By arzaylea

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[ C O M P L E T E D ] Where Luke likes Brady Clifford but he's got another Clifford to watch out for. More

Clifford Twins


670 54 12
By arzaylea

Michael hated being awake, especially at two in the morning. Something about waking up in the middle of the night gave him the feeling he wasn't going back to sleep. The poor boy was as awake as possible.

He pulled the covers off of his body then to the side, picked up a shirt he had tossed to the side right before he slept, put the shirt on over his torso, and then climbed from the top bunk to the floor. He tiredly rubbed at his eyes before kneeling down next to the bottom bunk and gently started to shake Luke to wake him up.

"Luke," Michael whisper-yelled, which easily woke up the older.

Luke's eyes fluttered open as he looked over to his right where the noise came from, seeing Michael, and then let his sleepy eyes fall closed again. The boy he saw looked like Brady, but he could feel Brady was in his arms, so he could tell it was Michael.

"Hey," Michael whispered, seeing he was now awake.

Luke hummed, showing acknowledgment to Michael.

"I'm bored, can we talk some?" Michael whispered, then stood up seeing Luke was starting to wake.

Luke made some groan-whining noise, whatever it was, it confused Michael.

"Is that a no?" he questioned.

Luke tiredly shook his head no.

"Then get up," he demanded, almost in a nice way.

"Alright," Luke whispered back, opening his eyes yet again with a bit of struggle to keep them open. He sat up while moving to his side to gently lay Brady on his back before placing a kiss on his forehead, and then carefully crawled out of bed without waking up the other.

Luke thought it was cute yet funny how sometimes Brady would sleep about as hard as a rock, but most somehow also slept light enough to be woken up by Luke's snores. The same snores that Luke swore weren't loud at all, but everyone knew that was a lie.

Luke was the first to head out of the room with Michael following behind, and then the older man closing the door behind them. "What do you want to talk about?" Luke asked in a raspy voice, stepping into the living room.

It was more than obvious he was tired; Luke already forgot why he agreed to get out of bed just for a talk he didn't care for.

"I'm not too sure; I didn't think you would honestly get out of bed. So let's just," Michael shrugged, "talk."

Luke nodded his head, "I don't have anything to say."

"I don't have much either," Luke muttered.

"I guess I kinda woke you up for nothing then," Michael sighed. He stepped up to the couch and plopped his body down, which Luke joined after, sitting beside him. "Sorry about that."

"It's alright," Luke shrugged, "I'm not mad or anything, I understand," he added, relaxing back to the couch.

Luke reached behind him to pull a blanket from the back of the couch, using it to cover himself. He looked over at Michael once he was cozy, only to see eyes glaring at him. "Did I do something?" he questioned, all while his face showed his confusion.

"Yes," Michael spat, rolling his eyes.

"What did I do?"

"Share the damn blanket."

"But what if I get colder?"

"I don't care and didn't ask," Michael retorted.

"That's fair," Luke giggled, "move closer so we can share."

Michael nodded his head and scooted towards the middle, shivering at Luke's cold leg touching his warm one. The younger boy pulled the blanket over his lap, and Luke tugged at it to stay covered.

After that, the two sat in silence for a moment, both tiredly relaxing to the furniture.

"Can I ask you a question?"Michael brought up, breaking the silence.

"You just did," Luke chuckled while Michael rolled his eyes, "but go ahead."

"Do you like Brady because of how he looks? He always tells me how many times you flatter him with compliments, but he never actually tells me about anything else like that besides small things," Michael questioned the older. The question was out of curiosity, but he was sure it would raise his self-esteem also considering the man was dating his twin.

"Not at all," Luke shook his head. "The first time I saw him, I thought he was beautiful and that I need my lips against his at least one time. Now, I get to talk to him and cuddle him and-"

"Luke," Michael stopped him, he heard what he wanted. Michael is beautiful. "I get your point."

"If you say so," Luke nodded his head, moving closer to the younger, "is that all you had to ask?"

"Yeah," Michael hummed, "I'm out of stuff to say."

"Me too," Luke whispered before yawning.

After that, the two were silent. Both were too tired to get up, ending up on the couch together the next morning.

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