By arzaylea

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[ C O M P L E T E D ] Where Luke likes Brady Clifford but he's got another Clifford to watch out for. More

Clifford Twins


593 50 1
By arzaylea

"Luke I'm angry, and because I'm mad, you should be angry with me," Brady said stomping into Luke's bedroom in the apartment, his index finger and thumb pinching his nose to keep the cigarette smell away from him.

As much as Brady cared and loved Luke, smoking was not something he could easily be close to while cuddling Luke. The smell was disgusting, and there was no way he wanted that to be in his body, but yet he wasn't against it for Luke. He was only Luke's boyfriend, not his parents.

"Baby," Luke whined, sitting up in the bed while taking a drag, "Is it that bad? You said you wouldn't be mad at me for smoking, but how'd you even get here?"

"I walked, but I promise I'm not mad at you, but yes it is that bad. Smoking is the silent killer."

Luke nodded and puffed out the smoke, then put out his 'silent killer' before laying back down in bed. "Cuddle me and talk."

Brady planned to do as told and took off his jeans, and this his shirt which both pooled into a pile on the floor. He then climbed onto the bed, crawled under the covers, and then cuddled up next to Luke. He could still smell the fresh cigarette that was lit up in the room, and in an attempt to make it go away, he tucked his nose to Luke's side. It worked good enough.

"Wanna tell me what's wrong now?" Luke asked, tucking an arm under his boyfriend while looking at the younger.

Brady shrugged his shoulders, "Can we talk first?"

"Of course," Luke nodded.

"How old were you when you started smoking?" he asked, looking up at his man.

"I don't know; I started maybe a few weeks before we started dating," Luke answered.

"Do you ever regret it?"

"Yeah," he sighed, "why are we on this subject when you're upset?"

Brady shrugged, "I thought it would get being sad off of my mind."

"And did it?"

Brady shook his head, "No."

Luke sighed, "What's got you angry and upset?"

"I never said I was upset, just mad."

"I sensed it with my magical boyfriend powers."

Brady giggled, "you know me so well."

"I do, but can we talk about it? I don't want your feelings bottled up."

"Yeah," he nodded, "it's just stuff with Michael."

"And what did he do this time?" Luke asked with a sigh.

Brady climbed on top of Luke, letting his body lay on top of the other so he could feel more comfortable and smiled wide when he felt Luke's arms around him. He then placed his head on Luke's chest to hear and feel everything. He loved such a feeling.

"We got in a fight, but let's stop talking about it though. I'm not in the mood," he mumbled, letting his eyes fall shut. Luke brought a hand up to Brady's hair, letting his fingers gently guide through the brown hair.

"Are you sure?" Luke asked yet another question, but this time with a small frown.

He hated how Brady would rather bottle up his feelings instead of saying them; it scared him that one day he would scream out all his problems. At least Luke planned on being there to listen when he could. He wanted to be a real boyfriend.

"Yeah, definitely," he nodded, then opened his eyes to look up, and then placed a kiss on Luke's neck to bring back the older's smile. "Luke, I love seeing you smile."

"Brady, I love everything about you." Luke sighed, happily, and then placed a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead.

"How much do you love me?"

"More than I've loved anyone else."

Brady cracked a smile; it started to pull at his cheeks giving him a happy pain in his face. After a moment, he sat up and grabbed Luke's hands to swing them in the air lightly.

"Do you love me enough to do something entirely different? Even if we, meaning you, may not like it," Brady had asked.

"Of course, I'd do anything for you," Luke nodded, giving Brady a cheeky smile that made the younger smile even wider.

"Even if what we wore was uncomfortable while we did whatever?"

"Even if what we wear is uncomfortable," Luke confirmed with a nod.

"Do you promise that you love me no matter what?"

"I do," he nodded again.

"Little too soon for that buddy pal, I'm a kid. No thank you."

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