I'll Be Good - INU sequel ⚣ TK

By tereselovlien

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V was the famous psychologist in Korea. He cured his patients who had a hard time. However, rumours spread j... More

Coming soon (prologue)
Chapter one: harder than usual
Chapter 2: I work at Lite Company
Chapter 3: Better in no time
Chapter 4: Did you get the job?
Chapter 5: He puts on this act
Chapter 6: All you did was to follow your heart
Chapter 7: First day at work
Chapter 8: We'll get help
Chapter 10: He wasn't going to jump
Chapter 11: Stop it
Chapter 12: Brave act
Chapter 13: I'm okay
Chapter 14: Help
Chapter 15: Report him
Chapter 16: He wasn't okay
Chapter 17: Lawyer Go Eunhyun
Chapter 18: May the court meeting begin
Chapter 19: The results... (final chapter)

Chapter 9: He's gone

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By tereselovlien

Sorry in advance for the typos, I haven't edited it yet but I wanted to update for you, so here you go. 


Jungkook heard his other friends gasping at him as they all stared with eyes open wide.

"Jungkook!" Seokjin said in a scolding matter. "Why on earth did you say all that?"

Even Yoongi stepped in this time. "That's harsh mate."

Jimin slowly approached him with sadness written all over him. "I know Hoseok has been giving you a hard time ever since you and Taehyung build up feelings for each other, but don't you think that went out of hand?" he said, worryingly glancing in Hoseok's direction. "Try to be nice to each other. I know it's not the easiest thing to do, but it's the right thing to do. Imagine your roles switched up and Taehyung was with Hoseok. How would you feel? Think about that for a moment before joining us in the lounge, yeah?" After Jimin said what was on his mind, he guided everyone but Jungkook to the lounge, and the younger did what he was told and waited.

He knew they were all right. He didn't like being mean or nasty - it's a disgusting feeling when you realise you've just crushed someone's heart. Jungkook was going to apologise, and whether or not he'd become friends with Hoseok again, that'd be up to the other.

"Hey," he muttered as he walked up to Hoseok who was by the big book shelf that belonged to Taehyung as it was all of his previous studying books, and some literature he fancied. "I'm really sorry for what I said. I know it was harsh and mean. I honestly didn't mean any of tha-"

"Of course you meant it, and it's true," he interrupted him, "I know Taehyung never liked me back. He felt pressured before, but I never made a move to even try, and when you came along, it was far too late. I've realised that. But that's not why I'm giving you a hard time."

Jungkook looked back up to meet his eyes. "What do you mean?" he asked confused.

Hoseok smiled warmly. "It's because I want to mature you so you'll treat him the way he deserves. I want to make him the happiest man on earth, but since that's not my mission, I'm trying to pass it on to you."

Jungkook's jaw was literally hanging. "So..." he started unsurely, "you don't hate me?"

"I did at first," he confessed, "but what the point when it'd only cause hatred and conflicts? I decided to accept that we're a big part of our common friends and crushes. Just promise me you'll never hurt Taehyung, and I'll be there for all of you, as a good and loyal friend."

The black haired male was literally crying. He was so touched and moved he couldn't control himself. He threw his arms around Hoseok, grateful for his words and thoughts. He had never heard anyone say such things. He was the strongest person Jungkook had ever met. "Thank you," he pressed out, "thank you so much Hoseok."

"Wow," said a sudden voice behind them, "never would've guessed you two would hug after the scene from earlier," Namjoon commented as saw them.

They both smiled at their friends as Hoseok told him how he was secretly feeling and trying to do on his own. They respected his choice because he did it to make himself feel better. He was devastated when Taehyung and Jungkook moved in together, but he had accepted it and dealt with it in his own way.

The next day Jungkook woke up extra early to get to the hospital as quickly as he could. It was possible for his boyfriend to be released today, if his condition said so. But he wanted to visit him anyways as he wasn't there the day before, which Taehyung probably was slightly upset by.

When he arrived as Jimin drove him before his work started (Jungkook was excused this Monday), he immediately went up to Taehyung's private room. He knocked gently on the door before entering, but when he saw the bed where his boyfriend was supposed to be lying at, he slightly panicked.

He's gone, he thought to himself as he tried to calm himself down and checked the bathroom in case he was just overreacting, and he was in fact just either showering or taking a dump. It was open however, and no sight of Taehyung inside. Maybe he's with a nurse, getting checked, he thought some more as he took deep breaths. 

"Excuse me," Jungkook said to the first person he saw in a white coat and a name tag, "where is Kim Taehyung?"

The female nurse checked on her board, glancing at the room he just came out of behind him. "He's signed in to that room. Was he not there?" she asked, scanning through her board.

"Obviously not, or else I would be there, not asking where he is," he said sarcastically. He didn't mean to sound rude, but not knowing his boyfriend's whereabouts made him extremely nervous, especially the mentally condition he was in.

"I see," she muttered, checking once more, "there's no check up on him until this afternoon. I'll ask an upperclassman."

Jungkook nodded, sitting down at the chair outside Taehyung's room, but as soon as the nurse was out of his sight, he was up on his feet again. He searched the floor where patients usually are during a long period and wants to watch the television, eat snacks or drink, or just socialise. Taehyung wasn't there either.

Now Jungkook was worried sick. His heart was racing so high all up in his throat, and he started to have breathing problems, and it was not because he was running around.

"There you are," the same nurse he talked to earlier found him again, "we don't know his whereabouts. He's supposed to be in his room, but he-"

"So where the fuck is he?" Jungkook yelled in his face, "if he's supposed to be in his room, then that's where he should be! Aren't you professional at all?" He ran away, checking every floor where he possibly could've been - he even checked the basement.

"Hyung, where are you?" Jungkook cried to himself. He couldn't find him anywhere. He was scared shitless. Why was he gone? What had happened to him? Did he go somewhere? Did he hide somewhere?

That's when it clicked for Jungkook, and he remembered there was one place he hadn't searched yet, and probably where the nurses wouldn't search either: the rooftop. He quickly walked up the stairs to the rooftop, although it was forbidden to go up there, but the door wasn't locked.

The young male searched around, and at first he didn't spot him and was about to call for him, but further away he saw a male appearance sitting at the edge with the white hospital clothes and dark brown hair getting messy by the strong wind up in the height.

"Hyung!" Jungkook yelled out, scared to death by the sight, "hyung, what the hell are you doing? That's dangerous!" He ran up to him, careful not to touch him in case he'd cause an accident.

"Jungkookie," he exclaimed out. He glanced to the side to meet his eyes, and Jungkook noticed his were red and swelled up.

"Get down from there!" Jungkook yelled as he debated with himself where or not to grab him from behind and pull him backwards, or if it were too risky.

"Relax, I won't fall unless you push me," he laughed. Jungkook didn't understand how he could laugh in this situation. "Tell me Jungkookie," he started, as if they were just casually on their sofa in their lounge, talking just like before, "what do you think would happen to me if I jumped?" he asked in a serious tone, staring at his face, expecting serious reply.

Fear was spread all over Jungkook's face as he carefully glanced down as they were on the 7th floor, literally on top of the building. "Well, your body would look nothing but a bloody bad-looking lasagne," he said, trying to be funny and joke, but he couldn't laugh at his own joke in their situation, and neither did Taehyung.

"I don't mean physically to my body," he said seriously, "I mean, what would happen to me, you, people around us? What do you think?"

"Why are you talking like this?" Jungkook cried as he couldn't take it, "please, stop," he begged.

"Just answer. When I get an answer, I get off."

The young male tried to control his breathing and answer the first things that came to his mind. "I think you'd die, and I'd die with you. I wouldn't survive without you, and you know it. I wouldn't be able to live without you by my side, and I think if you were gone, I would be gone too."

Taehyung stared at him for a few seconds, then he slided off the edge and stood right in front of his boyfriend. He slowly reached for his face and dried his running tears with his thumbs caressingly.

"That's not a healthy thought," he objected, "if I happened to be gone before you, you have to still live on, for me."

"Why are you like this?" Jungkook cried more, "hyung, you're scaring me."

Taehyung smiled softly. "I'm not going anywhere Jungkookie, not now. I'm never leaving you if I have a choice to stay with you," he said and reached in to kiss him softly of the lips.

"Why - why were you sitting at the edge?" he asked, his heart still racing.

"I was hoping it'd rain, but I only felt the wind," he replied, "and I just wanted to see how I'd react to sit so close to a drop. You know, to see how scared I was, and to be honest," he began, "it was hella scary." He started chuckling, but the younger just attacked him in a hug and clung onto him as he didn't let go like a koala. "Never do that again," he whimpered, "please."

Taehyung smiled. "Never again," he whispered as he hugged back, "I promise." 

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