I'll Be Good - INU sequel ⚣ TK

By tereselovlien

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V was the famous psychologist in Korea. He cured his patients who had a hard time. However, rumours spread j... More

Coming soon (prologue)
Chapter one: harder than usual
Chapter 2: I work at Lite Company
Chapter 3: Better in no time
Chapter 4: Did you get the job?
Chapter 5: He puts on this act
Chapter 6: All you did was to follow your heart
Chapter 8: We'll get help
Chapter 9: He's gone
Chapter 10: He wasn't going to jump
Chapter 11: Stop it
Chapter 12: Brave act
Chapter 13: I'm okay
Chapter 14: Help
Chapter 15: Report him
Chapter 16: He wasn't okay
Chapter 17: Lawyer Go Eunhyun
Chapter 18: May the court meeting begin
Chapter 19: The results... (final chapter)

Chapter 7: First day at work

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By tereselovlien


Taehyung made breakfast the next following day, and also the next, and when Monday was up, it was time for Jungkook's first day at work. He already gone to Jimin's place to have a chat, and he seemed super excited about start working. Taehyung understood his feelings; when you first start to work, you're nervous about how well you'd perform, but as you get used to it, it'd get exciting and you wouldn't even know how you lived before you started working.

Taehyung missed working. He missed going up to his office. He missed talking to his colleagues, his boss, and even the nutjobs patients, but at the same time was determined to help.

But he was happy for his boyfriend to start working. This was what he wanted, and Taehyung would support him fully, the best he could.

Jungkook was on his way to Lite Company on his first day. He knew he would be the new running boy everyone would take advantage of, but he didn't mind. He just needed to work, earn money, and impress the boss.

"There you are," the boss, Nam Seungjin, said as he saw Jungkook entered, "here's some paperwork for you. If you're confused about what to do, ask any of your colleagues here to help and tutor you." He left a pile of papers in Jungkook's arms and disappeared into his office, not even waiting to hear if Jungkook had questions or not. Great start, he thought sarcastically to himself, what the hell do I do with these?

As he was told, Jungkook sat down at his desk Mr Nam had pointed out earlier where he'd sit and do work if given, like now. He stared confused at the sheets, not understanding one word that was printed on him.

As it couldn't be more obvious, the male sitting beside him glanced in his direction, noticing he wasn't moving a muscle, and to the younger's rescue, he decided to help him out without him asking to and guided him through the sheets, both helping and tutoring him.

Jungkook thanked him as he was finally ready to try on his own, but his seatmate told him he could ask him anytime if he needed more help. The younger was surely glad he was beside him, and being as nice as he was.

It was finally turn for Jungkook's break to come as he had been working nonstop for four hours straight, and he was starving. He met up with Jimin in a different floor to have lunch together and chat.

As Jimin entered the small cafeteria the company had and sat down with Jungkook, he asked immediately how he was and how work had been so far.

"It's super hard," Jungkook sighed tiredly, but it wasn't a complaint. It was kind of fun, if you could believe it.

"That's working and adulthood," Jimin winked, "chatted with Mr Nam yet?"

Not since he gave me the paper sheets to work on. I'm almost done though. What do you reckon I do when I've finished?" he asked as he took a bite of his sandwich Taehyung had made for him before he left for work that morning.

Jimin thought for a bit. "If you haven't been given more work, then you should knock on Mr Nam's office and ask him if he has anymore work for you. If he doesn't, then you can go and ask other people if they need help, including all the floors," Jimin explained.

Jungkook thanked him, and they continued to eat to fill up their tummies.

When Jungkook went back to work, he managed to finish up his last work in less than thirty minutes, and when he did so, he brought the sheets pile in his arms and knocked gently on Mr Nam's office.

"Come in!" he shouted from inside, and so the younger did. "Have you finished?" he asked, Jungkook nodding in response, "took you long enough."

Jungkook frowned at him. "Excuse me?"

"Oh, nothing," Mr Nam smiled, "come over with them." Jungkook approached to his desk and placed the pile on top of it.

Mr Nam scanned through it at top speed with his hawk eyes, and it didn't take him longer than five minutes to look through it all, making sure Jungkook didn't leave anything behind.

"Great work!" he grinned. "I'm surprised you didn't cheat and skip some pages!"

"Has anyone ever done that?" he asked surprised.

"Everyone here tried it. Everyone, but you," he said.

"Even Park Jimin?" he asked with a frown. Jimin wasn't the type to cheat whilst working.

"Even Park Jimin," he repeated.

Jungkook stopped talking as he didn't want to continue the topic, but when Mr Nam didn't say anymore either, he spoke up again. "So what do you want me to do now?" he asked.

"Touch me," he suddenly said.

Shocked, Jungkook just stared at him. "...what?"

"I said such glee," he said quickly, "you being eager to work I mean."

Jungkook hesitantly nodded. He definitely didn't say that. "So is there any more work you want me to do now, or should I ask around?"

"Do that," Mr Nam said, looking to be suddenly uncomfortable, breathing heavily with his eyes wandering overall except from Jungkook. "Go."

Jungkook bowed in respect, but regretted it immediately when he accidentally could see Mr Nam from under the desk, and his crotch area was visible and eye catching as the bulge was bigger than normal. Did he get an erection, Jungkook thought to himself, are you fucking kidding me.

He quickly exited the office and asked around for helping his colleagues, and when the day was finally over, he went exhausted home again.

Jimin was still held back on work, but he did text him and asked how it was for him on his first day.

When Jungkook unlocked the front door to their home, he mentally prayed Taehyung would be home to greet him, and even ask him how his first day was, but when he first took off his shoes and jacket, he heard no sound. Was he out? He thought sadly to himself. He didn't even bother to be at home when I'd end work?

Jungkook sloppily made his face towards the kitchen, but the sight on the kitchen floor made him drop whatever he had in his hands; panic ran through his mind and breath as he stared at the body laying on the floor unconscious.

He quickly ran up to it and crouched down and shook it. "Hyung!" he yelled in panic. "Taehyung hyung!" He quickly checked to see if he had a pulse, and thank god he had; his hand found his phone that had been thrown onto the floor and called for an ambulance.

Jungkook was sitting beside his boyfriend that was sleeping  on the hospital bed. Jungkook had his face in his hands, disappointed over his behaviour; the doctors had told him he was like this because he had mixed pills and alcohol. Luckily the younger one found him just in time before it'd turn into something very serious, or the worst case: death.

Jungkook wanted to slam his hands on the wall in anger and frustration. Why had his boyfriend mixed pills and alcohol? Did he do it accidentally, or purposely? If it was on purpose, he'd never forgive him.

A few hours later, Taehyung would finally wake up and come to. The second he met eyes with Jungkook, he knew immediately how the other felt, and he felt shame. He was ashamed over himself.

"I'm sorry Jungkookie," Taehyung apologised, afraid to meet his eyes, "I didn't want you to come home from work on your first day to find me like this."

Jungkook stood up, unable to stand still and phased around in the bedroom. "Then why? How?"

Taehyung was silent at first. "I didn't mean to," he said, "I had just taken the sleeping pills to take a nap, but they didn't work, and I eventually forgot I even took them and started drinking the drinks we had in the lounge."

Jungkook sighed heavily. He didn't want to speak yet. He just needed it to be quiet for a moment, until he was ready to speak more. "And why did you want to drink?" he asked with his brows raised.

"Well," Taehyung said, "I was bored, and getting drunk helps me to sleep," he explained shortly.

Jungkook snorted. "Helps you sleep? Of course it does, it messes with your head!" he yelled. "How stupid are you? If you can't rely on the pills, then definitely don't rely on toxic."

Taehyung didn't answer.

"Do you fucking hear me? Are you actually listening to me?" he yelled some more.

Taehyung's eyes were filled with tears, but none had fallen yet.

Jungkook glared at him. "I'm not just someone who lives with you, I'm your fucking boyfriend! You take care of me, I take care of you, but I can't take care of you when you don't even try to pull yourself together."

Taehyung sniffed subtly, but still refused to let a single teardrop fall down.

"I can't go to work everyday, fearing you'll be on the floor, not being home at all, or to find you without a pulse. I don't want to come home, finding you're just becoming worse, day by day."

Jungkook cried.

Taehyung cried.

Jungkook couldn't talk anymore, only letting out loud heartbreaking sobs. Taehyung was breaking his heart; he wasn't aching because the love of his life breaking up with him, but because he was breaking himself.

"Jungkookie," Taehyung cried, "I'm...scared."

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