By arzaylea

14K 1.2K 512

[ C O M P L E T E D ] Where Luke likes Brady Clifford but he's got another Clifford to watch out for. More

Clifford Twins


650 57 11
By arzaylea

"Are you sure you want me to meet your parents? Parents aren't like siblings; siblings are cool. I'm a bit older, and I'm pretty sure your parents aren't going to like it. I know I wouldn't let our child date someone with an age difference like ours with you being so young," Luke asked, a bit panicked.

He sat between Michael and Brady, but for once he was for once the one who couldn't stay still considering the two constantly argued.

Luke was dressed nicely for this. He was in his blackest skinny jeans, a long white button up, and a black bow tie. If he was going to end up meeting his boyfriend's parents, he's learned from experience that most parents like nice boys who don't dress like an average person, especially like himself.

It wasn't all for their parents, Brady told him he looked his cutest and hottest while dressed up, and Michael agreed to that.

He never understood why band shirts and shirts with sex puns weren't impressive, at least until he met Brady.

Luke was scared that he'd be disliked for his noodle arms, pale (but not as light as the twins) skin, age, letting a bad word leave his lips, or even having Brady wearing one of his shirts for a band the younger one has never heard of.

"I love how you know we'll end up with kids, baby," Brady giggled, reaching up to run his fingers through Luke's hair, "but I don't get what's wrong with talking to them, your parents love me so mine should love you," Brady said softly hoping to calm Luke down. He reached over to wrap his arms around Luke and giggled softly feeling his boyfriend's head on top of his.

"My parents love you because you're innocent, sweet, cute as fuck, and you're more ready for the future than I am," Luke mumbled, then let out a sigh. "You're the son they wanted."

"Luke, baby, no," Brady said soft, but before he could continue, he was cut off.

"Oh shut the fuck up. Luke, they're parents, neither of them is that important. You can talk to them about being an adult and how you like Brady later. Then, if you think it went well ask them if Brady could spend the night at your place tomorrow. If they say no then maybe they don't hate you but if they say yes they love you. Got it?"

Michael spoke fast enough to where Luke could barely process it, but he felt like he could barely think about anything currently.

The oldest turned from Michael to Brady, and then whisper-yelled into his boyfriend's ear, "I thought you said he's dumb."

Brady knew Michael heard Luke, in particular by the way Michael rolled his eyes. Brady turned to Luke, so he cups his boyfriend's ear and whisper, "He is, but sometimes he's less dumb."

Michael loudly (and a bit angrily) ruffled the bag of chips in his lap and shoved a few into his mouth as loudly as he could to catch their attention all while clearing his throat.

Luke turned from Michael to Brady, "Should I not ask or try it?"

"I guess," Brady shrugged his shoulders, "let's try it and see if they hate you. If they do then at least, we can try something else."

Brady took his Michael's hand from Luke's body, which happened to be innocently placed at the spot. He then crawled on Luke's back to show what was his. Luke was his, all his, and it was showing by the way he was wrapped tight around his boyfriend.

"Hello cutie," Luke giggled, looking up at Brady. The man was currently bent over on the couch which he didn't mind at all, as long as Brady was comfortable so was he.

"Hello," the younger giggled, and then placed a kiss on Luke's head. It was somehow cute and annoying, Brady thought.

"Luke," Michael said, his voice a bit strict in Luke's opinion. Harsh for a kid, well, a mean teen at least.

"Yeah?" The oldest questioned, turning to the youngest.

"Go do something somewhere else before I put chips in your hair," he demanded, eyes glued to the television.

"Make me," he rolled his eyes.

Michael reached into the bag and grabbed a handful of chips (very angrily while doing so), and then crushed them on top of Luke's hair when Brady climbed off of him at the time he heard Luke's almost manly squeals.

"Luke doesn't get the chips on the floor," Brady whined, cupping the front of Luke's hair to keep them from falling. Brady then scooped the majority into his hands, then shoved them between the couch cushions. No one looked there anyways.

"Go take a shower or do something with your hair, alright?" Brady continued while shooing off Luke who nodded his head, and then watching until the older disappeared down the hall.

"Why did you do that?" Brady scolded Michael as he nudged the younger twin, who then shrugged his shoulders as an answer. "Answer me," Brady whined, swatting at his twin.

"Don't start a fight with me," Michael growled.

"I'm not," Brady rolled his eyes.


Brady huffed, deciding to let the conversation end.

After that, there was silence for a moment. Brady's eyes were on Michael while Michael's eyes were on the television as he ate chips.

"Hey, Mikey, guess what," Brady said to break the silence, hoping to change the mood. He was more than mad at Michael, but he didn't want Michael mad at him.

"Shut the fuck up."

"I love you too."

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