Unusual Powers: (BEING EDITED...

By Dance_Away808

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I thought I was normal. I was wrong. Two years ago, I escaped from a Form. They were teaching us how to use... More

Abby Hellen (Edited)
Expectation (Edited)
Alec's back (Edited)
A Dream (Edited)
Kaely... (Edited)
Abandoned House (Edited)
Black Shadow (Edited)
Fighting... (Edited)
Loss in Training (Edited)
I like her (Edited)
No Normal Day
Forgiven. Forgotten. Thrown Away.
Mary Hellen
Our Plan
Drug her
Getting answers
Game Plan
He's Here...
This is our Battle
Lost Somewhere
How Do We Get Back?
On my Way
I love you...
Dad doesn't love you...But Someone Does
Holy Green
Memories, Too Strong
The Fight Begins
Forever Gone

Live. Fight. Die.

275 6 3
By Dance_Away808

                                                                      Alec's P.O.V

                                                          *Two Weeks ago (Memory)*

Once Kaely woke up after that rock hitting her, I felt relief. Because she was just fine. But after we were there a little longer she past out, or fell asleep. I smiled and she smiled back making me feel okay for a minute. But then I went back to reality. She is still badly injured. She still needs all the help she can get. 

"Alec," She said. She is on her side with one hand on her head. I turned around and titled my head pretty much saying, yeah? "Thank you for helping me." 

I knew I was blushing. "Yeah. What are Friends for?" I hated that I said friends, because I want to be much more than that. I don't want to be friends. She shrugged and closed her eyes for a second, but then she opened them again. 

She smiled, "I'm serious. You are an amazing friend. I can't imagine life without you..." she said. Again, I am blushing. I really like her but I don't even know if she likes me. It sucks.  "Why'd you do it?" 

"Do what?" I asked. Because, obviously, I am confused. 

"Fight for me...you could have let me die...you could have not gotten hurt." She explained. But she is wrong. 

"That's wasn't an option," I told her, "Besides, were both alive, right? I couldn't watch you die. That's sick! I couldn't see something like that. Especially if it is someone I really care about." Now, Kaely blushed. She turned her face in between her arms hiding her face. 

Kaely is way too special to let die. What kind of person would I be watching her die? Not a good one, i'll say that much. But why is it so surprising? I thought by now Kaely would realize I really, really like her. Way more than just a friend. I know how it feels now. When you like someone and you walk by them, hoping one day they will notice you. But it never happens. And it breaks your heart... But when you get just the smallest conversation with them, you feel like you have a chance...but I know that's not always true. 

"Alec!" Kaely yelled. I don't know why. It wasn't a cry for help it was more like a joking yell for me. "Stop it!" Now, I am so confused. "Your making me feel horrible. Because you got injured a lot too. And all because of me." 

"That is not true!" I snapped. I frowned and crossed my arms. I lifted one eyebrow. "I took you there! I shouldn't have! And I feel terrible because I like you..." I admitted. That slipped, I thought, I wasn't going to tell her, not yet at least. But now, I need an explanation to her. "...and you got hurt. I just don't know what I was thinking, taking you out here. I am so sorry. I am the one that should be lying there in pain, not you!" 

She looked away. I said too much... I don't think she believes me. I think she thinks that she is the one that should be there. But that is totally not true! 

Kaely hasn't seen it yet... I gave her some flowers. They are sitting at the bottom of the blankets she is lying on. The blankets are on a rock. I had to find somewhere for her to sleep. I found the flowers next to a beautiful creek, not too far from where we are right now. I don't even know where we are, honestly. 

It is a variety of flowers. A couple dahlia flowers which are white puffy ones. Two Japhette Orchids and those are white flowers with about five petals and in the middle there is a tube-like petal. And one Queen Anne's Lace and those are multiple Minnie flowers connected on separate vines connecting to one stem. Yes, they are all white, but I thought they were amazing. I have never send them before. Never. So, I thought, hey, I like her, and they are pretty. Kaely is also beautiful and she deserves something like this. 

I sat down on a rock and I closed my eyes. Of course I awake. I heard the sound of a gasp. It was Kaely. She found the flowers! She blushed and looked at me. I got up and stood next to her. "Why? Why did you get me these?" she asked amazed. 

                                                         Kaely's P.O.V

Oh my gosh, these flowers are beautiful! Where'd he find these? I have never seen these before in my life. There amazing! Why did he get them for me, though? 

"Well," Alec blurted, "They remind me of you. Because your beautiful, there beautiful. And the flowers are for you because you deserve them! All your hard work. I found them by the creek and I picked them." he said.

"Thank you so much." I leaned up and reached to hug him. It was a bone-crushing hug. 

"Kaely. I really like you. I have I think ever since I first saw you. You are amazing, beautiful, smart, intelligent, funny and well, you are not like any other girl. The way you smile, it lights a room. Your smile reaches your eyes and makes them shine. You are just so perfect and I--"

I met his lips. I kissed him to make him stop blabbing. He wouldn't stop. Although, it was all sweet but I know he could of went on forever trying to please me. I backed my head after a few seconds. "You talk to much." I told him taking my hand off his face. "Thanks for the flowers. I think we should go home now. Don't you?"  

                                                                       Rikki's P.O.V (during the fight) 

I keep hearing loud bangs or something. I don't know what it is. Maybe someone is downstairs? Maybe Abby is getting a drink? A loud scream appeared. What is happening? Is someone fighting? I ran out of the room breathing heavily to what I saw...Alec...Kevin...Abby, there all on the floor. Dead? I am not sure. 

I see Baron get up off of Alec. What is he doing here? How did he find us? Oh, no! I missed out on something, apparently. 

Baron ran up to me and smiled evil-like. Not giving me a chance to move or fight, he stabbed my arm, he was aiming for my heart, but I leaned to the side, and he caught my right arm. I didn't want to scream, but I could help it. I let out a loud scream. I saw a lot of blood come from me. Lights were bright, the room was spinning.

I ran over to Baron and punched his face three times. He held his left cheek, because that is the side I hit. He looked up at me clearly putting preasure on his face. But then he let go, like the hit did nothing to affect him. He smiled. I grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm. I think I broke it. I heard a bone crack. It was his left arm. "Now were even." I said almost yelling.

"No." he said, "Were not." he lifted his hand and stabbed my heart. I thought he had dropped the knife. Apparently, he didn't. I am going to die! I can't! I have to help them fight the Form! I knelt to my knees, caughing blood. I looked up at Baron. 

"Just don't kill them..." I said almost using every breath, and muscle in my body to talk. I didn't know it took that much effort.

"Didn't see that one coming. Huh, Rikki?" Baron asked. I looked at him wryly. My knees wore out and my body flopped onto the ground. I rolled my eyes and took one last look at Alec...Secretly, I kind of liked him, but I never got the chance to be with him. Too bad I am gonna die anytime now. I felt one tear fall from my face while starring at Alec precious face. My eyes closed slowyl and I took my last breath. Death.

                                                                     Alec's P.O.V (Waking up)

I woke up and for some reason, I am freezing. I don't want to talk, but I see Kevin and Abby are still down. I am not really sure exactly what happened. I know I have to do something. Whatever i can do will help a little. But by the time I am awake, Baron is gone. Abby and Kevin are on the floor. I can see them moving a little. There alive! 

I turned around and saw Rikki. When did she come down? A knife is puntured through her heart. She is dead! No! She can't be dead! I ran over to her and shook her body, but there was no hope. She is dead. I can't do anything about it. 

Abby and Kevin finally got up. They saw Rikki's body lying on the floor. "She's dead." Kevin said. Even though she was mean at first, she was nice at the end. "Baron. Killed. Her. Wait, where is Baron?" 

"I guess he left." I told him. Abby knelt to the ground hugging Rikki's dead and cold body. \

"We can't fight the Form anymore you guys." Abby said. "Not with one less person. And anyways, now we know what Baron is capible of.  With no weapons. Well, he lied. He said no weapons. He used weapons to kill Rikki," she told us.

"Well, actually, he used his power to control it. Technacally, if you think about it, he didn't cheat us." Kevin said. 

But now, Rikki is dead. Is it over? All what we have worked for? It can't be! Can it? 

Authors Note: Hey guys!!!! NEW CHAPTER!!!!! AND like ittttt????? What'd you think????? Dramatic ending?????

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