I'll Be Good - INU sequel ⚣ TK

By tereselovlien

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V was the famous psychologist in Korea. He cured his patients who had a hard time. However, rumours spread j... More

Coming soon (prologue)
Chapter one: harder than usual
Chapter 2: I work at Lite Company
Chapter 3: Better in no time
Chapter 4: Did you get the job?
Chapter 5: He puts on this act
Chapter 6: All you did was to follow your heart
Chapter 7: First day at work
Chapter 8: We'll get help
Chapter 9: He's gone
Chapter 10: He wasn't going to jump
Chapter 11: Stop it
Chapter 13: I'm okay
Chapter 14: Help
Chapter 15: Report him
Chapter 16: He wasn't okay
Chapter 17: Lawyer Go Eunhyun
Chapter 18: May the court meeting begin
Chapter 19: The results... (final chapter)

Chapter 12: Brave act

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By tereselovlien

Unedited! Hello everyone! Sorry for the slow update, but here's a new chapter~ I hope you'll enjoy it .xx 


Jungkook couldn't even manage to press out words and just bawled. He wanted to tell him badly, but when he thought about it again, would it be okay for him to tell his boyfriend how his boss had acted? He knew straight away Taehyung wouldn't accept his attitude and go and scold him, but then Jungkook would be fired. Could he afford that? Could they afford that?

Maybe I should just keep quiet until Taehyung gets back to work, he thought to himself as he had calmed himself down and stopped bawling. 

 "Tell me what got you so upset Jungkookie," Taehyung said softly as he was stroking his hair gently affectionately, "tell me." 

Jungkook hesitantly met the elder's eyes. "I was scolded today because I was doing a sloppy job," he lied. I just can't tell him, at least not yet. "I know I deserved it, but my boss was so scary, and he even threatened to fire me if I continued like that." The younger tried his best to seem convincing, and miraculously, Taehyung seemed to had believed him.

"That's a dick move from him," he said, obviously on his boyfriend's side, "did you tell him how you felt about his way of teaching?"

"Of course not, how could I?" Jungkook asked, now talking about how it really happened. If he even showed the slightest protest of how he was pushing himself on the younger, he'd get fired immediately.

"You have right as a worker there to confront your boss about your dislikes, to help your boss, your colleagues, and yourself to make it a better place for all of you, and working together as one," he told him, almost like he was scolding him, but it was the complete opposite: he just wanted to guide the young one to not feel at discomfort. "Actually, when I first was hired at my company, Mrs Kim and I never got along as she underestimated me by my young age and thought I was a spoiled kid from a rich family that had used money to get forward. I confronted her about it and how she made me uncomfortable and making my working abilities to drop when she was scuffling every time she was in my presence, and we eventually found a solution, and peace, with each other," he told him, "now she's like family."

"Wow, I never knew," Jungkook admitted. He knew Taehyung and Mrs Kim were close, but not that they despised each other at first in his earlier career years. 

"The point is," he continued, "you just gotta trust your boss and talk to him." Yeah, over my dead body, Jungkook thought to himself sarcastically. Just the thought of being alone with Mr Nam again made his whole body shiver, and it was not because of his boyfriend's soft touches by his fingers that was stroking on his forearms gently, so careful like he was afraid his skin would crack otherwise. 

"Thanks, hyung," he smiled, "I've just been tired and frustrated today. Will you be home from now on?"

Taehyung nodded. "Of course Jungkookie," he said, "always." 

Jungkook tried to distract himself from what had happened earlier at work, and just concentrated on enjoying the company he shared with his boyfriend. He made dinner, and he cuddled with the younger on the sofa. They stole a few kisses here and there, but how they ended up roughly making out and eventually the clothes came off as well was beyond their control.

And when they woke up the next morning on the couch, almost causing Jungkook to get late to work, they stressed through the morning; Taehyung gave him a quick goodbye kiss before he exited the house and ran the fastest he could to the Lite Company building that wasn't too far away.

"You're two minutes late," said a certain dark voice from behind him as he had just taken his seat by his desk.

The black haired male turned around and met eyes with the man he feared. "What?" was all he managed to breathe out. He can't be serious.

"You're. Two. Minutes. Late," he said, separating each word.

"I'm sorry," the younger apologised, "I overslept by accident."

"Make sure it won't happen again," he glared before he slammed his office door behind him.

"What's up with him?" Jungkook's colleague, and seatmate, asked with a frown.

"Don't know," he replied back.

"Have you been on his nerves lately or what? He's never like that."

"I don't know," the younger repeated, and so he began his work, ignoring everyone else, whilst mentally praying he wouldn't see Mr Nam further that day - or any other day if he was fully honest.

During the male's break, he went out to get some fresh air. He spotted Jimin further away, and decided to walk up to him as he had been working for four hours alone and wanted to use his voice for a little while.

"Hey hyung," Jungkook greeted, making the older man's expression soft and turn into a smile.

"Hey Jungkook," he smiled back, "heard you were late for work today?"

Jungkook sighed. "Two minutes," he said as he rolled his eyes.

"Only two minutes?" the elder frowned, "Mr Nam was pissed by two minutes?" Jungkook nodded. "He's never like that though."

"Maybe he just hates me," Jungkook said uninterested. He was hoping that was true, but he knew it wasn't - unless he had a weird way of expressing his hatred.

"He doesn't," Jimin protested, "maybe he has it bad with his wife at home."

Jungkook's jaw dropped. "...wife?" he asked hesitantly, hoping he heard wrong.

"Yeah, wife," he said, "he's married."

Jungkook wasn't able to reply. Mr Nam, whom had literally attacked him with kisses and touches, who was supposed to be a homophobic, was married to a woman. In what world would all of that make sense to him?

"You okay?" Jimin asked, "you don't look good."

"I'm sick," Jungkook spat as he quickly turned around and stomped away, his destination being the office Mr Nam was always locked away in.

Jungkook bursted through the door, causing the elder man to jump in surprise by his desk, and quickly slammed his laptop close, not realising later it was just Jungkook. "I hope you have a good reason to startle me like this," he glared.

"Damn sure I have!" he started yelling as he closed the door behind him, "how come you have a wife, but trying to sexually assault me?" he asked straightforward, not even trying to hide how furious he was.

"It got nothing to do with you," Mr Nam said nonchalantly, only earning a snort from the younger one.

"Nothing to do with me? Are you stupid? You tried to assault me, of course I got something to do with it! I didn't say anything to my closest friends, I didn't even tell my fucking boyfriend because I was afraid! You have a wife, you have a good job position, whilst I on the other hand is desperate to work, and you're trying to pin me and threaten me, just because you feel like it, or have it hard at home? Do I seem that easy to you? I'm not gonna tolerate you being an absolute dick to me, and I'm surely not gonna fear if you're firing me, because what you're doing is against the law, and you should be the one being afraid if I decide to sue you."

Jungkook was glad he had finally scolded him the way he wanted, but it was his reaction afterwards he was nervous to witness. 

"You seem braver than before," Mr Nam said, now standing up. Jungkook had to be honest: he was afraid every time he'd stand up and approach him. "Sure you didn't have a nice little chat with your infamous psychologist boyfriend?"

"He doesn't know, no," Jungkook said with a glare, "but he will soon."

"The hell he will!" Mr Nam yelled, "or you're fired, faggot."

"I don't mind!" he yelled back, "I'd be much better off anywhere else than here. I'd rather just be stuck in a store than being stuck here with you."

Mr Nam's eyes fired up in his glare. He looked down on Jungkook like he was prey that he was ready to swallow whole. "Be careful now Jungkookie," he said, surprisingly calm in his voice, "I wouldn't make enemies with me."

Jungkook couldn't help but to gulp.

"I'll give you a chance to not approach me again, and not to tell anyone, and I won't say anything about your little brave act, yeah?" he suggested, "if you wanna continue to work and earn money for a roof and food for you and your little boyfriend I mean."

Jungkook fell silent. He was right, he needed the job, especially when Taehyung still wasn't working himself.


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