood back and away, watching my writhing form in shock, alarm and dismay. Lucretia had been feeding on my fear and panic but even she could do nothing but helplessly watch as my body shuddered under some unknown force.

More fear hit me as I worried about my Dante. What was happening to him that this was happening to me? "DANTE!" I screamed, unable to hold the pressure inside anymore as something tore out of me and flung away. My body collapsed to the ground under me, muscles limp and weak with exhaustion.

There was nothing but silence around me as I breathed harshly in the hot air. My chest hurt and it took me a moment to realize that it was the ache of an under used muscle. Dante's heart had a perfectly normal, healthy sounding heartbeat again. Taking in a sweet tasting breath, the air flowed into my body, healing and soothing. My muscles were beginning to tweak weakly, too much exertion in too little time but I just smiled. I could hear the blood throbbing in my veins, a soft flush returning to the skin of my arm as I watched. But I still couldn't move. Someone lifted me, moved the limbs of my body and I realized that I couldn't even move my head. Or my eyes even. I was immobilized and I had no clue why. What was happening to me now?

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